Inter Circle Transfer of long stay regular AGMs(T)/DEs(T) stay more than 22 years and age less than 56 years as on 31.03.2024

Pers Section BSNL CO issued the Inter Circle Transfers list of (354 AGMs) and (336 SDEs) having stay more than 22 years Circle and age less than 56 years as on 31st March 2024.

All the executives (SDEs/AGMs) in long stay will have to give three options under special Long stay Inter Circle OTP window which is opened w.e.f. 02.03.2024 to 07.03.2024.

Click here for long stay list of SDEs(T)

Click here for long stay list of AGMs(T)/DEs(T)

The circles are categorized broadly in 3 categories as detailed below for the purpose of transfer/posting.

For SDEs(T) :

For AGMs(T)/DEs(T) :

5th Circle Conference cum AGM of AIGETOA Bihar held on 16th Feb’ 2024 at Patna:

The 5th Circle Conference cum Annual General Body Meeting of AIGETOA Bihar held on 16th February 2024 in the Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Sanchar Sadan, Patna. The conference started with an Open Session on the theme “BSNL Human Capital – the unglorified soldiers of revival”. The session was held under the Chairmanship of Shri Neel Mani Rangesh, Circle President, AIGETOA Bihar. The Chief General Manager, Bihar Telecom Circle Shri Devendra Singh graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. AIGETOA CHQ Dy. General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand and Vice-President Shri Deepak Kumar Sahoo came all the way from New Delhi and Bhubaneswar respectively and added dignity to the session with their distinguished presence as guests of honour. Other distinguished guests of honour for the open session were PGM CM Shri Shankar Prasad and PGM Patna BA Shri Arbind Prasad. Shri S K Singh, GM HR, Bihar Circle and Shri Rakesh Kumar, Jt. Secretary East, AIGETOA CHQ also grace the session as special guests. All the other PGMs, Sr. GMs, Sr. CE Electrical, Addl. GM Bharatnet, IFA Bihar, DGMs, CS & CFS SNEA, CS SEWA and more than 150 (including around 20 ladies) coming from all OAs/BAs of the Bihar Circle, CNTx-E and Inspection Circle joined the open session to make it a grand success. All the dignitaries were welcomed with a flower pot and a shawl. The program of General Secretary, Shri Ravi Shil Verma couldn’t materialize due to the Tripartite Meeting scheduled on the same day at DoT HQ, New Delhi.

Election process was started by the Returning Officer Shri Sudhanshu Shekhar and Asst. Returning Officer Shri Dipak Kumar in the presence of CHQ observer Dy. GS AIGETOA Shri Pavan Akhand, Vice-President, AIGETOA CHQ Shri Deepak Kumar Sahoo and Jt. Secretary (East) AIGETOA CHQ Shri Rakesh Kumar. The entire election process was carried out as per the rules. Shri Prashant Gaurav, Md Wasi Ahmad & Shri Neelmani Rangesh were elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary & Circle Finance Secretary respectively.

The newly elected Circle Body of AIGETOA Bihar for next three year tenure (2024-27) is as follows:

Click here for the newly elected circle body of Bihar Telecom Circle

Click here for the Details of the Circle Conference

Click here for the Glimpses of the Circle Conference

The tripartite Meeting with DoT, BSNL and BMS Affiliated Associations and Unions (AIGETOA, BTEU BSNL and BDPS) was held on dated 16th February 2024 at Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi as per the pre-decided schedule:

The meeting was chaired by Shri A K Sahu, Member (Services), Digital Commission, DoT. The meeting was attended by Shri Sunil Kumar Verma – Jt Secretary (Admin), Smt Roshni Sohni – DDG (Estt) DoT, Shri Virendra Prasad – DDG (SR) DoT and other officers from DoT Side. BSNL was represented by Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani – Director (HR), BSNL Board, Shri Adhir Singhal – PGM (Pers), Smt. Anita Johri – PGM (SR), Shri S P Singh – PGM (Estt) and other officers from BSNL HR unit. BMS Affiliated Association and Unions (AIGETOA, BTEU-BSNL, BDPS) were represented by Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Shri R C Pandey, Shri Aftab Ahmad Khan, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and Shri Veerendra Yadav.

The holding of Tripartite discussions between DoT, BSNL and BMS Affiliated Associations and Unions is one of the landmark occurrences and the need for same was felt because every time, with respect to our issues, the ball kept rolling between DoT and BSNL leading to the delay in resolution and a big communication gap. That was the reason, Hon’ble MoC desired that a tripartite meeting be convened so as a well deliberated and informed discussion can take place.

The meeting started with a welcome note by Hon’ble Member (Services) who assured that DoT is open to all suggestions and committed to resolve the long pending issues. JS (Admin) also welcomed all the participants and assured that DoT and BSNL will work as team for addressing the issues pertaining to employees. GSs of AIGETOA and BTEU thanked Hon’ble MoC, Secretary DoT and Member (Services) for convening this tripartite meeting which was the need of the hour. The General Secretaries also extended the gratitude on behalf of employees to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and Hon’ble MoC for ensuring the series of revival packages to BSNL which was almost on ventilator few years ago. We expressed that but for the support received from government, the National Telecom career was almost in a state of Peril. We expressed our thankfulness to Government of India for providing the much-needed support for BSNL and assured that each and every employee of BSNL is committed to the vision of Atma Nirbhar Bharat in Telecom and will stand firmly in support of all the endeavours taken by Government of India for the benefit of organisation in general and for the benefit of Nation in Particular. The employees of BSNL have also performed to perfection in realising this dream of nation and now its high time that the employees must be rewarded with resolution of their long pending dues.

Discussions on all the agenda points submitted to Hon’ble MoC was held in a positive and cordial manner.

1] Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of standard pay scales of E2 and E3 for the initial two levels of executive grade to BSNL Recruited Executives and issue related to various pay losses:

Association side informed the chair that issue has been pending since long and it is a residual issue of 2nd PRC. It was highlighted that two issues of 2nd PRC (Pay Scales for initial two grades and 30 % SAB) was left out to be implemented by BSNL and the irony is that the issue was affecting mostly the new recruits and a huge pay loss is being faced by executives due to this negation of the Pay Scales. We further said that the contentions raised by DoT while negating the Standard Pay Scales of E2 and E3 for initial two grades do not hold true and the issue can very well be settled without cascading effect. We also told that while DoT has mentioned that DPE has given concurrence to the Presidential orders of 2017, in an RTI reply filed by AIGETOA, DPE has replied that no such endorsement or concurrence has been given. We presented the documents in support of our submissions. We also told that DoT’s contention of giving the E1A scale to BSNL recruits erroneously also do not hold any substance as there is no mention of E1 scales for BSNL recruits in the PO issued for notification of E1A and E2A Pay scales by DoT in 2004 and it is categorically mentioned that all the BSNL Recruits at the level of JTO/JAO shall be placed in the E1A Payscale of 9850/- as the initial basic. All the details were explained to the chair and notably the DoT side was convinced on the submissions from association/union side.

