Team AIGETOA Meets Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs Sh Kaushal Kishore Ji today on 25th August 2023:

Today on 25th August 2023, Team AIGETOA consisting of Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, Sh Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS AIGETOA, Sh Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS AIGETOA, Sh Yogendra Kumar, AGS AIGETOA, met Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs at his Residence cum Office at South Avenue, New Delhi. The Delegation of AIGETOA met Hon’ble Minister at a Pre-Scheduled exclusive time slot and discussed upon the issues of Residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss and Affordability clause waiver in respect of implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, extension of one time option for Pension under CCS rules for those whose recruitment process was notified by DoT before formation of BSNL. Delegation requested the Hon’ble Minister for his kind blessing on extending the much awaited relief to BSNL employees in the form of resolution of long pending issues of BSNL Executives.

The Delegation also presented a Memorandum to the Hon’ble Minister. Hon’ble Minister assured us that he shall be taking up the issues mentioned in the Memorandum with Hon’ble MoC also. He was appreciative of the efforts taken by the BSNL employees to revive the company after the extension of revival packages to BSNL.

Click Here for the Memorandum Submitted to Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs shri Kaushal Kishore Ji

Click here for the forwarding letter by Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Team AIGETOA meeting with Sh Kalyan Sagar Director HR (Designate) at Chennai on 24th Aug 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Chief Patron Sh Aftab Ahmad Khan, JS (South) Sh S Suresh along with Chairman Tamil Nadu Circle Sh T Senthil, CP CHTD Sh Jai Murugan, CS CHTD Uma Chandran met Sh Kalyan Sagar Director HR (Designate) in his office at Chennai Telephones on 24th Aug 2023. During the meeting discussion on various issues was held in length.

AIGETOA conveyed best wishes to the new Director HR and assured him full support & co-operation in all the endeavors taken in the interest of BSNL and its employees.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

AIGETOA Appeal for Support in upcoming Membership Verification to STEWA (Scheduled Tribes Employees Welfare Association of BSNL) – Letter by GS AIGETOA :

GS AIGETOA writes to Sh M Uday Kumar, General Secretary of STEWA (Scheduled Tribes Employees Welfare Association of BSNL) with request for extending the support in membership verification to AIGETOA in the best interest of Executive Fraternity and for ensuring the resolution of the issues which are still pending to be resolved.

Click here for letter of Appeal to GS STEWA

Another Giant Leap for India !! AIGETOA joins in celebrating ISRO’s stellar triumph with the Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission :

Greetings from AIGETOA – As the countdown to ISRO’s Chandrayaan-3 Live Landing on August 23, 2023, at 18.04 Hrs. IST (6:04 PM) draws closer, we extend our warmest greetings to all :

AIGETOA : Advocating Fairness and Transparency in Transfers

Dear Esteemed BSNL Executives,

Standing Against Misinformation

In recent times, certain associations have chosen to spread misinformation about AIGETOA and the longest stay transfer policy being implemented by BSNL. However, let’s set the record straight. AIGETOA firmly believes in transparency and fairness, unlike some associations that seem to be running “Transfer Shops.”

Recognizing the Positive Impact

These associations have even praised the transfer policy to the management, recognizing its positive impact. Unfortunately, their intentions appear to be driven by personal interests, as they have been offering alluring promises of retention, cancellations, and modifications to entice executives.

AIGETOA’s Proactive Approach

AIGETOA stands against such false assurances. We want to emphasize that the management’s motive behind these transfers was to address the shortage in certain circles only. Instead of taking a comprehensive approach, specific association leaders sought uniformity in transfers for all circles, even extending their influence to the courts.

Legal Compulsions leads to Mass transfers

As a result, BSNL had to commit in court to implementing the transfer policy diligently, leading to transfers from shortage circles like Karnataka, J&K, and Gujarat, including for our lady officers.

