Inauguration & Unveiling of AIGETOA Calendar 2023 & Updates on Meeting

Inauguration & Unveiling of AIGETOA Calendar 2023 & Updates on Meeting

Team AIGETOA meets CMD BSNL, Member (Services) DoT, all the BSNL board of directors for inauguration and unveiling of AIGETOA 2023 Calendar.

AIGETOA Calendars for the year 2023 was inaugurated and unveiled by Member Services, CMD BSNL, Director HR, Director Finance, Director CM, Director CFA, Director EB, CVO and also the calendar was presented to DoT Dy. Director(PSU).

Click here for Glimpses

On behalf of AIGETOA CHQ, we exchanged greetings with various dignitaries for the new year 2023 and extended thanks to them for sparing their time for inaugurating the new year 2023 AIGETOA calendar.

Further with Member Services, we had detailed discussion on the clearance of pending proposal of E2 and E3 standard pay scales. Member Services assured is of his intervention and a tripartite meeting shall be arranged with BSNL HR grp, DOT representatives and Association representatives. We also requested for clearing the SDE RR proposal also as JTO to SDE promotions are pending for the want of approval from DoT. We once again shared our apprehensions with regard to MSRR proposal by BSNL Board and requested for intervention of DoT in settling the things in right perspective and in the best interest of all.

With CMD and all other directors also, we have conveyed our apprehensions with respect to MSRR and informed him that forceful implementation without taking care of the genuine aspirations and apprehensions of executives will neither be in the interest of BSNL nor executives.

Friends, We have held a series of meetings with all the Directors of BSNL Board and CMD BSNL where in we have shared that current proposal is restricting the career growth of all the executives and every one is in a state of unrest, demotivation and confusion because of the uncertainty associated with the career prospects of all. We had a discussion with respect to stagnation criteria also.

CMD BSNL has assured that there is nothing to remain apprehensive about and drawbacks, if any shall also be looked into in next course of time. He told us to come back for discussion after few days, stating that he remains open for all discussions and is willing to extend consideration of the genuine submissions. Reversal issue, issue of promotions of Left Out JTOs, issue of PWD promotions, introduction of stagnation criteria in SDE to AGM promotions, creation of additional posts for Fast Track Policy etc. are some of the major points on which we need immediate resolution.

AIGETOA Team is on job and shortly we shall be taking the next call. Despite of assurances, now it remains for us to decide on the way forward.

We have to decide our next course, by considering the all aspects and in the best interest of the executives spread across various cadres and streams.

New Year is coming and let us all wish that coming new year 2023 takes care of all our problems pertaining to Pay, Promotion and Pension.

Special PM Pilot Proposal for Rolling out of 5 Lakhs Broadband connections in the Rural Areas in various States

Department of Telecom conveys it’s approval for placing order for rolling out of 5 lakh Broadband connections to BSNL as a part of special PM Pilot Project.

AIGETOA extends its thanks to Honble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji and Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji for their faith in BSNL. We are also grateful to Secretary DoT and other DoT officials for the opportunity given to BSNL for this.

We also extend our heartful thanks to our Hon’ble CMD and Board of Directors, whose efforts in this regard has ensured this prestigious project to BSNL.

Click here for Letter

6th Circle Conference of AIGETOA Kerala on 17th Dec 2022

The 6th Circle Conference of BSNL Executive’s Recognised Majority Association – All India Graduate Engineers and Telecom Officers Association, Kerala Circle Unit was inaugurated by Kerala Circle Chief General Manager Sh B Sunil Kumar at P G S Vedanta Ernakulam. The program commenced with the Official Flag Hoisting by AIGETOA Circle President Sh Muhammadali. The function was presided over by Sh Muhammad Ali M C, Circle President , The theme of Open session was – ” Role of Management and Employees in BSNL 2.0″. Sh S Saheer Circle Secretary AIGETOA Kerala delivered the Insights on the Open Session Topic . Elaborate Speeches/ Deliberations was made highlighting the Opportunities and Challenges that are to be handled by employees in the new phase of BSNL which is on a Revival spree. Distinguished Guests Sh B Sunilkumar ITS (Chief General Manager, BSNL Kerala), Shri K. Francis Jacob ITS (Principal General Manager, Ernakulam), Sh Surendran V ITS (Principal General Manager, CM -NWO Kerala), Sh AK Mishra ITS (Principal General Manager, CM-NWP, Kerala), Sh R Satesh (General Manager – HR Kerala), Sh NK Sukumaran (Senior General Manager – CNTx-South, Kerala), Sh G N Howal ITS (General Manager Kottayam), Sh Rajeev SK (General Manager, Kannur), Sh Colin Lawrence (General Manager, Malappuram), Sh Veerabhadra Rao (All India President AIGETOA CHQ), Sh Ravisheel Verma, (All India Chairman AIGETOA CHQ), Sh P N Sharma (All India Convener AIGETOA CHQ), Sh S Suresh, (Joint Secretary South, AIGETOA CHQ) , Shri Senthil Kumar, Chairman AIGETOA Tamil Nadu, Sh S Rajaneesh, Circle Secretary, SEWA Kerala Unit. The meeting was attended by Collegium Members, Office bearers, and other delegates of AIGETOA Kerala.