JS (Admin) queried that how cascading effect can be avoided. The same was very well explained and demonstrated by our team that issue can be resolved without cascading effect and also the 5 Time Bound Upgradations shall be kept intact. Inputs were sought from BSNL side also which was given in a positive manner. A consensus view emerged that the issue needs to be re-examined in light of the submissions put forward by the Association.

It was agreed that issue shall be jointly examined by the team of BSNL officers and officers from DoT and inputs shall be taken from AIGETOA on the methodology suggested.

We also raised the issue of pending proposals of BSNL Board for extending E1 plus five increments and Notional Pay Fixation from 01.10.2000 for the Civil/Electrical/PA/PS/PPS etc. streams which were agreed to be examined. It was also informed that BSNL has currently three set of initial basics and due to this many executives are a subject of Pay Loss. The committee constituted for resolving the pay loss issues by BSNL must submit its report and resolve the issues.

2] Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefit to the Direct Recruits of BSNL as per the recommendation of 2nd PRC including creation of PRMB fund:

The issue was briefed to the chair and it was highlighted that despite provisions made by DPE, BSNL while implementing the 2nd PRC benefits in totality for all other groups, didn’t implement the 30% Superannuation Benefit for BSNL Recruits. We informed that even DoT, while issuing the Presidential Orders has directed BSNL to recommend on the 30% Superannuation Benefit but still the same was completely negated by BSNL. The necessary documents were presented in the meeting.

BSNL side updated the current status. Further details were sought by DoT team. Director HR said that management is considerate on the issue and discussions with AIGETOA and BTEU has been held in this regard. BSNL side affirmed that they shall be taking all necessary action to extend due justice. JS (Admin) directed BSNL team to discuss with AIGETOA and BTEU and share the final conclusion in this regard.

3] Implementation of 3rd PRC:

AIGETOA/BTEU team strongly demanded to extend 3rd PRC benefits to BSNL employees and expressed that given the role of BSNL in nation building and realizing the dream of Swadeshi 4G, affordability clause for implementing 3rd PRC must be waived off in respect of BSNL. DoT team asked about the inputs in respect of moving the case for waiver of affordability clause. It was explained by our team and supporting reasons were also submitted. The inputs provided by AIGETOA/BTEU side regarding exemption from affordability clause were appreciated and it is decided that it needs further deliberations between DOT and Association with more inputs to move in correct path to achieve the goal.

4] Extending the Promotional Avenues for BSNL Executives:

The issue of pending promotions was explained in detail to the chair. The treatment given to the executives of BSNL wrt the career progression, extending only one promotion to the professionally qualified executives in a span of 23 years, the competitive qualified candidates being made junior despite qualifying for the earlier vacancy years, not extending sufficient promotional posts to the executives/non-executives was explained in detail along with supporting documents. We also highlighted that 1200 vacancies are available in DGM grade which can very well be utilized to extend promotions in the grade of AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE. We also highlighted the fact that despite the issue of Rota-Quota remaining pending before BSNL Board, BSNL has gone ahead with revising the seniority, ignoring its own approval of the proposal by Management Committee of BSNL and also the directions of DoT to not to make “the Dewan Chand Case a precedence in future cases”. We strongly demanded promotions for the all eligible SDEs to AGM grade which is the only way to ensure justice. We also highlighted the need for increasing the promotional posts so that career aspirations can be met especially in view of the new Projects of BharatNet, 4G Saturation etc. being handled by BSNL. We said that there is huge need to extend the pending promotions across all grades and stream viz Telecom, Finance, Civil, Electrical, Architecture, CSS, PA-PS-PPS etc. grades.

BSNL side was asked to inform the status vis-à-vis the promotions across various grades and streams and was directed to take suitable actions to ensure justice. BSNL side assured that the issue raised with respect to promotions shall be considered and deliberations have been held with AIGETOA in this regard. BSNL team assured that all necessary action shall be taken to extend relief to the executives with respect to their career progressions aspects. AIGETOA and BTEU was asked to submit their inputs with respect to increase in promotional posts and it was assured that suggestions shall be considered holistically during the restructuring review exercise.

5] Revision in Transport, TA/DA and other allowances at par with current market conditions:

Our Team explained to the chair that employees of BSNL are being forced to work on 1996 rates of TA/DA/Transport etc. and there is a need to review the same at par with current rates else there will be huge reluctance in the employees to perform the outstation duties and also route duties. BSNL Team assured to revisit the rates and informed that management remains firm on the commitments made in the recently held agenda meeting with AIGETOA.

6] Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners at par with Central Government Pensioners and implementation of Hon’ble PB CAT Judgement Dated 20/09/2023:

The issue was deliberated by the team in detail. It was informed by DoT side that their team is working on the issue with close co-ordination with Ministry of Expenditure. It was also informed that possible options are being worked upon and all necessary efforts shall be taken in line with the earlier assurances given to the forum. DoT expressed their support on the issue and assured that needful will be done to ensure the settlement of this long pending due.

7] Exercising option for Old Pension Scheme and most humble request to grant one time option to be covered under the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 for the executives/non-executives whose recruitment process was initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL:

Team AIGETOA/BTEU explained the issue to the chair and requested for giving due consideration to the employees of BSNL whose recruitment was notified during DoT period.

DDG (Estt) informed that the issue was referred to DoP&T who have negated the same for employees of BSNL. We said that the issue has not been dealt properly and same needs re-consideration especially in view of the recent judgments by Hon’ble Supreme Court. It was agreed to consider the fresh inputs given by AIGETOA/BTEU.

It was decided that DDG (Estt) shall be holding a separate meeting with AIGETOA/BTEU to discuss on the fresh inputs. It was categorically assured that issue shall be given its due consideration and every possible attempt shall be taken by DoT to ensure the option for these BSNL recruits provided the inputs and documents are sufficient to prove the same before DoP&T.

8] Extending the facilities for person with disabilities (PwBDs) which is defined under RPwD Act 2016 or instructions given by DOPT time to time by BSNL in its true spirit:

Association side explained that the guidelines with respect to extending the facilities for PwBDs have not been implemented in totality. Further we also requested for directing BSNL to implement the recently notified DoP&T guidelines with respect to reservation in promotions. BSNL was directed to ensure the applicable guidelines expeditiously.

9] Restoration of Outdoor Medical Limits to its initial constitution of BSNL MRS scheme:

BSNL side was asked to examine the request.

