AGM cum Election of AIGETOA Haryana Circle on Dated 17th Dec 2020

As per provisions of constitution of AIGETOA, Circle Conference cum AGM of AIGETOA Haryana Circle is hereby notified to be held on dated 17th December 2020. Due to ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, Circle Conference will be held through online video conferencing. Agenda of Meeting:

  • Open session ,discussion and deliberations on “Issues of prominence in Post VRS era of BSNL.”
  • Report of District units of AIGETOA, Haryana.
  • Presentation of Annual accounts and annual report on working of the AIGETOA, Haryana.
  • Discussion on other matters with the permission of chair.
  • Dissolution of existing governing body and election of new governing body of AIGETOA, Haryana.

Returning Officer for conducting the election is Sh. Ram Avatar, SDE Sonipat, Haryana.

Date, Time and Venue of Election of Circle body: 17th Dec 2020 -from 02:00 PM onwards ON LINE mode.

Declaration of result: On 17th Dec 2020 (As and when election procedures completes)

Shri Ajay Kaswan and Shri Sailash Kumar will be observers from CHQ side.

Click here for the Notice

Message from Director Finance, BSNL

Dear All ,

Warm greetings to my fellow BSNL colleagues,

I must put on record that your dedication & hard work during past several months is already bearing fruits for BSNL. That our company has most satisfied customers for voice services is a testimony to the tireless efforts put in by all of you during this pandemic period.

After successful VRS and resounding success in raising bonds, BSNL has reported positive earnings before Interest Taxes and Depreciation (EBITDA) for the half year ended 30th September 2020, after a gap of more than three years. The company is under able leadership of our Chairman and our efforts have to be to strengthen his hands in all endeavors.

Having joined as Director (Finance) & CFO of the company at this juncture, I seek to outline the direction and priorities that we must collectively hold in times to come and consolidate the gains to stay relevant in the highly competitive telecom market. Our foremost goal shall be improvement in the revenues of the company from core operations as a long term measure of survival & growth. I must emphasize that sustainable revenues & generation of surplus for capital investment is far better vehicle of growth than borrowings for investment. A sustainable mix of financial resources including debt has to be our constant endeavor, in order to optimally exploit the business opportunity in the market. To this extent, our collective focus has to be on quality of services, availability of network and quick & efficient utilization of resources. Return on Investment needs to pursued religiously.

BSNL today needs to generate at least an additional amount of Rs 500-600 cores every month, in order to meet the monthly deficit of income & expenditure. As a business imperative, BSNL needs to fulfill its obligation of timely payments to its vendor partners, as well as its financiers who have helped the company to emerge out of crisis. Therefore, all of us as individual employees need to focus on how our work can translate to higher cash flows for the company. Circles need to focus on recovering old dues to maximize the cash flows. At the same time, we need to optimize various costs and liabilities. With innovation and commitment circles can improve their cash flows, and liabilities can be curtailed.

BSNL is an organization of strategic importance. Government has reposed immense faith in BSNL, entrusting it with execution of prestigious projects like Bharat Net, NFS project for defense forces, submarine cable project and several other projects of significance. Whereas these external projects have an assured return in commercial terms for BSNL, time & cost overruns result in avoidable slippages of these margins. These projects have to be completed within planned time in order to live up to the expectations & trust of the government as well as ensure commercial value to BSNL.

The trust of the government in BSNL stands reinforced by the recent decision to mandatorily use BSNL services for central government establishments. This expression of faith in your capability came close on heels of the of BSNL bond, which was oversubscribed by more than 100% within a few hours. These events should leave us with no doubt about the magnitude & depth of responsibility which stands vested in us now. BSNL is now obligated to honor several compliance deadlines as laid down by Securities & Exchange Board of India. Our working & financial reporting shall be under scrutiny by investors. The perception and image of the company now will find expression in terms of our valuation in the market, and hence we all, employees & leaders alike, need to act with a sense of great responsibility on matters financial reporting, and always be circumspect in our statements on matters of company’s affairs.

I am certain that all verticals of the company are already oriented towards bearing this responsibility of survival & growth and all of us will work with these central objectives to achieve the vision laid down by our chairman. The challenging times cash upon us equally challenging tasks and I am confident that all BSNL employees will shoulder these challenges with conviction & enthusiasm. From my side, I assure that I shall work in the above direction with my colleagues in the Board.

My sincere thanks to each one of you for your dedication to the organization.

Thank you.

Yojana Das

Director (Finance) & CFO

Cranky Crocodile Tears of Proclaimed SENA – Attempt to Derail the JTO to SDE DPC Excercise

As per the latest website update of SNEA, it is very clear that they are not only trying to confuse and make management afraid but are also trying to instigate members of AIGETOA and SEWA. We want to put on record that updates about AIGETOA as stated in their website are far from facts and are totally baseless.

As far as the stand of AIGETOA is concerned, we have requested management to complete the DPC for full AIEL-I and AIEL-II now and immediately start the preparatory exercise for covering AIEL-III. As far as reservation issues are concerned, Management has assured us that they will take care of everybody’s interest. The whole AIEL-II shall be covered and the left out unfilled vacancies from any quota, shall be filled up through supplementary DPC, if the need arises. All the promotions will be subject to review in accordance with various court directions. This is what has been updated to us and we don’t find anything wrong in this approach of management in the prevailing circumstances when a total full stop was almost put up on promotions because of the acts of the same proclaimed SENA earlier.

