Update on the pursuance of Team AIGETOA with Chairman and Members of the parliamentary committee on Public Sector Undertakings (COPU):

Update on the pursuance of Team AIGETOA with Chairman and Members of the parliamentary committee on Public Sector Undertakings (COPU):

Team AIGETOA has been regularly pursuing with the members of the parliamentary committee on public undertaking (CoPU) including the chairman with regard to the long pending HR issues of Pay Promotions and Pensions and have submitted our inputs to Chairman COPU. We have highlighted the precarious conditions of BSNL Executives with respect to Pay, Perks and Allowances. We have informed that the BSNL Recruits despite having Professional and Technical Qualifications have been extended only one promotion in their entire career. We have also informed that the recommendation of 2nd PRC with respect to the Pay Scale and 30 Percent SAB is still pending to be implemented and even the Gazette Notification of the Government of India with respect to creating the separate pension scheme for BSNL Recruits was also highlighted. We had also highlighted that post implementation of 2nd PRC, many BSNL Recruits have been made subject to pay loss in place of increase in salary. We also informed them that despite mandatory provision, Post Retirement Medical Benefit fund is yet to be implemented in BSNL. We also have highlighted that executives up to AGM level are being forced to work at TA/DA/Allowances at 2002 rates. We had also requested for their support on implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL.

Our consistent efforts and regular pursuance with the members of COPU has finally succeeded and we wish to inform one and all that COPU has taken cognizance of our inputs, media reports and documents submitted by us and are taking the issues formally with BSNL Management and seeking detailed report in this regard. They have assured for their intervention in the settlement of these long pending genuine HR issues pertaining to BSNL Executives.

Friends, Team AIGETOA is trying from all corners and is leaving no stone unturned to achieve the objective of settlement of the long pending HR issues.

Team AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL and Director HR:

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand, AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Shri Yogendra Kumar, Shri Sunil Gautam met CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar ji and Director HR Shri Sandeep Govil Ji on dated 10th and 11th October 2023 and had extensive discussions on the issue of Pending Promotions across various grades. We informed Hon’ble CMD and Hon’ble Director HR about the current status of the pending Promotions across all the grades. We also apprised them about the various issues which are stopping the promotions. We apprised CMD BSNL that HR Section has issued the Notional Promotions and need is to finalize the seniority list now and regularise the promotions held in 2018. This will pave the way for using the DGM vacancies for promotions from AGM To DGM Grade, SDE to AGM Grade and JTO to SDE Grade. We once again shared the inputs submitted by AIGETOA to CMD BSNL and the methodology with respect to how the Vacancies can be utilised for ensuring the promotions of all eligible. We also discussed the need for rationalising the LICE syllabus by making the topics optional. We also emphasized upon the need for ensuring promotions through regular channel of Promotions and requested for ensuring sufficient number of Vacancies. CMD BSNL appreciated our concern and assured that he will take into cognizance the inputs. He said he will discuss with his team on the way forward and emphasized that management is positive on the issue of promotions. However he was quite critical of unnecessary court cases especially in the context of AO to CAO Promotions and DGM Ad-hoc to Regular Promotions. We also requested for issuance of Pending Promotions in CSS cadre and PA/PS/PPS grade promotions. Team AIGETOA also emphasized and highlighted upon the need for making the pay and perks in line with the contemporary CPSUs. We said when government is expecting BSNL to perform and work as par with other leading PSUs, parity must be there with respect to benefits also. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and various aspects were discussed in detail. We also requested Director HR Govil Ji to consider the Retention/Modification of Transfer Cases in the grade of SDEs/AGMs. We also informed Director HR about the pending OTP Cases. We also requested Director HR to consider the retention of JTOs posted at BSNL CO as all are due for promotions to SDE Grade very soon. Director HR assured to look into the matter. We also discussed the current status of 4G Roll-out with Shri Sandeep Govil Ji and he informed that almost all issues are settled and hopefully 4G will be rolled out shortly.

Later on Team Met PGM Pers as well as PGM Recruitment also and had the follow up discussions with them on the above issues.

