Update on Pay Loss case of 22820 filed by Team AIGETOA:

Update on Pay Loss case of 22820 filed by Team AIGETOA:

Today payloss case 22820 came for hearing in the Delhi High Court. BSNL has submitted the reply in the court and our written submissions had also been filed before the Hon’ble Court. BSNL has submitted the reply day before yesterday and the advocate from the ministry sought time for filling the reply as BSNL has submitted the reply just two days before the hearing. Our Lawyer objected as the court had already given the last opportunity in the last hearing. Now the matter is sent before the bench for the hearing. The next date of hearing is 14.11.2024.

In next hearing, arguments will start. Team AIGETOA will take all necessary steps to win the case in our favour.

Update JE to JTO Payloss case at Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam :

Team AIGETOA filed the petition at Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam for resolving the JE period Payloss and after hearing on 18th Aug 2023 now the case is posted on to 9th Oct 2023. Hon’ble Court directed the respondents to submit reply before 8-10-2023.The Payloss happened due to the wage negotiation agreement happened during 2nd PRC related wage settlement where the scales from NE-9 onwards fixed with only one increment. The huge Payloss happened to the LICE batches due to this should have been addressed meticulously.

Friends, there is a huge difference in actual working for the benefit of the cadre and pseudo heroism. Some corners have filed one case without addressing the crux matter and using this for political gains. AIGETOA doesn’t believe in such gimmicks. We are sure of winning the case filed by Team AIGETOA for resolution of JE period Payloss for our colleagues and fulfill expectations of salary increase for them.

We extend our acknowledgement to the payloss legal committee under the direct guidance of AIGETOA CHQ team for the efforts made in this regard.

Congratulations !!! AIGETOA Pay Loss Case for 22820 Admitted in Hon’ble High Court Delhi on Merits :

Perseverance and conviction for achieving the goal Pays and AIGETOA Team today once again proved it.

Congratulations !!! AIGETOA Pay Loss Case for 22820 Admitted in Hon’ble High Court Delhi on Merits.

The Pay Loss Case 4119/2018 was dismissed by Hon’ble PCAT in March 2023 on technical grounds without going into the merit of the case. The legal team of AIGETOA thereafter decided to challenge the PCAT order in the Hon’ble High Court Delhi. The Writ of Mandamus with Diary no. 1071261/2023 has been registered as W.P.(C) 10564/2023 CM APPL 41019/2023, CM APPL 41020/2023. The Case was heard in detail today i.e 10.08.2023. The arguments were held for almost half an hour wherein our Senior Advocate along with his team of 4 advocates presented the case on behalf of Team AIGETOA. Hon’ble High Court was convinced on the arguments of our counsel and allowed the writ for further arguments. The notice to the other respondents was issued by the court. Hon’ble court also directed our lawyer to file written submission with regard to our averments and arguments. The Case is slated to be heard on 6th November 2023.

Friends, lot many questions have been raised by our fellow colleagues with respect to the efforts and non-submission of committee report by AIGETOA. We wish to inform that for positive submission of the committee report, the conducive situation is a pre-requisite. That was the only reason that AIGETOA has been working with patience on the matter and not like others who got the case killed and dumped forever.

Some people who considered themselves to be the best advocates gone to the extent of challenging and laughing on our team that the writ filed by AIGETOA Team will be dismissed and thrown on the very first instance. They also ridiculed the legal team of AIGETOA who mostly were the sufferers only. But the fact was that after getting a setback at Hon’ble PCAT, the legal team of AIGETOA under the guidance of GS Ravi Shil Verma sat together, introspected the whole scenario and made necessary corrections in the writ and changed the course of action. Our Team worked on the issue for almost three months meticulously without making any hue and cry. We were silently working on the case without raising any hue or cry or without countering the attacks from the sister associations. We believe in only one thing that at the end result matters. We are happy to inform that finally our efforts have paid, we have been able to overcome the setback of Hon’ble PCAT and finally Hon’ble High Court admitted the case in our favor.

