
Big revolution among all executives started for Pay, Pension, Promotions and
BSNL revival under the banner of AIGETOA:
Heartily Welcome to All Executives Joined in AIGETOA family:

Dear Friends,

We really overwhelmed with the response from all BSNL executives, especially BSNL Recruits who joined AIGETOA in the present Membership window. AIGETOA CHQ, welcome you to the AIGETOA Family and express our sincere gratitude for showing trust and confidence in AIGETOA. This change over window has shown, how all the executives are furiously disappointed with the performance of Ex recognised Associations where they have failed to address very basis issues of Pay, Pension & Promotions in their tenure of 3.5 years.

We assure that no one can stop us, for achieving our delayed and denied rights. Our Foremost concerns are Pay, Pension, Promotion and Profitability of BSNL and they will the prime focus of AIGETOA.

Let’s work together for a better today and safer tomorrow for all of us and BSNL as a whole.

Friends, we want a professional work culture in BSNL to regain the dignity of Executives in BSNL. We want to address the Pay & Pensionary losses (occurring on account of Pay anomalies and Superannuation dues) at the earliest. We want
immediate promotion to those who are waiting endlessly as well as a fast track promotion opportunity for our young colleagues to fulfil their aspirations of career growth. We want better medical care through Health Insurance scheme to all executives by BSNL. We assured to a create a better life for all Executives in BSNL 2.0

On this occasion, it’s our privilege to thank all my colleagues and CHQ/Circle/District OBs, who tirelessly work to spread the message of unity, honesty, integrity and dedication of AIGETOA towards our issues and the company both. At the last but not the least, we also seek support of those colleagues who couldn’t join us in this changeover window due to one reason or other but we are confident for their blessing to us in our fight for a better tomorrow in BSNL.


Warm Regards



Dear Friends,

Going through by the plethora of lies spread by the so called Proclaimed SENA, it appears that they now have only one excuse for their failures i.e. AIGETOA.They have now gone into the habit of claiming all the good things and for all their failures, they throw the ball to AIGETOA.For this, they have also planted their B Teams consisting of some seasonal frogs… Who have been assigned the Job of Playing Vote-Katwa (Vote Cutters) for AIGETOA. But definitely they will fail in their sinister designs this time as all executives from length and breadth of the country in supporting AIGETOA in our endeavours.

When it comes to issues of pension and revisions for their own set of People, when it comes to extending promotions to DoT absorbed executives the proclaimed SENA becomes very powerful… in fact Demi God… But when it comes to issues of BSNL Recruits – proclaimed SENA becomes so powerless… And try to hide behind AIGETOA…

Laughable isn’t it…This is the truth of majority Association… so called saviours who enjoyed all these 20 years with the recognised tag attached to them…are telling that we could not do the right things because AIGETOA was there..If somebody says this even enjoying 20 years of power, do u think that they deserve another chance…No Not at all. An association which could not take responsibility of its failures can never do good for cadre…as all have seen from last 20 years.

Dear PROCLAIMED SENA Leaders, we assure you, after getting elected to majority and representative association, we will either set all the things right or we will not come to the executives again by crying like babies and blaming others for our failures. We know we will succeed, but if we fail, we will not cry like you and blame others for our failures. You Have Enjoyed Enough..Now Its your time to move away from making hurdles to BSNL recruits genuine rights.

Having enjoyed the recognised tag for 3.5 years and majority for on two decades,its high time that each BSNL Recruit Should ask these questions from PROCLAIMED SENA and their leaders:

1.Why at the time of formation of BSNL, you legacy associations agreed to demote the cadre by accepting non-standard pay scale of E1A (9850-250-14600) instead of E2 (10750-300-16750) for JTO/JAO equivalent grade when MTNL Adopted Higher Pay Scale.

