14th July 2022 – Submission of Memorandum to CMD BSNL & Director HR in person by CHQ & Circle OBs

14th July 2022 – Submission of Memorandum to CMD BSNL & Director HR in person at New Delhi by CHQ & Circle OBs, Gate Meeting.

Click here for Memorandum

Word File of Memorandum

Non redressal of burning HR issues including Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 & Pay Loss Issues, Non-issuance of Promotion in AGM/CAO Equivalent Grades despite the verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court, Non notification of SDE/AO Equivalent Grades RR, No headway on Revision in MS RR, Non Settlement of SDE Reversal Issue, Pending Superannuation Benefit (SAB) Quantum &amount, immediate termination of the MT Process and scrapping of MT RR. It’s a failure of management to handle the pending HR issues despite several assurances made in past and we see it as a deliberate attempt to create unrest in the organisation by ignoring Career Progression and Pay Pension related issues.

The consistent Saga of BSNL Management to fail the career of Executives to prevent them from reaching higher posts :

BSNL Management has completely failed to meet the minimum Career Aspiration of Executives, where one has to wait endlessly to reach next level of promotion. If we see the residency period of JTO/JAO for next promotion is just 3 three Years but people are getting promoted through normal rout of DPC in 15-20 years. Similarly for AGM/CAO equivalent grade the residency period in preceding grade is just seven years but people are waiting for promotion from 9-18 years. This shows that HR has taken a complete back seat in BSNL and management has completely neglected this part of an organization. Now, they are desperately trying to start a lateral entry on the name of Management Trainee which will permanently kill the remaining opportunities for the Executives.

Hence, AIGETOA has served a Notice for Organizational Call to lodge our strong protest. We call upon all Executives to support the call irrespective of the affiliate to any associations or not.

All CHQ OBs must reach BSNL CO 14th July to submit memorandum to CMD/Director HR in person and stay back at Delhi till resolution of issues.

All 11 Circle Executive Committee from nearby circles (

UP West, UP East, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, NTR, Himachal Pradesh, BSNL CO Circle and J&K etc..) to mandatory reach BSNL CO on 14th for submission of Memorandum to CMD/Director HR in person.

All volunteers from various circles to reach BSNL CO on 14th July to submit Memorandum in person to CMD/Director HR.

Click here for Notice

AIGETOA Served Notice for Organisational Call for settlement:

AIGETOA served Notice for Organisational Call in view of Complete Breach of Trust, Non redressal of burning HR issues including Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 & Pay Loss Issues, Non issuance of Promotion in AGM/CAO Equivalent Grades despite the verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court, Non notification of SDE/AO Equivalent Grades RR, No headway on Revision in MS RR, Non Settlement of SDE Reversal Issue, Pending Superannuation Benefit (SAB) Quantum and amount, Scrapping of MT RR/DR DGM RR and replacement with Fast Track Promotional Methodology and resolving of our legitimate issues.

Earlier, an emergency meeting of Central Governing Body, Circle Secretaries and Circle Presidents of AIGETOA held on 09.07.2022 to deliberate and decide course of action on continued negligence by management in resolving outstanding legitimate HR issues pertains to the BSNL Executives and felt that management is totally non committal and no progress has been made on several important issues. It is observed that the association has always honoured the appeal of management and withdrawn call on previous occasions on the assurances and agreement reached, which were even released through above minutes but it is very unfortunate that management has gone back from its own promises resulting in the persistence of almost all issues.

