Listen to Sh. Ravi Shil Verma, GS AIGETOA who without any bias has explained the significance of association in BSNL. These two videos of 5 minutes and 1 minute contain certain questions which every executive must ask from himself. Your answer to these 6 minutes will decide future of executives in BSNL. We request all executives to go through this video and answer the following questions.
GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma has a detailed discussion with PGM SR over the phone and the Team of All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Chief Patron and National Convener AIGETOA Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Yogendra Kumar and Shri Sunil Gautam and had follow up discussion with PGM SR on the following:
Issuance of Template for capturing Data for Cadre Strength Review:
As informed earlier, Restructuring Cell has finalised and submitted the draft for approval. After approval, the same is likely to be issued in a day or two.
Modification in Immunity Guidelines:
Though SR cell has processed the case, but some of the suggestions of association w.r.t the OA immunity and Circle office body was not considered. Accordingly, we have sought another meeting with Director HR and CMD BSNL.
Sh Sudhir Singh, SDE UP EAST, a pay loss sufferer from 2007 batch. He has done an impartial analysis and has given his opinion.
Please listen to the appeal made by Sh Ravi Kumar, JTO 2008 batch of AIGETOA. He is sharing the efforts of AIGETOA to resolve the pay loss issue and wants to tell you that if anyone can solve the pay loss issue, it is AIGETOA. AIGETOA has a clear plan and vision to resolve these issues. My appeal to you all is to support AIGETOA.
Please listen to the appeal made by Sh Sunil Gautam, LICE JTO and AGS of AIGETOA. He is sharing the facts and efforts of AIGETOA for resolving the pay related issues and cautioning you to beware of the false propaganda created by some people who have no knowledge of the issue. They are creating propaganda just to satisfy their bosses. AIGETOA has a clear plan and vision to resolve these issues. Hence, my earnest appeal is to support AIGETOA.
AIGETOA CHQ has decided to publish a weekly update on status, level of persuasion and outcomes associated pertaining to various issues related to Executive Cadre. To start with, we are publishing the updates for the period 5th June to 13th June and hereinafter, weekly update shall be regularly updated on every Monday for the information of all the executives.
Last Week and this week Team AIGETOA comprising of All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand, AGSs Shri Yogendra Kumar and Shri Sunil Gautam met various authorities and had multiple meetings at the level of Director HR, PGM (SR & Restg), PGM (Pers), CGM (CNTx-North) and discussed the following issues:
Start of Process for Review of Cadre Strength:
The matter was strongly taken up before Director HR and PGM (Restg) and after detailed discussion finally instructions were given to start the cadre strength review process. Thereafter the Restructuring Cell has already initiated the review exercise. Association shall be giving its input in next few days. We are quite hopeful of increase in number of posts across all the cadres and streams in view of the increased revenue as well as because of new government projects like 4G saturation, Bharatnet, FTTH to Villages etc. AIGETOA’s firm emphasis shall be on sufficient increase in number of posts so that executives across various cadres and streams get a smooth career progression.
JTO to SDE DPC and increase in number of posts for DPC as well as LDCE:
We raised the matter pertaining to the long-awaited promotions in JTO to SDE cadre. We highlighted that Management must move ahead with a progressive thought process. Various complexities associated with the DPC process was discussed. We are hopeful of a positive outcome soon.
We also highlighted that the root cause of all problems is not filling up the vacancies of Pre-VRS and its high time that management must do a rethink on a current procedure adopted and instead should fill up the year wise vacancies available in the Pre-VRS ERA which will end the various disputes in fact across all cadres and streams. Further we have also requested for counting the SDE vacancies against Look After Posts in AGM Cadre which will also increase the number of vacancies. We are quite hopeful that management will definitely give a rethink on the approach adopted and ensure that sufficient vacancies are available for covering all the eligible JTOs in both the quota.