It will be pertinent to mention that the biggest hurdle in any case at Hon’ble High court is at admission stage itself and unless the merit of the case is visible, the case is dismissed at admission stage itself.

We are happy to announce that now that the case is admitted in our favor, we are very sure of getting the verdict in favor of our fellow brothers and sisters.

In today’s hearing, CHQ team was represented by Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India President, Shri Pavan Akhand, Dy GS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS-II.

Appeal by Sh Sunil Gautam, A LICE JTO & AGS AIGETOA CHQ :

Please listen to the appeal made by Sh Sunil Gautam, LICE JTO and AGS of AIGETOA. He is sharing the facts and efforts of AIGETOA for resolving the pay related issues and cautioning you to beware of the false propaganda created by some people who have no knowledge of the issue. They are creating propaganda just to satisfy their bosses. AIGETOA has a clear plan and vision to resolve these issues. Hence, my earnest appeal is to support AIGETOA.

Pay Loss 22820/- Case at PCAT New Delhi by AIGETOA OBs:

Today the Pay Loss case of 22820/- filed by AIGETOA OBs was listed at serial number 79 for hearing in Court No-2 at PCAT New Delhi.

Our Counsel mentioned the case in the morning itself for the argument before the Hon’ble Judge. The Hon’ble Judge asked the reason for urgent hearing on the matter. The Counsel explained in detail about the pay loss matter lingering since long time causing immense loss and also apprised the Court about the MA in the matter by applicant in the month of Oct 21, which has not been taken up for arguments so far due to no regular hearing on the matter. After listening the arguments of our counsel, the Hon’ble judge didn’t agreed to listen today but agreed for granting the short date of 27th Oct 2022 for the hearing, which was agreed by the BSNL Counsel also. So, we expect that argument on merit may start on next date on pay loss matter.

E2-E3 Matter at the DoT:

Team AIGETOA is in regular follow up at DoT and one another letter was sought to move on the matter and same was submitted by the association in DoT. Team AIGETOA will be meeting officials of the DoT by tomorrow in the follow up for reopening the matter pertains to approval of E2-E3 Scale by the DoT.

Hearing in the E2-E3 Case at Chandigarh is also scheduled in next week.

We are regularly following up the standard pay scale and pay loss case simultaneously at department as well as legal fronts and expect some breakthrough in both the matters.

BSNL CO formed Committee on Pay Loss Issue on request of AIGETOA

BSNL Corporate Office constituted a Committee to examine demand of AIGETOA for resolution of the pay loss issue of Executives recruited in E1A scale. The committee has been given a timeline to submit its report by 31.07.2021.

Click here for the committee letter

For E1 plus Five increments, management has agreed to extend the proposal to all remaining batches, which is referred by BSNL Board for vetting by DoT HR committee, as detailed in the minute. A reminder letter will be issued in this regard. For E2 Scale, a reminder letter to the DoT for approval of E2 Scale to JAO/JTOs is in process and it will be issued soon.

Flash news: Update of Pay Parity Case to secure 22820 initial basic for post 1.1.2007 JTOs/JAOs recruited in pre-revised scales of E1A:

The Pay Parity case filed by Team AIGETOA with respect to getting 22820 as initial basic for Post 1.1.2007 executives recruited in Pre-Revised E1A scales is listed for hearing on 15.09.2020. In this Pay Parity case, respondent BSNL’s reply has already been received. The first judicial hearing was scheduled to be held on 14/04/2020 but that was postponed due to Covid-19. Now the Pay Loss case has been LISTED ON 15.9.2020. The loss of Equal Work Equal Pay court case and Unreasonable demand by the ex-majority association has been one of the main causes of derailing this issue in committee constituted for looking into this matter. This case was left unattended by the earlier team handling the court cases. AIGETOA has now succeeded in getting this case re-opned at PCAT.