10] Revision in NEPP (Non-Executives Promotional Policy):

The issue was very well explained by the BTEU team and they requested for its revisit. BSNL side was directed to examine the possibility of revision for ensuring a smooth career progression.

11] Lifting the ban on compassionate ground appointments:

The need for lifting the ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments was explained to the chair by the team. We emphasized upon the hardships faced by the dependents in the case of untimely demise of the earning member of the family. We requested for immediate lifting of the ban.

DoT/BSNL team was not very committal on the same. However, the need for creation of death relief fund was acknowledged and suitable action in this regard was assured.

12] Restoration of LTC:

The issue was discussed however no commitment was received in this regard.

The meeting concluded with vote of thanks. It was assured that another review shall be done through a tripartite meeting with respect to the progress and development made on the decisions taken in today’s meeting. It was also assured by the DoT side that an officer from DoT shall be deputed for participating in the deliberations with BSNL on need basis so that time bound action on the issues raised can be ensured and any communication gap can be avoided.

We also wish to inform that the meeting was held in the backdrop of the assurances made by Hon’ble MoC to the team of AIGETOA, BTEU and BDPS and all the progress is being directly monitored by the Hon’ble MoC office. We have also apprised the office of Hon’ble MoC and our Umbrella organization BMS about the discussions and deliberations held and decision taken. We expect that with such an active involvement of all concerned parties, that day is not very far when all such issues shall be resolved in totality.

Friend’s, today’s development proves the fact that for resolution of issues, you need to have Perseverance, Pursuance and Patience. Issues are resolved with amicable discussions across table and firmness in the approach and we firmly affirm that we will not be lagging in any of these aspects. We will consider today’s discussions as fruitful only when each issue sees the light of the day and reaches to every member in the form of resolution. We also take this opportunity to request all to support the endeavours of the AIGETOA, BTEU-BSNL and BDPS under the umbrella of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh and make us stronger to ensure the resolution of all the long pending HR issues of BSNL employees.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Hon’ble MoC and his office for personally monitoring the developments, Secretary DoT, Member (Services), JS (Admin), DDG (Estt), DDG (SR) and their team for initiating the discussions at DoT Level. We also extend our thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL, Director HR, PGM (Pers), PGM (Estt), PGM (SR) and HR team for the meeting.

Above all, we are thankful to our umbrella organisation BMS for their consistent patronage and pursuance of HR issues of BSNL employees at the highest level.

Click Here for the Glimpses of Meeting at DoT

Click Here for details in PDF

Invitation to Tripartite Meeting from DoT – “A Meeting of DoT, BSNL & Association side AIGETOA & BTEU on 16th Feb 2024 for addressing the HR concerns in BSNL” :

Dear Esteemed Executives,

We are pleased to inform you of the forthcoming tripartite meeting aimed at addressing longstanding HR concerns. Through a series of constructive discussions with Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji, Team AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL, operating under the aegis of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh, have made significant strides towards resolution of the long pending HR issues.

In our latest engagement, Hon’ble MoC underscored the necessity of convening a tripartite dialogue comprising representatives from the Department of Telecommunications, BSNL Management, and the BMS-affiliated Associations and Unions of BSNL. This pivotal meeting aims to meticulously deliberate on the issues raised by AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL, with an earnest commitment towards resolution.

In accordance with the assurance provided by Hon’ble MoC, the tripartite meeting has been scheduled for February 16, 2024. During this session, the concerns delineated in the memorandum submitted by AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL will be thoroughly examined to chart a well-informed course of action. Subsequently, the outcomes of our deliberations will be communicated to Hon’ble MoC and Hon’ble Secretary DoT, facilitating prompt action on pending matters and conclusive resolutions.

We are heartened by the empathetic stance adopted by Hon’ble MoC towards the issues confronting the BMS-affiliated Associations and Unions of BSNL. With a positive outlook, we anticipate constructive discussions, particularly regarding resolution of Standard Pay Scales, Pay Loss issues, 30 Percent SAB, Government Pension for BSNL recruited whose recruitment process was initiated by DoT before the formation of BSNL, Promotions for all eligible executives, NEPP Review, 3rd PRC relaxing the affordability clause, Perks and Allowances Revision, Pension Revision, among others. The meeting will also focus on the issues pertaining to Pan India Roll out of 4G/5G services and other viability related issues of BSNL. Rest assured, our collective efforts thus far are poised to culminate in success, buoyed by the unwavering support and well wishes of the entire BSNL family.

Tripartite Meeting (DoT, BSNL & AIGETOA-BTEU) on 16th Feb 2024. Click here for Notice

Flash News: Convening of CPCs for promotions from PA to PS Grade

In the agenda meeting held on 9th February 2024 between AIGETOA and management, one of the issues raised was convening of pending CPCs in PA/PS/PPS cadre. Today management issues reminder circles for completing the process and furnishing the CPC report to BSNL CO for further necessary action.

Friends, slowly and steadily, progress is visible and AIGETOA remains duty bound to fulfill the commitments made at the time of MV. One by one, progress on all issues as per the discussions held in agenda meeting and the commitments made shall be visible to all.

We seek your support in ensuring the resolution of all the issues pertaining to executives.

Click here for the letter

The details of discussions, deliberations and decisions taken in agenda meeting held on 9th Feb 2024 between BSNL Management and AIGETOA.

An agenda-based meeting was held between Team AIGETOA consisting of CHQ/Circle office bearers with management on 9th February 2024. The meeting started at 10.30 AM and continued till 4 PM. A very informative, productive and positive discussions took place which resulted into some very important and crucial decisions taken in favour of executives and assurances given by management on other issues of importance. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Director (HR) Dr N Kalyan Sagar Ji, PGM (Pers) Shri Adhir Kumar Singhal Ji, PGM (SR) Smt Anita Johri Ji, PGM (Admin) Shri Sanjeev Tyagi Ji, PGM (Establishment) Shri S P Singh Ji, PGM(EF) Shri Puran Chandra Bhatt Ji, PGM(NWP-GSM) Shri D. K. Agrawal Ji, Sr GM(CIT) Shri Rajeev Sharma Ji, GM (Rectt) Smt Samita Luthra Ji and other senior officers from SR, HR, Pers, IT & ERP wing. Association side was represented by All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma and other CHQ/Circle office bearers.

Click here for Details of the Agenda Meeting

The details of discussions, deliberations and decisions taken in the meeting is as stated below:

[I] Pay, Pension, Perks & Allowances Related Issues

  1. Revision in TA/DA Transport, Child Education and other allowances at par with current market conditions, restoration of LTC. Provisioning of Laptops to the executives on PAN India basis and to increase the limit of such reimbursement to a minimum of Rs 50,000/-. Increase in Mobile Set Reimbursement at par with market cost.

