
Congratulations to one and all…

Today, AIGETOA submitted its nomination to participate in the 2nd Membership Verification of Executives Associations to elect the majority association. We are very much hopeful to acquire the place with your hard efforts and blessings of almighty.

Let’s come together and work hard together to conquer.


Update about letter submitted by GS AIGETOA on 19.06.2020 to CMD BSNL for clearance of medical and other dues :

With the strong pursuance of AIGETOA, finally management has decided to disburse the medical claims of active BSNL employees upto September 2019. It is learnt that management has decided for disbursement of the Medical claims along with June 2020 salary.

Also AIGETOA team strongly persuaded for the release of all TA/DA, claims of field employees who are working very hard in this corona time which are pending since years. And finally management has agreed to release pending claim upto march 20 bills for payment in June Salary. Some claims have been settled till date.

Friends management may change there words but we will not let it happen now, we are continuously working for employees favour who are working hard to save BSNL otherwise no body can save BSNL in this critical situation. Other pending payments are being also followed and pursued.
Click here for the letter submitted by AIGETOA


Updates related to 2nd MV of Executives’ Association :
Extension of Trade Association facilities to all Executives’ Association in BSNL.
Click here for SR Cell Order

Conduct of 2nd membership verification of Executives’ Association in BSNL, clarification regarding appointment of assistance returning officer.
Click here for SR Cell Order

Conduct of 2nd membership verification of Executives’ Association in BSNL, appointment of observer.
Click here for SR Cell Order


AIGETOA Team met PGM Pers today and discussed about the SDE Reversal issue and status of legal opinion with respect to JTO to SDE DPC :

It was informed that committee has concluded its final meeting and it is understood that issue of SDE reversal is under favourable consideration of the committee.

The file for sanction for fees of AOR/Senior advocate has been processed and the
Legal opinion is expected shortly. The delay is there because both the senior counsel as well as AOR is not in panel of BSNL. We are expecting the legal opinion on the JTO to SDE DPC matter very soon so that the process of DPC can be started with full pace and the long awaited first promotion of JTO to SDE sees
the light of the day very soon…

The legal opinion on list 9 is also expected shortly.

Earlier GS AIGETOA has taken up the matter of undue delay with Director HR and we are happy to note that after the intervention by Director HR, things are moving in good pace now.

Friends, we would like to once again emphasised that AIGETOA is totally committed for the issues and will ensure the resolution of all pending issues despite roadblocks created by proclaimed corners and some particulars group trying to create confusion amongst BSNL Recruits to slow down AIGETOA – May be on the behest of their masters. We can?? comment on that. However we request one and all to exercise their firm faith and belief to AIGETOA. Our association will never let down the faith executed by all executives.

Let’s come together forgetting our differences for a better tomorrow for all of us…


GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL for Standard Payscale :

GS AIGETOA once again requested CMD BSNL in line with his previous communication dated 23.04.2020 for his kind intervention to get the required approval of DoT for BSNL Management Committee proposal dated 06.06.2016 for replacement of intermediary scale of E1A and E2A with Standard Scale of E2 and E3 for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent grades in view of (a) Long awaited due of standard pay scale of E2-E3 (b) Proposed merger of MTNL with BSNL (c) No pension contribution applicability after VRS in BSNL (d) Retention of talented pool of JTO/JAO in BSNL.

Click here for letter


GS AIGETOA writes the CMD BSNL for various issues pertaining to Qualified Young Brigade :

GS AIGETOA writes the CMD BSNL for various issues pertaining to Qualified Young Brigade (Newly Recruited/ Promoted JTOs/JAOs) of BSNL and their long term aspirations from the organization. He demanded for immediate settlement of the followings.

Click here for letter

1.Replacement of Pay Scale of JTOs/JAOs with E2 Pay scale in JTO RR and JAO RR.

2.Extending the interim benefit of five increments to all JTOs / JAOs uniformly.

3.Implementation of fair and transparent Transfer Policy and Centralized Database
though ERP portal for processing the request transfer of JTOs/JAOs through

4.First Time Bound Up-gradation in 4 Years uniformly for all.

5.Underutilization of Professionally qualified JTOs/JAOs Executives capacity,
education and technical expertise for non-productive and non-standard works.

6.Reduction of Bond Amount and Bond Period for the newly recruited JTO/JAO.