Index of /downloads/letters/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
File100_letter on superannuation.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 302k
File101_letter to CMD on std pay scale.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 331k
File106_withdrwal of agitation notice.pdf2022-05-25 21:25 99k
File107_feedback on HR plan.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 103k
File126_letter on superannuation benefit for date of effect.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 720k
File136_submission of agenda points for Dir HR for Oct-2015.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 90k
File137_letter to CMD on PLI vs Superannuation_SCAN COPY.PDF2022-05-25 21:27 87k
File138_letter to convener forum on PLI.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 93k
File210_Notice_for_cwc.doc2022-05-25 21:28 51k
File288_letter seeking action against harassment of Surinder.doc2022-05-25 21:26 48k
File289_JTO ELIGIBILITY LIST.doc2022-05-25 21:28 264k
File290_LADY Harrasment case of Haryana.doc2022-05-25 21:28 153k
File292_agenda point for est_04.10.10.doc2022-05-25 21:27 53k
File293_Submission of Jharkhand body.doc2022-05-25 21:27 52k
File294_objection in the record of the meeting.doc2022-05-25 21:29 279k
File295_Surinder Kumar Transfer Case.doc2022-05-25 21:27 259k
File296_agenda point for GM CA.doc2022-05-25 21:26 146k
File300_information required on DoPT[1].doc2022-05-25 21:27 266k
File301_EPF_Reg.doc2022-05-25 21:27 50k
File303_funtional Promtion_CMD.doc2022-05-25 21:27 55k
File305_pre-agitation notice.doc2022-05-25 21:26 259k
File307_Regarding_DPC.doc2022-05-25 21:26 63k
File311_invitation.doc2022-05-25 21:27 145k
File312_BB APO web.doc2022-05-25 21:26 54k
File313_3G Poor quality web.doc2022-05-25 21:30 52k
File316_agitaional_notice.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 120k
File317_Regarding_Agitation Reply to GM SR Letter.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 133k
File318_Regarding Agitation Calling off.doc2022-05-25 21:27 241k
File319_BB PO reminder.doc2022-05-25 21:28 53k
File319_BB_PO_reminder.doc2022-05-25 21:29 54k
File320_railway_GSM_CUG[1].doc2022-05-25 21:26 52k
File321_DPC_stopping[1].doc2022-05-25 21:26 57k
File322_undue_delay_in_issues_resolution.doc2022-05-25 21:28 73k
File323_BB_PO_reminder_2.doc2022-05-25 21:30 56k
File325_Reminder of pending issues.doc2022-05-25 21:26 170k
File327_conduction LDCE per vacancy year[1].doc2022-05-25 21:28 272k
File329_CDMA REGARDING.doc2022-05-25 21:29 159k
File330_amendment_in_EPP.doc2022-05-25 21:27 68k
File333_Regarding_stopping_medical_and_LTC.doc2022-05-25 21:29 75k
File335_VRS_Regarding.doc2022-05-25 21:30 74k
File336_to_MOC.doc2022-05-25 21:26 94k
File337_EPF Pension scheem.doc2022-05-25 21:29 281k
File338_EPF contribution for training period.doc2022-05-25 21:26 284k
File339_vindicative action of DGM Patna.doc2022-05-25 21:28 75k
File340_moral support to JAC for 15th Dec 2011.doc2022-05-25 21:27 70k
File340_Moral_support_to_the_candle_light_march[1].doc2022-05-25 21:29 73k
File341_REGARDING LDCE SYLLABUS.doc2022-05-25 21:29 279k
File342_REGARDING DGM recruitment.doc2022-05-25 21:26 79k
File344_wrong pay upgradation.doc2022-05-25 21:29 283k
File345_REGARDING LDCE SYLLABUS.doc2022-05-25 21:30 276k
File348_Pay anomaly on first time bound upgradation.doc2022-05-25 21:26 293k
File349_Regarding backlog vacancies of LDCE quota.doc2022-05-25 21:28 264k
File352_request_for_agenda_meeting.doc2022-05-25 21:29 78k
File354_reminder for diversion of LDCE vacancies1.doc2022-05-25 21:26 75k
File360_Regarding reversion of SDE passed in LDCE 2007.doc2022-05-25 21:28 263k
File361_Regarding diversion of LDCE vacancies.doc2022-05-25 21:26 268k
File362_Regarding pay fixation anomaly on first upgradation.doc2022-05-25 21:26 59k
File365_resolution_of_AGM_at_banglore[1].docx2022-05-25 21:25 50k