Association and management entered into detailed deliberations in this regard. The issue was discussed in the backdrop of recently served notice for organisational action by AIGETOA for provisioning of proper resources and revision in TA/DA/Allowances etc.

  • Demand for the revision of TA/DA, Transport, in line with current market conditions-Need for revision in TA/DA, Transport allowance agreed by Management. Establishment/PAT cell shall examine the whole scenario and will prepare a comprehensive proposal in this regard.
  • Child Education and Restoration of LTC benefitsNot agreed in view of the current financial scenario of BSNL. Association requested for reconsideration of the same.
  • Proposal for provisioning of laptops to executives on PAN India basis with a uniform reimbursement limit of Rs 50,000 – 60,000 across all gradesManagement agreed to implement it on PAN India basis. Instructions shall be issued by Corporate-IT cell of BSNL CO to all CGMs on the methodology and the implementation plan. On the issue of increasing the Limits, management agreed to examine based on the average purchase value/cost of Laptops at BSNL CO, on which association suggested to explore the same on analysing the needed configuration instead of average purchase value. Issue of Laptop retention on transfer to be examined and approved, on case-to-case basis. Cost of Laptop Insurance to be allowed along with Laptop cost/amount was also discussed. Management agreed to examine this as well.
  • Request for increase in Mobile Set Reimbursement to align with current market rates: Agreed by Management. The Mobile Set Reimbursement to be reviewed and increased to enable the executives to buy at least android-based smartphones to cater to the needs of the organisation. Admin Cell of BSNL CO shall initiate the proposal and shall take necessary action to increase the reimbursement limit. Association requested for making the attendance marking through App as optional till the limit is increased. The same was agreed to be examined and considered by management.
  1. Intervention at the highest level to ensure that approval for E2 pay-scales for JTO/JAO/Equivalent and E3 pay-scales for SDE/AO/Equivalent cadres is received.

Management clarified that the issue lies with DoT and DoT has denied the same. The same has been informed by DoT after the meeting of Dy CLC with one of the associations. However, AIGETOA side explained about their recent deliberations with Hon’ble MoC on the matter and his assurance for resolving the same and requested for sending the proposal once again countering the DoT response as their denial is based upon non-existent grounds. Team AIGETOA presented the documentary evidences obtained through RTI in counter to the averments made by DoT in their denial to one particular association. Association side also emphasized on the need for intervention at highest level instead of dealing the issue in routine manner. AIGETOA also highlighted the need for making SG-JAG Level scale uniform as E7 which is the way to extend and replace initial two scales without cascading and keeping the five time bound upgradations intact.

AIGETOA also explained that Standard Pay Scales, 22820, JE Period Pay loss, Pay loss of JEs recruited as JTO from outside quota are residual issues of 2nd PRC and the current financial position of BSNL should not be presented as an excuse for denying these issues. AIGETOA categorically told that one group can not be forced to bear the burden of financial losses of BSNL. If the loss is there, the same should be borne by all instead of making new recruits and promoted executives a subject to pay loss.

Management side said that they firmly stand with executives on this issue but they expressed their helplessness citing that the issue is to be decided by DoT. Management side asked for association inputs once again along with all details including the submission with respect to AIGETOA’s recent discussions at DoT and with Hon’ble MoC and stated that they will forward them to DoT with positive recommendations. Director (HR) assured that he will personally intervene and take up the matter with Higher Ups at DoT. Association side also assured for the persuasion at highest level with the support of BMS in this regard for taking up the issues with Hon’ble MoC and if needed with PMO also.

  1. Start of discussions of association with Pay Loss Committee to extend 22820 as initial basic to the executives recruited in pre-revised E1A scales post 01.01.2007:

Establishment Section initiated the discussions and presented the management’s view with respect to the cutoff date for 2nd PRC. Association side explained that the cutoff date of 01.01.2007 for 2nd PRC for already working employees before implementation of the pay revision is not sacrosanct and same can be relaxed. In fact, BSNL itself as relaxed the cut-off date for pay revision 4 times, then why the same cannot be relaxed for the executives recruited/promoted in pre-revised E1A scales. Association side presented the documentary evidences and supporting arguments and pressed hard for resolving the same.


  • Management agreed to update the constitution of the committee as new members have joined on the posts of PGM (Pers) and PGM (Establishment).
  • Commitment to start deliberations with the association to address the concerns effectively and with a holistic consideration.
  • The Reply in the court case shall also be expedited.

JE Period Pay Loss:

  • A committee shall examine the issue in light of the submissions made by AIGETOA.
  • The reply in the court cases by BSNL shall be expedited.
  1. Extending E1 plus 5 increments to all the JAOs and JTOs recruited in provisional E1 scales post implementation of 2nd PRC recommendations of BSNL. (Establishment Section).

The management side mentioned that the approved E2 proposal by the Board would automatically resolve the matter. However, association emphasized that E1 plus 5 is an interim relief and the same must be implemented. Association also highlighted about the pendency of the matter before BSNL Board and need for extending the same to executives of all batches recruited/promoted in E1 Scale. Management side assured to look into the same.

  1. Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL and intervention at highest level for relaxation of affordability clause in view of the BSNL’s involvement in development of Home Grown 4G/5G Technology and fulfilling the Telecom Objectives including the social and national duties as the national telecom carrier of India.
  • The management highlighted that the BSNL Board has already approved the 3rd PRC with 15% recommendations and DoT has to consider the same.
  • Association side affirmed with the need for pursuing the same at the highest level and assured that while AIGETOA and BMS will take all efforts to escalate the issue at the highest level, at the same time, management should also aggressively follow the same with DoT.
  1. Increase in Quantum of SAB to make it 30% and creation of PRMB fund. Implementation of Death Relief Scheme for BSNL employees as assured to this association in July 2022 and extension of Group Term Insurance by employer.

Association side explained the issue and also raised the objection on the unnecessary comparison between defined contribution and defined benefit by management. Association emphasised that if management want to compare, then the comparison should be from the date of formation of BSNL and not from the current date. Further instead of comparison, management should either ensure the at par defined benefits for BSNL recruits and those covered under CCS rules, else management should ensure that DPE guidelines with respect to BSNL Recruits must be followed in totality. We also requested for the PRMB fund creation for BSNL Recruits. We said last regime agreed for processing the case for increase in SAB and the same must be done now.

Director HR assured to explore the possibility of increase in SAB contribution and creation of PRMB funds and directed PGM establishment to examine the proposal.

  1. Implementation of Death Relief Scheme (DRF)/ GTI by employer:

A pressing concern was the urgent implementation of the Death Relief Scheme (DRF), as promised by the CMD in earlier meetings latest by July 2022. The need for DRF was underscored, particularly given the significant loss of BSNL-recruited employees during the pandemic, with their families currently receiving meagre amount as family pension. As alternate, management side was urged to consider and take action on implementing Group Term Insurance with employer contributing the premium.

