Update on LICE Court Case at Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh :

Dear All,

The case for LICE is posted for 29.11.2024.

It is understood that the MT applicants wanted to get the dates postponed for a longer duration. It is also understood that only Junior advocate on behalf of MT applicants appeared today. It is learnt that the senior counsel for the applicant didn’t appear. Junior Advocate sought adjournment.

From BSNL side, Senior Advocate Khatri Ji and Advocate Mathur Ji appeared. AGM legal from BSNL CO was also present in Court. Team AIGETOA was also present in Court. After the strong pleadings by the Senior counsel from BSNL, a short date has been given and the case has been posted for 29.11.2024. The case will be posted on top of the board.

Further details follow. AIGETOA CHQ is constantly monitoring the developments and interacting with management and all authorities for speedy disposal of the case.

Flash News: Update on Laptop Reimbursement Policy

As you are aware that AIGETOA has been raising the demand for provisioning of Laptop Reimbursement for the executives of BSNL. AIGETOA was the only association which placed the demand for provisioning of laptop for executives. As a first step, policy was launched in BSNL CO with an assurance that after seeing the response at BSNL CO, the same will be replicated for field units and will be launched All Over India also. Accordingly the association was following with management for speedy rollout of the policy at field units also. But post MV, the policy for field units was placed in back bench. After our agitation notice in February 2024, as assured by Honorable Director HR, instructions were issued by BSNL CO for updating the Desktop Assets so that the laptops can be allocated to the field officers. However, even after long time, orders couldn’t be issued by management. Recently, Team AIGETOA had a series of meetings with management including that of Director HR and CMD BSNL. It was assured by management that orders in this regard shall be issued soon. Last week also team AIGETOA followed with the officers dealing the issue and as a result, it is understood that the proposal has been processed and placed before the management committee of the board for consideration. In all likelihood, team AIGETOA shall be extending another good news with regard to extension of laptop policy for field executives.

Our update will remain incomplete, if we fail to mention our gratitude to our Honble CMD, Director HR and other board members who have been religiously and steadily fulfilling the commitments made to us in various interactions and meetings. We sincerely hope and believe that all the promises made to us shall be kept in similar fashion.

Team AIGETOA is committed to get all the issues resolved as per the commitment made in its Sankalp Patra for MV 2023. It doesn’t matter whether we are the MA or SA, we always remain committed for the executives who have extended their faith in AIGETOA.

Further details in this regard will be shared.

Update on Meeting with Management on the taking over of MTNL operations issue:

Meeting on the MTNL operations take over completed. We have categorically expressed that till the issue of Standard Pay scales, Issue of 3rd PRC along with promotion to all those who have completed their residency in their grades and issue of 30 percent superannuation benefit, is resolved, AIGETOA will not support any move of deployment of executives from outside BSNL. Management side expressed that such deployment will not have any linkage with BSNL Executives. We said question is not of linkage, but such decisions cannot be supported or discussed in isolation. There are issues related to financial implications of taking over operations, legal consideration of deployment of staff from one PSU to other PSU, what will happen to other employees of MTNL, what is the long term vision and whether there is any plans for merger or not, pros and cons of taking over MTNL operations vis-a-vis creating a fresh network at Delhi and Mumbai etc. we also emphasized that since BSNL has been denying all issues in the name of financial crunch, first BSNL should resolve those issues then think of moving in the direction of MTNL staff deployment. We also told that for taking over the operations, no financial burden should be there on BSNL and all such expenditure must be borne by government.

We further told that under the above backdrop, management must share the exhaustive proposal along with the complete roadmap, then only any discussion can take place. Till that time BSNL should not move ahead with this Proposal.

Another meeting shall be held shortly on the issue.

A detailed update shall be shared soon.

Appeal for Legal Fund to Defend Various Cases Filed by AIGETOA :

Dear Executives,

AIGETOA has consistently been championing the rights of executives on multiple fronts, including the legal arena. To uphold justice, we have filed several important cases through our representatives across various courts, including:

• EPF Higher Pension Case.

• Standard Pay Scale Case (E2-E3 at Chandigarh).

• Pay Loss Case (₹22,820 at Delhi High Court).

• JTO RR 2014 Pay Scale Degradation Case (Ernakulum).

• SAB 30% Quantum Case (High Court).

• Seniority Case for Degradation from List 9 to 12 (filed in multiple locations).

• Cases against Recruitment of Management Trainees.

• One Increment Case for LDCE 2012.

• One Increment Case for All Promotions.

• JTO to SDE Promotion.

• JE Period Pay Loss Cases.

• SDE to AGM LICE 2024 Case.

These cases are crucial for securing the rights and benefits of executives, and many are approaching final stages in various high courts. To continue our efforts, substantial funds are necessary, particularly to engage senior counsel where needed for ultimate justice.

We humbly seek both your moral and financial support to bring these matters to a just conclusion. We appeal to all executives to contribute to this noble cause with a minimum suggested amount of ₹2,000. Please make your contributions to the association’s account as per the details below:

• Account Number: 007010100808101

• Account Name: All India Graduate Engineer Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA)

• Bank: Axis Bank

• IFSC: UTIB0000039

• Branch Address: Axis Bank Limited, Ballabhgarh, Haryana, Faridabad – 121006

Every contribution will be a building block in our defence efforts and in protecting your rights. The contributions may be sent to the above account with narration “Voluntary Legal Fund Contribution”

Thank you for standing together in solidarity with AIGETOA.

Happy Diwali….!!!

Happy Diwali from AIGETOA!

May the festival of lights illuminate your life with joy, prosperity, and good health. Let’s come together to celebrate this auspicious occasion and strengthen the bonds of unity within our organization.

Wishing you a joyous and prosperous Diwali!

Happy Diwali!

Update on Resolution of SDE 2007 reversal issue:

Congratulations..!!! Finally the much awaited wait is over. BSNL has finally decided to go ahead with resolution of SDE 2007 reversal issue.

As first step, orders for reversion have been withdrawn.

The file for restoration of seniority and approval of supplementary DPC is under submission. We are trying to ensure the final promotion orders at the earliest.

Finally AIGETOA and the team of the affected persons have succeeded in its mission and we will try to ensure the final fruits in the form of promotion orders immediately.

We are refraining from uploading the order copies due to legal considerations.

BSNL Achieves the installation of 50000 4G sites:

It is understood that BSNL has achieved the installation of 50000 Indigenous 4G Sites today.

GS AIGETOA congratulated CMD BSNL and management on achieving this important milestone.


AIGETOA has consistently been highlighting the issues being faced in roll-out and Maan Network before management. Recently GS AIGETOA highlighted the major issues faced by BSNL in its 4G roll-out and the various problems associated with MAAN. As a consequence, many important instructions/strictures have been given to the vendors for corrective action.

In another major development, it is understood that the vendor of the MAAN has assured BSNL that corrective actions with respect to the issues being faced in MAAN is being taken expeditiously and it is expected that issues being faced shall be resolved in next few days. We request all the executives to keep us updated about the issues faced so that the same can be highlighted well in time before management for corrective action.

We are happy to note that management is responsive to the issues being highlighted by association and the corrective actions and necessary directions are being passed on to the concerned to resolve the issues.

We understand that with cooperation and togetherness, BSNL will achieve the target of roll-out 1 lakh 4G sites very soon.