Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA held with BSNL Management on 15-09-2020

The formal agenda meeting of the Recognised Representative Association, AIGETOA held with the BSNL Management on 15-09-2020 as per schedule at Conferences Hall, 9th Floor, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Director HR and management side was represented by the PGM Pers, Sr GM Establishment, Sr GM SR, GM Administration, GM Recruitment, DGM Pers, DGM SR and other senior officers. The Association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS.

Sr GM SR welcomed AIGETOA in the first formal meeting as recognised Representative Association and assured all cooperation. The Director HR in his opening remarks welcomed AIGETOA and all participants of the meeting. He assured all cooperation from management to the Recognised Representative Association for betterment of BSNL and entire employees of BSNL. The Director HR emphasised that management is concerned about present status and is very much inclined to improve the status of each executives and resolve the long pending issues of BSNL Executives.

GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmad in his opening remarks welcomed Director HR and all senior officers of BSNL and emphasised on the need to show the goodwill in terms of firm decisions now instead of words and assurances. He said that since last 20 years, the executives have suffered a lot and now it’s time that management should convert the words into action and end the injustices for ever. He appreciated the concern of the Director HR for the executive fraternity and hoped that now with changed Regime both in management as well as recognised association side, things will be move towards resolution with positive mindset. He underlined the fact that People are still suffering in terms of Promotion, Pay loss and other anomalies even after twenty years of formation of BSNL and AIGETOA has been elected with a great hope from all corners to bring positivity into the existing system. GS AIGETOA also affirmed the firm commitment that BSNL Stands First and Association assures it’s firm support on the issues related to viability of BSNL but at the same time expects that management will take all care of its internal customers i.e. employees of BSNL by resolving the issues in a time-bound manner.

AIP, Shri Ravi Shil Verma in his remarks emphasised about the need for change in perception by management with regard to HR issues. He said that it’s high time that management should understand that HR is also a resource and it requires investment in terms of money to get a proper output associated from the human capital. He conveyed the cooperation of executives with the decisions taken for betterment of BSNL and its employees. He further said that management should also understand the fact that any decision which has an adverse impact on our Pay, Promotion, Pension and Profitability of BSNL shall not be accepted by Association and instead shall be firmly opposed. He said that there is eminence of positive vibes from management side as of now and hoped that same will continue in future also to maintain a best employee and employer relationship. He said association is committed to build a healthy and wealthy BSNL.

Then the meeting started formally as per the agenda submitted by the association and continued from 10:00 Hrs to 15:30 Hrs. All issues were discussed in detail and many firm decisions were arrived in the meeting. The highlights of the decisions and deliberations held in the meeting is as stated below:

Implementation of BSNL REA in true letter and spirit :

Association emphasised that any division/deviation in the name of existence of multiplicity of association should not happen and REA guidelines should be followed in true letter and spirit. These guidelines are very clear on how to deal on policy matters with majority association and management should abide by that. At the same time, Association side also firmly assured that as majority recognised association, AIGETOA will work as representative of all the Executives and not merely as representative of its members only.


It was informed by PGM Pers that the judgement of review petition has been vetted by senior advocate and management is moving ahead with JTO to SDE DPC without any further delay. The provisional list shall be published soon followed by issuance of promotions after DPC. All things are on track, Association requested for completion of the process in shortest possible time and the same has been agreed to.

SDE 2007 Reversal issue :

The issue was discussed at length and finally management side agreed to resolve the issue immediately without any further delay. The committee has been asked to submit the report immediately.

Pay Loss issues (22820, TTA outsider and pay loss in TTA LICE) and E1 plus five increments to new batches :

Association has been asked to submit a detailed consolidated note on the pay loss issues and on extending E1 plus five increments . Director HR agreed to get the same examined and a committee shall be constituted based on our representation to examine and consider the issue. We shall be submitting the note in next few days.