The DIR HR directed establishment and admin cell to reinitiate the earlier process with respect to the creation of Death Relief Fund for BSNL Executives expeditiously with active inputs from association in this regard.  

  1. Implementation of Group Health Insurance (GHI) by BSNL, the employer should pay the premium instead of forcing the employees to pay.

AIGETOA strongly advocated for the implementation of Group Health Insurance (GHI) by BSNL, emphasizing that the employer should bear the premium instead of burdening the employees. Management side appreciated the concerns but at the same time emphasised that the BSNLMRS is the preferred choice of majority of employees and hence efforts should be on ensuring the cashless indoor treatment. AIGETOA emphasised that despite categorical directions by BSNL CO for empanelment of hospitals on cashless basis in each Circle/BA, much progress has not been observed at Circles/BA level. AIGETOA suggested that empanelment of hospitals should be entered as the KPI for assigning the targets in IPMS so that circles and BAs completes the job of cashless empanelment of hospitals in targeted time. Management side agreed to consider making the empanelment of the hospitals on cashless basis as a KPI in the IPMS for assigning the targets and the same may be incorporated from next quarter. The formal assignment of targets in this regard will help in attaining the target of empanelment of hospitals on cashless basis.

  1. Enhancement/restoration of outdoor limit of medical reimbursement and also fixing of medical outdoor limit DA rates of current year instead of 2020.
  • Enhancement/Restoration of Outdoor Limit: Request for enhancing/restoring the outdoor limit of medical reimbursement. Proposal to fix the medical outdoor limit with reference to the DA rate of current year instead of 2020. Management agreed to explore the same with a positive consideration.
  • Restoration of Old Policy: Request to restore the old policy for outdoor medical bills limit and revise it. Emphasis on aligning with the previous policy for enhanced financial entitlements. Management was non-committal and requested to wait for some more time to explore what best can be done.
  1. The case of the CCS pension for the BSNL recruited TTAs whose recruitment was initiated by DoT during pre-BSNL era may be taken up by BSNL with DoT in line with the Gazette Notification issued by GoI.

AIGETOA raised the issue of Central Civil Services (CCS) pension for BSNL recruited Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) whose recruitment was initiated by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) during the pre-BSNL era. AIGETOA urged BSNL to take up the matter with DoT, aligning with the Gazette Notification issued by the Government of India.

Management agreed to send the fresh inputs to DOT for consideration and asked AIGETOA to submit their inputs in this regard so that the same may be incorporated. AIGETOA assured to submit the inputs in a time bound manner.

  1. Clearance of HR proposals pending in Board for along time:

We highlighted that many proposals including that of E1 plus Five Increments, Notional Pay Fixation of E1 A scales for Civil/Electrical and other cadres are pending before board for a long period of time. We expressed that these were placed before board after long discussions and deliberations with associations and hence management must take all necessary steps to ensure the clearance of these proposals from BSNL Board.

Management side agreed to get the same examined.

[II] Promotion and Restructuring Related Issues

  1. AGM Promotions for all Eligible SDEs:

AIGETOA pressed for the consideration of all SDEs up to list 13 for SDE to AGM promotions in Telecom Cadre. The team explained the historical perspective, the incidences of the past, lapses made by HR wing while pursuing the SK Dubey Vs BSNL at Hon’ble Supreme Court. AIGETOA emphasised upon the issue of BSNL’s submission through affidavit in Hon’ble PCAT for protecting the vacancy year-based seniority. AIGETOA team also highlighted the various injustices made to the competitive qualified SDEs by BSNL and requested that its high time that BSNL must extend justice to these deprived candidates. We said that we are not against anybody’s promotions but at the same time we also firmly asserted that we will not accept the injustice either. Hence management must consider extending the promotions to all eligible SDEs without any further delay.   

AIGETOA once again presented their proposed methodology and insisted that forgetting about every technicality as arguments and counter arguments can be many, BSNL must act to ensure justice.

Director HR and PGM Pers appreciated the concerns raised by AIGETOA and assured that Pers Team is working in this direction. Discussions have been held and every effort shall be taken to maximise the promotions. They categorically assured that they are not averse to the AIGETOA’s proposal and the HR team is working expeditiously on the inputs given by association with a positive mindset.  

  1. AGM to DGM (Telecom) Promotions:

AIGETOA side presented the current status of the issue both from the administrative angle as well as legal perspective. Association highlighted that they fail to understand the reason behind this delay when clarity has been obtained through legal opinion that AGM promotions made in year 2018 can be regularised and Seniority List can be issued now. We also expressed that we do understand that regular promotions to DGM cadre requires clearance from Hon’ble Court but nothing stops BSNL from executing these promotions on Ad-hoc basis. By doing this, BSNL will not be only filling the DGM Posts but also will make around 1150 vacancies available for SDE to AGM and further down to JTO to SDE promotions. Just by one simple step, so many promotions can be done. Association side presented the necessary documents to press their points

Management side agreed with the view point of association. It was agreed that Seniority Lists for AGM Promotions held in 2018 shall be issued and actions shall be initiated for executing ad-hoc promotions at least which can be regularised after clearance from Hon’ble Court of Law. It was assured that expeditious actions shall be initiated after discussing the matter in totality with Hon’ble CMD BSNL. The meeting with CMD BSNL on the issue is expected to be done in a week’s time.  

  1. Issuance of promotions across various cadres including AO to CAO, JTOs to SDE, promotions under PWD Quota, JAO to AO, JAO to AO(LICE), DGM (Adhoc) to DGM Regular, AGM (T) to DGM (T), and AGM (CSS) to DGM (CSS). Issuance of Seniority List in AGM (T) Grade.

a) Issuance of AO to CAO Promotions:

Association requested for mentioning the case at Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh for pronouncement of Judgment which was agreed upon by Management.

b) Issuance of JAO to AO Promotions:

Promotions from JAO to AO to fill vacancies created by AO to CAO promotions was agreed upon.

c) JAO to AO LICE :  

We raised the concern that why JAO to AO LICE for available vacancy as on 01.01.2023, has not been notified with other streams exams to be conducted in the month of  March-2024. It has to be notified even if vacancy for one post is available. Management side intimated that it could not be notified due to non-receipt of vacancies data from SEA branch. We will arrange the available vacancies data and notify the examination program for the same at the earliest possible.

d) Issuance of promotions from DGM (Adhoc) to DGM Regular (T):

Association requested for engaging a senior Supreme Court advocate for pursuing the court case which was agreed to be considered by the Management.

e) Issuance of Promotions for the PWD candidates:

We requested for issuance of promotions of the eligible SDEs whose DPCs has been completed by management in 2022. Management expressed its inability citing the pending case at Hon’ble PCAT. Association expressed that with pronunciation of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment, there is no issue with issuance of promotion orders and it will be highly unjustified to leave the eligible PWDs out of the purview of the promotions.  

