Appeal from AIGETOA – Unified Approach on HR Issues, Advocates ‘One PSU, One Association’ Policy for BSNL:

Appeal from AIGETOA – Unified Approach on HR Issues, Advocates ‘One PSU, One Association’ Policy for BSNL:

Dear Friends,

As can be seen from recent meeting with CMD BSNL, AIGETOA has presented all major points before Hon’ble CMD BSNL and the positive vibes received from Hon’ble CMD BSNL on HR issues and also considering the fact that our Director HR is also very much compassionate and concerned about the resolution of long pending HR issues, its high time that we should resolve the issues. There may be differences as far as affiliations to associations are concerned but at the end, we should not forget that the prime objective of every association is to resolve the issues and for that matter AIGETOA doesn’t have any apprehensions in joining hands or supporting the efforts of others and the same we expect from other associations and their members also. We take this opportunity to seek support from all the executive fraternity on the above endeavours taken by AIGETOA for the welfare of the fraternity by rising above the association boundaries.

Another very important decision taken by AIGETOA in its recently concluded AGM is to implement the concept of One PSU, One Associationin line with the policies adopted by other PSUs where election is held for the office bearers post and not for electing any association. We had certain level of informal discussions with other associations also and shortly we shall be engaging into formal discussions on the issue. “One PSU, One Association” shall be in the best interest of the executive fraternity in our opinion.

We also request all the executives to come forward for the cause of BSNL in streamlining the services and increasing the connections and revenue. AIGETOA assures one and all that all the issues faced by executives in the field units shall be promptly highlighted before the management for resolution. We also assure that we will continue to stand firmly against any decision which is taken against the interest of the BSNL or its employees. Its high time to come together and reap the benefits in the larger interest of BSNL and its employees.

Message from GS AIGETOA : Empowering Executives, Shaping the Future – “A Call to Action for BSNL Executives”

Dear Friends,

Greetings for the day. First of all, on Behalf of AIGETOA, I convey my wholehearted gratitude for the faith and support which you all have extended to our beloved association AIGETOA. As you are aware that the membership change window is on and it gives all of you an opportunity to explore and introspect the relevance of your support to the respective associations to which you have extended support till date. At the same time, it gives the opportunity to the office bearers of the respective associations also to reaffirm their commitment and explain the way forward to achieve and fulfill the aspirations of the executive community.

I as the general secretary of AIGETOA, once again reaffirm the commitment to keep trying till we achieve the dreams of our fellow executives. Yes, the issues are many and the path is really tough given the ecosystem in which we are placed in where the HR issues hold the least priority for the management as well as the other associated offices. However, when the path is tough, only the tough gets going. We have been moving forward with the agenda of PPP. We have tried all the years when we were in majority and were able to resolve a few of our long pending issues. Post Membership Verification in September 2023, AIGETOA without thinking about who is MA and Who is SA have been moving forward with the same zeal, same energy and in fact a greater commitment to achieve the things. We have been able to make inroads on the very important issues of Pay, Promotions and Pension. The issues have been recognised at the highest level with the support of our umbrella organisation BMS and intervention of the Hon’ble MoC. The results are for everyone to see. First time in the history of associations, a tripartite meeting was held between DOT, BSNL and the BMS affiliated associations and Unions to discuss the pending issues of Pay, Promotions and Pensions pertaining to BSNL Executives. The subsequent development on standard pay scales which is now on record open and under discussion is the result of our hard work. We are very sure to achieve the desired results very soon on the issue of standard pay scales of E2 for JTO/JAO equivalent and replacement of E7 as the SG JAG scale instead of E6. This will go a long way in extending a long term future benefit in terms of pay for our young brothers and Sisters. This will also be a key in ending the stagnation for our seniors who have reached maximum of their scales. It was AIGETOA which provided the answer to the objections of DoT and gave a full fledged solution to end the Pay Scale Stalemate without cascading effect and the same was very well appreciated by DoT and BSNL. Similarly on the 22820 also, we have moved forward at high court and are very sure of achieving the desired results. On the issue of JE Period Pay Loss, our team at Kerala is moving at a good pace and we are very sure that we will win. The issue of E1 plus five increments is also on the priority list of AIGETOA. Our efforts which resulted in increase of mobile reimbursement (Though it needs further increase), Laptop to all executives, Revision in Perks and Allowances, all such issues have moved forward. AIGETOA is also pursuing for the Pay issues of PA/PS/Civil/Electrical and Architecture.

