Annual General Meet cum CWC Meeting of AIGETOA CHQ held on 12-13 December, 2020:

Annual General Meet cum CWC Meeting of AIGETOA CHQ held on 12-13 December, 2020:

Annual General Meeting cum Central Working Committee Meeting of AIGETOA CHQ held on 12-13 December, 2020 through online mode with open session of the two days conference held on 12th December, 2020. The open session was graced by the Chief Guest, Shri P K Purwar ji Hon’ble CMD, Guest of Honour Shri Arvind Vadnerkar ji Director (HR) BSNL Board and Shri A M Gupta ji Sr GM(SR) through online video conference. About 500 Members joined the online open session and about 1500 executives watched the program live through our website where the session was broadcast on our website Theme of the Open Session was “BSNL 2.0 – The Road Map Ahead”.

Earlier the meeting started at 10:00 O’Clock in the morning with the welcome of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Yogendra Jharwal FS, Shri Laxman Bhanoth Chairman, All CHQ Members, Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents and Collegiums’ Members by Shri Deepak Sahu Ji, Dy GS AIGETOA CHQ. The Meeting was presided over by the AIP and mandatory provisions of the association for the financial year 2019-20 were taken up for discussion and approval of the House. After detailed discussion, Annual Working Report, Collegiums Updating, Membership Updating and Financial Report of the financial year 2019-20 of the association was passed by the house unanimously.

The open session was started in the afternoon with welcome address by All India President, Shri Ravi Verma ji. In his opening remarks, he welcomed the dignitaries, CHQ and Circle office bearers of the association and all the executives. He extended his gratitude to all executives for making AIGETOA number one association in the Membership Verification Process. He assured everybody that AIGETOA will continue to serve the executive fraternity for the welfare and upliftment of the cadre and well being of our beloved organization BSNL. He also extended his gratitude to BSNL management for successful conduction of MV process. He emphasized that executives have a lot of positive expectation from the current board and hoped that all the pending HR issues and issues related to BSNL shall be dealt with complete proactively for resolution. He extended firm support of association for the decisions which are taken for the well being of BSNL. He also said that association has also the duty to oppose the moves which will harm BSNL. He expected that under the current management team, pending issues like JTO to SDE DPC, SDE to DE promotions, AO to CAO promotions, JAO to AO promotions. Promotions in other cadres, Standard Pay Scale issue, Pay loss issue (22820 and E1 plus 5 increments), 30% SAB shall be resolved soon. Shri Verma informed management that while each and every executive is committed for fulfilling his roles and responsibilities, at the same time management should also ensure the rightful dues of employees with respect to Pay, Pension and Promotion. He hoped that discussion on the topic – BSNL 2.0: The roadmap ahead will give enough insight to all the attendees for having a firsthand knowledge about the view of the management with respect to the roadmap ahead to carry forward BSNL in post VRS era. All India President also emphasized upon the need for holding the LDCE and LICE exams at the earliest.

Thereafter, CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar ji in his address apprised all the listeners and attendees about the current status of the company, the challenges ahead, the financial crunch which company is facing, the roadblocks which are being felt in roll out of 4G services and also about the need for working together and keep the heads high to ensure that BSNL sails through this tough situation. He said, though position of the company has improved vis-à-vis the situation in which it was placed in previous year. He stressed upon the need for increasing the revenue. He said that he is aware about the day to day problems being faced by the employees and assured that whatever best that can be done in the current situation is being done and shall be done. He requested all to lay special emphasis to customer service and maintaining the services in up and running condition. With respect to pending HR issues, he said that he has told his team to work on the HR issues specially the issues related to promotions. He assured that management is committed to protect the interest of employees and will not do anything which will hamper their career prospects. He acknowledged that the management got engaged towards BSNL Revival Measures as initiated by the government considering its vital importance, which is still continuing. But he assured the gathering that now onwards management will equally focus on all pending promotions and other HR issues of the employees. He wished everybody best of luck and requested all to work with full dedication, commitment and zeal to turn for sustainability of our beloved organisation.

The Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Ji congratulated AIGETOA for becoming the Majority Recognised Representative Association. Director HR in his address said that as the head of the HR group, he is aware of the complexities involved in various issues and reiterated his commitment to resolve all the issues. He said that due to legacy structure, many HR issues have cropped up but he said that all the difficulties shall be removed and all HR issues will be settled as per commitment. He said that HR team is working dedicatedly on all the HR issues and hoped that results will be visible soon. He said that though he understands the fact that unless orders are in hand, no issue can be stated to be resolved. He said that he will ensure that the orders are in hands soon specially with respect to JTO to SDE DPC. He once again assured the management commitment for ensuring promotions in all grades, which is the due aspiration of an executive on joining as a CPSE Employee. He requested all to not to get de-motivated and hoped that together we will sail out of this tough situation.

