Utterances of SNEA in their website

Utterances of SNEA in their website

We observed some utterances of SNEA in their website.

So far, they have made many allegations against AIGETOA… Let’s go one by one !!!

  1. Worked very hard to scuttle the Time Bound Promotion Policy which ensures functional promotion after every 5 years. They scuttled it because it was negotiated by SNEA. The biggest beneficiaries are BSNL Rects. So, the so called BR saviors backstabbed the BRs – As the then MA they should be ashamed that they surrendered before AIGETOA… and this is ridiculous that the so called mighty association is today blaming others for their failures.
  1. AIGETOA worked very hard and made the SDE stagnation period as 12 years from 5 years. Their silence on the issue speaks volumes – The comments are on a draft.. premature assumptions by SNEA has become an habit which speaks volumes about their hurry in concluding things… In fact they are forgetting that Residency Period has once again become 3 years instead of 5 years by them.
  1. In 2007, AIGETOA opposed LDCE promotion demanding direct promotion from JTO to DE/AGM, equating with ITS Officers, instead of JTO to SDE promotion (that was their CPSU CH proposal of 2007) – And SNEA conspired to derail this ..they are calling it a Sin to aspire high . Shows their mindset.
  1. In 2015, CMD offered 6% SAB contribution in the open session of AIC of SNEA at Jaipur in the presence of all General Secretaries. AIGEOTA opposed it demanding full 12% and finally agreed for 3% in 2016-17. A big loss to all BRs. Who is against BRs, it is AIGETOA – In 2015 AIC of SNEA, CMD assured for 6 percent. SNEA was in power till 2020. In 5 years, they couldn’t implement that. This shows volumes about their seriousness on the issue. And also till today, SNEA is unable to tell us what percentage is yet to be achieved. They forgot this in 2007 when they got 30 percent fitment but forgot benefits of BRs ie Standard Pay Scales and 30 percent SAB..SNEA is the root cause of pendencies of such issues.
  1. SNEA demanded E2 and E3 scales from 01.01.2007 during 2nd PRC implementation. AIGETOA scuttled it initially by demanding E2 and E3 from 01.10.2000 itself and later on demanding cascading effect with revision of all other scales by forming a United Forum with some other Assns. Another big loss to all BRs recruited after 2007. Who is against BRs, It is AIGETOA. – The motive of SNEA is very clear after seeing the scales in CPSU proposal. They agreed for E1 in 2014 JTO RRs. Now they are showering Sermons…They were sleeping when other scales from 2nd PRC was being finalized..They became mum when initial two scales were kept Provisional.. AIGETOA is still in court and had kept the issue alive till date by obtaining stay on degradation of RRs and fighting in BSNL also. Can SNEA tell, how many forums they approached for this.
  1. If OTP transfer is so transparent, then why more than 200 requests are pending today or rejected? AIGEOTA should accept it as their failure in bringing transparency? – Again just a presumption..one month TA/TP as donation policy is obsolete now and executives are getting transfer without any hassles .. perhaps that is pinching SNEA. Proof of Transparency is that as on date there is waiting for hard tenure

Other achievements of AIGETOA will be contd tomorrow — We will wait for that ..We love the fairy tells of the Lie machine..

Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA under chairmanship of Director(HR)

The 3rd formal agenda meeting of AIGETOA was held in physical mode on 09.02.2022 at Conference Hall, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Director(HR) and participated by PGM Pers, Sr GM Estt, Sr GM SR, GM Admin, GM Restg, GM Rectt, Sr GM CA and other officers of BSNL Corporate Office New Delhi. The association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS and Shri Rajendra Singh Exe Member.

The meeting started with welcome address by Sr GM SR and opening remarks by the All India President and General Secretary, AIGETOA CHQ. The meeting lasted for more than 3.5 hrs and constructive discussion was held on each agenda items. The interest and aspirations of executives were put forth strongly in the meeting by the association and management came up with complete plan and several commitments on the range of issues discussed. Details will be issued through minutes of the meeting by the SR Cell. In the meantime, the highlights of the meeting are as stated below:

Click here for the details

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Shameless show of their hatred towards set rules and procedures by proclaimed SENA

In another shameless show of their hatred towards set rules and procedures, the proclaimed SENA is saying that rotational transfer should not be implemented and in earlier letter/write up/meeting they want this gap to be filled up by promoted executives. Means they want that those who are stationed at same places since their birth in this department should not move, while those who are relatively much newer should only be moved out. This shows their prejudiced thought process.

AIGETOA as MA is not for any group but it will stand for transparent policies. The policies which were made in the organisation and were forgotten, we stand for reviving that. We stand for transparency and we will support transparency.

Already through OTP transfer policy, major forte of proclaimed SENA by which they used to terrorize new comers has been broken… Many more to come dear proclaimed SENA.. Many more to come… AIGETOA is determined to remove all the dust from the policies which you have thrown into ashes all these years. You don’t want transparency to prevail in the organisation but we are determined for it.

And which agitation you are talking about (Paper Agitation)… Oh Yes!!! We forgot. You are the postponement association. So in your continuing saga of postponed agitations, u will add this also.

And the most interesting part – You do not consider BSNL Recruits as their own..You are saying that all BSNL Recruits are AIGETOA Members. It should act as an eye opener for all the BSNL Recruits who still vouch for you.

And a small Fact check:

As on 1.8.2020 after 20 years of proclaimed SENA running the affairs in BSNL-

The stagnation in JTO Telecom Grade was 20 years….