About 13000 executives recruited/promoted by BSNL from 2009 to 2020 are suffering with severe losses in their total emoluments due to non approval of Standard Scale of E2-E3 Scale, which is a residual of 2nd PRC in BSNL. It is important to note that one hand about 30K BSNL Executives (whose last pay revision made on 01.01.2007) are struggling with Pay Issues and denying all legitimate dues on the name of financial crunch and other side senior managers are enjoying all Pay & Perks of 7th Pay Revision w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in same BSNL– It’s an Extreme Injustice as Equal Treatment Not Extended.

one side management is sitting on AGM/CAO Promotions of those executives working in preceding grade from 9-18 years despite of DOPT Order, while other side it took just 2-3 hours for the management to declare the results of MT Internal late night and no legal opinion, no consideration from any of the welfare organization etc was ever sought for as being asked in case of AGM/CAO Promotions in BSNL. Similarly, despite written assurance by the Dir(HR) for settlement of SDE Reversal issue, there is no takers in the system and issue is lingering since more than 2 years of its commitment and candidates are suffering enormously due to the fault of BSNL.

Finally after all deliberations, it is concluded that our all efforts to break the stalemate through dialogue is futile and our patience for getting resolution through amicable means has totally gone away as management has failed to keep their own words. Sensing no hope for any amicable resolution, participants of the CHQ-CS-CP Meet has decided to serve Organisational Call Notice for settlement of the long outstanding issues as listed below.

Click here for Notice


  1. Immediate intervention of the Dir HR/CMD with DoT for the approval of E2-E3 Scale meant for the JTO/JAO and SDE/AO Equivalent Grades. The revised presidential order for replacement of initial two scales of JTO/JAO/Equivalent by E2 and SDE/AO/Equivalent by E3 should be ensured immediately by BSNL Management.
  2. Settlement of Pay Loss issues of JTOs/JAOs (E1+5 and 22820/- and Pay fixation of DR JE to JTO) to extend immediate relief.
  3. Immediate termination of MT Internal Process re-initiated on 08.07.2022 and altogether Scrapping of MT and DGM RRs and replacement with internal fast track promotional methodology as stated by CMD BSNL and approved by BSNL Board in Restructuring in Nov-2021.
  4. Issuance of AGM Promotions for All Eligible Executives by utilising complete strength of AGM and DGM Grades in one go and by further increase in the sanctioned strength of various grades and streams in view of takeover of complete O&M works of BBNL/MTNL by BSNL.
  5. Issuance of Promotion in the AO to CAO and other equivalent grades and regular promotions in the grade of DGMs.
  6. DPC Promotion for left out JTOs of 2K8 batch and subsequent JTO batches, Notifications of SDE/AO Equivalent RRs and notification of LDCE for the SDET/AO Equivalent Grades for all vacancy years.
  7. Enhancement of total SAB to 30% (shortage of 8.2%) and formation of PRMB Trust with defined contribution. Deposit of pending SAB amount (due since April-2021) with interest.
  8. Onetime settlement of LDCE-2007 SDE Reversion issue as assured in 1st Agenda Meeting.


  • 14th July-2022 – Submission of Memorandum to CMD BSNL and Director HR in person at Delhi by CHQ and Circle OBs and Gate Meeting at Delhi.
  • 15th July-2022 – Start of Complete Non-cooperation, Quitting of WhatsApp Groups and wearing of Black Badges till resolution of issues.
  • 15-20th July-2022 – Submission of Memorandum to Hon’ble PM, MoC, MoSC, MPs, Sec DoT Cabinet Secretary, other dignitaries highlighting the pathetic conditions existing in BSNL.
  • 18th July-2022 – Submission of Memorandum to CGM by Circle & District OBs and Gate Meeting at All Circle HQs.
  • 20th July-2022 – Lunch Hour Demonstration at Central/Circle/BA HQ & Twitter Campaign.
  • 25th July-2022 – Delhi Chalo for Indefinite Dharna at BSNL CO, New Delhi for settlement of issues.

All our OBs and Members are requested to give a wide publicity to the program and ensure for its success to vent your resentment as expressed from time to time. AIGETOA sincerely believes and quite hopeful that management will seize the opportunity to address the lost trust and ensure immediate settlement of our long pending issues and address our serious concerns as stated above to maintain Employees- Employer relationship healthy and employees in motivated state for higher growth of the organisation.