On the issue of Promotions, many issues have been resolved by AIGETOA but at the same time many more issues are still pending to be resolved. Our Focused approach has taken this issues quite forward and the adamant approach of management is a big show stopper but AIGETOA is committed to end that adamancy and ensure the promotions of all the eligible executives. Promotions in JTO to SDE, SDE to AGM, JAO to AO, AO to CAO, AGM to DGM, PA to PS, PS to PPS and other pending Promotions are to be executed and as General Secretary of AIGETOA, I convey my firm resolve to achieve these objectives in shortest possible time.

The management has inflicted a big disrespect to the contributions of our youngest lot of GATE JTOs who despite clearing the GATE exam and securing good percentage, are being tried to be made Junior to the candidates with Similar Qualification through SET. I on behalf of AIGETOA, put our firm opposition on record and would like to ensure one and all that come what may, this SET recruitment is not going to happen in BSNL. If management tries to demean the qualifications of our fellow brothers and Sisters across all cadres and streams, we will not hesitate in going to any extent. AIGETOA would like to firmly assure that no more fiddling with careers of executives shall be allowed.

Similarly, We would like to assure one and all that the pensionary benefits which have been kept pending all these years will have to be compensated to all the executives. We are going to achieve the objectives very soon.

And the issue of 3rd PRC, we all know how it is going to be resolved and who can waive the affordability clause. We need to achieve the issue of 3rd PRC without any further delay and AIGETOA and BMS are equipped enough to take all efforts to convince the highest echelons to extend the same.

I also take this opportunity to state that AIGETOA is the only association which has been pursuing the issues on the multimodal aspects (Legal, Organizational and with Authorities). We have pursued with Hon’ble MoC and MoSC, We have pursued with Hon’ble Ministers and MPs. We have followed at DOT, We have followed at BSNL. Added to that AIGETOA is the only association which has taken all the issues related to Pay, Pension and Promotions on the legal platform also.

Our ground work of last 9 months through various meetings with Hon’ble MoC, Hon’ble MoSC, Different Ministers, MPs and leaders and at various hierarchical levels at the administrative ministry has put the things in motion. After the tripartite meeting, because of code of conduct, further follow-ups could not be achieved but now with new government in place, our efforts will again come into full pace now. Our team has already met Hon’ble MoC Shri Jyotiraditya Sindhiya Ji and have requested a detailed meeting. We are hopeful of a meeting very soon. Our Umbrella Organization BMS has assured us of all possible actions to achieve the resolution of the issues including the path of Agitation. If through pursuance, things do not materialize, AIGETOA and BMS will not hesitate in giving the organizational action calls also. The roadmap to achieve the objectives have been discussed with our umbrella organization and the activities will be visible at full throttle from here.

Even on the individual issues like transparent implementation of Transfer Policy, corrections in tenure policy and the recent fiasco of settling the pending rule 8 cases have been taken up aggressively by AIGETOA and we will definitely resolve the same.

But as you are aware that without being together, without your support, no leader, no association can do anything. Hence your unparalleled support is the need of the hour.

We won’t say that extend your blind support. But we definitely request you all to introspect that who is working for you, who is raising your voice, who is confronting management or any authority against the adverse actions and also who is taking care of even your individual issues.

Being MA or being SA, it never mattered for AIGETOA and we kept on moving with same pace. However now when we are at this critical time when the issues of Pay, Promotions and Pension is at most critical stage, each and every executive should come forward to support the cause.

You all will have to analyse – What is good for you. The results of MV and subsequent activities of the concerned association which won the MV should and must be introspected by all. A stronger AIGETOA with your support and under the guidance of BMS is the answer to the resolution of all the pending issues of the executive fraternity.

Hence in the best interest of the executives, I on behalf of AIGETOA, make a humble appeal to all the executives of BSNL to come, Join and Strengthen the AIGETOA, the only association in BSNL which is raising the voice of executives at all levels including that of highest echelons. Your support today will shape and decide the future.