Seniority Lists of VY 2007-8 onwards :

Input to be taken from senior advocate on the issue and then decision be taken. We have given our submission that under any circumstances, any change in VY based seniority is not acceptable to us as it violates RRs. Management has shown a positive approach and assured that issue will be settled in next few days

Medical Insurance :

we have been asked to submit detailed proposal in this regard which should be in the best interest of employees. Association shall be doing the same.

Decision on next LDCE is to be taken in 15 days, Next DPC process initiation to be considered after the completion of promotion process. AIGETOA also raised the issue of calculation mismatch in Vacancies carried forward to different quota and requested management to re-verify the vacancies in LDCE Quota especially with respect to LDCE 2015, Decision on LDCE for other cadres like CSS is also to be taken in 15 days. DPC of other streams like Civil, Electrical, Architecture to be explored expeditiously

Restructuring and Cadre Review :

Formal discussions with AIGETOA to start on Restg and cadre review and BA structure. It is noted that many except 6 CGMs have not given any observation on the proposed BA structure which means that structure is more or less acceptable by them. So CSs may also discuss with the respective CGMs in this regard and request them to send their feedback to restg cell. We have categorically stated a big No to reduction of posts beyond stipulated guidelines and any dent to promotional avenues in the name of restructuring process.

SDE to DE and AO to CAO promotions :

Things are really complex because of CAT judgement of Chandigarh. We have been asked to explore the options with regard to judgement and submit proposal. We shall be getting in touch with the senior advocates and also all contending groups to arrive at a solution.

Rule 8, Rule 9 and Transfer requests :

Management agreed to our demand and accepted that they will develop a portal for request transfer cases where every aspect will be transparently maintained.

For Rule 8 provisions shall be made in ESS portal and SOP shall be issued to make it transparent. Estt cell to examine our input and coordinate with circles for clearance of rule 8 cases. Non applicability of Rule 8 clause of GATE JTOs to be revisited and clarification shall be issued from CO to end this discrimination.

GATE-JTO Service Agreement Bond Issue :

The issue related to the service agreement bond of GATE-JTO was discussed in length and it was agreed upon by the Establishment Cell to examine and AIGETOA shall be consulted on same.

Discussion on new promotion policy :

Director HR has gone through the proposal submitted by AIGETOA with respect to new promotion policy and appreciated the points. Discussion on same shall be initiated after receipt of input from DoT. SEWA will also be consulted on new promotion policy to ensure and smooth and acceptable policy for all stakeholders.

Change in designation of JTO/JAO to be examined and considered. AIGETOA has been asked to submit proposal in this regard.

Positive discussion on SAB and PRMB. In view PF Financial constraints, it may take some time but discussion ended on positive note and Director HR agreed to revert on the same after discussions with CMD BSNL.

Another important aspects was that there was some confusion with regard to admissibility of BSNLMRS facilities to dependents of deceased BSNL Recruits as many of the families were not getting the medical benefit after untimely death of a BSNL Recruit employee. Management agreed that this is applicable to BSNL Recruits also and a clarification shall be issued to all circles. Discussion on modified promotion policy also to be initiated.

Dear friends, above is just brief outcome of the discussions. Things have ended in good note and some issues which could not be taken due to time constraints shall be taken up in subsequent meetings. AIGETOA once again re-emphasizes it’s commitment for resolution of burning HR issues of all executives groups and none will be left behind. Minutes of this meeting will be issued soon by SR cell. But we need to keep the momentum and pressure on for a best outcome Let’s hope for the best.

Together We have Together We Will…

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with CMD BSNL:

Today, Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Mehta VP, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS met CMD BSNL. It was first meeting of GS AIGETOA with the CMD BSNL after becoming the Majority Representative Recognised Association on his visit to Corporate Office New Delhi and he presented a flower bouquet to CMD BSNL. The meeting discussed about the BSNL revival issues, Salary issue, Promotion issues and Seniority issues briefly. A detailed formal meeting will happen in next few days on the agenda points submitted on the BSNL revival measures and other points by AIGETOA.