GS, Shri Wasi Ahmad in his key note address first extended thanks to the CMD BSNL to grace the occasion and Director (HR) for accepting and gracing function as Guest of Honour and reaffirming his commitment for issuance of pending promotions in all grades starting from JTO to SDE and settlement of HR issues. He also thanked Sr GM(SR) for successfully conducting the 2nd Membership Verification and his apt role. GS extended his heartfelt thanks to all the OBs of AIGETOA for working day and night for the 2nd MV. He also thanked one and all executives for showing faith in us and electing AIGETOA as Majority Recognised Representative Association. He assured from the platform that the association is committed to resolve all outstanding issues of all executives and it will not leave any stone unturned to fulfill the faith and aspirations shown in us.

On the topic of the day, BSNL 2.0 and Roadmap Ahead, he spoke in length about the immediate roll out of 4G services and challenges being faced. He appraised the gathering that the government insistence to use only make in India Core for complete 4G roll out through PoC concept will suffocate the growth of wireless business of BSNL. He apprised that the association has demanded from the government to either allow the roll out the service by up-gradation of existing 2G/3G network or permit BSNL to procure 4G proven technology equipments through MNC route with 10% reserving for Make in India Project. He demanded that the BSNL Board should be given a free hand to take decision in larger interest of the company. He also took up the issue of renewal of 2G spectrum and replacement of faulty hardware of exiting 2G/3G network. He also taken up the matter of shortage of fund for maintenance in field units, maintenance region issues, optimum tapping of recent guidelines of government for mandatory use of BSNL services, objection on sharing of revenue through VAS vendors for default music etc, Sales & Marketing Activities, FTTH speed issues, network augmentation etc. He also spoke in detail about BTCL and business activities to be carried out by the BTCL and employees apprehension about BTCL, which were cleared by the CMD in his address.

Later, GS took HR issues and explain the current status and the roadmap for its resolution. He also appraised the gathering about the meeting of the association with CMD on 9th Dec, 2020 He touched briefly to all issues as detailed below:

JTO to SDE DPC: He apprised the management that waiting time is stretching beyond the patience and any further delay in JTO to SDE Promotion will be a serious setback to the waiting executives. He agreed with the views of the management that it is essential and works are going in right direction but reminded that we can’t wait endlessly and so it must be issued without further delay. The CWC is of the opinion that the association can’t tolerate further delay in SDE Promotion considering the fact that stagnation has reached up to 19 Yrs.

SDE 2007 Reversal Issue: Association thanks for the interim relief by reinstating the reverted executives to the post of SDEs but reminded the management that it is another breach of trust and not resolved as agreed in the agenda meeting to settle it permanently as one time measure. Although the Director(HR) has assured to resolve this issue in same line as agreed in the agenda meeting.

Publication of SDE Seniority List of 2007-8 onwards: The GS demanded for immediate publishing of provisional SDE seniority list of remaining vacancy year’s i.e. 2007-08 onwards on vacancy year basis as discussed in the agenda meeting and he also demanded for the finalization of the seniority list of 2006-07, which has been provisionally circulated. It was agreed by the management to look into and they will try to resolve the legal aspects in this regard.

Notification of LDCE: GS requested for notification of LDCE for SDE(T) with a scheduled of calendar for examinations of pending vacancy years at a gap of 2-3 weeks to make up the lost time. He also apprised the house that the recruitment section has competed resource exercise and decision by the CMD in this regard can be implemented at a short notice.

SDE to AGM and AO to CAO Promotion: AIGETOA apprised management about shortage of Executives in the cadre of AGM/CAO & DGM(T)/DGM(F) and requested management for immediate action in this regards. Management has also agreed to start the process in the direction of remaining promotions after completion of JTO to SDE Promotion. GS explained that already executives are working in higher grade and the said promotion is just designation change as most of the eligible executives already discharging the higher responsibilities and drawing the scale. He categorically told that look after arrangement should be stopped and executives should be allowed to work on regular basis always.

Rule 9 Cases Settlement: He apprised gathering that on request of the association, management has agreed to revisit the issue which has been temporarily put on hold. The management has agreed to consider special cases like spouse cases, lady officer’s cases and critical medical cases for those pending with corporate office.

Rule 8 Cases and Reduction of bond period: The GS has requested Director(HR) for consideration of Rule 8 cases and reduction of Bond period in line with the discussion held in agenda meeting along with bringing of transparency in the system by invoking online mechanism. He appraised that these issues can be settled in minimum time without involvement of any financial issues for which Dir(HR) has agreed to look into it for solution.

Other issues raised by GS are standard pay scale of E2/E3 for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent grade, Pay loss issues, SAB issues and other issues linked with finance, he shown his helplessness for immediate resolution but agreed to consider them on merit with improved financial condition of the organisation. Details are as under:

Timely Payment of Salary: GS took up the issue of timely payment of salary with the CMD BSNL and appraised the management about serious resentment in the field units due to non-regularization of salary even after ten months of the VRS implementation. It is the opinion of employees in general that when the wage bill has reduced and earning has improved, why this delay is not eradicated. Although CMD BSNL has addressed this issue in his speech but the employees are more interested to get it resolved at the earliest considering the fact that they are putting their best. The GS also raised the matter of clearance of backlog temporary advance amount, which have been spent by executives in maintenance of services. These are already on record and he demanded immediate clearance of these amounts. The management has agreed to look into it for clearance of dues in phased manner despite of the fact that fund has been given to the Circles for maintaining the services.