Finally, management agreed and informed that a decision shall be taken based on the outcome of the case which is slated for hearing in next week, i.e. on 14 Feb 2024. It was once again firmly pressed for issuance of promotion orders of the eligible PWD candidates on which management expressed its positive intent.

f) Issuance of promotions in AGM to DGM (CSS) cadre, Issue of roster calculation in CSS cadre, Convening of CPCs in PS to PPS and PA to PS cadres, Promotions in Civil, Electrical wings:                      

Management side informed that Pers Team will ensure all possible steps to expedite the process and few promotions can be expected in a week’s time. On the roster issue in CSS cadre, management informed that there is no such discrepancy and it was agreed to have detailed discussion on the issue with Pers Legal team and inform the outcome to Director (HR) for further discussion.

g) Start of Training of JE batch for vacancy Year 2015-16:

It was submitted that notification and exams of JTO LICE for the vacancy year 2015-16 was conducted PAN India by corporate office. BSNL Punjab circle notified 25 seats for VY 2015-16 vide letter no HRD/EX-35/JTO(T)/50%/15-16/PB-2016/07 dated 15/09/2016.

Result of all these exams declared on time and successful candidates become JTO after completion of training in all the telecom Circles except Punjab due to some Court cases on VY 2014-15. Now all the Court cases causing hurdles in declaration of result in Punjab circle has been disposed off and Punjab circle has already deputed candidates of VY 2014-15 on training.

Result of VY 2015-16 has also been declared by corporate office vide letter no 12-4/2016-Rectt dated 03/04/2017 but Punjab circle has not endorsed the result as training process of VY 14-15 was pending due to court cases. Now all court cases causing hurdle are disposed of and training of VY 2014-15 has already started.

Association side requested management to look into the matter and start the training of next batch 2015-16 as result is already declared by corporate office as soon as possible.

JEs of Punjab are already very junior to all of their batch mates of 2008, 2009. It was assured to look into the same.

  1. Resolution of the long pending SDE reversal issue of LDCE 2007 executives in line with the commitments made earlier by management in various meetings and at various platforms.

Association side apprised the HR team about the historical perspective of the case, assurances made in the past and the positive outcome at Hon’ble CAT Chennai. It was informed that based on the earlier discussions and assurances, now that Hon’ble Court has given a positive verdict in favour of the suffering executives, any deviation from earlier stand taken by management will result into a huge negativity and association remains dutybound to take all necessary actions to protect the interest of its members. We further emphasized that management is also equally dutybound ensure the sanctity of the commitments made at the highest level.

Director HR assured that issue will be given a positive consideration and let the written orders be received by BSNL and action as per commitment given shall be taken thereafter.   

  1. Discussion on Restructuring and increase in number of posts in various grades of various streams (Telecom, Finance, Civil, Electrical, Architecture, CCS, PA/PS/PPS) in view of the BBNL merger to BSNL and Projects like 4G saturation, pilot project for connecting 5 lakh villages etc.

The current status of the restructuring review was discussed and deliberated in detail. It was highlighted by management side that if the current norms are taken into consideration, situation doesn’t seem bright especially in view of the closing of the copper-based connections and decreasing of landline assets. Association side pressed for exploring and revisiting the operational and positional norms as the current norms are neither sufficient to cater to the operational and managerial needs of the company nor they are doing any good to the career aspirations of the executives. We also requested for consideration of the new projects like 4G saturation and Bharatnet while reviewing the cadre strength.

PGM (Restg) acknowledged the need for revisiting the norms and assured that management remains open to all the noteworthy suggestions by association. She further told that AIGETOA may give their suggestions with respect to the positional and operational norms and also the inputs with respect to the review of the strength. She assured for a holistic consideration of the inputs.

  1. Convening of CPCs for PS to PPS in field units who are waiting for long despite availability of vacancies. Creation of a greater number of PS and PPS posts in Field Units as well as BSNL CO for extending smooth career progression to the executives belonging to these cadres. Creation of sufficient number of AGM (OL) Posts for extending smooth career progression to the executives belonging to these cadres. (Personnel Section)

We expressed the long wait faced by Private Secretaries (PS) for their promotions to Personal Private Secretaries (PPS), despite available vacancies. The imperative need to convene Centralized Promotion Committees (CPCs) promptly was stressed to address the prolonged wait and provide timely career advancement. We also requested for the creation of an increased number of PS and PPS posts in both field units and BSNL CO. Additionally, we also highlighted the importance of creating an ample number of Assistant General Manager (Official Language) [AGM (OL)] posts.

Management side agreed to explore the possibilities.

[III] Other Major Issues

  1. Discussions and Suggestions with respect to OTP and Longest Stay Policy.

Association has given the following suggestions with regard to OTP Process and discussed on automating the OTP policy and potential changes in the system :-

a] Consideration of Transfers on need basis instead of routine long stay transfer: The request was politely turned down with an assurance to revisit the same in future.

b] Separate OTP windows for Inter and Intra Circle which should be kept independent of each other: Proposal for fixed OTP windows which should be independent, separate for Inter and Intra Circle to eliminating the six-month waiting clause. Management side agreed to consider the same.

c] One time modification of the options given in OTP portal: Association requested to allow the executives to exercise their options and to allow the modification of the options at a later period of time:

Management side agreed for One time modification in the OTP during the OTP window of 15 days and also instructed the ERP team to develop this option in ESS.

d] Association’s Suggestions to implement the OTP for JTO/JAO transfers from Non-Territorial circle/Units to Territorial circle: As of now, it is not implemented in OTP(ESS) system and assurance was given that the association’s suggestions on the OTP process will be considered. Until implementation, they can apply through hard copy of Application. A clarification shall be issued by Pers Section to the circles in this regard whereby Hard Copy applications for such requests shall be asked to be considered.

e] Separate OTP window for Long Stay Transfer List: Executives on long stay transfer list to have a brief window to apply afresh OTP. Special consideration for deficit circles was requested which was agreed to be explored.

f] Provision for Station Selection: System possibility will be checked to extend a provision for executives to select station/territory while applying for Non-Territorial and Specialized Circle postings.

g] OTP Waiting List & seniority to be maintained for the Executives: It was agreed by management to ensure that the OTP seniority of the executives whose OTP requests have been cancelled due to any reason will be maintained, if such executives are willing to be considered themselves in next OTP window.

h] Tenure OTPs and Priority Accommodation and also relieving the executives. Urgency to clear all pending tenure OTPs applied so far: Consideration of accommodating OTP transfers as per priority options during the one-time execution of long-standing transfers. The ERP relieving for the executives from the Tenure stations should be ensured if circles do not relieve them in time.

i] KTK OTP Relieving/Cancellation Cases: Specific discussion on Karnataka OTP relieving/cancellation cases.

j] Clearing All Circles’ OTP Cases: Emphasis on clearing all the applied OTP cases across circles.

k] Display of the executives circle wise for Long Stay transfers before issuing the orders: Suggestion to display of the executives circle wise for Long Stay transfers before issuing the orders for executives with stays surpassing 22/23/24 years.