It was informed to us that the process for floating BSNL bonds have been completed and the bond prospectus has been submitted in Bombay Stock Exchange. Government of India has extended Sovereign Guarantee to an extent of 8500 crores as a part of revival package and BSNL is expecting to raise this much amount from the bond issue.

We extend our deep appreciation to the finance team dealing with the bond issue process who has completed this work well before schedule. Shri B K Mehta VP CHQ AIGETOA was also part of this team. We are very much hopeful that the estimated amount will be achieved by BSNL through it and this will improve liquidity of cash. The financial improvement will bring some respite to the employees also in terms of salary and other dues. We have also demanded to regularise the salary from next month as it is creating serious troubles in day to day life.

Click here for the Snaps

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with PGM Pers and Sr GM SR on 14.09.2020

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS, Shri Vivek Singh OS met the PGM Pers and discussed the issues of JTO to SDE Promotion, SDE Reversal Issue and subsequent vacancy years seniority list of SDE. The meeting happened in detail and various aspects were discussed in length. It was further decided that the detailed will be further updated in the scheduled agenda meet on 15-09-2020. Later on the Team met with Sr GM SR and discussed the issue of various aspects related with SR Cell. The discussion also took place regarding the upcoming agenda meeting and various pending issues of the Executives.

Instruction regarding mentioning name of the officers on the note-sheets and letters – Observations by CVO, BSNL

In view of observations made by CVO BSNL, Corporate Office issued instruction regarding mentioning name of the officers on the note-sheets and letters. All the concerned officers/officials to follow guidelines and shall append full signature, name, designation, telephone/mobile number, email-id etc while signing the note/communication accordingly.

Click here for Letter

Finally the truth prevailed. The Review Petition filed by BSNL, AIBSNLEA and SNEA Activists has been dismissed

Finally the truth prevailed. The Review Petition filed by BSNL, AIBSNLEA and SNEA Activists has been dismissed and the Judgement in this regard has been pronounced on 24th August 2020. Today the order copy was issued.

Click here for the order copy

Going by the Judgement, it is clearly felt that the Review Petition was filed just to delay the promotion of BSNL Recruits and the petition was flawed technically also.

Contrary to the myth created by some groups, the Judgement clearly spells out and vindicates the stand taken by AIGETOA all these while. We are highlighting the salient points of the Judgement vis-a-vis the stand taken by AIGETOA.

AIGETOA Contended that BSNL can not file appeal after executing the judgement partially. – RP order states the same- Page 21-. Last Para

Click here for the screenshot

AIGETOA Contended that only operating part of the judgement needs to be considered. Court says- the same – Operating part of the judgement reveals how Inter-se-Seniority is to be fixed. Page 25 last line.

Click here for the screenshot

AIGETOA said BSNL can do interim promotions in 1:1 ratio between DR and PR quota till seniority is finalised. Court says the same. page 24..Last line of the second Para

Click here for the screenshot

AIGETOA said the judgement deals with Inter-se-Seniority and does not deals with the Intra Seniority within the quota. Court says the same that they have not considered settlement of seniority of individuals and in fact they have decided only on Fixation of Inter Se Seniority between DR and PR quota meaning there was no ambiguity on training centre marks seniority within the quota and date of joining on RY basis. page 25..Last Para.

Click here for the screenshot

So from the judgement and technical points of the order, it is quite clear that there was no problem in issuance of promotions and the same was withheld/denied without any reasons and submissions of AIGETOA was utterly ignored despite having weight and merits. We know that the past can not be reverted but atleast now those who are responsible for this delay should behave in a responsible and non-partisan manner and support AIGETOA in its quest for ensuring justice to the deprived JTOs who are waiting for their promotions since years. From the order, it is also clear that SLP in Honble SC may also not be admitted as after partial execution of order, the appeal is generally not entertained by any court.

We therefore request management to issue the promotions immediately to ensure justice for the deprived lot and also to avoid any further legal complexities. We sincerely hope that management will now ensure the correct action on their part and will extend the long awaited promotions to the JTOs who have been waiting for their promotions since years.