SDE to AGM Promotions:
We once again reminded management about their earlier commitment and to ensure that sufficient vacancies are available in AGM cadre for ensuring the promotions of all eligible SDEs. We also requested for considering the methodology which we have presented during the agenda meeting which was subsequently discussed with CMD BSNL also and there was a broad consensus on towing that line. We expressed our regret on the reluctancy on the part of Pers section for moving ahead with the SDE to AGM Promotions by making sufficient vacancies available by virtue of diversions and rearrangement within the defined strength. The matter is under discussion and deliberation at the level of Director HR and we sincerely feel and hope that finally management will move ahead with the proposal submitted by AIGETOA to ensure the promotions of all eligible. We also requested management to ensure that speaking order issued by BSNL in Madras High Court must be followed in letter and spirit and any deviation from that will result into a contemptuous act by BSNL for that the sole responsibility shall lie on Pers section only.
AO to CAO promotions:
We requested management for trying to get the stay vacated at Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT and if needed the appeal should be filed before Hon’ble High court to seek vacation of stay on the promotions. Further, we also requested for diversion of vacancies from SET quota to DPC quota which will ensure that promotions of all the eligible AOs can be done to CAO grade. We highlighted that AIGETOA will never allow recruitment of SETs and hence instead of keeping the vacancies on hold, the same must be diverted to DPC quota which will end the dispute.
DE to DGM Promotions:
We requested for filing an MA at Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT wherein we requested for submissions of BSNL with regard to fulfilling the directions of Hon’ble Court as now the decision at the highest level has already been taken for following the DoP&T guidelines for reservation in promotions and there is no ambiguity as such over the methodology to be adopted as concurrence of DoP&T has also been obtained on the methodology adopted by BSNL. It’s high time that management stops calling the promotions as provisional and should move forward with promotions in AGM Cadre to DGM cadre by filling up all the available vacancies. Management agreed to our request and assured that after taking legal opinion, matter shall be pursued either at Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh or at Hon’ble Supreme Court where the SLP is pending.
DGM (Adhoc) to DGM (Regular)
We requested for continuing the services of Senior Advocate and also requested BSNL for filing an appeal at Hon’ble High Court. The same was agreed by management side.
SDE 2007 reversal issue:
Matter was deliberated at length with the Director HR and committee members. The discussions were positive and we hope that things will soon fall in line. We sincerely hope that management will extend justice to the affected candidates and we firmly assure that AIGETOA will ensure resolution, come what may.
OTP cases including transfer cases of KTK Circle and waiting list of other hard tenure Circles and changes in Transfer Policy:
It was assured that OTP cases shall be processed in this week including the ones from Karnataka Circle on which there is a firm assurance that the cases shall be considered based on the criteria of date of application when the executive first time applied for OTP. We further highlighted the precarious scenario where one executive is getting transferred within circle, thereafter Inter Circle. We requested for a moratorium on transfer of the executive in Inter Circle also for at least five years if he/she has already undergone transfer within the circle. We requested for a centralized transfer policy where an executive doesn’t faces repeated transfers, first within the circle and then Inter Circle. We further highlighted the arbitrary selection of choice circles where in an executive higher in waiting list is not getting his first or second choice while another executive getting the same station despite being junior in the waiting list. We also requested for publication of waiting list in OTP cases also and publication of vacancies available in circle so that an executive can make an informed choice in OTP window. Management side agreed to explore the suggestions and we are hopeful of a positive outcome on the above suggestions. Maximum use of automated procedures and minimum use of discretionary power is the demand of AIGETOA and transparency in the process is a must.
Extending the Laptop Policy for field units also:
Association extended its thanks for approving the Laptop Reimbursement Policy and requested for immediate replication of the same for executive’s upto JTO/JAO/Equivalent level in the field units. Management Side assured to positively consider the same for field units also.
Revision in the TA/DA/Allowances at current market rates:
Director HR appreciated the concern and assured that needful action shall be done to revise the same.
Association Immunity Policy:
We requested for keeping the letter dated 14.10.2022 held in abeyance at least till next MV. It is anticipated that management will take a considerate view on the same.
Above are the update on the persuasion made by Association in Last Few Days and the outcome associated with the persuasion. All we can assure is that AIGETOA is fully committed to resolve the PPP issues and things are moving on a positive note on the issues related to promotion and restructuring. In next few days, AIGETOA shall be knocking the doors of the highest echelons in DoT and Nodal Ministry to ensure precipitation and resolution of the financial issues including the Pay Scale issues, Pay loss issues, 30 Percent SAB, 3rd PRC, Pension Revision. All these issues pertain to the policies of government and hence we must have to pursue at the highest level and our association AIGETOA is fully committed to go to any extent to ensure the resolution of these financial issues. Further our Legal team has finalized the Legal aspects and association has decided to take the legal recourse also for ensuring the resolution of all the pay loss related issues.
