Team AIGETOA Shimoga TD, Karnataka met Shri Manish Sinha Ji Member (Finance) on 1st Nov 2022 at Shimoga during his field visit to Sagar Block Saturation

Team AIGETOA Shimoga TD, Karnataka met Shri Manish Sinha Ji Member (Finance) on 1st Nov 2022 at Shimoga during his field visit to Sagar Block Saturation

A detailed discussion on the matter of E2-E3 was held with the Hon’ble Member (Finance). Team AIGETOA at Karnataka Circle has submitted various inputs and justifications with respect to the proposal of E2 scales for JTO/JAO/Equivalent and E3 scales for SDE/AO/Equivalent to Member (Finance) and seeks his help to settle the long matter, which is to be approved by the DOT.

Member (Finance) has listened to the AIGETOA viewpoint very carefully & assured the AIGETOA team to help in the resolution of the matter.

The Team AIGETOA was led by Shri Kunal Kumar, ACS Karnataka who is also a member of the AIGETOA Pay Scale committee.

Click here for Memorandum Submitted

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Updates of AIGETOA Meeting held with Director (HR) on 30.09.2022 and subsequent meetings in DoT and BSNL at various levels upto 07.10.2022

As per the AIGETOA Meeting held with Director (HR) on 30.09.2022 and subsequent meetings in DoT and BSNL at various levels upto 07.10.2022, following is the current status of the issues:

AGM Promotion:

The AGM Promotion has been withheld due to stay by the Kolkata CAT granted on 13.09.2022. Although the earlier stay by the Jabalpur bench on 29.08.2022 has been vacated but the new stay by Kolkata is not allowing the promotion to happen. Some direction for clearing only list-8 was obtained by few executives from Kolkata bench but this is not accepted by the management citing the previous order and reservation issue. Meeting upto CMD level happened along with Dir HR/CLO but the deadlock is continuing. The efforts are continuing to break the deadlock of promotion.

Seniority Issue:

Association has taken a firm stand to revise the SDE Seniority List 9-13 in line with the direction of the Kolkata CAT dated 13.09.2022 as per DoPT OM dated 13.08.2021. Detailed arguments happened in this regard on 30.09.2022 and subsequently also but still some adamancy is being shown by the management. The direction of the Hon’ble court is clear and association pursuance is continuing in this direction. Further, association has firmly intimated the management that MT will not be allowed and association will take all necessary steps to check it.

AO to CAO Promotion:

The matter has been discussed with the Dir HR and requested to initiate the process as 1st Jan is reaching close. Dir HR has agreed with it and direction in this regard has been given to start the preparatory exercise for AO to CAO Promotion.

SDE RR Notification and left out JTO Promotion:

The matter has been taken up by the association as well as by Dir HR with Secretary DoT and it is expected that DoT will send its clearance by this week and then SDE RR will be notified. Once the RR is notified, all efforts will be taken to release the promotion of left out 2K8 JTOs within a fortnight.

E2-E3 Scale:

The case has been taken up with Member Services and other officers and multiple meetings has been held in this regard to reopen the case at DoT. All requisite letter and documentations have been shared to the DoT and some ray of hope has been generated. Although CMD BSNL is not enthusiastic on the issue but we are using the route of the DoT for the settlement of the case. Further details can’t be shared in view of premature stage.

Pay Loss issue of 22820:

One meeting with GS, FS and AGS2 has been held with PGM Establishment in this regard on 07.10.2022 as per direction of the Dir HR. The meeting lasted for one and half hours and various important points have been deliberated with arguments/counter arguments. In the meeting some acceptance for the loss has been echoed by the PGM Estab but it is not in totality and delay factor has also been raised. It has been agreed that the association will further raise the points formally with the committee formed for the purpose. The details will be updated to the Director HR also.

MS RR Draft:

It has intimated that initial discussion has been done within the management and association may be called in 3rd week of October to initiate the discussion before framing the draft of the MS RR. This includes fast track mechanism in AGM/DGM grades.