The intent of management in ensuring maximum promotions shall have to be understood with a positive approach instead of portraying the steps in negative directions by our sister association. A meeting at the highest level took place on 30th November, as assured to us by Hon’ble CMD BSNL. He was considerate enough to have this meeting on Holiday due to his hectic busy schedule on working days and it is learnt that conclusive actions are to take place very shortly. It will be worth mentioning that after herculean efforts both from our association as well as management, today we can visualise JTO to SDE DPC at any moment now which was pushed to back burners for almost two years due to the same misleading tactics of our sister association earlier.  Perhaps SNEA wants executives to wait for another 20 years for promotions by telling their half cooked stories on reservation. We totally denounce such derailing and misleading tactics from SNEA and updating false information about AIGETOA on their website.  Instead of trying to mislead or discourage all, they should in fact support the current DPC process which will open up the gates of promotions for all.

It seems that our sister association is in a big hurry to conclude everything by itself and trying to instigate all by writing half cooked facts. Their words on the website indicate that they don’t want full AIEL-II to be covered for promotions which in other words means they want the 2008 batch to be left out. We don’t understand why they are hell-bent on leaving the 2008 batch from the promotions. First they raised the non-contentious issues during AIEL II preparation which lead to delay in AIEL II Publishing and now when DPC is about to be convened, they again want that AIEL-II should not be covered fully. We are surprised to learn that today they are going to management and trying to install the apprehensions in management mind but they completely forgot all these concepts when promotions in JTO to SDE cadre was done in June 2018 despite adverse court directions. They forced ST quota list to be left out in June 2018 JTO to SDE promotions despite availability of sufficient number of candidates but today they are shedding crocodile tears. They are simply trying to create a divide amongst the executives and derail the ongoing exercise which has been put on track after a lot of efforts from association as well as management side. 

Now that all their gimmicks have failed, they have opted for this route to stop the DPC process but we reassure them that we will not allow them to succeed in such negative exercises.  Each and every executive including their own members are aware of what they are trying to do with these half cooked updates. In our opinion, having failed in stopping the DPC process altogether, now they are trying to stop the 2008 batch from getting promoted by raising one and other issue every now and then. Their each and every update with regard to JTO to SDE DPC is full of negativities which is sufficient proof of their ill intents to stop the process at any cost. 

However, we request executives not to get trapped in all these instigations. They are simply trying to invoke crab culture which will lead ultimately to everybody’s fall. Any sane mind can understand that the first priority should be to ensure promotion; all other issues like notional promotions/seniority and other things can be settled in due course of time. The path followed is the best and only path in current scenario. None of us want to wait for endless years for our promotions by believing on the words of our sister association. AIGETOA is fully committed to ensure that the whole AIEL II is covered for promotion orders so that the preparatory exercise for AIEL III can be started immediately to ensure promotion for the next batches. We further state that there is no cause to worry from these insinuations of our sister association as they are only intending to digress the main issue of promotion by raising non-existent fears.  We all should move ahead with positivity and we are moving ahead with positive thoughts which only can ensure the upliftment of our executive fraternity, which has been pushed 20 years backwards by the erstwhile Proclaimed Corners and these legacy era associations.

SAB Contribution upto March 2020 has been deposited:

Flash News: SAB Contribution upto March 2020 has been deposited.

With continuous persuasion of AIGETOA, the SAB contribution of another four months upto March 2020 has been deposited. Now the pending contribution remaining is of eight months (April-Nov) which is being pursued to be deposited. We are trying to get it deposited at the earliest.

Team AIGETOA meeting with Director HR and PGM (Pers) on 02.12.2020:

AIP Ravi Shil Verma and AGS Yogendra Kumar today met PGM Pers and discussed the status of the DPC progress. PGM Pers told that work on AIEL I and II is almost complete and some minor data corrections are there which will be done very soon. Now the decision is to be taken at higher level with respect to the convening the DPC and issuance of promotion orders. Accordingly we met Director HR and requested for issuance of necessary instructions. We apprised Director HR about the prevailing unrest in all cadres as the final outcome of HR issues settlement are not coming and wait is getting endless. We once again requested him for consideration of all HR issues in an amicable environment in the best interest of employees as well as the organisation. Director HR assured us that work is in progress and results will be visible soon. There are certain teething problems and the same is being looked onto. We Sincerely hope that at least now results be visible as assured by Director HR.

However, as informed earlier association has decided to move ahead with organisation action program, though initially we will start with symbolic activities. In the mean while AGM is already notified to be held on 12th and 13th December 2020 and further course of action shall be decided in the AGM.

Notification of Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA to be held on 12-13th December, 2020:

The Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA CHQ is notified to held on 12-13th December, 2020 as per the provisions of the constitution. The annual general meet of the association will be conducted through online mode due to the prevailing Pandemic of Covid-19 in the country. All Collegium Members are requested to attend the meeting, whose credentials for online joining will be shared in due course of time.

Click here for the Notice of AGM