Prevailing Anomalies in BSNL Sports Boards – GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL :

Prevailing Anomalies in BSNL Sports Boards – GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL regarding urgent intervention required in disbursing Kit allowances and refreshment allowances to various Sports Players participating in various tournaments.

Click here for letter

Despite the revival of sports events, in BSNL, there is an alarming anomaly in the disbursement of Kit Allowances and Refreshment Allowances to players representing the BSNL in Sports events. We believe that timely and fair distribution of these allowances is essential to motivate and support our dedicated players who represent BSNL in various sports competitions.

Unjustifiable delay in the promotion process over the past six months, in CSS Cadre (DM to AGM Regular & AGM to DGM Regular) – GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for expedited Promotion Process and Timely Promotion in CSS Cadre (DM to AGM Regular & AGM to DGM Regular).

Click here for letter

It is our understanding that regular vacancies have existed in the CSS cadre for promotions from DM to AGM Regular & AGM to DGM, Regular and eligible employees have been eagerly awaiting their promotions in accordance with the established rules and regulations. However, the inexplicable delay in these promotions is causing anxiety and uncertainty among deserving officers.

Reservation in Promotion to Persons with bench mark disabilities (PwBDs) – Relaxation of Standard of Suitability :

BSNL CO issued reservation in promotion to persons with bench mark disabilities (PwBDs).

Click here for letter

The matter regarding relaxation in benchmark in seniority based promotions to PwBD employees in BSNL has been considered in consultation with O/o CLO(SCT), BSNL CO and Establishment Branch, BSNL CO and it has been decided that the relaxation in benchmark in APAR gradings of PwBD employees will be same as applicable to SC/ST employees. This provision will be followed for PwBD employees upto AGM and equivalent level of all Streams including non-executive cadres in BSNL irrespective of whether they belong to Unreserved/SC/ ST/ OBC category so as to maintain uniformity in providing relaxation to PwBD employees across different cadres/grades in BSNL, till further orders.

The relaxed standard shall be applicable for all the PwBD employees in BSNL for post based promotions upto AGM level of all Streams including non-executive cadres.

Notional Promotions of the AGMs whose DPC was done in 2018 issued:

Congratulations !! As a first step, notional Promotions of those AGMs whose DPC was done in 2018 have been issued.

This case has been exclusively taken by our Association. We have brought into the knowledge of the BSNL management by writing the necessary correspondence and pursuing the matter at the highest level i.e. CMD & DIR HR. This was one of the pending roadblocks for finalization of seniority of the AGMs promoted in 2018 for consideration of them for DGM Promotions and utilization of these vacancies for promotion in SDE to AGM grade and JTO to SDE grade.

We extend our thanks to CMD, director HR & PGM Pers for issuing these promotions as per their words in the last meetings. Now we look for further promotions across various grades as per the discussions and methodology suggested by AIGETOA.

Click here for Order Issued

Click here for the GS Letter dated 25.09.2023 Letter on Promotions of all eligible

AIGETOA always believes in the policy for all the BSNL executives. The list consist of 41 officers and they have been given Notional promotion from 2018.

This was the first step towards achieving the goal towards consideration of AGMs promoted in 2018 for promotion to DGM (Adhoc/Regular) and counting of these vacancies towards SDE to AGM Promotions and subsequently to JTO to SDE Promotions. For details refer to the AIGETOA letter dated 25th September 2023.

AIGETOA endeavours to promotion of all eligible will continue till we achieve the objective.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti

As we commemorate the auspicious occasion of GandhiJayanti, it’s imperative that we reflect upon the profound teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and endeavor to incorporate them into the fabric of our daily existence. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the values he stood for and the transformative power of non-violence, truth, and simplicity.

Let us take a solemn pledge to work diligently towards creating a world that resonates with Gandhi Ji’s vision—a world that is cleaner, greener, and more peaceful. In today’s fast-paced world, these ideals become even more relevant as we face environmental challenges and global conflicts.

Furthermore, it is heartening to see strides being made in self-reliant telecommunication product manufacturing in India. This initiative not only aligns with Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of self-sufficiency but also contributes significantly to our nation’s technological advancement and economic growth.