2.Why pension benefits to BSNL Recruits were denied when Legacy association didn’t take up the proposal of Gazette notification of Pension Rule-37A right from the day of inception of BSNL.It was clearly written that “BSNL shall devise its own pension scheme and make arrangements for funding and disbursing pensionary benefits.”But since these legacy associations were only concerned for the DoT absorbed employees and hence they fought for their government pension under Rule-37A but didn’t care for the pension of BRs, which was part of the same order, else we could have also had our pension scheme since inception of BSNL.

3. Why Your Association Left BSNL Executives in Lurch by compromising on provisional E1 & E2 as provisional scales instead of standard pay scales of E2 for JTOs/JAOs equivalent & E3 for SDE/AO/Equivalent at the time of implementation of second PRC. Why Your Association did not even think of Superannuation Benefits for BSNL Recruits which was an essential Recommendation of 2nd PRC despite the fact that BSNL was in profit at that time.Why you spoiled the future and Social Security of BSNL Recruits.

4. Why You never seriouslypersuaded or when it got negated , filed a case for Standard Pay Scales and 30% SAB. Is it because you have given in written that you are OK with E1 as scales for JTOs ( A fact Reiterated by you a few days back). Is it Because You have submitted to HLC, that pensionary benefits of BSNL Recruits are more than DoT absorbees.

What is your stand on PRMB for BSNL Recruits. Whether You agree that PRMB should be in place in BSNL. If Yes, why are you saying that BRs are getting 3.3 percent PRMB. Are You aware of the difference between Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution. Can U write a single letter for PRMB. Can U Tell us, whether 5% SAB is pending to be implemented and or 7%.

5. Is It true that the committee considered your submission for rejecting the 22820 benefit to the JTOs and JAOs of the 2007, 2008 and 2010 batch.Why U derailed the whole issue and never came back to management for the same. Was it planned?

6. What is your stand on DPC for JTO to SDE ? Why are You not pursuing it despite availability of sufficient vacancies. Why You did not pursue for implementation of CPSU Hierarchy all these two years and you sing this song only when JTO to SDE DPC is on track. Why have you not written a single letter for expediting the DPC process for JTO to SDE DPCs? Do you consider DPCs as illegal? What happened to your agitation notice for CPSU which you served in November 2019. What was the settlement that you never initiated this process ever again. Why You ditched AIGETOA in 2017 also as well as earlier in 2007 when you agreed for Financial upgradations instead of Time Bound Functional Promotions.

7. Is it true that you made all diploma holders LICE Passed JTOs in-eligible for AGM Promotions during notification of MS RRs by asking footnote-2 relaxationfor only those who were incumbent on that day i.e. Executives absorbed from DoT. Is it true that the much hyped CPSU policy will adopt MS RRs for promotion from AGM Level.

8. Why You Accepted JTO RR 2014 with E1 as scale for JTOs, just because you wanted few officiating JTOs to be regularised in lieu of killing of Pay Benefitsof thousands and Thousand of BSNL Recruit JTOs/JAOs and LICE Promoted JTO/JAOs. Why you never filed a case against degradation of Pay Scales in RRs. Why did you give your agreement on increasing the bond amount for BSNL Recruits.

9. Is it true that after reaching to a tri-party consensus agreement with applicants of JTO seniority case of Kerala, you ditched them just because you did not wanted BSNL Recruits to get promotion through existing mechanism of DPC, just because your supernumerary JTOs would not have got a chance of promotion and they would have been replaced with LICE JTOs of 2012 batch.

10. Is it true that you pursued management to issue promotions for only DoT absorbed executives to be promoted despite knowing fully well that it will result in contempt.Youdid it by taking shelter of your so-called recognised tag.

11. Is it true that your AGS threatened Dharna when LDCE 2015 candidates were being promoted as SDEs in May 2018. Is it true that you deputed the captain of your B team to create confusion that these promotions are illegal.

