Display of Provisional List of Nominations for New Governing Body of AIGETOA CHQ for the period 2025-2028 :

Provisional list of the nomination received for the new governing body of AIGETOA CHQ for the term 2025-2028. The final elections will be conducted during the All India Conference, scheduled from 9th to 11th February 2025 in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

Click here for Final Nomination List

Nomination can be withdrawn between 2nd Feb 2025 to 4th Feb 2025 by submitting a written request to returning officer through hard copy or electronic media like e-mail at ro.aigetoa@gmail.com

Twitter Campaign – Budget Day

🌟 Today is Budget Day! 🌟

Let’s come together, united beyond associations, to shine a light on the vital role BSNL employees play in nation-building and the challenges they face with pay and pension issues.

BSNL is not just a telecom company; it’s the backbone of Make In India, driving *self-sustaining, safe, and indigenous 4G/5G networks for a Digital Bharat. Yet, the employees who make this possible are struggling.

🗓️ Join the Twitter Campaign Today!

⏰ 10 AM – 12 Noon

📢 Use the hashtag:


Your voice matters! Let’s make sure their struggles are heard loud and clear.

Your support is crucial!

Together, we can ensure a fair and just future for BSNL employees and a stronger, self-reliant Bharat.

BSNLEmployees #NationBuilding #Budget2023




MakeInIndia #SelfSustainingBharat #Indigenous4G5G #DigitalBharat

BSNL Associations Declare February as “FTTH Month”: A Collective Push for BSNL Growth & HR Resolutions

Appeal by Major Associations to Celebrate February Months as FTTH Month:

The General Secretaries of the AIGETOA, SNEA, SEWA and AIBSNLEA have been meeting CMD BSNL wherein a lot of discussion has been taking place with respect to the development issues. The issue of 3rd PRC and the residual issues of 2nd PRC have which have financial implications, are also being discussed. For 3rd PRC, it is a well-known fact that a waiver with respect to the affordability clause is required which can only be waived off by cabinet. Whenever the issue of 3rd PRC for BSNL is discussed at higher echelons, a general perception has been created that we have infused so much funds in BSNL and still the desired results have not been given by the organization in particular and for that they hold management as well as employees of BSNL as responsible. Another perception is that employees of BSNL only have their demands but they do not work. Though, it’s a fact that employees of BSNL are not responsible for losses mounted by BSNL and it’s the policies of consecutive governments which has crippled our beloved organization. Had BSNL been not stripped off the expansion tender or had BSNL was given 4G Spectrum well in time, the things would have been different. Added to that, BSNL is assigned the duty of fulfilling the telecom objectives of the government, which further cripples the organization as BSNL has to offer services in loss making areas also unlike the private operators. This is the actual reason behind the losses of the organization and not the employees. Saying that, still we need to appreciate the fact that finally the reprieve shall be extended by the government and cabinet only and for that we need to change the perception created across the various echelons that BSNL employees do not work.

In our various interactions, CMD BSNL has been candid enough to appreciate the associated problems as well as his vision and expectations. Associations also share their problems and expectations with respect to HR issues. CMD BSNL has been assuring us that his complete focus is on resolution of the long pending HR issues including the residual issues of 2nd PRC and implementation of 3rd PRC. He has shared his view that with slight increase in revenue position, the case for BSNL with respect to 3rd PRC and Pay scales will become stronger. He has sought the co-operation of employees in increasing the revenue. He said he understands the difficulties also and assured to resolve the difficulties faced by field units in operation and maintenance. He also told that the number of FTTH Connections must be increased to ensure positive growth for BSNL. CMD BSNL assured that with the feeling of togetherness, BSNL will definitely move forward and requested all of us to work. He assured that he firmly stands with the employees for their HR issues and at the same time expects that employees also stand with him to take BSNL to path of greater growth. He further informed that he has already directed his team to look on to the pending HR issues with a positive perspective and with a thought process on how to resolve rather than to deny the things. He said that he will ensure that in next few months, most of the HR issues are resolved. He however has been very much concerned on non-increase of FTTH Connections and requested all of us to ensure that the FTTH Connections must traverse the growth trajectory now.

Associations have always emphasized that executives in general are equally concerned and are willing to take all efforts to get the increase in connections and revenue. All are ready to work full throttle but at the same time, we expect our issues of Pay, Promotions and Pension to be resolved. We have been telling that employees will definitely come true to the expectations and conveyed that at the same time we also believe that management will also meet our expectations with respect to Pay, Pension and Promotions.

After a careful reading of the situation, and in view of appeal by CMD BSNL,, a meeting of General Secretaries of the major associations SNEA, AIGETOA, SEWA and AIBSNLEA was held on 30/01/2025 and we have discussed the situation and need of hour. to increase revenue of BSNL was discussed. We have decided to join hands of CMD BSNL with full extent which will definitely pave way for our pending HR issues.