Restructuring in view of BBNL:

Association has taken up the matter with the Dir HR/PGM Restg and it has been told that care will be taken to incorporate the points raised by the association for the review of restructuring. Some submission has already been made in the meeting which was acknowledged by Dir HR also.

SDE Reversal Issue:

Meeting of the association will be arranged with new committee formed for the purpose. In the deliberation it was told by the management to settle the case by keeping these SDEs in 2006-07 which was out rightly rejected by the association and firmly told to not change the position from 2005-06 at any cost.

GTI/DRF Implementation:

A direction has been given by the CMD/Dir HR to the PGM Estab to work out the provision to extend the insurance coverage (about 20 Lakh) to BSNL Employees by the department by paying through GSLIS Scheme. Estab Cell is working on this issue.

Hard Tenure and Soft Tenure:

Uttarakhand demand for conversion of Hard Tenure and Karnataka soft tenure has been accepted by the Dir HR and Pers Cell has been asked to work out the modalities to place the proposal in management committee.

Hard Tenure Circle Exemption for long stay:

The matter has been discussed and in principle it has been agreed that executive of hard tenure stations should be protected through some mechanism to save from the longest transfer or benefits should be extended. Pers Cell has been asked to work over it.

GATE JTO Transfer from hard tenure Circle:

It has been discussed and idea has been accepted by Dir HR but it will be further deliberated within the management before decision.

Allotment of Quarter to the association at Delhi:

The policy for quarter allotment has been withheld on account of ongoing election of the non executive, which is going to over by 14th Oct’2022. Hence it will be released after 14th and thereafter the allotment will be made.

Sabbatical Leave:

Management has agreed to start giving the Sabbatical Leave to its employees as demanded by the association and policy in this regard will be framed and notified soon.

IMPS and Online Attendance System:

The matter has been raised by the association strictly citing various issues and limitation in the field units and this will become a tool for harassment. It was reverted to us that it’s a new practice and sufficient time will be given to get acquaintance with IPMS system. All necessary supports will be provided in the field in coming six months to equip the officers to work smoothly and no vindictive action will be allowed. As far as the online attendance limitations are raised, they will be looked into and addressed.

Retention Cases of OBs:

The retention cases taken by the association for OBs transferred during JTO to SDE Promotion has been accepted and issued comprising of Punjab, Rajasthan, ALTTC and Telangana.

ONAM wishes to Team BSNL Kerala from AIGETOA CHQ

Dear Colleagues,

ONAM Wishes to you all from AIGETOA!

Onam has been always a festival that is synonymous with Joy, Prosperity, Grandeur and Flowers for every “Malayalee” settled in different parts of the globe. It is a throwback to the yesteryears of tradition we always cherish the aura & colourfulness associated with the festival.

Kerala Circle has been always something special and is consistently top performing Circle in BSNL. AIGETOA CHQ have always appreciated Kerala circle with great interest and enthusiasm in the past for these reasons and in our endeavour to tap on the rich and diverse talent that make up this circle a top performing circle. Now with AIGETOA being designated as the recognised Representative Association in BSNL, we are confident that we will be strengthening BSNL and its executives. On this occasion let me also congratulate all employees in Kerala who held the AIGETOA flag high in challenging times. Your effort will always remain unparalleled and a source of inspiration for many. 

On this occasion of Onam 2020, we at AIGETOA CHQ extend our Onam wishes to Team BSNL Kerala and their family members. May you and your family be blessed and able to fill your home with the lights and colours of happiness and joy! Let’s celebrate this occasion with a pure heart filled with love, hope & peace and observe the festival with all care & precautions in the Pandemic. Have a happy Onam!

With Best Wishes,

Md. Wasi Ahmad


GS AIGETOA writes to the Secretary, Dept of Telecommunication about extensive delay in roll out of the 4G services:

GS AIGETOA once again took up the matter of excess delay in the rollout of the 4G services, an important aspect of the BSNL Revival Package approved by the Government of India in Oct-2019. He emphasized the need of the high speed wireless internet through 4G and its fallout on the customer base and revenue of the BSNL. He appraised that how BSNL planned the roll out of 4G services through following means:

  1. Procurement of 50K 4G sites (28 million lines) with associate equipment for Pan India basis through Phase IX Tender with costing of about Rs 8000 Cr.
  2. Up gradation of existing up-gradable 2G/3G nodes to 4G by addition of minimal incremental hardware and software, being proprietary in nature through add on order.