Further a detailed meeting of the Director HR and other senior officers of HR group has taken place with the leaders of the Forum of BSNL Associations on 13th June 2023 wherein issues related to MSRRs, promotions in various cadres, immunity, transfer policy etc has been discussed. The detailed update shall be shared at the platform of Forum in due course. Discussion of that meeting has also ended on a positive note.
Sh Ravi Shil Verma All India Chairman, Sh Veerabhadra Rao All India President, Sh Sunil Gautam and Sh Rakesh Meena CS NTR met GM(Pers) Sh S N Gupta and Pers Team for discussion on pending issues:
JTO to SDE Promotions :
We expressed our strong resentment on the non issuance of promotions in the JTO to SDE cadre despite approval and notification of the revised SDE RRs. We reminded them about the consistently missing deadlines despite the assurances given by the apex of the organization i.e. by CMD BSNL in meeting dated 21.03.2023 and Director (HR) in the agenda meeting held in February. We said such type of continued ignorance on the long pending issues is basically denting the trust of executives in the system and the same is never good for any organization to flourish.
After detailed discussions, it was finally agreed that all available vacancies upto 31st December 2022 shall be filled up by 25th May 2023. LDCEs shall be also notified simultaneously in which all the eligible JTOs can appear for promotion on the fast track basis. We requested them to expedite the process further and ensure the promotions in next few days. We also insisted that LDCEs should also be notified immediately to benefit more JTOs. Further, simultaneous processing of both the streams will minimize the legal hurdles also.
SDE Reversal Issue :
We told GM Pers that SDE Reversal is another issue which has kept unsettled despite repeated assurances at various levels. We insisted upon immediate conclusive action on the issue to ensure that these innocent SDEs do not suffer any further. GM Pers assured for a speedy action on the issue.
SDE to AGM Promotions and Increasing AGM & DGM vacancies:
We have reminded the deliberations and discussions held in our AIGETOA agenda meeting ( 08 & 22-02-2023 ) and separate meeting with CMD & DIR HR on 21-03-2023. GM pers said that as and when directed by Director (HR), action shall be initiated. AIGETOA Team shall be taking up this issue further with Hon’ble CMD BSNL and Director (HR) for a speedy resolution.
Issuance of OTP cases of Karnataka Circle :
The issue is under consideration and the same shall be processed along with the long stay transfer cases expected to be held soon.
Retention/Modifications/Cancellation cases
We informed that many cases have not been considered and requested to consider the same at the earliest.
Team AIGETOA met with CMD BSNL on 30.12.2021 and held detailed deliberation for more than half an hour on the issues of Implementation of Standard Pay Scale E2 for JTO/JAO Equivalent Grade and E3 for SDE/AO Equivalent Grade, Promotion in various Grades/Streams, Revisiting of stagnation Criteria of JTO/JAO and introduction of same in SDE/AO Equivalent Grades, Fast Track Promotion Channel and ongoing BSNL Revival Measures. Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS and Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP attended the meeting from AIGETOA side. The GS/AGS AIBSNLEA also accompanied in the meeting and participated in the deliberation. The meeting held in positive atmosphere and lasted for more than half an hour and detailed deliberations held on each and every point.
Standard Pay Scale E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO Equivalent Grades:
The association presented the issue of standard pay scale to CMD BSNL and apprised that AIGETOA has held three meetings in the DoT in last Two Months and come to the conclusion that mere sending of reminder letter to the DoT as done on our request may not be sufficient to get the desired result. The current reminder letter has brought the issue once again on the discussion table but more needs to be done for the final settlement. This issue is Residual of 2nd PRC and sent to the DoT after Approval of Management Committee of BSNL BOARD on 06.06.2016. The Backbone Cadre of BSNL, JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent grades are still working with Provisional Scales of E1 and E2 despite passage of 14 years of 2nd PRC in BSNL. MTNL merger is again under discussion and it is the most appropriate time to settle the issue of E2-E3 to bring parity among the entry grade executives i.e. JTO/JAO Equivalent Grade of the two organizations’. The scale of JTO/JAO in MTNL is E2, whereas the scale is provisionally E1 in BSNL till date and so any possible merger will face challenges both legally as well as organizationally and damper the prospects of the whole merger process.