12. Is it true that your circle office bearers opposed Rule 8 transfer of JTOs at various places.

13. Why You Settled for provisional scales of E1 and E2 in CPSU hierarchy despite the fact that BSNL Board has approved and E2 and E3 as replacementof the scales. Why you drifted Away from the Khan Committee Report when it was accepted by All.

14. Is it true that Youand your OBs sat on a Dharna at 4th Floor on 28th /29th June 2018, just to ensure that AGM promotions are issued on the same date by leaving List 8 & list 9 candidates in Lurch.Why did you not wait for promotion through CPSU hierarchy for them which was to be implemented just after two days as per your version.

15. Why Yourcronies and your friendly association have filed a Review Petition on 1:1 Judgement of Ernakulam High Court.Why don’t you want 1:1 ratio in JTO to SDE promotions, just because it would have benefited BSNL Recruit JTOs ( both directly as well as LICE promoted). Why You have Filed Review against something (Training Center Marks is for intra Seniority) which was not even disputed by anybody.. Neither Hon Court nor the respondents and applicants.

16. Why you have not made your stand clear on List 9 preparation.Why You Don’t Want Vacancy Year Based seniority in SDEs. Why You are favouring seniority Preparation based on Date of Joining in SDE cadre. You have an habit in impleading in all cases, why you never impleaded in the SDE seniority case.

17. Why you forgot Fast Track Promotion Policy in BSNL.Instead you agreed for MT External Recruitment by supporting MTRRs and ditching all.

18. Why are you maintaining strategic silence on reduction posts in the name of restructuring…? Why You have not opposed it.

19. Why are you confusing & bluffing the people in the name of a single association after enjoying the facility for two decades & that to after notification of MV..? One side you were asking for unity and on the other side you were writing nasty about the same associations on the website. What were the compulsive reasons for this doublespeak?

20. Why did BSNL go to huge losses under your rule for the last 2 decades..?You failed to act on BSNL viability...if you claim yourself to be saviours of BSNL. Why U called off your so called valiant strikes even after achieving nothing. BSNL Conditions are still not improved.

21. You are saying that after winning Elections with 50 percent majority, you will ensure all promotions within 3 months. What stopped you from getting these promotions executed in all these 3.5 years. What magic stick you are having which stopped promotions for all these 3.5 years and which will ensure promotions in 3 months. Are you not aware of the rules of recognised and support association in REA-14 rules? and being in the recognised tag, what makes you to accept that you were a complete failure to meet BSNL recruits aspirations especially ?

This has been your Mantra all these years… earlier u wanted majority…You got it and did nothing for BSNL Recruits. Now You want more than 50% votes and then again you will do nothing and come back after three years making the same cries

AIGETOA is assuring all that they are not putting any conditions and just by majority, they will execute all pending issues of BSNL Recruits and executives to Success. They believe in ourselves and with their belief, they will ensure the resolution of all pending issues, once they sit before management as a recognised association. They will not act as news broadcasters and mouthpieces.


List of Eligible Associations for 2nd Membership Verification of Executives Association in BSNL: SR Cell, CO BSNL issued the list of eligible associations for 2nd Membership Verification of Executives Association in BSNL.

Click here for list

The following Associations are eligible for 2nd Membership Verification of
Executives Association in BSNL.

1.AIGETOA (All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association)
2.AIBSNLEA (All India BSNL Executive Association)
3.AIBSNLOA (All India BSNL Officers Association)
4.AITEEA (All India Telecom Executive & Engineers Association)
5. BEA(Bahujan Executives Association of BSNL)
6.BASE (BSNL Association of Serving Executives)
7.BESA (BSNL Executive Service Association)
8.SNEA (Sanchar Nigam Executive Association)
9. TOA(Telecom Officers Association)

AIGETOA is participating the membership verification for the first time. Friends, Let’s all unite and give chance to AIGETOA who can work for better careers and resolution of issues. Let’s join hands with AIGETOA by filling the membership subscription form. Lets Unite for Change, Lets unite For Progress.