The internal story behind publication of MT results at midnight:

Coming Soon – The internal story behind publication of MT results at midnight.

The haste which management has shown in publishing the results and that too at the ring of midnight hours has raised many questions. Even the basic processes related to the recruitment exercise has been blatantly ignored in the quest of satisfying the vested interests of few people.

AIGETOA has come across many such startling facts and the Association is in the process of gathering more information which will reveal the actual motive of getting into this adventurism by few people involved in the game. This is a well known truth that such adventurism can not be indulged into by anyone without associated rewards and the facts available on record points to some vested angle. We are exploring the same and as soon as we get the complete picture, we will share it in common domain.

AIGETOA writes to Director HR for maturing of Rule-8 Cases of GATE JTOs:

AIGETOA taken up the issue of GATE JTOs recruited in Jammu and Kashmir Circle on their appointment to reach back to their home states on account of completion of five years of service in harsh terrain. About 60 GATE JTOs were recruited in the Circle who are about to complete five years period in December’2022. They belong to various parts of the Country and serving in the All India Hard tenure Circle J&K. AIGETOA demanded that GATE JTOs, who are going to complete five years of the service in the harsh terrain circle, should be considered to reach their home Circle under Rule-8 transfer considering difficulties associated with the place bringing it in the ambit of the Hard Tenure Circle.

AIGETOA also demanded that GATE JTOs, who were recruited in some far end Circles should also be allowed to settle in their home states on account of their posting in diversely opposite culture, food, life style etc. causing severe hardships. They should also be considered for return to their Home State under Rule-8 after completion of five year periods to extend respite.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA apprised Dir(EB) about apprehension of field units for Tender of BBNL:

BSNL has been entrusted with the work of O&M by DoT, Govt of India and accordingly floated the tender for the same. But it is apprehended by employees in the field that, some places the Tender may be awarded to our core competitor in FTTH business, who are called Competitor Maintenance Agency (CMA). If it happens, then same CMA will become agency for maintaining of BharatNet Phase-1 Network (existing OFC from OLTE location to FPOI and BBNL Incremental OFC from FPOI to GP), who also provides FTTH connections of his company in the same operational area, which will lead to conflict of business interest. Accordingly, AIGETOA requested for scrutiny of the tender on the line to protect the interest of BSNL.

Click here for letter

Team AIGETOA meeting with Dir HR and PGM SR:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Veerabhadra Rao AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Mehta FS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS held meeting with Dir HR and PGM SR on 05.07.2022.

The matter of reminder letter for E2-E3 Scale to DoT, AGM Promotion, harassment of Executives and Members by Ludhiana BA Head (Punjab), Opening of deputation was discussed in length. The issuance of the promotion order by the DOP&T in CSS and cadres was brought to the knowledge and copy of order was shared. It was apprised that executives are feeling frustrated and working in extreme anger due to the stalemate created by management for signature of welfare association for executing promotion. The issue of promotion order by the DOPT once again embolden our belief that management is unnecessarily bringing SEWA BSNL in picture on the matter of reservation in promotion . Whatever the guidelines and directions of DoPT available should be implemented and promotion should be executed instead of waiting for certificate from the association. We warned that failure to issue the promotion order soon will create serious turmoil in the organization and hence it must be addressed without further wastage of time. Director HR echoed our concern and assured to look into the matter afresh in the light of the issuance of promotion order by DOPT and he will take up with CMD BSNL.

