AIGETOA Meeting with Restructuring Team on 15.02.2021:

The Recognised Representative Association of BSNL Executives i.e. AIGETOA was invited by the BSNL management for the formal discussion with Restructuring Committee on 15.02.2021 to present executive side view on the ongoing restructuring process including cadre strength reassessment. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of respected Director (HR), Shri Arvind Vadnerkar ji, where other members of the restructuring committee comprising of Shri R K Goyal PGM(Pers), Shri Saurav Tyagi Sr GM(Estt), Shri A M Gupta Sr GM(SR), Smt Samitha Luthra GM(Rectt), Shri Rajeev Kumar GM (Finance) and Shri Manish Kumar GM (Restructuring) represented the management side and the association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma – All India President, Shri Wasi Ahmad – General Secretary, Shri Badri Mehta – Vice President and Shri Sunil Gautam – Asst General Secretary.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours where AIGETOA presented the implications of BSNL’s proposal on the career aspects of the executives and consequent stagnation associated with the proposed man power plan by BSNL. AIGETOA also presented it’s detailed presentation and model for the upcoming cadre Restructuring along with the positive implications of the proposed hierarchy by association. We categorically mentioned to management that any reduction in posts beyond stipulated norms can not be accepted. In the discussion, AIGETOA Team highlighted the apprehensions in the mind of executives due to VRS and suggested solution to fade the resentment so that motivation can be achieved at each level in executive cadre for mutual benefit of employee as well as the organisation. The association categorically put on record that long term stagnation of any grade will be harmful to the growth of the organisation and executives should now atleast be given proper opportunity to excel in their careers. We once again highlighted our firm opposition with respect to MT recruitment and emphasized that two levels of entry in organisation is not acceptable to us. We also presented the model of Internal fast track promotion policy as per the stand of the association .

The whole discussion was held in an amicable atmosphere with a positive thought process and a clear intent to come at a best possible solution without any dent to the caterer aspects of executives. It was heartening to note that our concerns were appreciated by the members from management side including Director HR. However, we have clearly highlighted our stand with respect to the restructuring process and career aspects of executives across various streams and cadres.

The meeting was positive and submissions were well taken by the Director HR and Committee Members. It was agreed that management will work over the proposals submitted by the association and the more deliberations shall be held if required.

Thereafter two more meeting of Restructuring Committee has been held in two days and we hope that target assigned by CMD BSNL with respect to restructuring process as per assurance given to us in the meeting is achieved. Once there is clarity in numbers of posts, promotion process in other cadres and streams (Except JTO to SDE DPC which is already in process and shall be notified once the judgement of Honble CAT Jabalpur is received) shall be initiated. We once again reiterate that though there is improvement vis-a-vis initial proposal by Deloitte but still we have miles to go to achieve our objective and we sincerely hope that management will definitely consider our submissions with respect to the proposed career prospects of executives to avoid resentment and unrest amongst executives.

Meeting with CMD BSNL on 10th Feb 2021:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP and Shri Vivek Kumar OS met with Shri P. K. Purwar ji, CMD BSNL in his chamber and discussed various issues pertaining to Restructuring, Stagnation in Promotion, Salary disbursement, 4G Service rollout, Cluster Penalty Issues, FTTH MSO/TIPs issues along with its slow penetration and its speed issue especially east zone, Standard Pay Scale reminder from BSNL to DoT etc. The meeting lasted for more than an hour and exhaustive deliberation held on all aspects with the hon’ble CMD BSNL, who gave a patient hearing to all the points raised by the association and acknowledged them in right perspective and explained his position also as well agreed on many proposals put forward by the association.