After detailed deliberation, it was assured by the CMD BSNL that he will look into it afresh towards solution. He assured us that he will be taking this up with Hon’ble Secretary DoT for initiating reconsideration by DoT. We are of the firm believe that it is the best time to re-initiate serious dialogue through multiple platforms for settlement of the E2 and E3 Scale issue for BSNL. The issue is linked with the approval of DoT and hence the association has again started working in that directions and holding regular meetings on the issue at different level in the DoT and BSNL. With intervention of CMD BSNL with apex at DoT, the issue is going to get a fresh push for resolution.
Promotions in various Grades and Streams:
The discussion held on Promotion in various Grades/Streams including JTO to SDE, SDE to AGM, AO to CAO and AGM to DGM equivalent. It was appraised by CMD BSNL that he is not averse to the Promotion in any grade till not stayed by any Court of Law. Accordingly, he has directed to complete all promotions through DPC of Pre-VRS period in First Phase if not under legal entangle in the Court. Accordingly the process was initiated in all streams and some order also issued. The ongoing JTO to SDE promotion of left out candidates got stuck up due to obstacle created by certain section. Fortunately, intervention of the association at right time brought it back on the track. We assure one and all that the Promotion of subsequent batches is equally important for us as well as it is also our responsibility and we will get it done soon. As we believe in Execution of Promotion and not Creating Obstacle in Promotion. We have ensured more than 4500 Promotions in SDE equivalent Grades across streams in last Six Months and we will ensure further in coming Months with your support.
SDE to AGM Promotion was taken up with CMD BSNL and apprised that our fellow executives are waiting for this from 8-17 years, whereas the required residency period is just 7 years. Field Units are reeling with acute shortage of Officers in the grade of AGM and DGM in both Telecom and Finance Streams. CMD was apprised about the mechanism suggested by Dir HR to call for legal opinion to find out the ways in view of the SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court, where the case has been heard and Order has been reserved on 26th October, 2021. It was informed to us that BSNL has challenged the decision of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh, which has declared the June-2018 AGM Promotion provisional and hence department is unable to move forward. The association once again suggested exploring the Promotion in AGM Grade by considering promoting all SDEs, who have competed seven years of residency period in the grade. This will not bring any major deviation in the current structure considering the fact that hardly 5K SDEs are available with the said residency period. The AO to CAO and AGM to DGM equivalent Promotions were also apprised and deliberated. Field requirements and one time relaxation were also discussed for executing these promotion orders.
CMD BSNL patiently listened our arguments and echoed our concern but apprised that without getting legal position he may not arrive on any conclusion and so he suggested us to sit with the HR Team and find the ways to move ahead on these promotions. He told that he himself is concerned for these promotions considering the long stagnation as well as requirement of the officers in these grades and hence any legally tenable solution will be welcomed. We appraised that without ensuring promotions in these grades, we may not move forward and hence some solution must be find out for peace in the organisation. We will further take up the issue with Director HR and PGM Pers as discussed.
Notification of LDCE for Subsequent Batches of JTOs:
We requested for early notification of LDCE examination in such a way that executives from all the subsequent batches can appear in the exam. It was assured to us that association request shall be given due consideration and management will come out with solution soon.
Time Bound Promotion in SDE and AGM and Equivalent Grades through Stagnation:
We appraised that despite of passage of more than twenty one years of formation of BSNL, no definite career progression has been provided to the executive fraternity. BSNL approved policy is not finding the ways to implement and hence it was suggested to ensure the Time Bound Mechanism through Stagnation Route to ensure reaching of the executives to at least up to AGM Equivalent Grades in a definite time period. The stagnation criteria of 12 years introduced in the JTO/JAO Equivalent Grade for Promotion beyond Sanction Posts is not at all acceptable and must be revisited. A stagnation criterion in the SDE Equivalent Grade should also be introduced to Promote Executives to the AGM Equivalent Grade post beyond Sanctioned Strength in a Time Bound Manner.