Standard Pay Scale issue of E2/E3: GS AIGETOA updated CMD BSNL detail about the standard pay scale issue for which he agreed to consider the same after going through the details about the standard pay scale issue. On our request to take up the matter of standard scale once again with the DoT, he consented but told that he will do it after revisiting the files in this regard. The Team will follow up with CMD in this regard.

Pay Loss Issue of 22820/-, E1+5 increment and TTA to DR JTO: GS appraised the gathering about the progress in this regard and stand of the management to wait till improvement of financial position. He apprised the management about all three pay loss issue in details and submission of documents for the formation of committee. CMD BSNL has agreed to consider them but with financial improvement only. But GS told that the issues are pending from the time BSNL was in positive and further it’s a recurring loss of affected individuals which can’t be ignored endlessly.

Increase of SAB Fund to increase it from existing 21.8% to 30%: The GS highlighted this aspect which is a social security part of the employees and the management is only extending 21.8% (EPF-12, SAB Pension Fund-5%, Gratuity-4.8%) defined contribution against recommended 30% SAB contribution of 2nd PRC. The GS requested CMD BSNL to at least increase SAB Pension Fund by 3% to bridge the shortfall in first go as it is a social security component. The CMD BSNL has agreed to consider in coming days with improved situation.

The remaining HR and other issues also discussed in length in the meeting and appraised to the CMD and Director(HR) and it was apprised that the HR should be treated as Real Resources and invested to garner the full benefits for the organisation else other no revival package will be complete.

Shri A.M. Gupta, Sr GM (SR) also congratulated AIGETOA for becoming the Majority Recognised Representative Association. He also assured for his full cooperation in bridging the gaps between association and management. He assured that HR team is working on all the issues. He looked forward to BSNL taking new strides under the current leadership. He also appreciated the role of AIGETOA leaders in precipitating the issues before management.

Shri B. Laxman, Chairman AIGETOA in his address highlighted the maintenance related problems and requested management to provide support to the executives for keeping services up and running by providing required funds and equipment. Shri Laxman also stressed upon the need for ensuring the 4G rollout at the earliest.

At the end, Shri Deepak Shahu, Dy GS extended the vote of thanks on behalf of AIGETOA. The meeting was conducted on zoom platform and managed by Shri Pavan Akhand Ji AGS and Shri Sridhar Ji Joint Secretary (South) in a professional way, which was appreciated by all participants.

Organization Protest Program at Kerala Circle

AIGETOA Kerala has taken a firm stand against the violation of guidelines of BSNL and overriding of the very merit of various rules by Circle Management. Even though the matter was raised with circle management it was observed that the inconsiderate attitude is continuing. In addition AIGETOA Kerala had also observed selective victimization tactics by various BA managements.

To oppose this, Kerala team announced an organisation action program, starting with a token protest of lunch hour demonstration as a precursor to the organizational actions which was held in BA and Circle Head head quarters.

Click here for the Snapshots

AIGETOA Kerala has given their clear message to Circle Management that, association will not be a mute spectator to the partisan approach and urged for corrective measures at the earliest.

Update of AIGETOA Meeting with PGM Pers

AIP Shri Ravi Shil Verma, AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar and AGS Shri Sunil Gautam met PGM Pers and held an extensive discussion with respect to JTO to SDE DPC and status there of. All the nitty gritties and teething problems if any were discussed and it is concluded that very soon we are going to see the results. AIGETOA Team is consistently on job and will ensure the promotions very soon.

Promotional modalities of other cadres like SDE to DE and AO to CAO were discussed. Work on these promotions will also begin soon. We once again emphasised that List 9 has been prepared as per extant guidelines and date of joining criteria doesn’t hold true for the lists which were not impunged list at Honble SC. In fact management should consider extending ROTA also in addition to quota.

We would like to further inform that discussion on pending rule 8 and rule 9 cases have also been discussed by AIGETOA Team. It has been assured to us that BSNL CO will look into the aspect of streamlining Rule 8 cases and a policy is being considered for rule 9 for specific cases like Spouse cases and female executives.

AIGETOA Team will keep you updated on the progress.

EPFO to credit 8.5 % interest on provident fund for 2019-2020 by December

The EPFO has decided to uphold its decision to provide the said rate of interest during a virtual CBT meeting held in September. Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is expected to credit 8.5 per cent rate of interest in the employees’ provident fund (EPF) of about six crore subscribers for 2019-2020. This is to be done in one go by the end of this year.

Click here for letter