But due to various groups working against the interest of BSNL, 4G tender for 50K lines got canceled. As the re-tendering process will take long time, BSNL can explore its second option to rollout 4G service on pan India basis through up-gradation of the existing 2G/3G network, while tendering works may also continue. He further focused for readiness and preparedness by BSNL for the 5G service in time.

Click here for letter

The Vision & Mission – A Curtain Raiser to the AIGETOA Shapath Patra – 2020 :

All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) have taken issues related to BSNL and BSNL executives with utmost vigor and diligence, as we are aware that it’s the foremost responsibility of the association. We have had enough and it’s time to move on with strong determination and not to stop until we realize our goal.

All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association, synonymous with the Pay-Pension-Promotion aspirations of BSNL recruited executives, definitely has a clear roadmap for the resolution of issues related with executives and we are committed to resolve the concerns faced by us within the fixed time frame.

We are confident that in BSNL, enough space exists for every cadre to coexist with mutual respect and can achieve their career aspirations, provided a conducive environment exists. We are aware that it is a tough challenge given the multiple facets of BSNL HR among its workforce. However, it’s the honest assurance from AIGETOA that we won’t make executives to despair for their concerns, by hijacking available opportunities for parochial considerations.

We assure that we will neither come empty-handed for next MV by swallowing our promises nor blame others to hide our mistakes if any. Now it is BSNL 2.0 and we are bound to resolve the issues in strict time frame of 6 to 12 months and will not allow the issues to linger on endlessly.

We take pride in sharing the curtain raiser to the AIGETOA Shapath Patra 2020 – An inclusive agenda containing the vision and mission of AIGETOA for Shaping a Better Tomorrow for all the executives of BSNL. Click here for AIGETOA Shapath Patra-2020

Let’s Unite for Change Let’s unite For Progress Lets Unite for Settlement of Our Long Awaited Rights of PPP.

Let’s Unite for Restoring the Pristine Glory of BSNL. A stronger AIGETOA A stronger BSNL Recruit A stronger Executive A stronger BSNL.


Dear Leaders/Members,

We are watching the malicious propaganda of Proclaimed SENA through their agents to divert the attention of public from their failure but it will not work.

Going by their absurd logic, Proclaimed SENA and their D-alal SENA can operate in Delhi only as Society Act 1860 for NCT is applicable for Delhi State only. Please refer page 3 Para 1. Click here for Para

However, it is not true as every state has adopted its own rule or 1860 as state subject where they have not prepared their own rules. The act is for regulating the society registered in the state for ensuring compliance to the stipulated norms . The act does not comment on operational boundaries of the society. It can be within the district, within the state or All India Basis. In Haryana, Societies Act 1860 has been repealed and has been replaced by Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012. Some other states have also adopted their own acts in place of Societies Act 1960.

AIGETOA is fully authorized by registrar of the firms and societies to operate on All India basis and we are accordingly working in BSNL since more than 14 years.

Hence, We once again reaffirm that AIGETOA is very much legitimate association to operate in all India basis and all documents already submitted to the department during application for MV participants. AIGETOA is one of the final eligible associations participating in the 2nd Membership Verification on 18.08.2020 as per the letter issued on 20-July, 2020 by SR Cell BSNL Corporate Office New Delhi.

Friends, these are the dirty techniques of Rival Proclaimed SENA to divert the attention of public from their 3.5 years of misrule through their agents. But the Executives have woken up to challenge the misdeeds of the ex recognized corner and elect AIGETOA as Majority Representative Association in BSNL 2.0 for the welfare of our Executives Fraternities and beloved organization BSNL both.

So, just don’t get distracted with these false propaganda and remember to support and vote AIGETOA at serial number 3.

