Renewal of GTI – Direction to call for option

BSNL CO issued direction to call for the option for renewal of GTI:

BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued direction to call for the option for renewal of GTI from BSNL Executives. For a sum assured of Rs 50 Lakh, the renewal EMI will be Rs 9440/- for those executives who born on and after 15.09.1970 and the renewal EMI will be Rs 45430/- for those executives who born before 15.09.1970. The annual premium will be deducted from the salary of the month of the February-2020. Although association has always advocated that the GTI amount should be paid by employer but till it is not achieved, association appeals all executives to go through the details minutely and take a conscious decision.

Click here for the GTI letter

AIGETOA Calendar 2021 – Inauguration by CMD BSNL on 1st Jan 2021:

AIGETOA Calendar-2021 formally inaugurated on 1st Jan-2021 by CMD BSNL:

AIGETOA CHQ Calendar-2021 was inaugurated at Corporate Office New Delhi by the Hon’ble CMD BSNL and Board of Directors in a small function attended by Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS, Shri Rajeev Kumar Meena CS/Delhi, Shri Subrat Kumar Mohakud CFS/Delhi and Shri Vishal Gautam ACS/NTR on 1st January, 2021. The AIGETOA Team met CMD BSNL, Board of Directors and other senior functionaries at Corporate Office and exchanged pleasantry and extended greetings on the occasion of New Year and shared the views for well being of the BSNL and its Executives and employees.

Click here for the Snaps

In another function at Patna CGM BSNL Bihar Shri G. C. Shrivastava and Shri Wasi Ahmad General Secretary AIGETOA jointly inaugurated the AIGETOA Calender-2021 in the presence of Shri Mukesh Kumar CP, Shri Kumar Amit CS, Shri Prashant Gaurav CFS, CEC Members and large gathering of our OBs and Members. The General Secretary exchanged pleasantry and new year greetings and discussed about BSNL performance in the outgoing year and new challenges ahead with CGM/Bihar and thereafter met other senior officers and all our OBs and Members on the occasion. In another event, Shri Surinder Razak CS SEWA and his Bihar Team welcomed the General Secretary, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS AIGETOA with a flower bouquet and greeted him on the New Year.

Click here for the snaps

On the occasion of New Year, all Circle Teams of AIGETOA met to their respective CGMs and other senior functionaries in their Circle and exchanged pleasantry and discuss the issues of BSNL and Executives. Many of the Circles also got the Calendar and diaries inaugurated on the occasion to distribute among the members. 

Click here for the Snaps

GS AIGETOA writes to the Hon’ble MoC for inclusion of BSNL fraternity as prioritized vaccine beneficiaries in initial phase:

GS AIGETOA writes to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication Govt of India, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji for inclusion of BSNL fraternity in prioritized vaccine beneficiaries in initial phase, like other health or defense warriors, considering the contribution made by the BSNL warriors in the fight against Covid-19 and their sacrifice during course of their standing with the Nation and its People in one of the most difficult time.

He recalled that in the course of discharging responsibilities of a Telecom Warrior, high percentage of BSNL staffs and officers got infected with Covid-19 and many of them succumbed to the disease and attained supreme sacrifice. Now it is being reported that that the Covid-19 vaccine is getting ready and the government is in the process of prioritizing targeted vaccine beneficiaries. It has come to our knowledge from various media reports that recently NEGVAC (National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration) panel has recommended to the government that population groups comprising of healthcare providers & workers, personnel from state & central police, armed forces, home guards, civil defense & disaster management volunteers, municipal workers and persons above 50 yrs etc be identified as prioritized vaccine beneficiaries in initial phase. However, there is no clarity that BSNL workforce will also be identified as front line workers and made priority target population for the upcoming vaccination in first phase. It is being felt that the risks and sacrifices made by BSNL fraternity during the testing times of Covid-19 are getting unnoticed by the panel suggesting for prioritized target as initial vaccine beneficiaries. So, the General Secretary taken up the matter with the Hon’ble Minister and Department of telecom as well as Health & Family Welfare for inclusion of the BSNL Officials also in the first phase for the vaccination.

Click here for letter

Update on Restructuring

In all the meetings, AIGETOA Team has been pressing hard with management that the huge reduction in posts is simply uncalled for as none of the outsourcing activities has resulted into any reduction in roles and responsibilities of executives as the activities which are being outsourced pertain mostly to non executive work.