Analysis of Answers by Proclaimed SENA

Question – Is it true that the committee considered your submission for rejecting the 22820 benefit to the JTOs and JAOs of the 2007, 2008 and 2010 batch? Why U derailed the whole issue and never came back to management for the same. Was it planned?

Do you have any moral right to talk about 22820? You had accepted 22820 only for the 2005 batch JTOs in the meeting held on 25.02.2010 and the minutes issued on 09.03.2010? You accepted E1 pay scale for the post 2007 rects. Refresh your memory by reading the minutes of your meeting held on 25.02.2010.

Question – Why at the time of formation of BSNL, you legacy associations agreed to demote the cadre by accepting non-standard pay scale of E1A (9850-250-14600) instead of E2 (10750-300-16750) for JTO/JAO equivalent grade when MTNL Adopted Higher Pay Scale ?

Question – What is your stand on DPC for JTO to SDE? Why are You not pursuing it despite availability of sufficient vacancies. Why You did not pursue for implementation of CPSU Hierarchy all these two years and you sing this song only when JTO to SDE DPC is on track. Why have you not written a single letter for expediting the DPC process for JTO to SDE DPCs? Do you consider DPCs as illegal? What happened to your agitation notice for CPSU which you served in November 2019. What was the settlement that you never initiated this process ever again.

Why You ditched AIGETOA in 2017 also as well as earlier in 2007 when you agreed for Financial upgradations instead of Time Bound Functional Promotions.

Question – Why Your Association Left BSNL Executives in Lurch by compromising on provisional E1 & E2 as provisional scales instead of standard pay scales of E2 for JTOs/JAOs equivalent & E3 for SDE/AO/Equivalent at the time of implementation of second PRC ? Why Your Association did not even think of Superannuation Benefits for BSNL Recruits which was an essential Recommendation of 2nd PRC despite the fact that BSNL was in profit at that time ? Why did you spoil the future and Social Security of BSNL Recruits ?

Question – Why you never seriously persuaded or when it got negated, filed a case for Standard Pay Scales and 30% SAB ? Is it because you have given in written that you are OK with E1 as scales for JTOs (A fact Reiterated by you a few days back) ? Is it Because You have submitted to HLC, that pensionary benefits of BSNL Recruits are more than DoT absorbees ?

Question – What is your stand on PRMB for BSNL Recruits ? Whether You agree that PRMB should be in place in BSNL ? If Yes, why are you saying that BRs are getting 3.3 percent PRMB ? Are You aware of the difference between Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution ? Can U write a single letter for PRMB ? Can U Tell us, whether 5% SAB is pending to be implemented and or 7% ?

Question – You are saying that after winning Elections with 50 percent majority, you will ensure all promotions within 3 months. What stopped you from getting these promotions executed in all these 3.5 years? What magic stick you are having which stopped promotions for all these 3.5 years and which will ensure promotions in 3 months. Are you not aware of the rules of recognised and support association in REA-14 rules? And being in the recognised tag, what makes you to accept that you were a complete failure to meet BSNL recruits aspirations especially?

Question – Why pension benefits to BSNL Recruits were denied when Legacy Association didn’t take up the proposal of Gazette notification of Pension Rule-37A right from the day of inception of BSNL ? It was clearly written that “BSNL shall devise its own pension scheme and make arrangements for funding and disbursing pensionary benefits.” But since these legacy Associations were only concerned for the DoT absorbed employees and hence they fought for their government pension under Rule-37A but didn’t care for the pension of BRs, which was part of the same order, else we could have also had our pension scheme since inception of BSNL.

Question – Why are you confusing & bluffing the people in the name of a single association after enjoying the facility for two decades & that to after notification of MV..? One side you were asking for unity and on the other side you were writing nasty about the same associations on the website. What were the compulsive reasons for this double speak?

Question – Why did BSNL go to huge losses under your rule for the last 2 decades..? You failed to act on BSNL viability…if you claim yourself to be saviours of BSNL. Why U called off your so called valiant strikes even after achieving nothing. BSNL Conditions are still not improved.