GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management conveying the Strong resentment amongst Executives against Special Privileges Granted to Management Trainees :

GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management conveying the Strong resentment amongst Executives against Special Privileges Granted to Management Trainees :

GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management conveying the Strong resentment amongst Executives against Special Privileges Granted to Management Trainees – breaking seniority hierarchy, posting MTs as OA head and direct reporting to BA Head – A Complete violation of BSNL hierarchy structure, extending additional privileges going beyond the existing rules while the same benevolence is invisible while dealing with the cadre issues of Executives belonging to Telecom, Finance and other streams.

Click here for the letter

Happy Holi !!!

On behalf of AIGETOA, we send heartfelt wishes for a vibrant and joyful Holi! 🎉

May this festival of colors paint your life with happiness, prosperity, and positivity. Let’s celebrate the hues of togetherness and joy!

Happy Holi !!

Permission for “On-Duty” travel & timely relieving along with exemption from election-related duties/works for Internal Exam (LICE) aspirants – Letter to Director HR, BSNL by GS AIGETOA :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR for permission for “On-Duty” travel & timely relieving along with exemption from election-related duties/works for Internal Exam (LICE) aspirants.

Click here for letter to Director HR

Thousands of employees have submitted their candidature for the said exam working across nook and corner of BSNL and many of employees are stationed at locations that are quite distant from the designated examination centres. This geographical dispersion poses significant logistical challenges when it comes to reach the examination centres.

Given the extended duration of the exams, which goes up till 8 pm, it is becoming increasingly challenging for employees to return on the same day after traveling long distances. Therefore, AIGETOA raise consideration in granting “on-duty” travel permissions to all eligible employees, enabling them to participate smoothly while ensuring minimal disruption to their routine work responsibilities.

Additionally, AIGETOA highlights the fact that the internal exams coincide with the forthcoming parliamentary elections, slated to begin from April 19th. The convergence of these two critical events might potentially lead to conflicts in terms of scheduling and prioritization. Keeping this in mind, GS AIGETOA requested Director HR to exempt all eligible executives involved in preparing for these internal exams from any election-related duties or works until the completion of the examinations on April 18th. By doing so, we believe that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on their preparation and performance during the assessment period.

BSNL extends online self-certificate submission deadline for PUA Payment in ERP-ESS for FY 2023-24:

BSNL CO has extended the deadline for eligible executive employees to submit self-certificates for Professional Upgradation Allowance (PUA) payments through the ERP-ESS portal. Originally set to close on 21st March 2024, the new deadline is now 31st March 2024 for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.

Click here for letter

First implemented in 2005, PUA allows BSNL executives to receive two percent of one-month basic pay per month to purchase educational materials on a self-certification basis. Employees must submit their annual self-certification via the ERP-ESS portal between 21st March 2024 and 31st March 2024.

Failure to submit the mandatory certificate results in non-payment of PUA for the subsequent year.

Entry of all Desktop/Laptop Data in SAP-ERP System Regarding Entry of 100% Desktop/Laptop Data in SAP-ERP System:

BSNL CO has directed all CGMs across all circles to capture 100% of the desktop and laptop data in the company’s SAP-ERP system. This move aims to streamline operations and facilitate better management of resources. The letter has been issued in line with our discussions and assurances made in agenda meeting dated 9th February 2024 wherein for Pan India roll out of laptop policy, the asset entry is required.

Click here for letter

Click here for Annexure-1

BSNL has instructed that a certificate confirming the successful upload of all relevant data be submitted to the Corporate Office. Upon reviewing the certificates, the cases will be assessed on a circle-wise basis for the implementation of the Laptop Reimbursement Policy.

According to the guidelines provided by BSNL, the desktop and laptop data should be entered using Info Type 9002 in the respective Personal Areas (PA) or Personal Sub-Areas (PSA) within the ERP system. This initiative is expected to enhance transparency and efficiency in managing the company’s IT assets.

BSNL CO has urged all circles to expedite the process of data entry to ensure timely submission of certifications and smooth implementation of the Laptop Reimbursement Policy.

Accordingly, all the circle secretaries are requested to ensure that the compliance to this effect is done expeditiously so that executives can avail the facility of laptop reimbursement.

Sad demise of father of Sh Dhiren Parida Circle Secretary Odisha:

With extreme grief, we bring to you the sad news of the demise of father of Sh Dhiren Parida Circle Secretary Odisha expired today (at around 6.30 pm), who was under treatment at AIIMS Bhubaneswar.

AIGETOA CHQ prays to the almighty to provide his family with sufficient strength and courage to tide over the crisis and for bearing this irreparable loss. We also pray so that the eternal soul rests in peace.

Notification for 5th Circle Conference & AGM of AIGETOA Haryana Circle :

The 5th Circle Conference and Annual General Meet of AIGETOA Haryana Circle as per provisions in the constitution of AIGETOA is scheduled to be held on 10th April, 2024, 10:00 am at Conference Hall, Tilyar Tourist Complex, Delhi Road, Rohtak, Haryana.

Click Here for Notification

Online nominations will be called for New Circle Governing Body of AIGETOA, Haryana Circle from 16th to 22th March 2024 through google form/link as made available in website

Any valid member of the association and member of AIGETOA Haryana Circle can file his/her nomination for any of the post.

Click here for the list of collegiums

Click here for the online nominations

Updates on SDE Reversal Issue :

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma and Convener Bharatiya Doorsanchar Manch Shri R C Pandey met Director HR and discussed about the immediate resolution of the SDE 2007 reversal issue. In view of the positive order pronounced on 12.03.2024, by Hon’ble CAT Lucknow bench in favour of the suffering executives regarding SDE reversal issue, We requested Dir(HR) to issue necessary directions down the line for immediate implementation and issuance of promotion orders.

We informed Dir(HR) that as per the judgment dated 12th March 2024, Hon’ble CAT Lucknow quashed an order issued by BSNL that reversed an employee’s seniority & promotion and directed the respondents to restore the name of applicants in the seniority list of SDEs within a period of two months.

We requested Dir(HR) that seeing the historical perspective of the case & assurances made in the past in various meetings/occasions to AIGETOA by the management to kindly give positive consideration to the issue and settle this on immediate basis.

Dir(HR) responded positively on the same and told that management is waiting for the written orders from Chennai CAT to take a decision after going through the judgement. We informed that due to some administrative reasons, the written orders from Hon’ble Chennai CAT is a bit delayed. However now that orders from Hon’ble Lucknow CAT has been issued, management can act upon immediately.

Director HR assured that after going through the written orders, the necessary decision shall be taken.

AIGETOA Team is consistently following up on the issue and will try to ensure the resolution expeditiously.