Finally we have succeeded in convincing management on this important aspect and it is learnt that the directions have been issued that restructuring exercise should consider this aspect also. Accordingly, it is further learnt that the number of posts in various cadres are being reworked. We sincerely hope that good sense will prevail and it will be ensured that the career prospects of various executives do not suffer. AIGETOA team will continue to monitor this exercise and is committed to ensure that promotional aspects of none of the executive are affected adversely.

Wishing all a very Happy New Year 2021.



Dear colleagues,

First of all, we would like to wish you and your family a very warm, happy, healthy prosperous and safe new year 2021. We have just completed one of the toughest calendar year 2020 with a completely different aspect of life in last nine months. The challenges were not only about changed living conditions and new normal but safety of human being across the world due to pandemic of covid-19 but it was also about growth and viability of our beloved organisation, BSNL. AIGETOA pursued, struggled and reached out to every platform for a government backed revival package for BSNL to safeguard it from its dwindling future, which is at its lowest due to policy decision and predatory pricing in Telecom Sector.  Fortunately, Government introduced BSNL Revival Package to get it implemented in 2020 and it became a hope to all employees that the organisation will again be a safe, secure and flourished company in future through various arms of the program. But unfortunately, except VRS and Sovereign Guaranteed Bond of Rs 8500 Cr, no other arms could get much headway and specially much hyped 4G couldn’t be roll out in 2020 in spite of all efforts by the CMD and BSNL Board of Directors, which seriously inflicted damage to the financial health of BSNL. The tender for procurement of equipment for 50K 4G sites was canceled on the direction of the DoT and altogether a new concept of home grown core taken the centre stage in 2020, giving serious blow to early and industry standard roll out of the premium wireless data service by BSNL in near future. After a series of meetings between the BSNL management and various functionaries of the government, the PoC roll of 4G is being contemplated with indigenous equipment, raising serious question mark about the future growth in revenue and expansion in one of the core business of wireless segment by BSNL. But we will have to fight in this situation for early rollout of the 4G Service or Government should suitably compensate the company and its employees by extending the related benefits including implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, full 30% SAB for BSNL Recruited Employees and standard pay scale of E2 and E3 for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent grade irrespective of the financial health of the organisation.

As far as the association is concerned, it was a year of growth and accomplishment for the platform of AIGETOA (All India Gradate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association), which rises to its tremendous glory with the blessing of all executives by securing first position in recently concluded 2nd Membership Verification of Executives Association leaving behind legacy associations SNEA and AIBSNLEA.  The AIGETOA became Majority Recognised Representative Association of Executives of BSNL in its first ever election contested in BSNL and we will use this opportunity for the welfare of the executives honestly. We once again extend our deep gratitude to all executives for showing faith and believe in the platform, which we will nurture forever and use for the betterment and inclusive growth of executive fraternity always.

On the other side, Year 2020 was another year of setback, frustration and depression to executive’s fraternity due to non-settlement of their long pending issues of Pay, Promotion, Pension and Prosperity. BSNL Management has completely failed to rise to the occasion to address the issues of executive with same zeal as these employees taken the additional responsibility in field after VRS and didn’t allowed the things to slipped away from the hand even after reduction of 78K employees from the organisation through VRS, Severe financial & resource constraints and spread of pandemic of Covid-19. These warriors fought with full dedication and motivation without caring for their life and family and in the process many of them attained supreme sacrifice. AIGETOA salute our warriors and assure that their sacrifice will not go waste and we will ensure justice to each and every executives and employees of BSNL.

We look forward for a hard battle ahead in 2021 both for the cadre as well as the organisation. The promotions were missed in preceding year have to be attained in all grades and streams in a time frame manner, starting with issuance of the JTO to SDE Promotion without further delay. The pay losses faced by executives have to be compensated and the superannuation benefits have to attain 30% as recommended in 2nd PRC. The association will have to fight for implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, Health Insurance for all executives in BSNL and other issues of the executives in the year 2021. These are tight targets but very significant for our cadre survival and motivation of the executives to give their best for our beloved organisation BSNL. We are behaving responsibly and extending all cooperation to the management in the larger interest of BSNL but now our patience is also running out due to failure of every timeline. If the management didn’t come up with decisions and orders, the association will not shy away to stretch its other arms for accomplishment of vital issues of the executives. Hence we have to gear up for challenges ahead and so we call our members and executive fraternities to start gearing up for the larger battle ahead. We also request one and all that let us take pledge on this New Year to extend hands of cooperation instead of digging the path of others. We can sail through even in this tough time with togetherness and so have faith and support in each other.

At the end we once again wish a wonderful, happy, healthy, prosperous and safe New Year 2021 to all of you with your loved ones. Happy New Year 2021.