During the Circle Conference Event, AIGETOA Kerala Diary and Calendar 2023 was formally published by Sh B Sunilkumar ITS (Chief General Manager, BSNL Kerala).

In Afternoon session Sh S Saheer Circle Secretary AIGETOA Kerala presented the Working Report and Shri Maxmillan K Circle Finance Secretary AIGETOA Kerala presented the Financial Report and the house unanimously accepted the reports . Subsequently the existing Circle body was dissolved by Circle president Sh Muhammadali and the house was handed over to Returning Officer Shri Jose Paul and Asst Returning Officer Sh Bijeesh KP , CHQ Observer was Sh S Suresh, (Joint Secretary South, AIGETOA CHQ).

The house unanimously selected the following as Circle Office bearers of AIGETOA Kerala for the term 2022-2025. Circle President – Sh Muhammadali M C

Circle Secretary – Sh Maxmilan K

Circle Finance Secretary – Sh Pramodh K J

Circle Vice President 1 – Sh Anil Kani

Circle Vice President 2 – Sh Prajeesh P

Asst Circle Secretary 1 – Sh Abdul Basith P K

Asst Circle Secretary 2 – Sh Dipu Chandran

Asst Circle Secretary 3 – Sh Vipal Prem

Asst Circle Secretary 4 – Sh Cijo P Joseph

Asst Circle Secretary 5 – Sh Anoop Das

Asst Circle Secretary 6 – Sh Sambhu Chandran

The new body took oath from Returning Officer Shri Jose Paul. The vote of thanks of the event was delivered by New CFS Sri. Pramodh K J , And the Circle conference was concluded by around 6.30 pm.

Click here for Glimpses of Circle Conference

Update of Discussion of Forum of Associations leaders on draft MSRR:

Yesterday, Leaders from Forum of All Associations of BSNL met all the committee members including chairman of the Committee Shri R K Goyal, PGM Estt Shri Saurabh Tyagi, GM Pers Shri S N Gupta and PGM SR Ms Anita Johari. The leaders apprised them of the underlying apprehensions and objections on the proposed MSRR draft. This was done as a follow up of the meeting with CMD BSNL. We also met Director Finance Sh Rajeev Kumar and apprised him about the concern.

Thereafter, today the team met Director HR and discussed on the points. This was the second meeting with the Director HR on the issue. We have categorically informed all concerned that without taking care of the existing eligible executives, any changes in existing MSRR will result into huge dissatisfaction. We requested them to postpone the ammendment in MSRR to 1st April 2023 and use the period for extending promotions to all eligible executives who have completed their residency period and addressing the concerns raised by us by way of mutual discussions. We again emphasized that none of the association are against meritocracy and we only are opposing the cutoff date and want a smooth transition to the next MSRR regime which can only be ensured by taking care of promotions of all eligible by extending the date of implementing the ammendments in MSRR to 1st April 2023 and addressing the concerns raised by various stakeholders during this period. Director HR assured to look into the concerns raised by all the associations including the matter of extending date of implementing the amendments to 1st April 2023.

We hereby assure one and all that associations are fully committed to protect the rights of all and will ensure that promotions of all eligible executives including those who will become eligible on 1st January 2023 are done. Further we are also committed to ensure that the concerns raised by various stakeholders are taken into consideration and resolved to the satisfaction of all.

