Updates of the Meeting of Team AIGETOA with CMD BSNL:

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand and AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Gautam met CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar Ji on dated 29th November 2023 and had extensive discussions on the issue of Pending Promotions across various grades, Remedial actions pertaining to cancellation of the ALTTC takeover orders by DoT and the current status of 4G Roll Out.

We informed Hon’ble CMD about the current status of the pending Promotions across all the grades. We expressed our strong resentment on the casual handling of the Promotions (DPC as well as LICE) by Pers and Recruitment Section. We highlighted that despite promotion calendar being finalised and notified in March 2023 itself, it was unfortunate and sheer lack of empathy on the part of the concerned sections dealing with the issue. We told CMD BSNL that it was only in September that the process was initiated and responsibility must be fixed for the delay in the whole process. We told CMD BSNL that all the executives are feeling frustrated because of this inaction on the part of concerned sections. We said that this was the basic apprehension we have been raising time and again that in last many years of formation of BSNL and even at the time of DoT, department has always failed to conduct competitive examination in time and that has become a source of never-ending litigations on the various promotions.

We thereafter requested Hon’ble CMD BSNL for exploring the ways as suggested by AIGETOA earlier so that all the eligible executives can be covered for the promotion from SDE to AGM grade through SCF route, so that further delay in promotions can be avoided and justice can be extended to the candidates waiting for their long-awaited promotions since long. We also suggested the way out on how the promotions from AGM to DGM can take place and the consequential vacancies arising out of these promotions can be utilised for covering the promotions in SDE to AGM cadre and JTO to SDE cadre. We also requested CMD BSNL to direct Pers section to be ready with all the preparatory exercise in AO to CAO promotions as the judgement from Chandigarh CAT is expected soon. We said that BSNL must be ready to issue the promotions in AO to CAO cadre within a day as soon as the verdict is declared to avoid any further legal complexity. We also expressed our demand for executing JAO to AO promotions for the consequential vacancies arising out of the promotions from AO to CAO Cadre. We also highlighted that promotions in the cadre of PA/PS/PPS and CSS are also pending despite availability of the vacancies and the same must be done at the earliest. We also highlighted the plight of reversal affected candidates who have been waiting for their promotions since last one year and request his intervention in ensuring justice to the deprived lot.

Hon’ble CMD BSNL appreciated our concern and has directed the Pers team to submit a comprehensive report along with all the documents related to the status of the promotions and the corresponding show stoppers including the legal lacunae. CMD BSNL told that AIGETOA can also submit their inputs and after going through all the documents, all can sit together and find out the way for executing the promotions across various grades. We shall again be sharing the inputs to CMD BSNL and the methodology with respect to how the Vacancies can be utilised for ensuring the promotions across various grades. We also discussed the need for rationalising the LICE syllabus by making the topics optional and doing away with negative marking and implementing the percentile methods. We also emphasized upon the need for ensuring promotions through regular channel of Promotions and requested for ensuring sufficient number of vacancies by way of creating fresh number of posts. CMD BSNL appreciated our concern and assured that he will take the inputs into cognizance. He said he will discuss with his team on the way forward and emphasized that management is positive on the issue of promotions. He said that he has told his team to find way out with a thought that promotions will have to executed under any circumstances and if a positive thought is given, definitely way out can also be found out.

However, he was quite critical of unnecessary court cases especially in the context of AO to CAO Promotions, DGM Ad-hoc to Regular Promotions and JTO to SDE Promotions. We expressed that yes, we do agree that many a times, court cases derail the process but it has been observed at many instances that BSNL advocates appearing on behalf of BSNL also seek multiple adjournments on various grounds which further delays the process. At least BSNL CO units, circles and panel representing BSNL must be advised to not to seek unnecessary adjournments and that they must ensure filing of replies without seeking any adjournment. We expressed that we do understand that the legal process is slow but at least BSNL must ensure that there should not be any delay on their part. CMD BSNL assured to look into the matter. 

Team AIGETOA also emphasized and highlighted upon the need for making the pay and perks in line with the contemporary CPSUs. We said when government is expecting BSNL to perform and work as par with other leading PSUs, parity must be there with respect to benefits also. We also discussed the current status of 4G Roll-out and CMD informed that almost all issues are settled and hopefully 4G will be rolled out shortly. We however said that gradually employees are losing patience and hence immediate breakthrough in 4G rollout is essentially required to over come the root cause of BSNL remaining as a loss-making PSU which is not only harming the interests of BSNL but also resulting into negating of many dues and rights to BSNL employees including 3rd PRC and residual issues of 2nd PRC and Pay losses. We said association and unions can’t remain mute to this situation and hence all steps must be taken to ensure an early roll out of 4G followed by implementation of 5G for BSNL.