Together We Will Definitely Achieve Everything.

Join AIGETOA, Strengthen AIGETOA, Empower Yourself.

With Best Regards

Ravi Shil Verma GS AIGETOA

Team AIGETOA Meets Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs Sh Kaushal Kishore Ji today on 25th August 2023:

Today on 25th August 2023, Team AIGETOA consisting of Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, Sh Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS AIGETOA, Sh Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS AIGETOA, Sh Yogendra Kumar, AGS AIGETOA, met Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs at his Residence cum Office at South Avenue, New Delhi. The Delegation of AIGETOA met Hon’ble Minister at a Pre-Scheduled exclusive time slot and discussed upon the issues of Residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss and Affordability clause waiver in respect of implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, extension of one time option for Pension under CCS rules for those whose recruitment process was notified by DoT before formation of BSNL. Delegation requested the Hon’ble Minister for his kind blessing on extending the much awaited relief to BSNL employees in the form of resolution of long pending issues of BSNL Executives.

The Delegation also presented a Memorandum to the Hon’ble Minister. Hon’ble Minister assured us that he shall be taking up the issues mentioned in the Memorandum with Hon’ble MoC also. He was appreciative of the efforts taken by the BSNL employees to revive the company after the extension of revival packages to BSNL.

Click Here for the Memorandum Submitted to Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs shri Kaushal Kishore Ji

Click here for the forwarding letter by Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Don’t be swayed by false claims – let’s give credit where it’s truly due!

Don’t be swayed by false claims – let’s give credit where it’s truly due! 💪

Who initiated the demand for a 30% SAB for BSNL Executives? 🗣

Who stayed steadfast during the protests and actively pushed for this crucial cause? 🚀

It’s important to recognize and support those who take action and stand up for the rights of BSNL employees.

Let’s cast our vote for AIGETOA, the association that has consistently advocated for our welfare and shown a commitment to making a positive impact. 🗳


E2-E3 SAGA : Facts on Standard Pay Scales

E2-E3 SAGA : Facts on Standard Pay Scales

Did you know..? BSNL Executives Lost 3 Chances for getting E2/E3 Scale..

Chance_1 : During BSNL Formation, The Legacy Associations of BSNL & MTNL bargained under the platform of ENC (Executive Negotiating Council), MTNL got E2 Pay Scale but BSNL received only E1A.

Chance_2 : 2nd PRC Implementation Time, 2nd PRC directed standard pay scales should be adopted by all PSUs. In 2nd PRC, BSNL was classified as A+ Category, So got 30% fitment & 78.2 % DA Merger, but legacy associations accepted Category D pay scales, as to lower the pension contribution towards DoT. BSNL was earning 10000+ crores profit. So the scale implementation was much easier that time.

Chance_3 : Official reduction of E1 Scale through JTO RR-2014. The PayScale E1A was officially degraded to E1 which in turn affected the E2 prospects. This draconian measure of degradation affected entire LICE & DR JTOs from 2016 onwards. AIGETOA untiring organizational & legal efforts, BSNL management already made submissions to DoT for E2/E3 Scales.

Should we loose 4th Chance ….? Merger of MTNL as subsidiary of BSNL.

This merger with HR restructuring, We get a good chance to bargain back the E2/E3. So Choose & cast your VOTE wisely.

Vote for AIGETOA at Serial No 3 – Empowering Your Voice with BMS Affiliation !!!

Dear Esteemed BSNL Executives,

AIGETOA’s journey towards resolving financial concerns has taken a dynamic turn through our affiliation with BMS, the world’s largest trade union umbrella. This partnership has elevated our pursuit for solutions to new heights, as BMS holds the power to convey our needs to the highest levels of Government and political circles.

Strength in Unity:

With AIGETOA and BMS working in harmony, we now possess a resounding voice that resonates across corridors of power. Our affiliation has already borne fruit – within just a month, GS BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji championed the causes of Pay Scale, Pay Loss, 30% SAB, Promotions, Revision in Allowances and Perks, and the pivotal 3rd PRC for BSNL employees. He conveyed our concerns directly to the esteemed Minister Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji and ensured us of their unwavering support. A breakthrough is on the horizon – but we need your support!

