Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble Hon’ble Defence Minister, Govt. of India, Shri Rajnath Singh Ji to discuss the long pending financial issues of BSNL employees including 3rd PRC and Pension Revision:

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri R N Mishra JS(Central), Shri S S Chaudhary (CS UPE) along with GS BTEU BSNL Shri R C Pandey Ji, Shri Ajay Kumar Singh AGS BTEU BSNL, Shiv Sewak (CS, BDSPS) met Shri Rajnath Singh Ji Hon’ble Defence Minister, Govt. of India at his residence in Lucknow today on dated 16.09.2023. Team AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues mentioned in memorandum including 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period and 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits. The team also requested for his intervention in pension revision for the retired employees. The team also apprised Hon’ble Minister about the recent steps taken by Management in violation of the code of conduct/REA rules which were intended just to create a bad environment and confusion amongst the executives against the BMS Affiliated AIGETOA which was the incumbent MA at that time. The relevant documents were also submitted to Hon’ble Minister which was immediately taken into cognizance.

Hon’ble Minister directed his secretary to get in touch with Communication Ministry and assured us of action on the inputs and the memorandum submitted by us. He further assured that He, along with Hon’ble MoC will have meeting with AIGETOA and BTEU very soon.

While others are still burning their mid night oil in remaining in the MV mode and spending their resources and energy on demeaning BMS and AIGETOA, we have decided to move forward and concentrate ourselves on the issues of significance. The current situation has made us more determined to achieve the long pending issues of PPP for all and we remain committed for the same.

Message from Sh Ravi Shil Verma, AIGETOA General Secretary regarding 3rd MV and Future Commitments :

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of AIGETOA, I extend my thanks and gratitude to you all for participating in 3rd MV process and exercising your right to vote.

We also extend our thanks and gratitude to all those who voted for AIGETOA and also done the hard work for the association which resulted into more votes than the paid membership count. We firmly reassure you all that don’t get disheartened by the results and instead let’s concentrate on resolving the issues which we promised as per the Shapath Patra 2023.

AIGETOA remains committed for resolution of the issues as promised in our agenda and charter.

At the end, as General Secretary of AIGETOA, on behalf of association, I accept the responsibility of this temporary set back and assure you all of my firm commitment to rise above this and work wholeheartedly for the cause of executives. I am confident that our rank and file will fight the issues with same vigour and resilience to achieve the unfinished agenda.

We also extend our congratulations and best wishes to SNEA and assure our constructive support on the resolution of issues.

With Regards,

Ravi Shil Verma

GS Secretary, AIGETOA

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble Minister for Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji to discuss the long pending financial issues of BSNL employees including 3rd PRC:

Team AIGETOA consisting of All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and CHQ Advisor Dr. Yogesh Chauhan met Hon’ble Minister of Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji at his office at Udyog Bhawan today the dated 12.09 2023. Team AIGETOA presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues of 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period along with 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits. Team explained the disparity in the scales of BSNL and MTNL and said that initial two Scales have been kept provisional since 1.1.2007 and the same needs to be resolved immediately. We also highlighted the pay loss case of 22820 and JE Period Pay Loss. We said Full 30 percent SAB is yet to be implemented in BSNL despite BSNL being in Net Profit at that time. We also highlighted the issue of Pension Option under CCS Rules.

The need for implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL was discussed in detail and we highlighted the requirement of waiver of affordability clause in respect of BSNL given the circumstances in which the PSU is made to operate and incur losses because of this. We told the Hon’ble Minister that BSNL has been consistently earning operating profit and is EBITDA positive since last many years. Net Profit couldn’t be earned as BSNL has been made to run without 4G and also is operating in loss making areas along with fulfillment of the responsibilities associated with meeting out the telecom objectives of Government of India. Accordingly we requested the Hon’ble Minister to intervene for the resolution of all the long pending HR issues which have been pending for a long time in BSNL.

We also informed Hon’ble Minister that BSNL Employees have been working day and night for the development of Indigenous 4G/5G Core and the government must extend its blessings to the employees also who have been suffering the loss in terms of their pay and pensionary benefits.

Hon’ble Minister gave a patient hearing and raised few queries wrt our memorandum. We explained the points to Hon’ble Minister. After discussing in detail, Hon’ble Minister assured that he will take up these issues firmly with Minister of Communication and will try to resolve these issues which are of extreme financial importance for BSNL Employees. He also firmly reiterated the commitment of Government India to extend support to BSNL. Hon’ble Minister also explained about the implementation of 3rd PRC in loss making PSUs and told that he shall surely be taking the issues with Hon’ble MoC for resolution of the issues.

Click Here for the Memorandum

Meeting with Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance Dr Bhagwat Kishanrao Karad Ji on 3rd PRC & Residual Issues of 2nd PRC :

Team AIGETOA consisting of Sh Rajendra Kolapkar CHQ Advisor, Sh Prashant Kolhare DP Aurangabad, Sh Amit Kuril DS Aurangabad, ADS Sh Sagar Pardhe & BTEU consisting of Sh Shiwaji Wagh ACS & Sh K B Bagal VP BTEU meets Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance Dr Bhagwat Kishanrao Karad Ji & had a detailed discussion on the long pending HR issues of BSNL employees.