ALTTC take over issue was also discussed and CMD informed that he had already conveyed the facts, figures and BSNL’s point of view including the resentment of employees. He Said that all the issues have been explained at the highest level and its now for the authorities to decide on the matter. We categorically expressed that as a responsible association and as a responsible employee, we remain committed for ensuring the wellbeing of BSNL and we will go to any extent to protect the interest of BSNL and its employees.

The meeting lasted for almost half an hour and various aspects were discussed in detail and we extended our thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL for sparing his valuable time and appreciating the concern of the employees associated with the issues.

Economic Times Covers the Letter of AIGETOA, BTEU & BDPS to Hon’ble MoC seeking his kind attention for cancelling the unilateral decision of DoT for retaining the 81 acres of ALTTC Land:

Today on 29th Nov 2023, Economic Times covers the Letter of General Secretaries of AIGETOA, BTEU & BDPS to Hon’ble MoC seeking his kind attention for cancelling the unilateral decision of DoT for retaining the 81 acres of ALTTC Land.

Click here for News in Detail

General Secretaries of AIGETOA, BTEU BSNL and BDPS writes to Hon’ble MoC seeking his kind Intervention for cancelling the unilateral decision of DoT for retaining the 81 acres of ALTTC land :

The General Secretaries of AIGETOA, BTEU BSNL and BDPS writes to Hon’ble MoC seeking his kind Intervention for cancelling the unilateral decision of DoT for retaining the 81 acres of ALTTC land vide order No.8- 9/2020-Asset Mgmt dated 21.02.2022 and through the subsequent DOT letter No.3-32/2019- NTI.Admin dated 27-12-2021 to hand over ALTTC campus from BSNL to NTIPRIT. The General Secretaries also request Hon’ble MoC for directing DoT to transfer all the assets in the name of BSNL as mandated during its formation on 01.10.2000.

Click here for letter

Team AIGETOA Welcomes & Congratulate Dr. Kalyan Sagar Nippani on assuming the charge of Director HR BSNL Board :

Today on 23rd Nov 2023, Team AIGETOA consist of Sh. Veerabhadra Rao All India President, Sh. A A Khan Chief Patron & National Convener, Sh. Pavan Akhand Dy. GS, Sh. Badri Kumar Mehta Finance Secretary, Sh. Yogendra Kumar AGS and Sh. Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS, welcomed with flower bouquet and congratulate Sh. Kalyan Sagar Nippani on assuming the charge of Director HR BSNL Board and assures him full support & co-operation in all the endeavors taken in the interest of BSNL and its employees.

During our brief discussions, we emphasized in resolving our longstanding HR issues in BSNL, particularly focusing on promotions across all cadres and streams. We also requested an appointment for a detailed discussion on these matters.

Director HR promptly assured us of a meeting with his HR team to address our concerns comprehensively.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the newly appointed Director HR.

Celebrating Unity, Progress, and Commitment : “AIGETOA Marks 18 Years of Empowering BSNL Executives on Foundation Day”

Dear Esteemed AIGETOA Members and Valued Well-Wishers,

Greetings on this momentous occasion as we joyously commemorate the foundation day of the All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA). Today marks not only a celebration of our collective journey but also a reaffirmation of our unity, progress, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of every BSNL Executives.

Our remarkable odyssey began in 2005, highlighting the imperative need for an association to safeguard the rights of BSNL Executives. In response, AIGETOA was established in 2005, emerging as a vital platform addressing HR policy disparities and amplifying the collective voices of its members. Since then, AIGETOA has been a beacon of dedication, systematically addressing and resolving diverse issues, earning the unanimous support of our esteemed members.

As we collectively reflect on this journey, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the milestones achieved, the challenges surmounted, and the enduring bonds forged within AIGETOA. The success of AIGETOA stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment and tireless efforts of its members, who have played a pivotal role in maintaining BSNL’s global position as a market leader.

On this Foundation Day, let us renew our commitment to the core principles and objectives that define AIGETOA. Together, we shall persist in our pursuit of excellence, continue to foster unity, and actively contribute to the ongoing prosperity of BSNL.