We apprised our concern over inordinate delay in the ongoing restructuring exercise and emphasized that it is resulting in stalling of various other activities on this pretext. We further raised the points of cadre restructuring where many sections are giving varying information w.r.t. to proposed strength in various grades under different stream. We explicitly told that any reduction of sanctioned strength in promotional posts affecting the career progression of the executives will not be accepted by the association. Detailed deliberations were made on various aspects and future career growths including incorporation of Fast Track Mode in Promotions for the meritorious executives. It was also highlighted that now its high time that proposed cadre restructuring should immediately be discussed and deliberated with the Recognized Representative Association to take viewpoint of executive’s side by the concerned authorities else the whole exercise will be a futile one. CMD BSNL acknowledged our concern and explained that being an important activity, it has taken some time and he expects proposal to be ready by 2nd week of March 2021. He further assured that nothing will be finalized without discussion with recognized representative association. He said that formal discussion will be done with the association in this regard. He also categorically told that management is not averse to the career growth of our employees and he will ensure that a fine balance is kept between career aspiration of our people and the need of the organization. He also told that how he has already given clearance to go ahead with the SDE Promotion immediately after our discussions on 9th Dec 2020 but unfortunately the matter got stuck up at Hon’ble CAT Jabalpur. He assured that other promotions will also be executed, once they arrive at a figure without linking it with approval of restructuring plan. He said that while its duty of management to ensure the necessary career progression but at the same time employees should also not try to put unnecessary blockage and should apply prudence in thought process.

We also highlighted the need for introduction of fast-track promotion channel in all grades (at least till DGM) for certain number of posts to encourage our young meritorious executives for pushing them up in their career with sufficient age profile on their side which will also give a solution for the management succession plan. He was kind enough to agree with the proposal and in fact supported strongly and assured to bring some policy in that direction in next 3-4 months.

We raised matter of timely disbursement of Salary to the employees, which is their basic right as well as requirement to run the household in which they are facing acute hardship. The CMD BSNL said that he understands the pain of the employees but explained that he is finding himself helpless in meeting the deadline to disburse the salary on last working day due to non-improvement in cash flow and mandatory payment of EPF/GPF/GST/TDS and requirement of the system i.e. Electricity Bill/HSD/Cont. Payment in first fortnight of the month. We said that it is the duty of the management to priorities the payment and some way must be chalked out to find a solution for disbursement of salary on the last working day of the month. We said continued delay on salary is giving rise to huge unrest and finally association will have to take a call on conclusive actions in this regard.

We also discussed about inordinate delay in 4G rollout and the association explained its deliberation held with the DoT officials and demanded that if the new procurement is getting stuck up in the policy matter with the government then at least the service can be rollout through up-gradation of existing network especially in south and west zone, which we are saying right from the beginning of BSNL Revival Program. CMD BSNL informed that now clarity has been received on this aspect from higher side and so the department is moving in that direction and some headway has been achieved. But once again it was emphasized by him that early, stable and pan India 4G rolling out with Indian core is highly unlikely due to non-availability of the equipment as on date in the market and its future development and behavior. Although the queries raised in the pre-bid meeting is being evaluated and the same will be submitted to the DoT in current month itself for a final decision. 

A detailed discussion held about slow acquisition of FTTH customers due to several bottlenecks e.g. Speed Issue, Fluctuation in backbone network, Capacity constraints, Higher Initial cost charged by MSO/TIPs to customer vis-à-vis other TSPs, No control on MSO/TIPs etc. The penalty clause limiting to only 15% and issues associated with it also discussed and the association made suggestions on various points. CMD BSNL acknowledged all suggestions and highlighted the efforts are being made the BSNL Board but at the same time assured to look into the proposal suggested by the association for implementation. With regard to the consistent breakage in the backbone Network specially between Chennai and Kolkata, a thorough discussion happened and CMD BSNL assured that corrective action shall be taken immediately.

Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL Board on 10th Feb 2021:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS and Shri Vivek Kumar OS met with Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) BSNL Board in his chamber, which was attended by the PGM (Pers) and Sr GM(SR) BSNL CO New Delhi also.

JTO to SDE Promotion issue was taken up with the Director HR and reminded about inordinate delay in issuing of the order. On this the Director HR agreed with it and accepted that the order couldn’t be issued as promised due to the court direction but said that management is determined to overcome the setback and issue the order. PGM Pers informed that all preparatory works are ready and once a relief obtained from the Hon’ble Court, management will not take time to issue the order. We requested for moving application for intervention for early pronouncement of the judgment, which was agreed, and suitable direction was issued to MP Circle in the meeting itself. We also requested for notification of the LDCE simultaneously for expediting the long awaited process. It was apprised to us that the preparatory process for LDCE is in advance stage and formal approval for notification will be processed without any further delay.