Team AIGETOA Welcomes Sh Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Director HR (Designate) :

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Sh Ravi Shil Verma, AIP Sh G Veerabhadra Rao, National Conveyor Sh Aftab Ahmed, Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, AGS Sh Yogendra Kumar & AGS Sh Sunil Gautam welcomes Sh Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Director HR (Designate) BSNL Board who has recently joined BSNL Corporate Office and taken over charge as OSD to CMD BSNL.

We on behalf of our association welcomed him on board and conveyed that his role as Director HR holds immense importance in shaping the direction and success of our organization. With his extensive experience and knowledge, we are confident that he will guide us towards achieving our organizational goals and fostering a positive work culture in BSNL.

We told that AIGETOA looks forward to working closely with him, leveraging his guidance and insights to enhance the growth and development of HR of BSNL and also the resolution of the long pending HR issues of BSNL.

Director HR (Designate) Shri Kalyan Sagar Ji extended his well wishes to our association and assured his positive support on the resolution of the long pending issues.

Team AIGETOA Rajasthan welcomes to GS BMS at Jaipur on 06.10.2023 :

On October 6, 2023, the AIGETOA office in Jaipur hosted a warm and inspiring gathering as they welcomed and honored Sh. Ravindra Himte, the All India General Secretary of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, during his visit to Rajasthan. In attendance were prominent figures such as Sh. Hari Mohan Sharma, the Rajasthan State General Secretary, Smt. Rekha Sharma, the Rajasthan State Vice President, Pramod Chaudhary, Jaipur District Vice President, along with dedicated AIGETOA-affiliated BMS CEC members, divisional representatives, and Jaipur BA office personnel.

Sh. Himte attentively listened to everyone’s input and offered valuable guidance. The event commenced with a warm welcome by District Secretary Sh. LN Saini, followed by expressions of gratitude from Circle Secretary , Sh PN Sharma. Sh Sharma stressed the urgency of addressing critical BSNL issues promptly and working collaboratively with BMS for the betterment of the nation. Circle Treasurer Sh. Praveen Sharma extended heartfelt thanks to Sh. Himte and reiterated his confidence in the organization’s success, emphasizing the importance of their partnership with BMS in their ongoing struggle.

Rotation of Officers holding sensitive posts in BSNL – GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding rotation of officers holding sensitive posts in BSNL.

Click here for letter

Many lacunae in the rotation of sensitive posts have been observed. It is seen that few officers have been continuously holding such sensitive posts in one way or another by virtue of rotation of chairs within the same section and in the process continue to hold the posts of sensitive nature for period beyond the stipulated time. Such instances and continued presence of officers in sensitive sections are observed in BSNL corporate office also contrary to the fact that BSNL CO must have projected itself as role model for the policy.

In many places at Corporate/Circle/BA headquarters, the rotations are happening for namesake and its being done between sensitive posts within the same administrative units like HR/Admin/Pers/Estt/Legal etc. This automatically defeats the very purpose of such guidelines when it is observed that officers are present in such sections for a much longer period by virtue of rotation from one chair to another and all this while holding the crucial sensitive posts dealing with sensitive administrative matters for a much longer period.

We suggest that officers on sensitive posts for AGM & above level officers must be rotated entirely into different verticals to prevent complacency and to ensure a fresh perspective in decision-making processes and also to ensure that the guidelines of rotation of officials on sensitive posts is adhered to in letter and spirit.

Directions may be issued for rotation of the officers based on sensitive sections/units and not on the basis of Posts and rotation within the same section / administrative unit be avoided. Regular rotation of employees in sensitive positions may also be cross checked, so that all the executives are getting an equal treatment.

Prevailing Anomalies in BSNL Sports Boards – GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL regarding urgent intervention required in disbursing Kit allowances and refreshment allowances to various Sports Players participating in various tournaments.

Click here for letter

Despite the revival of sports events, in BSNL, there is an alarming anomaly in the disbursement of Kit Allowances and Refreshment Allowances to players representing the BSNL in Sports events. We believe that timely and fair distribution of these allowances is essential to motivate and support our dedicated players who represent BSNL in various sports competitions.