The reminder letter of E2-E3 to DoT in view of the disagreeing letter by the department of Telecom was also highlighted and demanded to send the letter to reiterate our stand on standard pay scale. Our meeting in DoT last week has asked for such letter. So, we requested to immediately sending of the letter to the DoT. The opening of deputation was also discussed in view of the recent opening in TRAI and the matter of harassment of executives and members of AIGETOA in Ludhiana by the BA head were brought in the notice and details were apprised. It was told that selective targeting of employees by GMTD and using his office for pity politics is highly condemnable and the situation at the station is very pathetic and volatile. So, we requested immediate intervention of the Director HR. A formal letter of complaint on Ludhiana issue was also handed over. We finally reminded that the association will not keep waiting endlessly and if the promotion is not issued, E2-E3 follow up not made to the DoT and management didn’t heed on various HR issues of the employees, the association will be forced to give a call of organizational action after 15-July.

It was assured to us that issues will be looked into and necessary action will be taken for solution. The deputation issue will need further deliberation as a policy matter.

Formation of Pay Scale Committee by AIGETOA:

As per the decision taken in CEC Meeting held on 22.06.2022, the Pay Scale Committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Shri Sunil Gautam AGS, AIGETOA CHQ. This team will exclusively work in the direction towards resolution of Standard Pay Scale and Pay Loss issues. Team will work independently and explore all possible ways in addition to the ongoing efforts of the association for final solution of the issue. AIGETOA CHQ will extend all possible supports to the Team including academics and logistics. We were suggested many names, who could do wonder, but all couldn’t be accommodated considering the size of Committee. But still Chairman has the privilege to include 1 or 2 more names in the committee if required, in consultation with the General Secretary AIGETOA. Team is as follows:

Pay Scale Committee:

CommitteeName of ExecutiveDesignation & PostingBatch
ChairmanShri Sunil GautamJTO NTR, New DelhiLICE-2016
MemberShri Prashant GauraSDE Patna, Bihar2007-08
MemberShri Vishal GautamSDE BSNL CO, New Delhi2007-08
MemberShri Harish ChandAO, BSNL CO, New Delhi2010
MemberShri Tapesh RaghavJTO Estab, BSNL COSRD
MemberShri Nitya Jarald JTO, Erode, TamilnaduLICE-2016
MemberShri Ramesh GJTO HyderabadLICE-2016
MemberShri Sanjeev Saini JAO CO, Rajasthan2015
MemberShri Kunal KumarJTO Shimoga, KarnatakaGATE
MemberShri Raju PathakJAO CO Mumbai, Maharashtra2018

Above team is going to start working immediately and explore all possibilities towards the solution. It is important to settlement the standard pay scale E2-E3 before implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL else the loss will further multiply and it will become almost irreversible. So, we call upon all to hold the hand together to find the solution in a time bound manner by utilizing all resources. It’s a critical issue pending since 01.01.2007, more than 15 years of 2nd PRC date. It is on record that many serious efforts initiated for the settlement of the issue but no fruitful result could be achieved. One of the major bottlenecks towards the solution was Pensionary contribution associated with the issue for the DoT recruited employees, which has almost vanished after VRS. Hence this point has to be highlighted and any approval by the DoT for E2-E3 w.e.f. 01.01.2007 without cascading effect of other scales will be implemented across the board irrespective of the stream or batch of joining. It is a gross injustice that these two scales are still undecided causing variable initial basics for JTO/JAO equivalent grades joining at different point of time since 01.01.2007.

It is unfortunate that our predecessors in BSNL settled for non standard scale of E1A for JTO/JAO equivalent and E2 for SDE/AO equivalent grades after BSNL formation and couldn’t show enough vision to ensure E2-E3 as implemented in MTNL. But, we are determined to fight for this gross injustice through all means available to the association to snatch our legitimate right and so we need support of one and all for the cause. At this critical juncture, it is important that we should hold hand of each other and forward our struggle for the cause else it may cost us dearly as 3rd PRC will permanently seal the damage.