With Warm Regards

Forum of Associations of BSNL

Meeting of Forum of BSNL Associations (AIGETOA, SNEA, SEWA & AIBSNLEA) with CMD BSNL on draft MSRR 2023:

The meeting of leaders from Forum of Associations of BSNL was held with CMD BSNL. Discussion on apprehensions related to amendment of MSRR 2023 took place with CMD BSNL. CMD BSNL welcomed all the participants and informed about the view of management with respect to the proposed changes in the MSRR 2023 and his vision to move organization towards a meritocracy. CMD BSNL further told leaders to share the apprehensions on the proposed MSRR draft.

Forum leaders expressed that none of the association is against introduction of meritocracy but the change over should be gradual and should not be done in a haste. We are apprehensive that such hasty implementation will result into complete mess where all the future promotions shall be marred with litigations. We firmly shared our view that any changes in MSRR should only be done after executing the promotions of all eligible candidates who have completed their residency period in the grade and also those who are about to complete their residency on 1st January 2023. It is very clear that proposed MSRR 2023 completely blocks the career progression of already eligible executives who have already served in organization for so long and now when their promotion is due, we will be making them devoid of promotions by bringing a new MSRR. We informed CMD BSNL that this will not go down well with executives and in view of the DOPT provisions, even this will not stand the test of law. We expressed firmly that first management should promote all the eligible executives across various streams and grades to next grade before moving on to the new regime. We demanded promotions to all eligible executives including AGM Equivalent to DGM Equivalent grade in all streams (Telecom, Finance, Civil, Electrical, TF and Architecture), SDE to AGM Promotions including List 12 and 13 in Telecom Stream, AO to CAO in finance stream, SDE to EE in Civil stream, JTO to SDE SCF/LDCE in Telecom Stream. We also highlighted that committee should have representatives of all stakeholders and deliberations can be held thereafter once all eligible executives are promoted. Leaders also raised the pending promotions of SDE Reversal candidates, PWD Candidates and further promotions in JTO to SDE cadre. Leaders also highlighted the need for inclusion of management side representative belonging to the reserved category candidate as new MSRR will affect the careers of all executives. Leaders also highlighted that the cutoff date of implementing next MSRR should be 1st April instead of 1st January. Further leaders also told that provision should be there for meritorious candidates but before that eligible executives should be promoted to avoid any legal complications. Leaders all expressed that all existing eligible executives can be accommodated with slight tweaking, adjustment and creating extra posts because of 4G saturation, BBNL Merger and revision in restructuring norms.

CMD BSNL noted all points and told that he is open to all suggestions. He told us that after discussing with his team, he shall be reverting back on what best can be done. Further CMD BSNL assured that Calendar of DPCs and LICE/LDCE to be conducted in 2023 will be published in first week of January 2023 itself. The meeting ended on a positive note and we hope that our inputs and demands shall be taken care of before moving on to the next MSRR regime. Leaders extended their thanks to CMD BSNL and PGM SR and hoped that the inputs shall be considered in a positive and time-bound manner.

Click here for the glimpses

Annual General Meeting of AIGETOA Punjab was held on 09th Dec 2022 at Engineers Bhawan, Institution of Engineers (India), Sector 19, Chandigarh

This AGM was special in the sense that after three years Physical meeting of delegates from all over Punjab took place in which more than 150 collegium members, delegates and volunteers of AIGETOA participated. Sh Sandeep Diwan, CGMT Punjab Circle, Dr Mandeep Prakash, PGM (Fin), Sh Ajay Kararha PGM(CMTS), Sh Deepak Garg PGM (Nodal Center) and Sh M C Singh, GMTD(Chandigarh SSA) from BSNL management, Sh Ravi Shil Verma, AIC, Sh Yogendra Kumar, AGS, Sh Sunil Gautam, AGS and Sh Amit Roy, JS (N)from AIGETOA CHQ , Sh Chander Singh Negi, CS Himachal and Sh Amit Malik, CS Haryana graced the occasion and shared their views on the open session topic ‘Role of Management & Employee in BSNL 2.0’. Sh Akhilesh Kumar Singh, GM(HR) was out of station due to some personal engagement, he wished the success of the AGM and congratulated the team.

The Session started with flag hoisting of AIGETOA and prayer ‘इतनी शक्ति हमें देना दाता..’ followed by ‘दिप प्रजवल्लन’ by Chief Guest Hon’ble CGMT Sh Sandeep Diwan, Special Guest Sh Ravi Shil Verma, All India Chairman, AIGETOA and the esteemed Guests. All the guests were facilitated with Shawl and Bouquet. It was followed by inauguration of the Diary of AIGETOA Punjab by Chief Guest and the invited dignitaries.