Unjustifiable delay in the promotion process over the past six months, in CSS Cadre (DM to AGM Regular & AGM to DGM Regular) – GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for expedited Promotion Process and Timely Promotion in CSS Cadre (DM to AGM Regular & AGM to DGM Regular).

Click here for letter

It is our understanding that regular vacancies have existed in the CSS cadre for promotions from DM to AGM Regular & AGM to DGM, Regular and eligible employees have been eagerly awaiting their promotions in accordance with the established rules and regulations. However, the inexplicable delay in these promotions is causing anxiety and uncertainty among deserving officers.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji on 3rd Oct 2023 :

A delegation from AIGETOA, consisting of Sh. R Moorthy (District Secretary, Coimbatore), Sh. G Prasath (District President, Coimbatore), Sh. T Senthil (District Financial Secretary, Coimbatore), and Sh. V Subramanian (Circle Financial Secretary), had the privilege of meeting with the Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs at the Codissia Trade Fair Complex, Coimbatore. The purpose of our meeting was to present a memorandum addressing the longstanding issues faced by BSNL Executives.

During our interaction, Honorable MoF received our memorandum graciously and promptly directed the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance to take the necessary actions to address the concerns raised. The Minister’s responsiveness to our cause was greatly appreciated.

We were highly focused on conveying our message effectively, although due to the importance of the discussion and the limited time available, we regretfully could not capture clear photographs of the meeting.

We are optimistic that our interaction with Honorable Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji will pave the way for positive developments in resolving the challenges encountered by BSNL Executives, and we remain committed to working towards the betterment of our beloved organisation BSNL.

Click here for the Memorandum Submitted

Reservation in Promotion to Persons with bench mark disabilities (PwBDs) – Relaxation of Standard of Suitability :

BSNL CO issued reservation in promotion to persons with bench mark disabilities (PwBDs).

Click here for letter

The matter regarding relaxation in benchmark in seniority based promotions to PwBD employees in BSNL has been considered in consultation with O/o CLO(SCT), BSNL CO and Establishment Branch, BSNL CO and it has been decided that the relaxation in benchmark in APAR gradings of PwBD employees will be same as applicable to SC/ST employees. This provision will be followed for PwBD employees upto AGM and equivalent level of all Streams including non-executive cadres in BSNL irrespective of whether they belong to Unreserved/SC/ ST/ OBC category so as to maintain uniformity in providing relaxation to PwBD employees across different cadres/grades in BSNL, till further orders.

The relaxed standard shall be applicable for all the PwBD employees in BSNL for post based promotions upto AGM level of all Streams including non-executive cadres.

Notional Promotions of the AGMs whose DPC was done in 2018 issued:

Congratulations !! As a first step, notional Promotions of those AGMs whose DPC was done in 2018 have been issued.

This case has been exclusively taken by our Association. We have brought into the knowledge of the BSNL management by writing the necessary correspondence and pursuing the matter at the highest level i.e. CMD & DIR HR. This was one of the pending roadblocks for finalization of seniority of the AGMs promoted in 2018 for consideration of them for DGM Promotions and utilization of these vacancies for promotion in SDE to AGM grade and JTO to SDE grade.

We extend our thanks to CMD, director HR & PGM Pers for issuing these promotions as per their words in the last meetings. Now we look for further promotions across various grades as per the discussions and methodology suggested by AIGETOA.

Click here for Order Issued

Click here for the GS Letter dated 25.09.2023 Letter on Promotions of all eligible

AIGETOA always believes in the policy for all the BSNL executives. The list consist of 41 officers and they have been given Notional promotion from 2018.

This was the first step towards achieving the goal towards consideration of AGMs promoted in 2018 for promotion to DGM (Adhoc/Regular) and counting of these vacancies towards SDE to AGM Promotions and subsequently to JTO to SDE Promotions. For details refer to the AIGETOA letter dated 25th September 2023.

AIGETOA endeavours to promotion of all eligible will continue till we achieve the objective.