Embrace the Momentum:

By voting for AIGETOA at No 3, you contribute to our momentum and journey towards a financially secure future. We’re committed to amplifying your voice, safeguarding your interests, and securing your well-deserved benefits.

Your Vote, Your Power:

Cast your vote with purpose. Choose AIGETOA at No 3 and be part of a collective force that stands for progress, fairness, and the betterment of BSNL employees.

Vote for AIGETOA at No 3 Empower Your Voice Secure Your Future

Our Journey, Our Destination……

Dear Colleagues,

We are deeply grateful to everyone who is associated with AIGETOA, including General Members, CHQ Members, Members of the National Co-ordination Committee, Circle Secretaries, District Secretaries, CEC and DEC Members, nominated CHQ members, advisers, and well-wishers. Your dedication and attention to detail is beyond the mention by words.

We appreciate your hard work and efforts during this critical membership changeover window. Your commitment has persuaded many influential members to join our cause and united the masses under our common vision.

We also want to address the claims made by other associations, bragging about their numbers and undermining the importance of experienced leaders joining our ranks. AIGETOA firmly believes that our value is not determined by numbers alone. We respect the experience, ethics, virtues, and knowledge of every individual who chooses to join us, as they add to our strength and capacity to resolve the issues.

AIGETOA’s relevance goes beyond membership count. Even with a modest membership of 1000-1200, our association had held great significance in the past. Let us remind you that AIGETOA will remain equally meaningful if the membership reaches complete 30,000 Executives also.

Let us distinguish ourselves from others who achieve so little despite claiming to represent executives, and despite claiming to have an 11,000-membership base are not willing to pursue and fight for the rights.

It is also our responsibility to acknowledge the efforts and dedication, as shown by your prompt response to our call, which are the main driving forces behind the current momentum of AIGETOA, as well as our overall movement. We urge you to keep up this enthusiasm and excitement until we reach our next milestone, the MV (Membership Verification) which will be the key to the future of Executives and resolution of issues. This momentum must be continued and all the OBs at various levels need to conduct daily campaigns, both door-to-door and desk-to-desk, emphasizing the importance of our presence at the forefront. Please motivate ordinary members to engage in positive interactions with executives from different batches, cadres, and recruitment modes. Also help them understand the depth of our commitment and collaboration with BMS, which enables us to delve into the essence of our mission.

Lastly, we want to emphasize the importance of ensuring that every executive within our organization is actively engaged and influenced by our progressive approach towards PPP (Pay, Pension & Promotion). It is crucial that none of our executives remain unaffected or disconnected from the significant strides we are making in this area. We must strive to create a unified front where all executives fully comprehend and actively participate in AIGETOA’s endeavours related to PPP.

Let us also emphasize that numbers are not paramount; rather, commitment, experience, knowledge of issues, and willingness to advocate and raise our collective voice are crucial. The departure of experienced leaders from other associations demonstrates which organization is better equipped to resolve longstanding issues.

We extend our gratitude to our existing members, leaders, and also those who joined us during this membership window. We reaffirm our commitment to meet your expectations and go the extra mile to achieve our goals.

While actual figures of membership after this changeover window will be disclosed by management, it is evident that our association has grown stronger during this window. We won’t blow our trumpet like others till we get the official figures However, the inclusion of new members and prominent leaders from other associations has definitely strengthened AIGETOA’s ability to address and resolve the long-standing HR issues.

The conduct of the other association, disregarding their own legacy and disrespecting their own senior leaders who joined AIGETOA to contribute to the cadre, speaks volumes about the capabilities and divisive intent of the other association. Their divisive campaign, based on caste, cadre, religion, method of recruitment, anti-government sentiments, and provocative tactics, is disheartening and in fact quite dangerous. AIGETOA firmly disapproves of such methods and will never engage in such things and advises all it’s members also to not to indulge into any such activities

Let us all continue our collective effort with optimism, aiming for victory in the MV and resolution of all the long pending HR issues.

Together, we have the power to achieve great things..

Together We Have.. Together only We Can

Best regards,