Click here for Images of Meeting

Brief of the Speech:

Sh Vikas Gupta, Circle President opened the session by greeting and welcoming all the dignitaries, CEC member and Collegium members. In his opening speech, he expressed his views on the role of employees in BSNL 2.0. He stressed upon management to provide all the resources as per day to day operational requirements so that employees can give their best. He focused that Human resource is most important resource and unfortunately it is deprived the most, so it need to be taken care of. All the employee’s issues related to Pay, Promotion and Pension should be resolved by management at earliest. He quoted the famous quote by Richard Branson “If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” He also called upon all the executives to work up to best of their capability with whatever resources available to them.

Circle Secretary Himachal Sh Chander Singh Negi stressed the need to understand the long pending issues of promotion and upward pay scale revision as per 2nd PRC. Circle Secretary Sh Amit Malik spoke about the feelings of the executives in the field units and urged the management to consider the favorable outcome. AGS Sh Sunil Gautam highlighted the issue of pay loss, promotion of the left out JTOs and SDE to AGM promotion. JS (North) Sh Amit Roy vigorously opined that BSNL may be down right now but certainly it will not lose.

Sh MC Singh, GMT (Chandigarh BA) in his address asked BSNL employees to put all out efforts in every segment whether it is Enterprise Business, Mobile Services, Fiber to the Home (FTTH), Landline & Broadband. He stressed on importance of dedication, innovation & smart working to serve BSNL customers with whatever resources are available at present. He shared innovative way of motivating the employee like BNG router inauguration by the hardest working employee who is JE in Ropar SSA. He briefed about the Sales & Marketing activities in Chandigarh BA with new banner design. He reiterated the lines “मेरे सीने में नहीं तो तेरे सीने में सही, हो कहीं भी आग, लेकिन आग जलनी चाहिए।”

Dr Mandeep Prakash, PGM(Fin) in his speech lauded the efforts of the Associations and unions in carrying the voice of employees to the management and further stated that the Associations having the force of the employees behind them can do various positive things on macro level leaving aside the minor issues. The associations should also form Shadow Management and provide their suggestions to the management and follow up it with the full strength. The comparative data between different operators were presented and touched the points where the BSNL can improve the topline and bottom-line without compromising the quality of the services.

Sh Deepak Garg, PGM (Nodal Centre North) congratulated the AIGETOA Punjab for conducting the AGM. He told that government has given a very good package to BSNL and now our responsibility is to execute the upcoming projects like 4g and billing consolidation timely. He stressed for the better employees and management relations for the faster and better execution of any project. He also mentioned that employee benefits are equally important for the productivity and profitability of any Organisation.

Sh Ajay Kararha, PGM (CMTS), appreciated the conducting the Open Session in a professional manner. In his speech, he said that Punjab Circle will be the first circle to launch indigenous 4G in BSNL shortly. He also expressed that we all should shed off our ego, work together and motivate the staff for better results. A motivated employee can do wonder in field. He also said with full confidence that BSNL will not go anywhere.

Circle Secretary, Sh. Yogesh Chhabra greeted all the dignitaries from management as well as CHQ and thanked them for sparing their invaluable time. He explained that BSNL 2.0 is imaginary till the execution of all components mentioned in first revival package like launching of 4G services by BSNL, Land Monetization etc. Role of Real employees and real management is to convert this imaginary BSNL2.0 into Real BSNL 2.0. Since the revival package announcement, employees are spending thousands of rupees from their pocket to run the show. Employees are running the show with bare minimum resources. There are lots of things which can be managed at circle level like Transfer policy. It should be done on need basis only. Assignment of target in IPMS is to be done by considering the field conditions. Even top performer in one quarter is getting lesser marks in subsequent quarters as target for achievers is enhanced. Online Attendance for field units should be taken care. Compensatory off should be given to field staff against 2nd Saturday. Special attention is to be given by BA Heads on Hospital Empanelment. Staff issues resolution should be made a point in SSA Management Meeting. These things will definitely motivate employees working in field. He asked CHQ to find out the way for resolution of our core issues like Pay (22820, Standard Pay Scale, E1+5), Promotion (In all Cadre JTO to SDE, SDE to AGM, JAO to AO, AO to CAO etc.) and Pension (SAB).

