Faith and Patience will take us all forward :

Finally Tamilnadu Circle realized and accepted that with reversal order kept in abeyance, the earlier reverted SDEs should be treated as regular SDEs. In the name of clarification to BSNL CO, they were trying to undermine their seniority and were trying to treat them as JTOs.

After pursuasion by BSNL CO CHQ Team and AIGETOA Circle Team of Tamil Nadu, finally the issue is settled and they have been extended DE LA. Though we never endorse extension of LA promotions when sufficient vacancies and candidates are available for regular promotions and we always advocate for regular promotion instead. But such type of small small issues which were being kept in lingering mode specially for BSNL Recruits earlier have now started to see their rightful path. This happens only when right team is in place at all levels.

Yes, we do agree that pace for resolution of the issues is slow but we all have to understand that we are working in an environment where nothing has favoured us in all these twenty years and whatever we have achieved till date has been obtained after consistent struggle and fight. The wrongs of twenty years needs to be converted into rights and all this will take time. This become further more difficult when our own family members start pulling the legs of those who are up in the line forgetting that this leg pulling will result ultimately harm those also who are trying to delay the things. We can hope that let good sense prevail all to understand that with respect for each other, we together can move forward.

With respect to promotions, extensive discussion has taken place in last 2-3 days and we can hope for the output soon, both on DPC as well as LDCE. Recently, a petition challenging the preparation of list 9 on Vacancy Year wise has been defeated at Honble Madras CAT through active involvement of AIGETOA Chennai and TN team who impleaded in the case. The list will soon reach to Finality and subsequent lists shall also be published thereafter including the seniority revision of those who were promoted through DPC and later got their seniority upgraded through LDCE. Request transfers in the case of Account and Finance Cadre have also been pressed hard and a meeting is scheduled to be held at the level of Director to settle the genuine and rightful transfer cases. Various pending Rule 9 cases shall also be processed soon with a well defined policy for settling these cases is under process. The clarification for GATE JTOs with respect to admissibility of Rule 8 transfers for them is also under process. With respect to bond related issues, AIGETOA Team is on Job and we shall be ensuring it’s resolution soon.

The promotion in AGM cadre ( Both Telecom and Finance) are also in active pursuasion and we are hoping for a start once the JTO to SDE DPC is completed. Promotion in other cadres like CSS, Civil, Electrical and Architecture are also being pursued.

Friends, we do understand that since last five months of ourselves taking over, output is not that much visible but the ground work which have done is huge and results will be seen in coming days. The inertia of the system and desperation to override the next person is the major cause of sorry state of affairs in the HR front but that doesn’t mean that the things can’t be sorted out or the delay is going to be endless. We are very sure that we will be overcoming all these obstacles with our efforts which will be a mix of perseverance, persuasion and organisational actions.

Yes the major cause of worry remains is the not so positive stand of management with respect to the issues related to Pay and SAB. In the next agenda meeting, we are going to focus on these issues only and a timeline shall be intimated failing which association will adopt the path of organisational actions.

We once again request all to have faith and patience. AIGETOA is fully committed to take all issues to its logical conclusion.

Conduction of Online Training – BSNL Circular

As requested by AIGETOA and pursued accordingly, wherein we have requested management for postponement of all offline training as well as financial upgradation exams till March 31, 2021, today BSNL CO has issued directions to CGM ALTTC for the same. This was requested by AIGETOA in view of the safety from traveling and staying in training centres in the pandemic by our Executives.

As per our discussion, the course content is also being upgraded as per current requirements.

Click here for online letter

Click here for AIGETOA letter

AIGETOA CTD members gathered at CGMT chamber and lodged strong protest over the brutal attack on the DET of Barrack pore Division, CTD Kolkata:

Today an emergency meeting of the executive body of AIGETOA CTD held at Telephone Bhawan and CEC as well as General Members of the association and officers of different areas attended the meeting. The meeting was attended by more than 150 such members and condemned the life threatening attack by some of the erstwhile JCL goons on DE Barrack Pore Cluster, CTD Kolkata. Everybody expressed their serious anguish and resentment over handling of the issues by the CTD Management and decided to take the matter with CGMT. In the meeting, it was decided that all will meet the CGMT and lodge strong protest over the inaction on the matter till date. All gathered people reached to the CGMT chamber and wanted to meet in full group but after discussion a team of 20 executive members met CGMT. The meeting lasted for 2-3 hours and after long discussion, the management accepted all demands as placed by the association. Circle Team will monitor the course of actions as decided in the meeting and if any deviation is observed, it will be fought back again.

Click here for the details of discussion

Click here for the snaps of protest