File366_pay anomaly of execuitves recruited after 2006 (1).docx2022-05-25 21:26 48k
File367_regarding_conduction_of_LDCE_with_single_and_common_paper[1].docx2022-05-25 21:30 47k
File368_regarding extending at par trade union facility to AIGETOA.docx2022-05-25 21:27 48k
File370.PDF2022-05-25 21:25 423k
[IMG]370_authorization for meeting at BSNL CO.jpg2022-05-25 21:28 691k
File372.PDF2022-05-25 21:26 151k
File373.PDF2022-05-25 21:25 228k
File379_REGARDING_DGM_recruitment.docx2022-05-25 21:27 47k
File382_Regarding opening educational institute in BSNL.doc2022-05-25 21:27 262k
File385_REGARDING_DGM_recruitment.doc2022-05-25 21:29 74k
File387_Notice_REGARDING_DGM_recruitment.doc2022-05-25 21:25 176k
File392_letter to MOC_DGM_Recruitment.pdf2022-05-25 21:25 93k
File396_reg transfer case of rajsthan in JTO cadre.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 91k
File398_comments on ammendment in SDE RR 2002.doc2022-05-25 21:25 67k
File403_notification of Pre-AIC.doc2022-05-25 21:28 306k
File405_Notice_regarding_LDCE_posting.doc2022-05-25 21:29 63k
File405_Regarding_rule-8_transfer.PDF2022-05-25 21:29 836k
File406_discontinuing_of_adhoc_promotion.doc2022-05-25 21:28 60k
File407_to GM SR for Special Cl fo CEC.doc2022-05-25 21:30 56k
File408_submission of JBP CAD judgement on the matter of siniority.doc2022-05-25 21:26 64k
File410_ qualification dialution civil_electrical.doc2022-05-25 21:27 263k
File418_safety of CO.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 1039k
File419_grant of facility.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 1623k
File420_memorandum_on_MT.doc2022-05-25 21:28 68k
File421_notification of emergency CEC.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 99k
File422_Impeachment of President and OS.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 87k
File426_regarding removal of President and OS.doc2022-05-25 21:26 92k
File432_comment on superannuation benifits.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 901k
File438_Notice for hunger strike.doc2022-05-25 21:26 471k
File441_approval of circle body of uttaranchal.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 268k
File442_Notification of AGM for election of new GOVERNING BODY.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 187k
File63_letter to CMD for agenda meeting.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 251k
File65_Letter_grievance.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 394k
File70_submission of New Governing body_hyd agm.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 203k
File73_submission our concern_MTNL BSNL siniority integration.pdf2022-05-25 21:30 354k
File74_letter to CMD on appointment on compassionate ground.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 369k
File7th Oct 2013_GS_CMD on MT.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 161k
File81_etter to CMD on EPF Contribution for training period.doc2022-05-25 21:30 281k
File82_letter to CMD on clarification asked by MP on salary cut.doc2022-05-25 21:26 280k
File83_letter to CMD on instruction issued mp on salary refund.doc2022-05-25 21:29 284k
File87_letter to committee on std pay scale.doc2022-05-25 21:26 289k
File88_letter to CMD on MT.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 210k
File89_letter to CMD on LDCE.pdf2022-05-25 21:30 95k
File90_letter to CMD for attendence certificate and record of meetings.pdf2022-05-25 21:30 293k
File91_letter to CMD on EPF anomaly after ERP.doc2022-05-25 21:28 288k
File93_letter to ED Finance on superannuation.doc2022-05-25 21:29 304k
File95_feedback on HR Plan.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 102k
File96_ letter to convener JAC for moral support.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 153k
File97_Notice for one day dharna_MP issue.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 389k