AIGETOA’s Innovative Solutions

Contrary to this, AIGETOA took a proactive stance. We provided executives under transfer with an OTP window, allowing them to choose their preferred circle. Additionally, we are working on easing the challenges faced by our lady employees, aiming to provide them with relaxation similar to Child Care Leaves and for those above 50 years.

Transparency in Action

Our commitment to transparency shines through in the transparent OTP policy, a result of AIGETOA’s dedicated efforts. We have ensured that the request transfers applied through OTP are published by BSNL and Circle offices.

AIGETOA’s Vision for the Future

What truly sets us apart is our policy-driven approach. While some association leaders may have resolved specific cases only for few, AIGETOA’s leaders have focused on demanding policy changes that benefit all. We’re advocating for displaced executives to return to their parent places within 2-3 years, along with the retention of quarters and families.

Vote for AIGETOA @3: Your Voice for Fairness

In the end, let’s remember that Transfer Posting isn’t a mere shop for profit. AIGETOA is committed to ensuring the best for all executives, safeguarding their interests, and upholding the principles of transparency and fairness. Join us in our pursuit of a brighter future for BSNL executives. Your vote for AIGETOA @3 is a vote for fairness and transparency in transfers. Together, we can make a positive impact and stand up for what’s right.

JAI BHIM SEWA of BSNL have extended support to AIGETOA and have appealed to all the SC/ST fraternity to vote for AIGETOA :

In continuation to AIGETOA inclusive approach with support and cooperation from all likeminded groups who want a strong and united voice for resolution of the long pending HR issues, another major welfare association “JAI BHIM SEWA” have also extended support to AIGETOA and have appealed to the SC/ST fraternity to vote for AIGETOA. They have expressed belief and confidence in the steps taken by AIGETOA to safe guard the constitutional provisions extended for the SC/ST community.

JAI BHIM SEWA is a major platform which have sizeable presence across various circles of BSNL and they have been also working for the welfare of SC/ST employees of BSNL. Their support to AIGETOA is basically an endorsement to the approach of AIGETOA contrary to the smearing campaign being spread by another group.

Click here for the Letter of Support from JAI BHIM SEWA

Click here for the glimpses of Joint Meeting with JAI BHIM SEWA

Click here for MoU

AIGETOA has always stood for the protection of constitutional rights and firmly reassures one and all that it will continue its endeavours for the welfare of the executive community and will always stand firmly for protection of constitutional rights extended by Government of India.

AIBSNLOBCEWA & BSNLOBCEWA (Both the OBC Associations of BSNL) Extended Support to AIGETOA & have appealed to their fraternity to Vote for AIGETOA :

Dear Friends,

As You all are aware that AIGETOA has reached to all associations like AIBSNLEA, SEWA, AITEEA, ABLE, AIBSNLOA, BBOA, BEA including the welfare associations like JAI BHIM SEWA, BSNLOBCEWA, AIBSNLOBCEWA and DEWAB. We have tried to reach to all rank and file of BSNL so as to have an inclusive approach with support and cooperation from all likeminded groups who want a strong and united voice for resolution of the long pending HR issues. We take pleasure in informing all that we have received a positive gesture from all except few. Three Major Groups have extended support to AIGETOA showing confidence in the endeavours of AIGETOA which has been taken for welfare of the Executive Fraternity.

Both the OBC associations of BSNL i.e. AIBSNLOBCEWA and BSNLOBCEWA have extended support to AIGETOA and have appealed to their fraternity to Vote for AIGETOA. The CHQ Team of Both the associations were welcomed by GS AIGETOA and CHQ Team of AIGETOA. We vowed to move together with firmness and unity to further the interests of the executives at large and also for extending support and cooperation in resolving and protecting the constitutional rights extended by Government of India to the OBC Executives.

Click here for the Letter of Support from AIBSNLOBCEWA

Click here for the glimpses of Joint Meeting with AIBSNLOBCEWA

Click here for the Letter of Support from BSNLOBCEWA

Click here for the glimpses of Joint Meeting with BSNLOBCEWA