All DS should utilize the last day of subscription window i.e. 15th July 2020 and arrange to submit to forms through Email or Fax to respective DDOs.


Submission of Membership Deduction Form through E-Mail or Fax :

SR Cell issued instructions for option to change authorization for deduction of membership subscription of Union/Association from Salary.

Click here for letter

Due to COVID-19, it is difficult to submit the subscription forms physically from one station to the station where DDOs are posted in time. All the DS may submit the form for membership subscription deduction to the respective DDOs through E-mail or Fax latest by 15.07.2020 with a copy to the Unit Head of DDO.


Fact status on JTO to SDE DPC Promotions:

The senior advocate is still to submit the legal opinion as approval of his fees has
not been conveyed yet by BSNL. It is reported that the file for approval of Fees is under submission and

once the approval is conveyed, legal opinion will be received.

Thereafter the DPC process will be initiated.
While this being the fact, a sudden update on proclaimed SENA website is testing the patience of entire BSNL recruits who eagerly awaiting their turn for Promotions. But we request all such people not to panic as such lies of the negative people will be exposed very soon. Their consistent updates on their website tells the true story that how much afraid they are of getting their lies exposed.
It is ridiculous that they are asking for confirmation on message but they are not asking for status of DPC which also tells the true story of their concern towards the issue.

AIGETOA Team is consistently following the issue and the issue has been in discussions at all levels including Director HR and PGM Pers.

Even on Friday (10.07.2020), our team met PGM Pers on the issue. It was informed to us that file for Sanction of the fees has been returned to Personnel Cell with some queries. The queries are being replied and file is being sent for approval without any delay. From the discussions, it was also clear that the half baked CPSU Hierarchy Policy can not be implemented unless until it is revisited and reframed. Now we leave it for the people to decide, who is telling
lie and who is telling the truth.

People are matured enough to understand things except Few by name

“Uncommon Man”

who are either working as B team of the Proclaimed SENA or unable to understand the facts because of their immaturity. Anybody can file an RTI and know the truth by themselves…

AIGETOA reports correctly based on the discussions not on whims and fancies ofindividuals who remains in day dreaming mode always.


GS AIGETOA Writes to the CMD BSNL for granting of five (5) advance increments in their basic from the date of joining in the grade on the minimum of the IDA Pay Scale of E1 i.e. Rs.16400-40500 to all post 2010 JTOs/JAOs including SRD batch JTOs, Directly recruited JTOs, Promoted LICE JTOs, Directly recruited JAOs, Promoted JAOs and GATE JTOs as interim measure till finalization of the E2 Pay scale i.e. 20600-46500 to all the JTOs and JAOs in BSNL.

Click here for the letter


Instructions issued to include the name of executives at place of posting for
Rule-9 cases:

GSAIGETOA taken up the matter of the ease in exercising the democratic rights of the executives posted in various Circles/SSAs/Units on deputation, temporary
transfer under Rule-9 to include their name in local Electoral List instead of Parent Circle as instructed earlier. The matter was taken up with the Director (HR) and Sr GM(SR) BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi.

We are thankful to the management for the taking conscious decision on our concern which will basically give great relief to hundreds of executives posted across the BSNL to exercise their democratic right to cast the votes with ease at their place of posting instead of mingling in the postal ballot system issued from their Parent Circle. We appeal all executives to exercise their right wisely and peacefully for right associations in the larger interest of the executives fraternity as well as BSNL.
Click here for the letter issued by GS-AIGETOA

Click here for the clarification issued by SR Cell, BSNL
CO, New Delhi


GS AIGETOA writes to Dir HR, Chief Returning Officer and Sr GM SR on 08.07.2020 to include the name of all executives (joined under Rule-9) in the Electoral List at the place of posting instead of Parent Circle as well cast the vote in person instead of ballot box. We pressed to issue clarification in this regard immediately.

Click here for letter