Calling for eligibility particulars of JTO batches upto 2012 RY

As per the discussions held with AIGETOA and the assurance given, BSNL CO has issued the letter calling for eligibility particulars of further JTO batches upto 2012 RY.

Click here for the letter

All the Executives are requested to not to pay heed to rumours and confusion tactics. Some persons are trying to derail the whole process and trying to provoke others to file court cases to stall the whole promotion process. Today people are remembering everything but forgetting to implement the same when promotions were being done in June 2018. At that time, despite list being available, the ST quota list was not filled up as they contained BSNL Recruits and now they are objecting even on preparation of AIEL.

Now when AIGETOA is trying to bring things in line, they have again started their confusion songs.

All are requested to not to get influenced with provocations of such persons. Time will show them their real worth.

AIGETOA CHQ has decided not to respond to any such provocations either on website or in persons. We are determined to concentrate on our job. Every body knows who stopped the promotions both in SDE cadre as well as DE and CAO cadres.

Our firm endeavour is to bring other promotions including SDE to DE, AO to CAO and DE to DGM also in line and give a befitting reply to such mischief mongers by actions and not by words.

GS Letter for Extension of Five Advance Increments

GS AIGETOA writes to management for Extension of five (5) advance increments as an interim measure in the basic from the date of joining to post 2010 JTOs/JAOs including SRD batch JTOs, directly recruited JTOs, promoted LICE JTOs, promoted JAOs & GATE JTOs, who got recruited on minimum of IDA Pay Scale of E1 i.e. Rs.16400-40500, till incorporation of E2 Scale, 20600-46500, to the JTO and JAO Grade. Our Submissions there of as per the discussion held in Formal Agenda Meeting with Recognized Representative Association i.e. AIGETOA on 15-09-2020.

Click here for letter

GS letter for consideration & resolution of the pay loss issue

GS AIGETOA writes to management for Consideration and resolution of the Pay Loss Issue faced by the executives recruited in JTO/JAO Grade in pre-revised E1A Scale (9850-250-14600) after 01.01.2007 by extending them initial basic of 22820 – Our submission thereof, as per discussion held in the Formal Agenda Meeting with Recognized Representative Association i.e. AIGETOA on 15-09-2020.

Click here for letter

Notification – Circle Conference Of AIGETOA Telangana

As per the constitution provisions, Circle Conference of AIGETOA Telangana Circle is notified. The AGM cum Circle Conference and will be conducted from 21st & 22nd Oct 2020 through ONLINE mode.

Observers from the CHQ are

1. Shri Madhava Rao AGS-4, CHQ-AIGETOA. 2. Shri M Sridhar Babu, JS(South), CHQ-AIGETOA.

All the members of AIGETOA, Telangana Circle are requested to participate actively and make it a grand success.

Schedule of the election of New Governing body of Telangana Circle:

  1. FILING OF NOMINATIONS: 07-10-2020 to 15-10-2020
  3. WITHDRAWAL OF NOMINATIONS: 17-10-2020 to 18-10-2020

For NOMINATIONS, please mail to

For WITHDRAWAL OF NOMINATIONS, you must send written request to

Use a valid email address. You will receive an email notification that let’s you edit your nominations.

Click here for the Notice of Circle Conference

Click here for filing the Online Nomination

Mandatory Utilisation of BSNL/MTNL Network by all Govt Departments, CPSEs & Bodies

Government of India approves mandatory utilisation of BSNL/MTNL Network by all Ministries, Departments of Government of India, CPSEs, Central Autonomous Bodies for availing Internet/Broadband, Landline and lease line services. Accordingly all Ministries and departments have been issued directions to issue necessary instructions including CPSEs/Autonomous Bodies under their control to utilise the capacities of BSNL/MTNL for the aforesaid services. Click here for the order of DoT in this regard.

It will be pertinent to mention that AIGETOA has been the flag bearer of this campaign having raised this issue with Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble MoC, Various MPs, Hon’ble Secretary DoT. It is understood that AIGETOA submissions have been one of the enablers of this campaign with GoI approving the revival package for BSNL/MTNL on 23rd October. We have been consistently following up on issuance of these directions and raised the matter during meeting with Hon’ble MoC also. Unlike other claimants for these achievements who claimed credit after the approval, we have been raising these issues much before the revival package was approved. All are requested to go through our submissions. It can be seen that almost all the major suggestions have been considered by Government of India. This latest instruction is another feather in the cap of AIGETOA.

Click here for Office Memorandum by DoT

Click here for the submissions of AIGETOA to Hon’ble PM

Click here for the submissions of AIGETOA to Hon’ble MoC