Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom-officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2023

BSNL CO issued notifications to hold an online Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom-officer (Telecom) [ JTO (T) ] to fill up the vacant posts in the grade of Junior Telecom-officer (Telecom), JTO (T) under 50 % internal quota for vacancy year 2023 (as per Annexure-A) from the eligible candidates of BSNL.

Click here for Notification

Vacancies indicated in Annexure-A also include carried forward (Backlog) vacancies from VY 2022 which are shown separately against each Circle.

Click here for Annexure-A

Updates of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Joint Secretary (Admin) DoT on 11.03.2024 :

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS BTEU Shri R C Pandey, All India President AIGETOA Shri Veerabhadra Rao and AGS AIGETOA Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam met Joint Secretary (Admin), Shri Sunil Kumar Verma at Sanchar Bhawan on 11th March 2024 for a follow up meeting on the issues discussed in the tripartite meeting held on 16th February 2024.

Our team informed JS Admin that as sought in the meeting, the detailed and reasoned representation with respect to the implementation of E2 and E3 Pay Scales for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent containing the AIGETOA’s response to the contentions raised by DOT has been submitted. JS Admin said that he is in receipt of the submissions and the same has been sent to the concerned section for examination. We shared all the inputs to JS Admin and explained our points in detail. JS Admin assured that things will be considered with a positive perspective and this long pending issue necessitates a firm resolution now.

Issue of Superannuation and Promotions was also discussed in detail wherein we apprised him of the consistent neglect of the executives in BSNL. We also highlighted the difference in treatment of BSNL Recruits who are governed by DPE Guidelines vis-a-vis those covered by CCS Rules as far as pensionary benefits are concerned. We also apprised JS Admin with regard to the notification of SET RRs and highlighted how BSNL has been undermining its own talent pool with similar qualifications. JS Admin assured that matter has been noted by DOT and necessary action shall definitely be taken to the satisfaction of the employees and in the right earnestness.

The issue of 3rd PRC and Pension Revision was also discussed, however there is not much development on the same since last meeting except for the fact that wage negotiations in BSNL has started.

Comments on other agenda points submitted by BMS Team is being sought from various sections of DoT and BSNL and the same is being monitored at the highest level.

Thereafter, we met Director PSU also and explained to him about the issues. He assured us that all the issues are being examined as per discussions and in case of need, he will discuss the issues with us once again.

The team of AIGETOA and BTEU is consistently following up on all issues and are slated to meet few more officers at DoT and Communication Ministry in the next few days.

The support and encouragement from Executives and Employees will definitely motivate us to work more and more in order to attain the resolution of the long pending HR issues for the benefits of the employees of BSNL.

AIGETOA & BTEU BSNL Meeting with Newly appointed National SC Commission Member Sh Vaddepalli Ramachander at New Delhi on 11.03.2024 :

Yesterday on dated 11th March 2024, All India President AIGETOA Shri Veerabhadra Rao and General Secretary BTEU, Shri R C Pandey, met the newly appointed member of National SC commission Shri Vaddepalli Ramachander to extend our warm welcome and convey our best wishes.

This meeting served as a courtesy gesture to extend the wishes on behalf of BMS affiliated Associations and Unions. Shri V Ramachander has been an active karyakarta of BMS before taking over as Member of the National SC commission.

Today, we eagerly look forward to attending the charge takeover function at his new office. We were privileged to receive the invitation from his good self for the brief ceremony.

Heartiest Congratulations to Shri Ramachander Ji on becoming a National SC Committee member. AIGETOA & BTEU of BMS extends warm wishes for your remarkable achievement.

This recognition symbolizes his dedication and contribution, fostering a collaborative spirit within the organization. His role as a committee member is pivotal in shaping policies and promoting inclusivity. May this journey bring growth, success, and meaningful experiences.