All India Chairman, Sh Ravi Shil Verma Ji congratulated Punjab Chapter of AIGETOA for holding Annual General Meeting of Punjab Circle in such a commendable manner. He started his speech by briefing the house about various issues of BSNL employee’s w.r.t. Pay, Promotion and Pension. He emphasized that SAB contribution (Pension) issue is the most important issue at hand when seeing all three mentioned above considering the tragic demise of our fellow colleagues and painful & pathetic condition their families are facing aftermath. He explained that New MSRR’ have been shared by management with the association and AIGETOA firmly stands to ensure for proper Career Progression and to fulfill aspirations of all batches and unless the MSRR takes care of all stakeholders and it is streamlined to the satisfaction of all, AIGETOA will never accept this. He further emphasized that new RR cannot be rolled out till existing eligible executives get their promotions. In respect of left out JTO to SDE Promotions, he assured that association is taking all efforts to materialise the Orders before this year end. On the issue of STD Pay Scale and Pay loss, He added association is fully committed to ensure the resolution. As the file in DOT is moving in positive direction and AIGETOA CHQ is promptly monitoring the issue, a positive outcome can definitely be expected . He also stated that STD Pay scale and pay loss issue are also being taken up by AIGETOA in the court of Law. Sh Ravi Shil Ji thanked the CGMT Punjab for judiciously handling issues pertaining to members. He further emphasized that it’s good that all are emphasising on performance but unless there is reward associated with the performance, there is no meaning of expecting performance from anyone. He said executives are doing and performing the roles and responsibilities assigned and in return they expect pay, pension and promotions. He further emphasized that circles should send their feedback with respect to the IPMS and attendance management system vis-à-vis the practical difficulties faced by the field units. He assured one and all on behalf of AIGETOA that association will take all efforts to realize the long pending issues.

The Chief Guest Sh Sandeep Diwanji, CGMT (Punjab) addressed the house in last and emphasised the things point wise as suggested by CS Sh Yogesh Chhabra.

On transfer & posting, he categorically told that in line with discussion with AIGETOA during our Agenda meeting, he already communicated down the line to avoid any random transfers in academic mid-session without any proper justification and further re-iterated his stand to execute transfers strictly as per stay criteria. On online IPMS, he was of the view that it is an evolving process and many points are still under discussion. In due course all the necessary changes will be incorporated in online IPMS to make it more robust and linking of IPMS with APAR will also be reviewed. On second Saturday off to few selected offices only and extra working beyond office hours, CGMT Punjab told that some special powers has been given to controlling officer to allow compensatory off as deemed fit. CGMT Punjab told that he has issued clear instructions to all BA heads regarding empanelment of at least 2 hospitals per SSA in line with discussion with AIGETOA. He assured for hospital empanelment on cash basis provided all documentation is complete in case hospitals are reluctant towards empanelment due to any reason.

Finally CGMT Punjab has appreciated the efforts and dedication of all employees as well as the role of AIGETOA with which Punjab is heading towards a progressive path and achieving new milestones day by day. He also assured that he will discuss our core issues with management whenever he get the opportunity. He further emphasised that we, the younger generation, are the most important stakeholders and future pillars of BSNL who will lead the BSNL from the front, so keep the spirit high and let us work together to bring back the pristine glory of BSNL.

The Open Session came to close after presentation of the memento to invited guests and Vote of thanks presented by ACS Sh Narinder Kumar, followed by the Lunch.

Post Lunch, Finance secretary Sh. Vineet Bhandari presented the finance report in front of the house. He expressed that district teams should focus on conducting associational activities in an economical manner and within their defined quota. All queries answered by the finance secretary. The house approved the financial report. The District secretaries of the SSAs presented their reports. The burning issues of the cadre was deliberated, CHQ team apprised the members about the current situation and the steps being taken by the AIGETOA for settling the long pending issues and the proposed MSRR, IPMS and attendance system. CHQ team answered all the queries related to them and CEC assured to raise all the issues at the proper platform. Some issues raised by district teams was salary deductions of strike period in Punjab circle, Pay related issues, SDE To AGM promotion, AO to CAO promotion, left out JTO to SDE promotion, LICE JTO promotion, retention promoted SDEs in Punjab circle, compassionate ground appointment, EPF higher pension, Poor performance of Fastway in Punjab, 2nd Saturday compensatory off for field units etc. Circle Secretary, Sh Yogesh Chhabra explained the house about modification in collegium due to transfers as provided by district teams which is also published on the AIGETOA Punjab website. House approved the modified collegium.

The AGM concluded with Vote of thanks presented by ACS Sh Ramanand Srivastava.