Then restructuring discussion was started and it was explicitly told that it will be a futile exercise if the views of the staff side is not taken through recognized association for protecting their promotional avenues. During discussion, we were apprised about the current proposed figure for various grades. It is understood that though the figures have considerably improved from the initial proposal and many of the suggestions given by AIGETOA with respect to new structure has been accepted but still the same is not in line with our satisfaction level.  We said now its high time that formal deliberations with AIGETOA be initiated to present the staff side viewpoints. The Director HR agreed to the proposal and invited us to give representation on restructuring to accommodate aspiration of executives. Accordingly, the AIGETOA will be giving its presentation in the coming week.

The SDE to AGM and AO to CAO promotion was thereafter taken up with the Director HR and it was requested to start the preparatory works for these promotions. The Director HR sought some more time to go ahead on the process and assured to take up in the month of the March after getting some clarity on restructuring. The discussion with respect to settlement of reservation issue also needs to be intiated immediately.

On the reversal issue, it was assured that the issue will be resolved in the direction as agreed earlier. The PGM Pers has been asked to reinitiate the process once again for settlement. The list-9 finalization and circulation of provisional list 10 for VY 2007-08 was also discussed. PGM Pers informed he will move towards finalization of the list in the next month and the association will definitely be consulted before arriving on any decision. We however emphasized that there is no scope of any deviation with respect to already agreed line by BSNL and AIGETOA shall be furnishing all documents/evidences in support of the VY wise seniority in the cadre. The only thing which needs to be amended in the list in incorporation of Rota along with Quota.

We also drew the attention of the Director HR on non-formation of the committee on pay loss issues of 22820/-, E1+5 and DR JTO from TTA despite AIGETOA giving its detailed submissions as per the decision taken in Agenda meeting held in September. He assured to look into it as submitted by the association. We shall be strongly pursuing on this issue.

Team AIGETOA also highlighted that action with respect to clarification on the discriminatory clause for GATE JTOs and Bond related issues has yet not been initiated by Establishment Cell and the same needs to be initiated immediately. Further online mechanism for capturing request transfer cases has also not been started yet.  It was told that action on these issues shall be initiated immediately.

Finally we requested Director HR to convene second agenda meeting in continuity of the first agenda meeting held on 15.09.2020 with the recognized association to assess the progress on the agenda items submitted by the association. He asked the Sr. GM (SR) to convene the meeting in last week of Feb, 2021 with para wise update on all issues discussed in the first meeting.

SAB Account Update

Team AIGETOA CHQ continuously monitor the SAB contribution and it’s timely deposit with various authorities in the management and LIC for updation. Now the last contribution made in Dec-2020 by the BSNL has been updated in the SAB account. All BSNL recruited employees are requested to go though the portal and verify their SAB account updated contribution.

Click here for the link for SAB details

GTI : Group Term Insurance

BSNL has achieved a very economical, secure and assured term plan agreement for all its employees in terms of GTI with India’s most trusted brand LIC. Earlier GTI was only for Executives but this year the GTI facility has been extended to all non executives also.

Due to various stresses at work places and home/family and due to various accidental circumstances in daily life many of our employees (either executives or non executives) have lost their life in recent past. One can see how difficult is to run the family after the demise of only earning member of the family.All dreams of children’s better future spoiled once such causality happen in once family.

Associations and Unions with the help of BSNL management have come forward for providing the security to our employee families after their sad demise in terms of providing best ever insurance plan to all employees of BSNL.

GTI details are as below:

For Non-ExecutivesPremium (in Rs)Premium (in Rs)
Employees age Less than 50 years (born after 15.09.1970)20 lakh3776
Employees age above than 50 years (born before 15.09.1970)20 lakh18172

For ExecutivesPremium (in Rs)Premium (in Rs)
Employees age Less than 50 years (born after 15.09.1970)50 lakh9440
Employees age above than 50 years (born before 15.09.1970)50 lakh45430

We Request all employees to opt for this GTI scheme for the best security of our family.

We also request all our office bearers to arrange to talk to each and every employee in their office/section/building etc. specially the non executives to explain them the benefit and necessity of this GTI for them.

LAST DATE to opt for this GTI through ERP/ESS portal is 15.02.2021 (15th February)

(Premium amount will be deducted from salary of February 2021 month and will be deposited to LIC immediately to start the policy from 01, March, 2021)