All have appreciated the fact that change in perception with respect to the work force of BSNL is an utmost necessity more than any other steps as even after doing agitations or taking other steps, relief is to come from the higher echelons of government only. Hence, all the associations have decided to take the first step as removing this perception and creating an image where employees want to work wholeheartedly but the things get affected by the policies. Hence as a noble and innovative initiative, associations have decided to appeal all the employees in general and members in particular to focus on the FTTH growth which do not have any linkage to any technology developments or constraints. The only issue remains to remove the operational problems and for that we have taken the same with Management.

Accordingly, SNEA, AIGETOA, AIBSNLEA and SEWA has decided to celebrate the February Month as FTTH Month with an appeal to each employee to bring minimum 4 new connections through his personal efforts. We are very much sure that BSNL employees are capable enough to do wonders and all they need is proper resources and environment to work. We are appealing this because we want this actual fact to go to general public, media and the higher echelons of government instead of a negative image being created of BSNL employees.

As such, , we appeal all to work whole heartedly in ensuring the increase in number of FTTH Connections, operational problems if any may be reported to CHQ through DS/CS so that they can be taken care of. With respect to our issues, we firmly assure that associations are fully committed to make the resolution of 3rd PRC and Residual issues of 2nd PRC a reality and also shall be ensuring that promotions are executed soon. This is one of attempts to reach towards our Goal of pending HR issues and mainly issue of 3rd PRC and left out issues of second PRC.

CMD BSNL has expressed his desire to solve the HR issues including the financial issues of 3rd PRC and Residual issues of 2nd PRC. His words are definitely motivating and giving us renewed ray of hope for resolving the issues. It’s a truth that after many years, for the first time we are listening from the CMD BSNL that HR issues are a priority. We are seeing many employee friendly initiatives in consultation with us like Resolution of SDE 2007 reversal issue, Opening of Deputation window without a cap, positive changes in transfer policy, doing away with Routine Long Stay Transfers, enhancement of in TA/DA rates for AGM and below level officers, applicability of second Saturday, increase in Medical Reimbursement Limit by de-freezing the DA rate Freeze etc. Yes, we do agree that we have miles to go till our issues of Pay, Pension and Promotions are achieved in totality but a positive gesture must be reciprocated and that too when it is in the interest of BSNL. Hence, we request all employees to celebrate the February Month as FTTH month and aspire to bring at least 4 new connections in the month. Problems faced in ensuring this must be reported to CHQ through the concerned CS/DS. This will be followed in Month of March 2025 also.

After all we have waited so long for the resolution of issues and there is nothing wrong in moving with a Positive and constructive thought process for another few months when we are getting the words of assurance and togetherness directly from the mouth of the chief executive of the company. Let us all come together and show the power of employees in taking BSNL to greater heights by ensuring the increase in FFTH connections with a target of 4 connections to each employee of BSNL.

We also assure that even after showing the positive approach by the employees, if financial issues still remain unresolved, we can definitely use the same power other way also for initiating the organizational actions. But as far as the approach of current management is concerned, we firmly believe that as Head of Management, CMD BSNL will keep their words as we are witnessing that things are moving on a positive side and one by one, issues are getting resolved. Hence, let us all come together for the cause of each one of us. Let us all come together for the cause of BSNL. Let us all come together for the cause of Nation.

Let’s accept this Challenge given to us by ourselves, Let’s Celebrate February Month as FTTH Month and show the power of BSNL employees to the whole nation by increasing the numbers beyond expectation of everyone.

“February Month FTTH Month @ Minimum Four Connections per Employee – One of the Way Forward to the resolution of the Financial & HR issues”.

Together We Can, Together We Have, And Together We Will.

Freeze of Deputation to outside organizations Removed by BSNL CO :

As informed earlier, the freeze on deputation to outside organizations has been removed and the applications are being forwarded to all other organizations.

This was a long term demand of AIGETOA and agreed by CMD BSNL in our agenda meeting of the October 24 and the subsequent agenda meeting with Director HR and CMD BSNL in December.

We extend our thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL, Hon’ble Director HR and Hon’ble PGM Pers for issuing these orders.

