Empowered group approves BSNL’s fresh 4G tender, to block Chinese vendors

Telecom News : The Empowered Technology Group (ETG) has finally approved the state-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) to come up with a fresh notice inviting tender for 57,000 sites allowing multinational vendors such as Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung to deploy fourth-generation or 4G network for commercial services.

The new tender which is under preparation by the state-controlled telco would debar Chinese vendors such as ZTE and Huawei from participation in bidding process following the inclusion of a clause saying, countries having borders with would not be allowed to participate, in line with the Centre’s policy initiative taken in the wake of Indo-China border standoff.

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Group Health Insurance Scheme Proposed By AIGETOA for PAN India:

We are in receipt of queries regarding our proposed Group Health Insurance Scheme, which was scheduled to be launched from First April-2021. In this regard, it is apprised to all concerned that the collection of premium for the said policy has not been started in March due to end of financial year and certain compliance related issues especially the issue pertaining to claiming income tax exemption etc.

It has been decided to launch the scheme by 10th April, 2021 and the final policy documents and link for the premium payment will be opened accordingly.

We further extend our heartiest thanks for showing faith in our endeavor. We once again clarify that though we have started our policy on self contributory method owing to requirements of current times but finally association is committed to move towards implementation of this policy by BSNL and we ensure that in future, it is BSNL which will pay the premium and not the employees. We have already initiated discussion in this regard with the management and held extensive deliberation on the topic with the Director (HR), BSNL Board in our meeting on 22.03.2021.

Full Fledged roll-out of 4G of BSNL

A Good news, at last some light is seen at the end of the tunnel with respect to full fledged roll-out of 4G of BSNL.

It is learnt that finally BSNL has received the nod from DoT to go ahead with the tender plan which comes as a major relief for our beloved company. It is learnt that under the proposed hybrid 4G rollout plan, BSNL had earlier recommended splitting its tender of total proposed One Lakh 4G sites into two parts.

  1. The first part contained 50,000 sites reserved exclusively for the Indian vendors (PoC based).
  2. The second part contained the rest of 50,000 sites through proven technology rout of global vendors such as Ericsson, Nokia and more, where Indian vendors can also participate if completed PoC.

It was proven fact that without pan India full 4G roll-out, the survival of our beloved company was at stake and day by day, hopes were diminishing for its revival. This development is surely going to give a new lease of life to BSNL and will surely lift up the sagging morale of the employees of BSNL. Now with this hybrid concept, BSNL will be able to withstand the competition as well as at the same time, it will be doing its duty for Aatma Nirbhar Bharat also.

Though many may call it an exaggeration, but incidentally our association has also proposed on similar lines few months back. We are happy to note that our thought process was in line with the requirements of the company as well as the duty towards Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.

Click here for the letter

We extend our heartfelt applause for our CMD BSNL and the Board of Directors for standing firm in the testing times. We sincerely pray that BSNL achieves success in rolling out full fledged 4G services without any further delay.

AIGETOA efforts at DoT yielded positive result for BSNL:

The fund of 25K rural WiFi Hotspot Project was pending at DoT since long time even after submission of requisite documents by the BSNL to the concerned section of the DoT. After getting information of the issue, Team AIGETOA of CHQ and Delhi Circle under AIP and GS raised the matter of pending approval and payment of CAPEX and OPEX subsidies of 25K rural WiFi Hotspot Project to the concerned authority in the DoT and also met Ms Anshuli Arya, Administrator USOF at DoT for the matter and continuously followed up the issue since Feb-2021.

With these dedicated efforts of the Team AIGETOA, USOF has now sanctioned and released CAPEX subsidy of Rs 47.98 Cr on 30.03.3021 and OPEX subsidy of Rs 13.74 Cr have been released on 23.03.2021 towards Add on Wifi Core Opex charges.

Click here for the letter by AIGETOA for USOF in Feb-2021

AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL on 26.03.2021:

Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS met CMD BSNL and discussed issues of the departmental importance as well as executives long pending cadre related issues on 26th March, 2021.

The team took up the issue of timely payment of salary i.e. on last working day and availability of the fund for the field units for the electricity payment, IP sites payment, clearance of temporary advance of the executives and other liabilities. The CMD BSNL informed that he has cleared many long pending liabilities in the current month and will be providing further support to smoothen the field services. On the timely salary, he was non-committal inspite of our stress to ensure regularisation of the salary on last working days, which is continuing since more than a year. We raised the matter of 4G roll out as viability of the BSNL is not possible without early rollout of the services. He apprised that the management is determined for it and he will be further updating on the issue after a week. In the meantime, we have come to know that some positive movement is going on the 4G roll out at DoT.

On restructuring and promotional issues, he once again emphasized that the JTO to SDE Promotion has no obstacle from management side and it will be released, once the clearance is received from Hon’ble Jabalpur CAT. He once again told that other promotions will be explored only after the restructuring figure is locked, which is still incomplete. We reminded that he has assured to complete the exercise by March in the last meeting and the executives are completely frustrated and enraged due to complete deadlock on HR front and so the exercise should be completed immediately. The CMD BSNL asked to wait up to second week of April for final picture, another timeline assurance.

Earlier in the last week, we have a detailed discussion with the Director(HR) for more than two hours on 22.03.2021 and thereafter separate meeting with PGM(Pers), Sr GM(A), Sr GM(SR), Sr GM(Estab) and apprised each and every issues pertaining to them i.e. Promotions, Settlement of LDCE 2007 SDE Reversion issue, List-9 finalisation and circulation of subsequent lists, Restructuring, Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 persuasion to the DoT, formation of Committee of Pay Loss of 22820/- & E1+5 increment, Removal of discriminatory clause of Rule-8 applicable to only GATE JTOs, Revision of Bond Period and Bond Amount, Preparation of JAO gradation List, Settlement of Rule-8 and Rule-9 transfer Cases and capturing of request through online mechanism, Group Health Insurance Scheme by BSNL, Opening of deputation Channel for all executives and holding of the 2nd Formal Agenda Meeting with AIGETOA.


Although, association tried its best to resolve the issues through dialogue and persuasion in an amicable manner as we kept in mind the delicate situation in which BSNL is placed and organisation unrest should have been the last thing which BSNL could have afforded. But it is equally true that dissatisfaction level of all the executives has reached its limit and settlement of the long pending issues will actually take our beloved organisation BSNL towards prosperity. The time has come to raise the voice for our legitimate rights through any means including organisational action in the best interest of our beloved BSNL also as continued neglect of hr issues is denting the morale of employees, which will ultimately harm BSNL. So, in the best interest of the organization as well as the executives, AIGETOA has decided to initiate organizational action program and notice to this effect shall be served in the first week itself.