Udham Singh Death Anniversary – Remembering Freedom Fighter & Revolutionary Known As Shaheed-i-Azam :

Udham Singh Death Anniversary – Remembering Freedom Fighter & Revolutionary Known As Shaheed-i-Azam :

Flash News: Update of E2-E3 court case by AIGETOA

Today, Standard Pay Scale Case at Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh was listed for hearing. But due to some busy schedule of Hon’ble Judge who is also handling Jammu CAT cases through VC, case did not came up for hearing. At present there is only one double bench available. As per info received soon another double bench will join, then case hearing will definitely speed up.

AIGETOA Team was present in CAT as always. Beside Punjab Team, Sh Sunil Gautam AGS CHQ, Sh Manish Anand DS East CTD, Sh Smurti Ranjan Sahoo DS North CTD was there to pursue since morning.

Initially, next date was given as 11.10.2023 but on sincere pursuance by AIGETOA team it was preponed on dated 05.09.2023.

We expect hearing to take place on next date. Have faith and support us in our endeavors.

Updates on Team AIGETOA Meeting with President BMS Sh Hiranmay Pandya Ji, GS BMS Sh Ravindra Himte Ji, Dy GS BMS Sh Surendra Kumar Pandey Ji :

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand, AGS Shri Sunil Gautam, National Co-ordination Committee Member Shri Sanjay Tyagi met president BMS Shri Hiranmay Pandya Ji, GS BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji, Dy GS BMS Shri Surendra Kumar Pandey Ji on 25th July 2023 and had elaborate discussion over the issues raised by AIGETOA with respect to implementation of standard pay scales of E2 for JTO/JAO, Pay Loss Issues being faced by Executives Recruited/Promoted Post 01.01.2007, JE Period pay loss, 30 Percent SAB in BSNL, E1 plus 5 increments to all executives who have been Recruited/Promoted in E1 scales, Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL by relaxing the affordability clause, Revision in Perks and Allowances at current market rates, One time Pension Option to be extended to BSNL Executives whose recruitment was started by DOT in Pre BSNL Era, Settlement of Promotional issues and increase in Posts. We explained them the issues and possible solutions which can be undertaken. We also highlighted almost all the issues are in the ambit of DOT except promotions and Revision in Perks and Allowances. We also told that despite fulfilling the criteria for government pension, BSNL Recruited Executives whose Recruitment process was stared by DOT are not being allowed to exercise the one time option for getting the pension under CCS rules.

BMS leadership assured us of their full support and informed us that they have already taken up the issues raised with the Ministry and said that they will try to ensure the resolution of all the genuine issues raised by AIGETOA. OPS issue of Pension under CCS rules shall also be taken up with Hon’ble Labour Minister for resolution.

BMS leadership also wished good luck for the Membership Verification and told us that AIGETOA must ensure its victory which will go a long way in the resolution of all the Long Pending Issues. They assured us that BMS Leadership will stand with AIGETOA for resolution of all their issues. They also advised us to work wholeheartedly for the company and use the Revival Packages for the best interest of the company and its employees

Friends, with the concrete and firm assurance from the apex leadership of BMS, we hope for the early resolution of all the long pending issues including the pending financial issues. We seek the support of all BSNL Executives in ensuring the resolutions.

Happy BMS Foundation Day

विश्व के सबसे बड़े संगठन ‘भारतीय मजदूर संघ’ के स्थापना दिवस सभी को हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं।

Another Proud Addition to Team AIGETOA – Shri V K Yadav, CP SNEA UP West Joins the Association – Step forward to add all executive cadres under one umbrella :

Today, Shri V K Yadav, the CP of SNEA UPW, joined AIGETOA at Aligarh. He was warmly welcomed by Shri N P Yadav, the CP of AIGETOA UPW, Shri Rahul Kumar, the CFS, and Shri Vaibhav Goyal, CHQ Advisor. We are glad to have Shri Yadav in our AIGETOA family and we hope that his experience will be invaluable in resolving the issues of the executives.