The Stagnation in SDE cadre- 17 years (PS- Majority of their batch mates are covered leaving only competitive quota and some others in lurch)

The Stagnation in other streams like Civil, Electrical and Architecture – 20-30 years

As on 1.1.2022, after 17 months of AIGETOA being in majority

The stagnation in JTO Telecom Grade is now hardly 7-8 years except very few, which will be reduced further with our continuous efforts. We assure that very soon Stagnation in SDE cadre and other streams shall also be reduced much below.

The proclaimed SENA wasted precious years of all the Executives making them run after something which was never to come. And when CPSU could have come in 2007, SENA never allowed it to come.

Instead of accepting your guilt and accepting the responsibilities for all the mess which you have created in all these years, you are trying to teach AIGETOA a sermon, which actually is most needed for you.

Let us tell you again,

AIGETOA hai- Jhukega nahi.

We will ensure BSNL HR to be so smooth that executives themselves will never let you come in..

Transparent Transfer Policies, much awaited promotions, Rule 8 streamlining, Rule 9 cases transparency, Draconian clauses which you got put in JTO RRs and made the life of new recruits’ hell has already been resolved. Many more such achievements are to follow, just wait and watch.

AIGETOA is here for constructive work for the inclusive welfare of all executives instead of selective favour like you did… We rest assure you to keep on doing such good works and You continue with your rubbish utterances…

Meeting with Hon’ble MoC at Bhubaneswar, Odisha on 6th Feb 2022

Today on dated 6th February 2022, Team AIGETOA lead by Joint Secretary East Shri Ashok Acharya and CS AIGETOA Odisha Shri Dhiren Parida met Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji and had brief discussion over the issues pertaining to BSNL and future prospects of executives of BSNL with respect to Pay, Promotion and Pension issues.

Hon’ble Minister happily shared that nearly 45000 cr budgetary allocation has been done for BSNL which is highest ever capital support extended to BSNL.

He told fortune of BSNL is vibrant here onwards and government will ensure its viability as well as long term survival of the company. He further assured us with regard to Pay, Pension and career related issues that everything will be settled one by one. He said he is aware of the issues raised by AIGETOA in various meetings with him and advised us to exercise a little bit of more patience. Hon’ble Minister assured that things are improving and each & every genuine issue shall be taken care of. He also directed his OSD to have detailed discussions with AIGETOA Team and arrange a full fledged agenda meeting with the association at the earliest suitable time at New Delhi.

We also invited him to grace the open session of our All India Conference as Chief Guest. Hon’ble Minister showed his positive consideration and asked us to coordinate with his OSD to ensure the time slot for the same.

Click here for the glimpses

Together We Will Achieve Everything.

Sad demise of our colleague Shri Narendra Irwar, SDE Shajapur, MP

AIGETOA deeply mourns the sad demise of our colleague Shri Narendra Irwar, SDE Shajapur, Madhya Pradesh due to Cardiac arrest. He was just under 40 years of age and a very dedicated member of AIGETOA. He is survived by his wife and two small children.

We pray to almighty to bless the departed soul with eternal peace, and to provide his family with strength and courage to tide over the this irreparable loss.

Promotion in the AGM(Telecom) Grade:

GS AIGETOA has once again reached out to the Hon’ble CMD BSNL for his kind intervention for immediate start of the preparatory exercise for issuance of the AGM(Telecom) Promotion as the much awaited judgement on Reservation in Promotion in the Civil Appeal Number 629 of 2022, arising out of SLP (C) No 30621 of 2011 has been pronounced by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi. So, the major hurdle has been cleared and it’s a high time that management should immediately start the preparatory exercise for the promotion in the AGM Telecom grade. This is equally important for the organisation considering the fact that BSNL is struggling with acute shortage of the officers in the AGM grade after implementation of VRS in BSNL on 01.02.2020.

Click here for the letter

Prepaid Bulk SMS Portal

BSNL Prepaid Bulk SMS Portal www.bulksms.bsnl.in is operational now. It is high time to contact retail customers and grab Bulk SMS business.

Salient features and USP of Portal:

  • Customer can directly open portal from his Desktop/Mobile and can register himself after getting his entity ID from BSNL DLT platform. https://www.ucc-bsnl.co.in
  • He can pay one time registration fee from Portal only through Card/Internet Banking.
  • Customer can choose SMS content and broadcast number list himself.
  • No third party vendor/App involved, so security/confidentiality of mobile numbers and messages is assured.
  • Customer will get Bulk SMS @ ~ Rs 0.10 only while third party vendors charges as high as @ Rs.0.25.
  • No chance of Spaming/Duplicating/Misuse of customer DLT entity.
  • Sent message are DLT scrubbed as per TRAI regulations so no UCC complaints.

Approval of Conducting LICE Exam

Flash News: It is learnt that the approval of conducting LICE exam has been sent from Estt cell of BSNL CO to Recruitment cell. The LICE shall be notified shortly. AIGETOA is in touch with Recruitment Cell for notification of the examinations at the earliest.

This issue was being pursued by AIGETOA for quite long. Finally we have been able to succeed in our pursuance for clearing all the roadblocks in the notification of LICE.

Next LDCE exam for promotion to SDE cadre, DPC for other left outs of 2008 batch and promotions from SDE/AO cadre to AGM/CAO cadre is also being pursued. Slowly and steadily, AIGETOA will be to achieve all the objectives set by us for career progression of the executives from all the grade and streams.

Together We Will Achieve Everything