AIGETOA has requested management for the review of longest stay policy and management assured to examine the same.

l] Exemption of the Single parent from the long stay transfers: Explained the cases and their difficulties. Management agreed to exempt the Single parent from the long stay transfers and assured to explore the possibilities.

m] Immunity/Relaxation to the WOMEN Executives in the long stay transfers: Team AIGETOA highlighted the challenges that women employees in BSNL face in managing both their household responsibilities and their work commitments simultaneously, which includes time constraints, emotional strain, financial pressures, and societal expectations. We request management that these unique challenges require a need for understanding, support, and possibly policy interventions to address them effectively. Management side appreciated, acknowledges and values the concerns raised by AIGETOA that have been brought to their attention. Management side responded positively and assured to explore the possibilities of relaxation which can be extended to the WOMEN Executives in the long stay transfers.

n] Care giver to be included in the list to get the immunity from the transfers: Association side explained the Care giver cases and their difficulties in entering the same in ERP owing to non-availability of entry of care giver in case the parents do not fall in dependent lists. Management agreed and directed ERP team to explore the possibilities and probable case scenarios.

o] Critical diseases to be included in the specified list in the ERP to get the immunity from the transfers: Association explained there are many diseases which are not there in the list of critical diseases but are equally critical and some are in fact life threatening as well. Hence, management must make provisions to develop a procedure where such cases can be incorporated in the system for extending medical immunity to such employees.

Management side agreed to explore the possibilities and directed Pers and ERP team to work upon the same.  

p] Review in the Tenure and Soft Tenure Stations: We highlighted that many stations have been left to be incorporated in the list. We also requested for inclusion of the Headquarters as soft tenure stations, failing which this policy is bound to fail. Management agreed to review the same and asked for requisite input from association.

q] Facility of retention of quarters on transfer where the transfer from one station to other doesn’t results in break of station tenure: Association requested for extending the facility of quarter retention on transfer where there is no break in station tenure for example stations spread across NCR Regions. Directed HR assured to get the same to be examined. Dir(HR) assured to direct BW cell for examining the same.

  1. Consideration and streamlining of the Rule 8 cases especially for those posted in Hard Tenure Circles and unequal treatment given to the recently promoted JTOs who have been promoted against the posts of external quota.

Association discussed the issue of consideration and streamlining of Rule 8 cases, particularly for those posted in Hard Tenure Circles. The association emphasized that Rule 8 cases must be considered especially for officers working in hard tenure places. Management give positive assurance to consider the association’s perspective and take all necessary steps to clear the Rule 8 cases on expeditious basis.

Association also highlighted another very important issue involving the recently promoted JTOs who have been promoted against the post of external quota. AIGETOA team highlighted that these candidates have been promoted by diverting the posts from external quota to internal quota and they must be treated at par with earlier promoted internal candidates and must be extended similar facilities. We also stressed upon consideration of their Rule 8 requests by counting their service in the JE Period and make them eligible for Rule 8 transfers after a period of two years.  

Management understood and appreciated our concern and assured to examine with a positive consideration. Input was sought from AIGETOA for examining the case. Association shall be submitting the same in due course.

  1. Issues related to attendance management system and streamlining thereof.

i) Attendance Management System Issues: Discussions were held on streamlining the attendance management system, especially addressing concerns of field units.

ii) Attendance Portal Window Timing: Association suggested to open the attendance portal window from 9 am to 9 pm instead of current time line of extending relaxation of one-hour i.e. 30 mins before and 30 mins after official timings. We said, if we enable this window, the executive will have the flexibility of completing their scheduled work time of 7.30/8 hours within the 9 to 9 window. This will also lessen the leaves taken by the employees as they will have a flexibility in the attendance timings. Management liked the idea and assured to explore the same especially in view of the difficulties faced by the field units.   

iii) Optional Use of App based Attendance System: AIGETOA requested the management to make App based Attendance System as “optional” for the employees till the mobile reimbursement limit is reviewed. The same was responded positively by management.

  1. Discussion on rotation of officers from the sensitive posts as per the CVC guidelines (Personnel/Establishment Section)

After having detailed discussions, the management has agreed to implement the rotation of officers from sensitive posts in accordance with Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines. This decision underscores a commitment to transparency and accountability. The Association raised concerns about potential misuse of sensitive post orders by rotating executives within the same section, defeating the purpose of the policy. The proposal advocates for a change in section & not just the chair, to prevent any undue advantage for executives posted for an extended period in sensitive roles, ensuring a more effective and unbiased rotation policy.

The same was appreciated by management and it was assured to issue necessary directions in this regard.

  1. Discussion on Implementation of 4G services and the complete Roll out of 4G services. Roadmap to the 5G Rollout thereafter:

The issue of 4G implementation and roll-out of 4G services on PAN India basis was discussed at length. Association side raised its apprehensions regarding the delay in equipment supply, Issues of Core, High Port-out of BSNL sub’s in Pilot BA/SSA/OA’s where 4G is being roll out & testing in progress, IMS issue for certain regions and different integration issues in the 4G roll out all over India. Management side explained the details about the 4G project in totality. They said the issues during roll out time, implementation phase are bound to come. 4G indigenous project of BSNL is the prestigious project of DoT, MoC and Govt of India. Huge grant has been given by Govt for this project and it will create a distinguished image of BSNL. RAN issues are being taken care and stabilising of core equipment is under process. We are setting target for 4G roll out by 31st Dec 2024. Manpower and team issue for implementation at Field is being handled and slowly-slowly things are settling down. TCS is doing SI Part. TCS has also deployed M/s Mckinsey to monitor the project. Different vendors have been empanelled by TCS so that work due to negligence of one vendor doesn’t stop. Core has been stabilised at Chandigarh and Ambala.  Secretary DoT is taking daily basis meetings with CMD, TCS, Vendors and other concerned sections and briefing to the highest level on daily basis.

After 4G roll out there will be around 25000 Govt funded sites also which will be additional revenue source to BSNL.