Need for waiver of affordability clause for BSNL in respect of implementation of 3rd PRC was discussed on which Hon’ble Minister extended his positive assurance.

We are hopeful of a breakthrough on the issues of 3rd PRC & Residual issues of 2nd PRC through this meeting.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Support AIGETOA in the membership verification, BSNLOBCEWA appeals to BSNL executives :

Sh. Rajendra Singh, GS BSNLOBCEWA, has called upon all the BSNL executives to back AIGETOA in the membership verification process. He said that AIGETOA is the most suitable association that has been striving for the rights and welfare of the executives, particularly on the issues of pay revision, career progression, pension revision and superannuation benefits. He also acknowledged the role of AIGETOA in challenging the attempts of privatization and disinvestment of BSNL and defending the interests of the PSU and its employees.

He urged all the executives to cast their vote at Serial No. 3 in support of AIGETOA and make it the dominant representative association of BSNL executives. He said that by doing so, they will strengthen the voice of the executives and ensure a brighter future for themselves and BSNL. He also requested them to spread this message among their colleagues and friends and encourage them to vote for AIGETOA.

He expressed his optimism that with the support and solidarity of all the executives, AIGETOA will emerge victorious in the membership verification and will continue to work for the betterment of BSNL and its executives.

AIBSNLOBCEWA – Stand with us in support of AIGETOA during the upcoming membership verification :

Mr. M Vijay Kumar, the dynamic GS of AIBSNLOBCEWA, passionately encourages BSNL executives to cast their votes in favor of AIGETOA in the imminent membership verification process. He highlights the crucial role played by AIGETOA in championing executives’ rights and welfare, especially in matters of pay, promotion, pension and superannuation benefits. AIGETOA has been a steadfast guardian, resisting privatization and disinvestment attempts, thus protecting the interests of BSNL and its dedicated employees.

His appeal is clear: Let’s unite and vote for AIGETOA, represented at Serial No. 3, and make it the Majority association for BSNL executives. Together, we can amplify the voices of executives and pave the way for a brighter future for both ourselves and BSNL. Furthermore, he kindly asks executives to share this compelling message with colleagues and friends, inspiring them to stand alongside AIGETOA. Your vote can shape the destiny of BSNL Executives!

STEWA requests all BSNL Executives to support AIGETOA in the Membership Verification :

Sh. M Uday Kumar GS STEWA, has appealed to all the BSNL executives to support AIGETOA in the membership verification process. He said that AIGETOA is the only association that has been consistently raising the issues of pay, promotion, pension and superannuation benefits for the executives. He also commended the role of AIGETOA in safeguarding the interests of BSNL and its employees from the threats of privatization and disinvestment.

He urged all the executives to cast their vote at Serial No. 3 in favour of AIGETOA and make it the sole representative association of BSNL executives. He said that by doing so, they will boost the voice of the executives and ensure a secure future for themselves and BSNL. He also asked them to convey this message among their colleagues and friends and persuade them to vote for AIGETOA.

He expressed his confidence that with the support and cooperation of all the executives, AIGETOA will triumph in the membership verification and will continue to work for the welfare of BSNL and its executives.

AIGETOA’s Response to Recognition Period Extension – One PSU, One Association :

In response to the management’s move of increasing the recognition period to 4 years, AIGETOA submitted its comment as stated below:

If management is sincere in its approach on saving the expenditure of MV, it’s high time to consider One PSU One Association concept meaning that there should be a single association in the PSU and executives should not be allowed to be divided into groups. This will not only save the expenditure of BSNL but also a lot of expenditure will be saved by the respective associations also.

We request management to call the association for a constructive discussion and participative approach.

Click here for Letter

Click here for letter by BSNL

Delhi Declaration at G20 Summit Adopts Six Key Points from L20 Summit, Recognizing BMS’s Pivotal Role:

In a significant development for the employees across the globe, today at G20 Summit, Delhi Declaration adopted 6 major points raised by Joint statement in L20 Summit which is being chaired by Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. This echoes the significance of the voice of BMS which has played the pivotal role in getting these points being adopted by the Apex G20 group of the world. AIGETOA feels pride in its association with BMS as an affiliate association.

Earlier, Shri S Mallesham, All India VP & Sector In-charge (PSU), BMS has written to GS, AIGETOA wishing the association success in the forthcoming MV and assuring their whole hearted support for resolution of various HR issues which persists in BSNL as listed in the memorandum submitted to Hon’ble MoC by AIGETOA.

BMS has extended its firm commitment to AIGETOA for the Resolution of the long Pending HR issues of Pay, Promotions, Pension and 3rd PRC at the highest level and to take up the matters directly with Hon’ble MoC and council of Ministers.

Click here for Letter

Cast Your Vote for AIGETOA at Serial No.3 to achieve PPPP Resolution (Pay, Promotion, Pension & PRC)

Cast your vote for AIGETOA at Serial No. 3 to achieve PPPP resolution (Pay, Promotion, Pension & PRC). We are committed to pursue with Government of India for the resolution of issues with the help of our umbrella organization BMS.

Your vote is crucial in resolving E2 pay scales for JTO/JAO, resolving pay loss issues, 30% SAB and 3rd PRC and also for ensuring BSNL’s profitability.

Your Vote Counts.. Vote for Your Issues.. Vote for AIGETOA at Serial No. 3.