It is our firm demand to make the Stagnation criteria in such a way that an Executive reaches to AGM grade in a span of around 15 years. Enforcing stagnation as the criteria in RRs for next promotion will make the Promotions Time Bound as well as they will remove the major lacunae of earlier approved policy and hence may be acceptable to all stake holders.
CMD BSNL suggested that the Recruitment Rules framing/modifications are under way and the decisions will be taken only after taking inputs and submission of the association. He suggested for getting into discussion with the HR Team as the Recruitment Rule drafting is underway and submits the suggestions. He assured that the points raised by the association will be judged on merit and incorporated to maximum possible extent. We apprised that the association will not sit quiet without getting a Time Bound Criteria for the Promotions up to AGM Equivalent Grades.
Adoption of Fast Track Promotion Mechanism in BSNL:
We highlighted to start Fast Track Promotion Mechanism in BSNL to give younger generation a suitable path to reach the echelon of their career in BSNL. BSNL has no management succession plan resulting into a crisis in middle and higher middle level management. BSNL is still struggling to introduce a system to push its own recruited executives to take the driving seat in the department and instead depending on the officers from the Department of Telecom. The recent trend has already given a message and delay of incorporation of Fast Track Promotion Mechanism may pose a serious crisis in coming days. We also demanded to convert the DR DGM seats into an Internal Fast Track Mechanism at DGM Level immediately and subsequently add more seats to it.
CMD BSNL appraised that he fully agrees with the idea of the association and more than willing to introduce such system in BSNL and assured to discuss with HR Team and the Association also to bring such changes during ongoing Recruitment Rule Modifications.
BSNL Revival Measures and Pan India 4G roll Out:
It was raised by the association that the healthiness of BSNL has not been achieved despite of the passage of more than two years of revival package by the Govt of India and roll out of the 4G is still pending while no discussion on the testing of 5G.
CMD BSNL once again confirmed that all stake holders are giving a serious push for an early 4G rollout by BSNL and he is very hopeful that it will be started in second quarter of the next financial year as per the target time. The indigenous technology used in the 4G Roll Out is going to play a vital role in the process. He apprised that the PoC phase of 4G testing is going in right direction and expected to meet the time line smoothly. The government is keenly watching the process as well as sustainability of BSNL and all necessary measures are taken to achieve the goal. A comprehensive discussion was held on this topic also but we are restricting ourselves strategically in the interest of the organisation and details will be shared at a suitable time.
We extended our thanks to the CMD BSNL for considering our request and releasing the funds of five months for pending SAB Contribution. We requested that remaining part of the SAB should also be deposited at the earliest. We also requested for clearance of Rule-8/9 cases in the current financial year itself.
The meeting ended on a positive note and association will be following the issues further. We assure the fraternity that our decisions to defer the call and getting into discussion table on the above stated points as well others was need of the hour. Any absentee from the discussion table in this crucial juncture of the formation/modification of Recruitment Rules may cause irreparable damage and hence we decided accordingly. The issue of E2-E3 is crucial and parleys in the DoT from the Association as well as taking up the issue at the level of Secretary (T) by CMD BSNL are equally important for approval. If we found that management is moving away from its promises, the association will not wait and resume the program with full vigor. Accordingly, the period should be utilised to educate all about status and be in readiness mode in case of any eventuality.
CHQ leaders of AIGETOA, SNEA, SEWA (BSNL) and AIBSNLEA met Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director(HR) on 10.09.2021 and held detailed discussions on promotion to BSNL Executives. It is informed that Restructuring is in very advanced stage and it will be presented to MC in a couple of days.
- We demanded that all eligible Executives as on date should be promoted before restructuring and only viable option is Time Bound Promotion for all eligible Executives before the Restructuring. BSNL Board has approved Time Bound Promotion Policy in May 2018 itself and promotions should be ensured in a time bound manner for all eligible Executives, we demanded. The concern on Reservation can be addressed by incorporating a provision for following Govt/DoPT guidelines on Reservation protecting the constitutional rights. The promotions should be extended w.e.f. 01.07.2018 onwards as and when the Executives fulfill their eligibility criteria. We also told that other issues which have been raised by various sections from time to time may be addressed in the policy by involving all the stake holders and drawing a consensus. It will be pertinent to mention that Management Committee of the Board is empowered to decide on such changes in the policy.