Association side highlighted the issues faced by the executives in the installation and commissioning of the sites and raised apprehension about the competency of the team being deputed for the installation and commissioning as at many places it has been observed that team deputed by the vendor for the purpose even do not have the basic idea which will definitely hamper the progress and smooth rollout. Management side affirmed that all such issues are being taken care of and no such issues will be faced anymore as the consultant appointed by the SI is taking care of such issues. We also informed that slowly the executives are losing hope and its high time that progress on ground wrt development and rollout of 4G needs to be made visible in practice

On the query with respect to the readiness of 5G, it was informed that the system is made 5G ready and shall not take much time in changeover from 4G to 5G.

  1. Issues arising out of takeover of ALTTC Campus by DoT and next course of action with regard to the training requirements of BSNL especially North zone. Discussion with respect to the Syllabus for LICE across various cadres.

It was informed by management that The ALTTC Ghaziabad training centre is undergoing construction to become a world-class facility. While the buildings are under construction, training will continue at the ERP Building. Additionally, RTTC Jaipur in Rajasthan is identified as a second location, set to be developed into a modern training center to provide top-notch telecom training. The focus is on ensuring continued high-quality training for BSNL employees during this transition period.

Association highlighted the issues which arose from the takeover of ALTTC Campus by DoT, prompting discussions on the next steps for BSNL’s training requirements, especially in the North Zone. We highlighted the imperative need for keeping the training facility open at ALTTC Ghaziabad to encash upon the brand value which ALTTC has earned over a period of time. Further AIGETOA also highlighted the needs for utilising the zonal/regional training centres also. We said that it was really sad to witness that the vast infrastructure available at these facilities are being wasted. We requested for an immediate consideration of re-establishing the zonal training centres and turning them into profit centres with suitable tie ups with reputed Universities and Institutions. AIGETOA team pressed upon the need for keeping the training activities continued at Ghaziabad and suggested the possible way out of utilising the ERP building as a permanent facility.

Management assured that one small facility at ALTTC campus at Ghaziabad and a top notch international advanced level facility at Jaipur shall be established.  Further Director HR assured to examine the proposal mooted by AIGETOA for re-establishing the discontinued zonal and regional training centres with suitable tie ups and convert them into profit centres.

  1. Time to time Training requirement of BSNL Executives.

Team AIGETOA emphasised on imparting training to the executives on various modules/units of BSNL, New technologies being adopted by BSNL. It was informed by GM(Rectt) that currently 20 Job roles have been identified by the training cell which requires insights and awareness. Training videos, information brochure with PPT and lectures are being prepared and the same will be made available on “igotkarmayogi” portal for the benefits of all. Further any training requirements of executives are also being looked into.

  1. Discussion on further refinement and betterment in the IPMS system and assigning of Targets on yearly basis along with provision of remarks/feedback for entering the reasons for shortfall in achieving the targets.

Management Side appreciated our concerns and stated that IPMS is not intended towards harming the career aspects and management is open to all suggestions and improvement in the system. At present IPMS are more towards Numerical driven and not towards task driven.  Following were points of discussion in respect to the association’s suggestions and apprehensions: –

i) Annual IPMS and Group Targets:  Association requests IPMS to be annual instead of quarterly.  Proposal for financial targets to be assigned for the group, not individual targets for better achievability. Management agreed to examine the same.

ii) Review Facility for Targets: Request for a review facility to analyze reasons for not achieving targets. Emphasis should be on the importance of group targets as opposed to individual targets. PGM Restg informed that the facility of review is available in ESS now and it needs proper awareness and popularisation amongst the executives. In case of any executive not able to achieve his/her targets due to any issue, he can put forth the same in ESS while filing IPMS and the same will be considered. We put forward the genuine grievances and practical difficulties faced by the executives in field, how the Group targets are given to Individuals, How the executives in fields are not able to achieve their targets due to lack of resources and reasons/factors beyond their control.  We requested for issuance of suitable directions to circles by highlighting the same. Management also assured for consideration of all genuine feedback given from time to time.

  1. Status of Verification and Forwarding of the options exercised by executives for the higher pension to the EPFO. Appointment of a nodal officer as custodian of the EPF Records at various BAs as many records were found missing while scrutinizing the requests.

The Process is on and BSNL CO is actively monitoring the same.

  1. Removal of freeze on deputation to outside organizations:

It was assured by Hon’ble Director HR to explore the same after discussion with CMD BSNL.

Remarkable achievement by Smt Binsi Mohan of Kerala Circle in the national sports arena:

JTO BBM, Kandassankadavu, Thrissur, BA Smt Binsi Mohan who is an active Member and office bearer of AIGETOA family, clinched a remarkable 4 gold medals at the national masters athletics meet in Goa. Dominating the 200m and 400m races, along with exceptional performances in the 1004 and 4004 relays (35+ age category), she represented Kerala state .

As we revel in her success, Binsi Mohan is gearing up to carry the Indian flag 🇮🇳 at the international Masters Athletics Meet in TAIPEI 2025.

AIGETOA congratulates Smt Binsi Mohan on achieving this remarkable feat. We are proud of her and wish our good luck to her for achieving more and more such accomplishments in future.

Click here for the Photographs

Renewal of GTI (Group Term Insurance) for the year 2024-25:

As informed earlier, after the firm and conclusive stand by Team AIGETOA in the meeting with LIC officials, finally LIC agreed to offer the premium quotes at 1.60 per one thousand which is at par with the initial rates offered in 2019.

Yesterday LIC conveyed the rates of 2019 at 1.6 per thousand and today the letter has been issued by admin section BSNL CO for the renewal of GTI for the willing employees.

The hard negotiations done by team AIGETOA with LIC officials, resulted in these rates. We also appreciate the efforts of the Admin Team of BSNL CO, who coordinated in a very effective manner.

We further extend our thanks to all those involved in the process for ensuring the competitive premium rates.

Once again we appreciate the efforts of our All India President and Finance Secretary for ensuring this competitive premium for the GTI.

Click here for the letter of GTI

Update on GTI (Group Term Insurance) Negotiations :

For last three days, back to back meetings have been held for negotiations on GTI. The meeting was attended by AIGETOA all India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao and Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta.

While LIC team once again presented a very high initial quote of Rs 3 per Thousand of GTI, team AIGETOA has categorically clarified that any rates above the initial 2019 rates of Rs 1.6 per thousand are not acceptable as the claim ratio has gone down substantially. The team AIGETOA insisted to revise the quote and has negotiated firmly on the matter. The LIC team will revert with their fresh quotes in a day or two.

We extend our thanks to all India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao and Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta for firmly negotiating with LIC team.

Let’s hope for the best. But one thing is very sure that in the absence of proper rates quoted by LIC, the team AIGETOA is not going to accept will insist upon further negotiations