FileAgitation_Notice_13apr2012.doc2022-05-25 21:29 40k
[IMG]AIGETOA LETTER for DOPT GUIDLINES 001.jpg2022-05-25 21:26 384k
Fileaigetoa letters (1).pdf2022-05-25 21:29 4682k
FileAIGETOA0001.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 700k
FileAnnexure-3_PensioCirculars 30-09-2000.pdf2022-05-25 21:30 142k
FileBSNL Reply on pay scale_Chd CAT.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 804k
FileBSNL_bucks_MNP_trend_in_Andhra_Pradesh.doc2022-05-25 21:29 37k
FileCEC Notice211115.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 832k
FileChange of Designation option.doc2022-05-25 21:27 47k
FileChapter_6_Recommendations_Final.127-129.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 12k
FileCHQ_Corr 6 Emerg Meeting_23.10.13.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 73k
FileCHQ_Correspondance20- enquiry into transfer posting.doc2022-05-25 21:27 270k
FileCHQ_Correspondance21- notional benefit JTO to SDE LDCE.doc2022-05-25 21:26 270k
FileCHQ_Correspondance22- LDCE Common paper.doc2022-05-25 21:27 270k
FileCHQ_Correspondance23.doc2022-05-25 21:27 287k
[IMG]clarification of relexation in LDCE.jpg2022-05-25 21:26 576k
Fileclerification.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 170k
FileCMD Letter 07 03 11.PDF2022-05-25 21:27 178k
FileCMD Letter 11.03.2011.PDF2022-05-25 21:30 136k
Filecomplain copy of Rao.pdf2022-05-25 21:30 183k
Filecomplaint by RAO- SR letter.PDF2022-05-25 21:27 6961k
Fileconsent Letter.doc2022-05-25 21:26 38k
[TXT]dgm rr to mgmt.htm2022-05-25 21:27 6k
Filedopp_020412.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 433k
FileDS LETTER_HP_Solan.doc2022-05-25 21:28 39k
[IMG]epf100116.jpg2022-05-25 21:25 168k
FileEPP LETTER.PDF2022-05-25 21:26 208k
Filefacilities to AIGETOA.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 52k
FileGhanchakkar - DVDScr - XviD - 1xCD [DDR].torrent2022-05-25 21:27 15k
FileGS Corres 43.doc2022-05-25 21:29 327k
FileGS Corres 50.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 113k
FileGS Corres 51.docx2022-05-25 21:30 179k
Filegs241115.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 146k
FileGS_CMD_03.pdf2022-05-25 21:30 197k
Fileinclusive_career_growth.doc2022-05-25 21:26 101k
FileInvitation CMD _Pre AIC0001.PDF2022-05-25 21:29 1629k
FileITSA letter to MOC.doc2022-05-25 21:29 138k
FileJAC letter to AIGETOA.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 89k
FileJAC strike notice.pdf2022-05-25 21:25 130k
FileJAC_STRIKE 302.doc2022-05-25 21:27 48k
FileKBC 296.doc2022-05-25 21:28 43k
Fileletter 415.PDF2022-05-25 21:26 1919k
Fileletter 416.PDF2022-05-25 21:29 569k
Fileletter 417.PDF2022-05-25 21:29 1948k
Fileletter 429_ reply to SR_rao comp.pdf2022-05-25 21:26 3312k
Fileletter 446_ldce modifcations afresh.PDF2022-05-25 21:30 1346k
Fileletter No 309.pdf2022-05-25 21:25 267k
FileLetter No 415_Special rectt.PDF2022-05-25 21:28 2337k
Fileletter to CGM for executive diary.doc2022-05-25 21:28 234k
Fileletter377.PDF2022-05-25 21:29 266k
Fileletter_143_LDCE _increment.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 1722k
FileLetter_agenda points_150302.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 115k
Fileletter_Dir(HR).pdf2022-05-25 21:28 117k
FileNOTICE FOR CS_DS.doc2022-05-25 21:25 49k
FileNOTICE.PDF2022-05-25 21:28 2765k
FileNotice_agitation.pdf2022-05-25 21:27 389k
[IMG]pay fixation of AP.tif2022-05-25 21:29 697k
FilePresident letter to CMD.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 354k
FileRegarding amendments in SDE RR 2002.pdf2022-05-25 21:28 514k
FileRepresetnation on_JTO RR@2014.doc2022-05-25 21:30 42k
FileResolutions_CWC_Kolkata.doc2022-05-25 21:29 66k
FileSchedule of emergency CEC to be held on 7 and 8 july-13.doc2022-05-25 21:30 243k
FileVacancy Diversion letter 378.PDF2022-05-25 21:27 176k
Filewhistle blower policy.pdf2022-05-25 21:29 974k
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