Click here for Order

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Director HR – AIGETOA Strongly Protests BSNL’s Unilateral Decision to Change ALTTC Reporting Structure

On dated 28.01.2025, GS AIGETOA, President AIGETOA, Dy GS AIGETOA and CS ALTTC met PGM Training and Director HR and lodged our strong protest on the unilateral decision of BSNL management to change the reporting structure of ALTTC Circle. We categorically stated that this is nothing but undermining the legacy of a 50 year old institution. We demanded that management must roll back it’s decision. If they find any operational inconvenience with respect to any officer or person for that the individual is responsible and not the structure. Hence solution should not be changing the structure and instead fact finding should be done to find out the actual underlying issues. We stated that association will never agree to this proposal and if management feels that some person is more capable of handling the affairs of ALTTC, that person should be posted in ALTTC Ghaziabad instead of changing the structure. System should not be change based on individual capabilities. We said that order has been issued bypassing all the set norms and practices and can not be accepted. We also said that instead of marginalizing this 50 years old institution of repute, management must focus on reviving it and should ask more area and hostels from DoT which has been unceremoniously taken away from BSNL. We said ALTTC must coexist with the NCA and management must take all efforts to resolve this issue.

Director HR has assured to look into the issue raised by us and asked for our written submissions with regard to the objections raised. We shall be submitting the same in next 2-3 days.

AIGETOA Opposes BSNL’s Decision on Reporting Restructure and Undermine ALTTC’s Legacy :

The PGM Training, BSNL Corporate Office, has recently issued an order altering the reporting structure of BSNL Training Centers. This order restricts the CGM ALTTC’s jurisdiction to ALTTC Ghaziabad alone, transferring all other Zonal Training Centers to the purview of PGM BRBRAITT Jabalpur. Furthermore, PGM BRBRAITT, who previously reported to CGM ALTTC, will now directly report to the Director HR of the BSNL Board. Previously, the reporting structure of training centers was determined by the Restructuring Cell. However, this special order has been issued by the Training Cell, raising questions about its intent and impact. Despite facing immense challenges since the takeover of the ALTTC campus by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), the CGM ALTTC and BSNL officers have managed to sustain training operations, including foreign training programs, BA Head courses, Motivational training program for complete BSNL CO and CNTX-North employees etc. through local hostel arrangements over the past 18 months. Their efforts have generated substantial revenue, amounting to crores of rupees for BSNL. However, this recent order disregards these achievements, signaling a potential move towards the permanent closure of ALTTC. ALTTC Ghaziabad, BSNL’s premier training center, has provided exceptional services for 50 years.

The effective sidelining of ALTTC compromises training services across North India, where it serves as the Zonal Center, handling nearly 50% of BSNL’s overall training programs, including critical foreign training initiatives that contribute significantly to its revenue.

AIGETOA has actively engaged with CGM ALTTC, PGM Training/Recruitment, Director HR, and CMD BSNL to advocate for ALTTC’s continuation at its current location. While initial responses were positive, the latest developments indicate a sudden reversal, with BSNL management taking steps to curtail ALTTC’s operations. The decision to strip the CGM ALTTC of 90% of its responsibilities and transfer them to PGM BRBRAITT, who now reports directly to the Director HR, appears to diminish ALTTC’s role further.

It is disheartening to see actions that jeopardize BSNL’s interests and undermine ALTTC’s legacy. This is the first instance where BSNL management appears to be facilitating its own decline through such measures. AIGETOA sincerely urges BSNL management to immediately withdraw this order to protect the interests of ALTTC and BSNL as a whole. The closure of ALTTC would not only harm BSNL’s training capabilities but also signal the loss of a prestigious institution that has played a critical role in the country’s success for the past five decades.

Sad demise of mother of Sh Muhammadali M C, Circle President Kerala Telecom Circle :

With extreme grief, we bring to you the sad news of the demise of mother of Sh Muhammadali M C, Circle President Kerala Telecom Circle. She left for her heavenly abode yesterday night. The funeral is scheduled to be held tomorrow, 27th January 2025, at 10:00 am at Kattambally Juma Masjid, Kannur.

AIGETOA CHQ prays to the almighty to provide his family with sufficient strength and courage to tide over the crisis and for bearing this irreparable loss. We also pray so that the eternal soul rests in peace.

Happy Republic Day !!!

Dear Colleagues,

On this auspicious occasion of the 76th Republic Day, AIGETOA extends heartfelt greetings to all BSNL employees and their families.

As we celebrate the values enshrined in our Constitution, we take immense pride in being part of BSNL, a pioneer of India’s telecom revolution and a symbol of Aatmanirbhar Bharat. BSNL’s rollout of indigenous 4G and 5G services showcases our commitment to innovation, self-reliance, and strengthening India’s digital future. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the dedication and talent of our workforce.

AIGETOA reaffirms its unwavering commitment to ensuring a just and fair working environment for all employees. We remain steadfast in our efforts to secure better career progression, timely promotions, and financial stability, empowering every individual to contribute effectively to BSNL’s mission.

Let us continue to work together with unity, dedication, and determination to make BSNL a shining example of India’s technological excellence and public service.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Republic Day!