As members of AIGETOA, let us draw inspiration from Gandhi Jayanti to continue our journey towards a brighter future, one where our actions echo the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, fostering harmony, sustainability, and innovation.

Warmest Wishes on 24th BSNL Foundation Day

On this momentous occasion, AIGETOA extends its heartfelt wishes to the dedicated and visionary workforce of BSNL, as we celebrate the 24th Foundation Day of our beloved organization.

BSNL, the pride of our nation and the largest telecom service provider, has been the driving force behind connecting every corner of India. We take immense pride in the relentless efforts of our fellow employees and the unwavering support of our loyal customers.

As AIGETOA, we wholeheartedly extend our best wishes to BSNL and its exceptional employees, hoping for continued success in their mission to build a digital India. We also commend their noteworthy initiatives in indigenous 4G, 5G, and telecommunication product manufacturing.

This initiative is a significant stride towards achieving self-reliance in the telecommunications sector. It promises to create employment opportunities, stimulate our economy, and reduce our dependence on foreign imports.

Our confidence in BSNL’s ability to excel in this vital mission and continue leading the development of India’s telecommunications sector is unwavering.

As we embark on this new chapter, let us collectively drive innovation, connectivity, and empowerment for India.

Warmest wishes on your 24th Foundation Day, BSNL!

Updates on meeting with Director HR on 29.09.2023 :

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh met Director HR Shri Arvind Vadenrkar Ji and presented a flower bouquet to him. As today was the last working day of the month, we extended him our good wishes for a healthy and prosperous life post superannuation. A brief meeting over the pending issues of promotions and Reversal was also held.

It was a nice gesture on the part of Hon’ble Director HR that even today he discussed the issues on merit and was receptive to our suggestions. We once again extend him our good wishes.

Click here for the Glimpses

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Pers Section on 29.09.2023:

GS and AGS AIGETOA today met authorities at the Personal Section and requested to ensure filing of reply by BSNL in hearing on court case pertaining to the promotions from JTO to SDE Case.

Every time BSNL advocate is seeking time for the detailed reply which is not good on the part of BSNL to delay the hearings.

It was assured to us that by today evening, reply will be sent to Punjab Circle.

Flash News – Update on Notional Promotions:

As intimated earlier that after consistent follow up by Team AIGETOA with management regarding notional promotion from 2018 for the AGM’s whose DPC was completed in June 2018 but promotion orders were issued in November 2022, VC was called. Now VC of all those AGMs have been received in the vigilance Section. AIGETOA is pursuing hard to get the orders issued as early as possible and we are likely to achieve the same by next week.

Dear Friends, with issuance of this Notional Promotions, decks will be cleared for regularization of provisional promotions held in 2018 and their seniority finalization. Almost all the roadblocks in the regularization of these AGMs are clear now. Once these promotions held in 2018 are regularised, the posts available in DGM grade can be used for further promotions. This will open the doors of many more promotions from AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE, as per the methodology proposed by AIGETOA. The AIGETOA CHQ Team is working hard to achieve the desired results of promoting all eligible executives across various streams and grades.

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives.

Click here for letter

Methodology proposed by AIGETOA and agreed earlier by management to consider as stated below:

First step is to consider the notional promotions of the AGMs whose DPC has been done in June 2018 (Around 55-60 in number) and issue their promotion orders wef June 2018 and finalize their seniority positions. The VC of these executives have already been called and it is requested to issue the orders without any further delay.

With BSNL taking the firm decision on the issue of Own Merit – On Merit in line with the opinion given by DoP&T and executing the promotions in various grades as per the Hon’ble Supreme Court Decision and the DoP&T guidelines dated 12.04.2022, the dispute in the seniority is now settled with BSNL/DoP&T taking the decision at the highest level. The DoP&T guidelines dated 12.04.2022 is taking care of all such disputes and the only need was to issue a final seniority list of these executives. This was agreed by the management during discussions with AIGETOA and we request for a very expeditious action on the same on war footing basis now.

Settlement of the provisional promotions to regular promotions will result in counting the residency period of the AGMs promoted in 2018 to regular and all these executives will be eligible to occupy the posts of DGMs having served more than the requisite residency period.