Dear Management, Instead of identifying non performers, try to identify performers, this will automatically boost performance.
Article written by one of our own JTO Electrical from Bihar, Shri Ayush Anand which is Co authored with noted Economist and Academician, Prof Amarendu Nandy from IIM Ranchi and is published in the leading newspaper Financial Express. This proves that there is no dearth of diamonds in BSNL and they needs to be given proper recognition. Instead of finding 2% low performers, management should come forward to recognise the performance. This will automatically boost up those who are reluctant to perform. Job of HR is to instill positivity in employees not negativity. Sooner management realises this aspect, better will be the days for BSNL.
We strongly denounce and disapprove the letter of AP circle for identifying worst performers. First job should have been to identify best performance.