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting

GS AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji to address neglect of BSNL Executives’ Career Progression, Calls for Scrapping Lateral Recruitment Policy :

GS AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji on the Consistent neglect of inner talent pool of BSNL executives and management’s undue focus on making lateral recruitment on higher posts persons with the same qualifications and no experience, creating two level of intake with similar qualifications, conduct of theoretical examinations at each level instead of providing a comprehensive promotion policy to the executives of BSNL and totally closing the promotional avenues of executives of BSNL by one or another reasons – Urgent SOS call to protect the career progression aspects of BSNL Executives and directing BSNL management to ensure the promotions for all eligible executives at least up to AGM level in a time bound manner. In the letter, GS AIGETOA seeks the benign attention of MoC on the discussions held in various meetings and the assurance to scrap the lateral recruitment policy of BSNL.

Click here for the letter

GS AIGETOA submits the inputs of AIGETOA to DoT & BSNL on Extending the standard pay scales of E2 to JTO/JAO/equivalent grades and E3 to SDE/AO/Equivalent grades in reference to tripartite meeting :

As per discussions held in Agenda Meeting dated 9th February 2024 and in the tripartite meeting held subsequently on 16th February 2024, GS AIGETOA submits the inputs of AIGETOA on Extending the standard pay scales of E2 to JTO/JAO/equivalent grades and E3 to SDE/AO/Equivalent grades. The objection raised by DoT on the five time bound up-gradations can be easily overcome by ending the discrimination in grant of JAG Selection Grade Pay Scale as E7 to absorbed Group ‘B’ Executives in accordance with DOT letter dated 26.08.2008 and DPE OM dated 24.12.2012 and inclusion of the same in EPP – It will impart great motivation to the Young Executives necessary in view of recent revival package and vast business by the Govt to resurrect the BSNL. In the Tripartite meeting held on 16th February 2024, GS AIGETOA was asked to submit the reasoned representation against the contentions raised by DoT for negating the replacement of E1A and E2 A pay Scales by E2 and E3. In the representation, AIGETOA has submitted the counter reply to the contentions raised by DoT and how the Scales can be replaced without cascading and not disturbing the five Time bound upgradations as per EPP.

Click here for the Letter to Member Services

Click here for the Letter to Director HR

GS AIGETOA raises concerns over unfair cancellation of Punjab Circle LICE, Urges Director HR to address disparity and initiate training for JE to JTO Promotions – Letter to Dir HR:

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR BSNL Board regarding unfair cancellation of Punjab Circle Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for VY’s 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18 in JTO (T) Cadre. GS AIGETOA submits its strong objection to the differential treatment given to different groups under similarly placed circumstances and requests to initiate the training for JE to JTO promotions.

Click here for the letter

Happy International Women’s Day from AIGETOA!

“Empowered Women Empower others.”

Celebrate Women’s Day with AIGETOA ! We’re proud to have championed improved Child Care Leave (CCL) provisions for women employees in BSNL. This Women’s Day, let’s recognize the importance of policies that support working mothers and foster work-life balance for all employees.

Thanks to AIGETOA’s efforts, key achievements include:

  • Extension of CCL to single male parents, promoting gender equality and acknowledging diverse family structures.
  • Enhanced CCL duration, increased from 135 to 180 days, with a maximum extension to 730 days throughout an employee’s service period.
  • AIGETOA’s fight for Exemption of Women employees in long stay transfer and posting, ensuring fair treatment and support for career growth.

AIGETOA remains steadfast in advocating for a progressive and inclusive workplace within BSNL.

#HappyWomensDay #AIGETOA #BSNL #CCL #GenderEquality #WorkLifeBalance

Nomination Window Opening for EPP upgradation courses at ALTTC Ghaziabad, for the quarter Apr’24-Jun’24 :

The nominations for the EPP upgradation courses for Telecom stream, EPP Exams for streams viz. Hindi, Arch., CSS, CSSS, TF etc. for the North-Zone Circles (UP(E)/UP(W)/PB/RAJ/J&K/HP/HAR/UKD/BSNLCO/CNTX-N) and EPP up-gradation courses for the Civil/Finance/Electrical stream for all circles for the quarter Apr’24-Jun’24 opened on CTMS portal w.e.f 04-Mar-2024.

Click here for letter