- We also requested that before Restructuring, all the Adhoc DGM(T/F) Executives should be made regular DGM(T/F) as sufficient vacancies are available and thereafter all posts should be filled on regular basis. Further, a merit based fast track promotion should also be introduced for DGM equivalent and above grade for promotion to higher positions from among meritorious BSNL Executives to lead BSNL by creating adequate number of such posts. Current MTRR and DGM RRs should be scrapped altogether and replaced with internal fast track mechanism.
Earlier CHQ leaders of AIGETOA, SNEA, SEWA (BSNL) and AIBSNLEA met and deliberated the Restructuring process and its deadly consequences on career progression of the Executives. Even small increase in the number of posts is not going to address the issue. There is a huge disconnect in numbers proposed by management and actual requirement of the posts to ensure smooth promotion for all eligible Executives in all the Grades across all the wings. It is also deliberated that the existing vacancies especially in AGM/CAO equivalent grades are also not getting filled owing to complexities associated with respect to SLP at Hon Supreme Court, relating to Reservation and the management is also not trying for any solution taking excuse of the situation.
After detailed discussion, it is decided to work jointly for the career progression of all the Executives either by making Time Bound Promotions without linking it with availability of vacancies or by getting so many numbers of posts which ensures smooth promotion for all eligible Executives in all the Grades across all the wings in a time bound manner without stagnating any Executive in any cadre or stream.
Associations agreed to pursue for implementation of the Board approved Time Bound Promotion Policy of May 2018 with incorporation of provisions for following Govt/DoPT guidelines on Reservation protecting the constitutional rights. The promotions should be extended w.e.f. 01.07.2018 onwards as and when the Executives fulfill their eligibility criteria.
Associations will also demand that all the Adhoc DGM(T/F) Executives should be made regular DGM(T/F) as sufficient vacancies are available and thereafter all posts should be filled on regular basis. Issues raised by AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA on the policy will be pursued to be implemented. It was discussed that changes required to consider those issues can easily be addressed by Management Committee of the Board.
Associations agreed for incorporation of a merit based fast track promotion should also be introduced for DGM equivalent and above grade for promotion to higher positions from among meritorious BSNL Executives to lead BSNL by creating adequate number of such posts. Associations will also demand for scrapping of Current MTRR and DR DGM RRs and replaced with internal fast track mechanism.
Other than promotional aspects, all issues pertaining to Pay, Promotion and Pension shall also be jointly pursued by all.
CHQ leaders of AIGETOA and SNEA met CMD BSNL Shri P. K. Purwar and communicated that if BSNL management is going ahead with Restructuring and post reduction without working out the promotional avenues for its Executives and finalizing the future road map to fill up the top management positions in the company with meritorious candidates, then it is going to meet stiff resistance and opposition from all the Executives. Normally, norms are framed after conducting extensive work study in the field units, but no work study took place and restructuring process has been converted into a pen paper exercise aimed only for reduction in posts. The inputs given by Associations highlighting the shortcomings of the restructuring proposal has been completely ignored and management moving ahead with drastic reduction in posts which is not at all acceptable.
We said that management cannot simply ignore the fact that BSNL Board has approved a proposal in May 2018 where they want JTO/JAO Equivalent level Executives to reach to post of AGM in a time of 15 years of service. Such type of demeaning of Executives where management wants JTO/JAO/SDE/AO Equivalent grade officers to stagnate for as long as 12 years for their first promotion and 25 years for its second promotion will lead to a disastrous situation in BSNL, where every Executive will be in a state of unrest and will give rise to a serious conflict. We categorically demanded CMD/BSNL to put on hold current restructuring proposal and requested him to deliberate a proposal which leads to a complete transformation of organization in all respects including the work culture, motivation, promotional avenues, and recognition of Merit.
BSNL Board has approved Time Bound Promotion Policy in May 2018 itself and promotions should be ensured in a time bound manner for all eligible Executives, we demanded. CMD BSNL said that he remains open to further discussion and told us to discuss with Director HR, BSNL Board.
Later, both Association leaders met Shri Vivek Banzal, Director(CFA) and Shri S. K. Mishra, Director(CM) also and demanded Time Bound Promotion for all eligible Executives, before the Restructuring.