Update on AGM/CAO Promotion and efforts made by AIGETOA:

AIGETOA is religiously pursuing for issuance of AGM/CAO Promotion especially after the judgment of Apex Court on 28.01.2022 and executive instructions issued by the DOP&T on 12.04.2022 in the matter of Reservation in Promotion. Association is continuously trying and exercising all its endeavors to find the way forward for the promotion knowing fully that aspiration of executives is running high. The organization equally needs officers in these grades to man various positions got vacant after massive departure of employees from the organization through VRS in Jan-2020. Everyone understands need of these promotion except BSNL management, who is not finding way and keeping the issue under stalemate on the name of consensus between associations and management citing Judgment delivered by Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh in OA No.60/750/2018 {Ramesh Kumar Vs BSNL – Court puts all AGM Promotion of June-2018 as provisional and questioning methodology adopted in the said promotion}, which has been challenged by BSNL at Hon’ble Supreme Court, whose decision is awaited from the Apex Court.

Since the issuance of instructions by the DOP&T, AIGETOA has held several meetings both individually and jointly with all authorities in BSNL including CMD, Dir HR, PGM Pers, PGM SR, CLO on multiple occasions. Series of joint meetings have been conducted between three associations and management to break the deadlock. One such meeting was conducted after issuance of DOPT OM dated 12.04.2022 to deliberate the procedure to be followed for implementation of reservation, which were attended by three associations namely AIGETOA, SNEA, SEWA BSNL and PGM Pers, PGM SR, CLO and other officials from management under the chairmanship of Director (HR). A minute of the meeting was also issued signed by three associations declaring clearly to implement DOP&T Order dated 12.04.2022 and OM-1997, which was signed by PGM SR and CLO on behalf of the management.

Click here for the Minute

Despite issuance of minutes, management didn’t move ahead on the promotion and continued further deliberation. Even then AIGETOA extended its full support in the dialogue process considering that some way forward will be achieved. But BSNL management continued its insistence to either wait for judgment of BSNL’s SLP or signing of new declaration clearly outlining the methodology to be adopted for reservation in promotion, which couldn’t move ahead due to non-agreement by one of the association. The methodology suggested by the management is to fill 22.5% Reserve Roaster Points with Reserve Candidates first and then 77.5% Unreserved Roaster Points by the remaining candidates of the seniority list irrespective of their category.

In the meantime, AIGETOA CHQ conducted protest on 23rd June in BSNL Corporate Office to attract the attention of management on the crucial issue but management kept its rigid stand for written declaration by all three associations on the consensus methodology to be adopted in view of the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh verdict and pending BSNL’s SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court.

In last two weeks, a series of meetings were held to break the stalemate by joint sitting of OBs of three associations individually as well as with management but no fruitful decision could be achieved. Even the discussion of three General Secretaries in last two days of last week individually as well as with management couldn’t bring the desired result. Despite of so many meetings, BSNL Management is still insisting for written joint declaration from three associations on the methodology to be adopted, citing the judgment of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh and pendency of BSNL’s SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court, which has not been agreed by SEWA BSNL. This has created a complete deadlock and much awaited promotion is hanging in balance despite of so many meetings and discussion held till last week.

This has created serious resentment across the BSNL and AIGETOA has conveyed the growing anger in clear terms on multiple occasions to the management and apprised that the derailment of promotional avenues can’t be accepted any more. A window for AGM/CAO Promotion has been opened after much awaited judgment delivered by the APEX Court on 28.01.2022 on the common issues in the matter of Reservation in Promotion in Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011). This opportunity can’t be allowed to derail and it’s the management responsibility to ensure promotion by either way. Association is exercising restrain and giving dialogue full chance to break the deadlock on the matter. It seems management is treating the restrain as our limitation and so we would like to apprise that injustice will not be tolerated any more.

Here, we assure one and all that association is committed to safeguard your interest and don’t fall prey to the rumors in the social media platform. Association has pledged to render justice to all SDEs completed their residency period especially in view of the seniority of the earlier vacancy years distorted for LDCE qualified SDEs of 2006-07 onwards. Similarly standard pay scale and pay loss issue are continuously neglected by the management. Despite of our best efforts management is neither putting adequate efforts in the DoT for approval of the Scale nor extending interim arrangement for pay loss issue. So, we call upon our all rank and file to be prepared to fight back for our legitimate rights, which is long due i.e. Pay, Promotion or Pension.