Beta Launch of BSNL 4G Indigenous Services from Amritsar, Punjab –

Today, CMD BSNL and Director CM in august presence of CGMT Punjab and BA heads inaugurated Beta launch of Indigenous 4G Services from Amritsar, Punjab.

Team AIGETOA was also present on this occasion on invitation from O/o CGMT Punjab. On this great occasion we welcomed and greeted CMD BSNL and Director CM with bouquet of flowers, shawl and a mememto.

Today BSNL has made beta launched of make in India completely Swadeshi 200 BTS sites in Amritsar, Pathankot and Ferozepur districts of Punjab Circle.

We congratulate one and all on the beta launch of 4G.

We are thankful of CMD BSNL, Director CM, CGMT Punjab, other seniors officer involved in process, BSNL POC Team and our BA Testing team for putting extreme efforts for completion of POC and making dream come reality.

Pride Moment of AIGETOA – Very Senior, Experienced, Stalwart leaders of two major association Sh Vivek Wankhede CS MH AIBSNLEA, Sh R Kolapar, Ex-AGS SNEA, Sh V B Kokate, Ex-CS MH SNEA & Sh M B Sangle Ex-AGS SNEA have shown their allegiance to the AIGETOA :

A pride moment for AIGETOA has occurred on 12th July 2023 in Pune. Good work done by AIGETOA and its inclusive approach has been appreciated by one and all. The approach of AIGETOA and it’s working is being accepted not only by executives but also the senior leaders across the associations in BSNL.

Conference at Pune is testimony of this fact, where very senior, experienced, stalwart leaders of two major association have shown their allegiance to the AIGETOA In presence of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma and Patron in Chief Shri A A Khan. Leaders who opted membership of AIGETOA are :

  • Shri Vivek Wankhede, CS MH AIBSNLEA
  • Shri R Kolapkar, Ex AGS SNEA
  • Shri V B Kokate, Ex CS MH SNEA
  • Shri M B Sangle Ex AGS SNEA

They have lauded the working of Association for the welfare of executives and enumerated various work done by it for the welfare of executives like

  • Transparency in transfer and posting by OTP.
  • Execution of promotion in various cadres JE to JTO, JTO to SDE, SDE to AGM
  • EPF Higher pension.
  • GHI in Covid period.
  • Working for the growth and development of BSNL.
  • Touching the very basic and vital issues like E-DPC, E-Office, E Roster and getting them implemented in BSNL which has made things smooth for BSNL Executives.

They have praised the AIGETOA leadership for its Maturity, temperament, and fighting spirit shown by them while dealing with various issue of paramount importance for the welfare of executives in BSNL. They were of the firm view that AIGETOA is the only association which has the capability to get the Standard Pay Scales, Pay Loss Issues and 3rd PRC implemented in BSNL.

They also exposed the hollowness in the leadership of other association who don’t have the will to question management and their approach is to create division in Executives.

GS Ravi Shil Verma expressed his gratitude to the leaders for showing belief in AIGETOA and expressed confidence that the vast experience of these leaders will definitely give greater force to AIGETOA in resolution of long pending HR issues. He expressed surprise, how the other association failed to recognize and utilize this experience. He was also of the view that they are creating division not only in Executives but in their own association where they are disowning the legacy and experience of their own association in the name of version upgrade 2.0. He said that any leadership which doesn’t owns its own legacy will never own the responsibility of resolving the issues, will again try to find the excuses and finally will lead the executive a back to pre 2020 era of despair, dejection and demotivation. He further said AIGETOA is an association which owns not only the credit for success but also the responsibility of failures.

Friends it’s high time to realize the fact that we have miles to go, this is just beginning of new era of development, prosperity of BSNL and its executives. He further elaborated upon the future action plan of AIGETOA with respect to the pending issues, significance of BMS in taking the voice of BSNL Executives to the highest Echelons and requested that the positive change which has begun in BSNL after AIGETOA becoming MA should not be allowed to be drifted away. He requested one and all to Join AIGETOA.

We once again emphasize that by Joining AIGETOA, You will be the part of the change Yourself.

The only Alternative to AIGETOA is an even more strong AIGETOA.

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