Wishing you all a joyous and fulfilling AIGETOA Foundation Day!

BSNL Issues Corrections to Management Services Recruitment Rules 2023 (MSRR-2023):

Pers Section, BSNL CO has issued a corrigendum to rectify typographical errors in the recently announced Recruitment Rules for BSNL Management Services (Stream Wise) in 2023. The corrections address inadvertent errors in selection criteria for various streams, ensuring accuracy in the promotion process.

Key corrections include adjustments to the minimum qualifying service for promotion to AGM/DE and equivalent levels in Telecom Operations, Finance, Civil, and Electrical streams. Similarly, changes have been made for ARCH/TF/CSS/CSSS & OTHERS streams, as well as Finance/Civil streams for promotion to PGM and equivalent levels.

Click here for letter

A Joyous Deepavali Greeting from AIGETOA to dedicated BSNL Executives :

Dear All Esteemed BSNL Executives,

Wishing you and your loved ones a Diwali filled with light, laughter, and endless joy!

As we come together to celebrate the Festival of Lights, let’s take a moment to appreciate the brilliance that each one of you brings to the BSNL family. Your dedication, hard work, and resilience illuminate the path to a brighter and connected future.

May the glow of the diyas illuminate not just your homes but also your hearts, filling them with warmth and positivity. Let the sound of joyous laughter be the melody of this festive season, echoing the unity and strength that defines our BSNL family.

As AIGETOA, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering commitment to excellence. Together, let us continue to shine as a beacon of communication and connectivity, lighting up the lives of millions across the nation.

This Diwali, we also celebrate BSNL’s significant contributions towards India’s indigenous 4G and 5G initiatives, a testament to our collective commitment to achieving self-reliance in the telecom sector. Your tireless efforts in advancing cutting-edge technology are paving the way for a digitally empowered self reliant India.

Wishing you a Diwali that sparkles with success, resonates with harmony, and echoes with the laughter of shared moments.

Happy Diwali!

Flash News : Clarification on Transfer Policy Issued

During the meeting with PGM Pers, team AIGETOA has requested for Clarification on the cut off date for the applicability of the new guidelines wrt hard, soft and semi hard tenure stations. After our consistent pursuance on the subject, finally Pers Section issued the clarification that the guidelines shall be applicable from the date of issuance of orders and for all the transfer orders issued before the cut off date, old guidelines will prevail. We are also pursuing to get the tenure period restored to its earlier period.

Click her for Clarification

Greetings to all BSNL Executives on the occasion of India’s Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) from AIGETOA!

India’s first Home Minister, Vallabhbhai Patel, was dubbed “Sardar” (Chief) for his exceptional leadership skills in leading the country through the struggle for independence and beyond. Most notably, he played a pivotal role in integrating the princely states and during the India-Pakistan War of 1947.

Let us remember this great leader who united our diverse nation and reaffirm our commitment to the spirit of unity that makes us strong as a nation.

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek

This Ekta Diwas, Let’s pledge to stand together, work together, and build a brighter future for our beloved Country.




Congratulations and Tribute to the brave mountaineers from BSNL Kerala Circle :

Mountaineering is a demanding and perilous endeavor that requires immense physical and mental strength, as well as a deep understanding of the natural world. It is indeed a proud moment for all of us to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our colleagues in the field of mountaineering. AIGETOA Kerala applauds and offer our tributes the following brave mountaineers from BSNL Kerala Circle for their dedication, passion and for being shining examples of human courage and resilience.

Sh Sudeep C (AGM Kannur) & Sh Gokuldas C N (JTO Kannur) – Conquered Mt. Kilimanjaro – the highest peak of African continent and world’s highest free standing mountain.

Smt. Neethu S (SDE Kollam) – Completed Kuari pass Trekking summit (Utharkhand, India).

Their accomplishments serve as an inspiration to all, demonstrating the value of determination, teamwork, and perseverance in the face of adversity. These mountaineers exemplify the spirit of adventure and exploration, and they are a source of pride for BSNL Kerala Circle and the entire organization. Let us celebrate these proud moments and offer our heartfelt congratulations to our colleagues in BSNL Kerala Circle for their outstanding achievements in the world of mountaineering. Their accomplishments remind us of the heights that can be reached when individuals are driven by passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.