DOP&T Promotion Order. Click here

In the meantime, DOP&T has also issued Promotion Order on 30.06.2022 in the CSS and other Cadres and so the association will appraise it to the management and it will give last opportunity to the BSNL authority to move ahead on the issue in the light of the issuance of the promotion order by the DOPT. If management still doesn’t move ahead, association will take a call on the further strategy after mid July, as per the decision taken in the CHQ Meeting conducted on 03.07.2022.

Technical Details on AGM/CAO Promotion – Matter of Reservation in Promotion:

Promotion in the grade of AGM/CAO has not been carried out after 2018 despite organization needed it badly to man various positions, which got vacant after massive exodus of employees from BSNL through VRS in Jan-2020. Despite of the availability of about 4900 Eligible SDEs and sufficient Posts in the AGM/DGM Grades to cater the needs of these eligible officers, management took shelter of court case all these time citing pendency of judgment in the matter at Hon’ble Supreme Court. In this regard, following details needs to be enumerated:

  • After the SDE to AGM Promotion issued in BSNL in June-2018, one case was filed at Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh through O.A. No.60/750/2018 challenging the reservation extended in the SDE to AGM Promotion by making CMD BSNL and Dir HR as respondents. Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh pronounced the verdict in the OA No.60/750/2018 on 25.02.2020 as below:

1. The respondents, in general shall take a policy decision indicating the parameters for introduction and implementation of the reservation in promotions, which shall include:

  • The verification of the representation of the category of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribe employees in the post or cadre for promotion to which, reservation is sought to be effected and the resultant effect of any on the efficiency of the administration;
  • The manner in which the concept of creamy layer shall be applied in enforcing such reservations in promotions; and
  • The duration up to which the promotion shall be in force.

2. Unless and until a decision at the highest level is taken as regards the implementation of the reservation in promotions, the same shall not be affected.

3. If any promotions have taken place contrary to the law as it exists now, it shall be open to the respondents to take corrective steps. Pending such action, the promotions so made shall be treated as provisional, without giving rise to any right to seniority in the promoted post.

Click here for Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh Judgment

• BSNL challenged the judgment dated 25.02.2020 of CAT Chandigarh to the Hon’ble Supreme Court, which tag the case with ongoing Civil SLP on the Matter of Reservation in Promotion of Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011).

• Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered judgment on the matter of Reservation in Promotion on dated 28th Jan’2022 in Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011) giving direction to operate the Reservation in Promotion. Hon’ble Supreme Court also states in the order that “It is made clear that we have not expressed any opinion on the merits of any individual case as we have only answered the common issues that were formulated after hearing the parties”. It is on record that still bunch of Cases totaling Eleven SLPs, which are part of the individual cases are still to be heard and decided by the Hon’ble Court. BSNL’s SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court, challenging the decision of OA No.60/750/2018 of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh dated 25.02.2020, is also pending with these bunches of cases.

Click here for the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment

• In the light of decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 28.01.2022, DOP&T has issued instructions to operate the matter of Reservation in Promotion vides OM number 6012/16/2019-Estt. (Res.) dated 12.04.2022.

Click here for DOPT OM dated 12.04.2022

Similarly, the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh has given direction to maintain Status Quo in the AO to CAO Promotion issued by the BSNL in Nov-2018, causing no movement in the case. BSNL is also trying to vacate the stay in the Hon’ble Court.

• Earlier DOP&T has issued instruction on the matter of Own Merit in Reservation in Promotion in 2010, 2016 and 2018 as below:

Click here for the DOP&T OM 2010

Click here for the DOP&T OM 2016

Click here for the DOP&T OM 2018