Since completion of e-APARs is important HR activity, Hence it is requested by BSNL CO to all the Circles to complete the whole activities latest by 15th March 2021.
4th Circle Conference of Bihar Circle was conducted successfully as per the constitution of AIGETOA on 24th February 2021 at Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Sanchar Sadan, Budh Marg, Patna & members outside Patna attended the function through online Video conferencing mode.
The Chief Guest of the function was CGMT Bihar Circle and guests of honour were Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS and Shri S. Rajhans PGM PTD Patna. All senior officers of Bihar Circle, ETR, ETP and Mobile wing attended the program at Conference Hall Patna. Shri Dinesh Roy OS(East) participated the event and acted as Observer in behalf of AIGETOA CHQ.
Following Circle Body elected for next three years tenure for AIGETOA Bihar.
Name of Post | Name of Office Bearer |
Circle President | Shri Neelmani Rangesh |
Circle Secretary | Shri Mukesh Kumar |
Circle Vice-President | Shri Amit Kumar |
Circle Vice-President | Shri Musharaf Husain |
Circle Finance Secretary | Shri Prashant Gaurav |
Assistant Circle Secretary-1 | Shri Prakash Shankar |
Assistant Circle Secretary-2 | Shri Shailendra Prasad |
Assistant Circle Secretary-3 | Shri Pramod kumar |
Assistant Circle Secretary-4 | Shri Niraj Kumar |
Assistant Circle Secretary-5 | Shri Anil Kumar Singh |
Assistant Circle Secretary-6 | Shri Devesh Kumar Singh |

AIGETOA CHQ congratulate the newly elected Circle Governing body of AIGETOA Bihar Circle and wish all the best for successful circle tenure.
Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSES.
BSNL CO issued the list of online options received on ERP/ESS portal for annual renewal w.e.f 01.03.2021 for Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives and Non-executives.
4th Circle Conference cum Annual General Meet-2021 will be held on 24.02.2021. The conference is being held in offline mode first time after Caron Pandemic spread in the country. The conference will be graced by the Hon’ble CGMT Bihar and General Secretary AIGETOA CHQ through their valuable presence and AIP Shri Ravi Shil Verma through online mode along with senior officers of the Circle at Patna. An open session will be held in the forenoon session and election process for the new Circle Governing Body will be carried out in the afternoon session. The outside Patna delegates will attend the meeting through online mode. The scheduled of Circle Conference is as below:
Date & Time: 24.02.2021 at 10:30 Hours
Venue: Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Sanchar Sadan, Budh Marg, Patna
Waiving off installation charges for LL/DSL/Bharat Fibre/BBoWiFi/Bharat AirFibre (Voice/Broadband) connections in all the circles on promotional basis up to 31-03-2021.
AIGETOA writes for approval of long awaited matters represented by BSNL for CAPEX and OPEX subsidies in 25000 rural Wi-Fi Hotspot Project.
GS AIGETOA writes to Director (HR) regarding inordinate delay in issuing the seniority list for Vacancy year 2007-08 onwards of SDE (T) Grade and finalization of provisional list-9 for VY 2006-07.
Preparation of All India Eligibility List No.03 of JTO (T) & furnishing the details.
The Recognised Representative Association of BSNL Executives i.e. AIGETOA was invited by the BSNL management for the formal discussion with Restructuring Committee on 15.02.2021 to present executive side view on the ongoing restructuring process including cadre strength reassessment. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of respected Director (HR), Shri Arvind Vadnerkar ji, where other members of the restructuring committee comprising of Shri R K Goyal PGM(Pers), Shri Saurav Tyagi Sr GM(Estt), Shri A M Gupta Sr GM(SR), Smt Samitha Luthra GM(Rectt), Shri Rajeev Kumar GM (Finance) and Shri Manish Kumar GM (Restructuring) represented the management side and the association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma – All India President, Shri Wasi Ahmad – General Secretary, Shri Badri Mehta – Vice President and Shri Sunil Gautam – Asst General Secretary.
The meeting lasted for more than two hours where AIGETOA presented the implications of BSNL’s proposal on the career aspects of the executives and consequent stagnation associated with the proposed man power plan by BSNL. AIGETOA also presented it’s detailed presentation and model for the upcoming cadre Restructuring along with the positive implications of the proposed hierarchy by association. We categorically mentioned to management that any reduction in posts beyond stipulated norms can not be accepted. In the discussion, AIGETOA Team highlighted the apprehensions in the mind of executives due to VRS and suggested solution to fade the resentment so that motivation can be achieved at each level in executive cadre for mutual benefit of employee as well as the organisation. The association categorically put on record that long term stagnation of any grade will be harmful to the growth of the organisation and executives should now atleast be given proper opportunity to excel in their careers. We once again highlighted our firm opposition with respect to MT recruitment and emphasized that two levels of entry in organisation is not acceptable to us. We also presented the model of Internal fast track promotion policy as per the stand of the association .
The whole discussion was held in an amicable atmosphere with a positive thought process and a clear intent to come at a best possible solution without any dent to the caterer aspects of executives. It was heartening to note that our concerns were appreciated by the members from management side including Director HR. However, we have clearly highlighted our stand with respect to the restructuring process and career aspects of executives across various streams and cadres.
The meeting was positive and submissions were well taken by the Director HR and Committee Members. It was agreed that management will work over the proposals submitted by the association and the more deliberations shall be held if required.
Thereafter two more meeting of Restructuring Committee has been held in two days and we hope that target assigned by CMD BSNL with respect to restructuring process as per assurance given to us in the meeting is achieved. Once there is clarity in numbers of posts, promotion process in other cadres and streams (Except JTO to SDE DPC which is already in process and shall be notified once the judgement of Honble CAT Jabalpur is received) shall be initiated. We once again reiterate that though there is improvement vis-a-vis initial proposal by Deloitte but still we have miles to go to achieve our objective and we sincerely hope that management will definitely consider our submissions with respect to the proposed career prospects of executives to avoid resentment and unrest amongst executives.