With extreme grief, we bring to you the sad news of the demise of father of Sh Ashok Acharya (JS East) today at Bhubaneswar. AIGETOA CHQ prays to the almighty to provide his family with sufficient strength and courage to tide over the crisis and for bearing this irreparable loss. We also pray so that the eternal soul rests in peace.
As pursued by AIGETOA for online training of JAO batches due to covid -19 pandemic severity in all over India , finally management agreed for the same. We thank concerned authority for consideration of our request in the welfare of trainee executives as well as faculty concerned.
We Protest Freezing of Dearness Allowance to employees of CPSE by DPE:
We strongly protest the recently issued order of DPE regarding freezing of Dearness Allowance to the Employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30th June 2021, which is due from 01.102020.
AIGETOA will fight firmly against this arbitrary and vindictive order which inflicts damage to the rights of the employees of all CPSEs including BSNL. When 3rd PRC was not implemented in BSNL, then whether DPE came with a direction to blanket implementation of 3rd PRC to all CPSEs including BSNL. When the salary is being borne by the CPSE through own resources then how DPE can impose blanket ban/freezing on IDA. Friends, we are in discussion with Associations/Unions of BSNL as well as other CPSEs to give immediate response as well as start a sustained struggle to recall the biased order.
AIP AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmad and VP AIGETOA Shri Badri Kumar Mehta met Director HR again on 18.11.2020 and discussed upon the pending issues. A review of all the pending issues and commitment as extended in the agenda meeting on the important points was done.
JTO to SDE DPC: It was informed to Director HR that data from almost all the Circles have been received and minor pending data shall be reaching corporate office by this weekend. We requested Director HR to ensure that DPC is done and promotions orders are issued by next week as committed by him. Director HR assured that his team is on job and shall try to get this completed as early as possible. We categorically informed Director HR that we have exercised enough patience and accordingly we will be constrained to adopt the path of organization actions if orders are not issued by next week end.
Pay loss Issue: (22820, E1 plus five advance increments and TTA to JTO DR pay fixation): We told Director HR that we have submitted our inputs in October itself and despite passing of one month, the matter has not been referred to any committee for examination. We requested for an early action on the issue. Director HR assured to look into the matter and will decide to get it examined by forming a committee, however he was still non committal. We shall be pressing it further and told that in absence of any positive action, we shall be adopting the path of organization action. We also apprised Director HR that association has raised the pay scale issue before DoT also in its brief meeting last week and we are expecting and agenda based meeting very soon.
SDE to DE and AO to CAO promotions: We requested for exploring an acceptable solution to all groups. Director HR told that PGM Pers is working on the issue and a solution is being tried to be found out. We said that how BSNL does it is not the matter. We told that how fast BSNL does it is the matter and hence BSNL should try to expedite the solution as early as possible by taking all groups into confidence.
Finalisation of SDE Seniority List for VY 2006-7 and publications of SDE Provisional Seniority List for 2007-8 VY onwards: It was informed that personal wing is examining the matter and decision on the same shall be taken very soon.
Settlement of SDE 2007 Reversal issue: Director HR once again assured to look into the matter and resolve the issue at the earliest as decided earlier.
Rule 8 and Rule 9 cases in JTO/JAO cadre: We apprised Director HR about the pending cases of various circles for request transfer under Rule-9 and Rule-8. We requested Director HR to consider genuine Rule-9 cases and start issuing the order. Director HR told us that he will discuss with Sr GM Estt and very soon will take decision in this regard.
Lifting of ban on forwarding of deputation cases to other organisations: The matter will be examined by HR team.
Friends, though outcome of today’s meeting is also assurances only, however keeping in view the volatile situation in which our organization is placed in, we have decided to wait till this month. If there are no postive solution to the issues as committed in the agenda meeting, association will not hesitate in starting the organisational action programs. By the end of this month, if issues so not move towards settlement, then we will be left with no options but to start intensive struggle for ensuring our basic rights. Accordingly, all CSs and CHQ OBs are requested to remain in ready state and start mobilising their Members. AIGETOA is firm on its decision to go to any extent for this.
Further with regard to the nasty updates on the lie machine of one of the proclaimed corners, we request all to not to pay any heed to their gimmics. They themselves are exposing themselves in their writeup. They say that they have opposed post reduction and in the same update they are trying to justify the stand of management which shows their double speak.
They say that they have removed those responsible for the court cases but at the same time they have rewarded the master minds with plum posts in CHQ.
However, we will not waste our time on replying to their nasty updates. Our reply will be in the form of results not words.
If they have shown true intent and not ditched us, then those recruited by BSNL in JTO would have been working in DGM grade instead of struggling for first promotion of SDE. But their ideology kept us denied all our rights and when we are trying to set the things right, they are out to detail it but we assure that they will not succeed.
We however still suggest and request this negative minded person to come to the terms of reality and try to strengthen the hands of unity and extend their support to AIGETOA in ensuring the resolution of long pending issues. However, we know that they will not mend their ways and hence the best thing which we can tell all is to ignore their gimmics and concentrate on the right path.
Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri BadriKumar Mehta VP, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS met and Shri Subrat Mukund with the new Director(Finance), Ms Yojana Das on her assumption of the charge on 16.11.2020. The team greeted the director with a flower bouquet and welcomed her on joining to the esteemed post of Director(Finance).

Team AIGETOA under the aegis of the General Secretary held brief meeting with the Director and assured to extend full support in her endeavor for the betterment of BSNL. The GS also apprised about the current status of the organization and newly elected representative association, AIGETOA and its goal to work towards the organization and its people. The issues of 4G roll out, regularization of salary, fund requirement to field units, pending promotions, SAB and restructuring figured briefly in the discussion. The comprehensive discussion didn’t happen as it was a welcome meet and item wise detailed meeting will be arranged between the Director(Finance) and the Recognized Representative Association, AIGETOA very soon. The meeting ended with a positive note to work with mutual respect and larger interest of BSNL and its employees.
Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri BadriKumar Mehta VP and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS met with senior officers of Dept of Telecom at Sanchar Bahawan, New Delhi on 12.11.2020. The details are as follows:
Meeting at with DDG (PM), Dept of Telecom: Team AIGETOA met with DDG (PM), Shri Sanjeev Gupta ji on a prescheduled appointment regarding 4G deployment in BSNL and raised our serious concerns over inordinate delay in its roll out and its after affect on BSNL. The DDG apprised about the development in details and the DoT strategy for rollout of the 4G deployment in the BSNL keeping in mind the government ambition to achieve Atma Nirbhar Bharat Scheme. We appraised the need to procure equipments of standard specification with single core which can support all technology i.e. 2G/3G/4G simultaneously instead of having separate core for 4G and 2G/3G as well as Release 15 specifications to meet the latest requirement. But it was apprised that the Committee formed by the DoT for the purpose has given its recommendations, which has been shared with BSNL managementand as per the recommendations the core of 4G has to be Indian only. Accordingly, BSNL has to work in that framework only for the roll out of the 4G services. He intimated that to implement the recommendations, PoC concept has to be explored as early as possible to save time. Although, we appraised that no Indianmanufacturer has developed the 4G core so far and by doing so, we are making BSNL a Test Bed which will have an adverse affect on the prospect of the organization. We further requested to reply on queries raised and clarification sought by BSNL vis-à-vis the Committee Report on which he assured to revert back very soon on all points raised by the BSNL. On a specific query of procurement of hardware/software for up-gradation of existing 2G/3G sites to 4G sites as a propriety items, he replied that it was not in the scope of the committee and BSNL is free to take its decision barring Chinese vendors. It is important to note here that more than 45K sites of Nokia/ZTE can be up-graded through this route also. Friends, it is very much clear that BSNL is being asked to work as the Government Atma Nirbhar Bharat Showcase Model for the Nation. If it is so, then the government should exempt it from profitability clause and the company and its employees should be compensated irrespective of Profit/Loss theory. The pending 3rd PRC should be implemented without further dely and BSNL should also be compensated for the loss, it is incurring due to some binding decisions of the government.
Meeting with Secretary(DoT), Member(Fin), Member(Services), OSD to Secretary(T), DDG(IT), Dept of Telecom : Thereafter, the Team AIGETOA met the with Secretary(DoT), Member(Fin), Member(S), OSD to Secretary(T) and DDG(IT) in the Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi and extended Deepwali Greetings to all the dignitaries. The brief meeting happened with Shri Anshu Prakash Ji, Secretary (T) in which we apprised our new status of RecognizedRepresentative Association of Executives of BSNL and raised our concern for BSNL and requested for a scheduled meeting. He carefully listened our points and assured to meet us very soon. The Team held detailed discussion with Member(F), Member(S), OSD to Secretary(T) and DDG(IT) on various matters of BSNL including 4G deployment, Standard Pay Scale of E2 for JTO/JAO equivalent grade and E3 for SDE/AO equivalent grade, complete 30% SAB for BSNL Recruits, 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL and other issues. We also apprised about the detail structure of Superannuation Benefits implemented as on date in BSNL.
It was understood that a meeting of whole HR Team was held on Friday, 6th November 2020 under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL which included discussions on the ongoing DPC Process also and how to move forward on the JTO to SDE Promotions. Accordingly Team led by AIGETOA President Shri Ravi Shil Verma along with VP Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar met PGM Pers and Director HR on 9th November 2020 to follow up on the promotion issue. It was noticed that AIEL II data received from almost all the circles except few was incomplete as it failed to include promoted, retired, resigned etc JTOs of 2002 to 2005 batch. Accordingly Team requested for issuance of another reminder with clarity on the subject. The letter was promptly issued by Personnel Section.
There after, from the discussions as well as the information learnt from various corners, it was understood that while preparatory exercise of DPC is almost complete, there is some hitch on the part of higher management with respect to promotions and notification of LDCE as they were being linked to the ongoing restructuring exercise and calculation of vacancies. Accordingly CHQ Team lodged it’s strong objection with Director HR and explained him the entire position that while we have been exercising patience as we could see the seriousness on the part of management with respect to actions taken on promotion aspects, but the same should not be taken for granted and any further delay will be strongly protested. Now that the work is almost over, opening a new chapter and linking the same to a never ending exercise of restructuring will not be accepted by the rank and file of Executives waiting for their first Promotions since long. Accordingly, management should immediately act for ensuring a happy Diwali for these executives. We also explained the legal position and complexities which can arise out of this new exercise by management. We firmly told, if management is planning to reduce the vacancies beyond the stipulated guidelines of VRS in the guise of Restructuring, the same is not acceptable to us. Director HR assured that management will not do anything which will be against the career aspects of Executives and there should not be any cause for worry. We said that unnecessary delay is the only cause for worry.
Thereafter, on Tuesday, 10th November 2020, the team led by GS Shri Wasi Ahmad and AIP Shri Ravi Shil Verma along with VP Shri B K Mehta and AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar met CMD BSNL and had an elaborate discussion on the promotion issue. We explained the whole issue, the complexities associated with linking the JTO to SDE DPC and other promotions to Restructuring exercise and non conduction of LDCE exams in time to CMD BSNL. We explained to CMD BSNL that organization should not start something which is going to result into an endless mess and will marr the future as well as career of executives for infinite time. Accordingly, management should immediately move ahead with DPC process without linking anything to Restructuring. CMD BSNL was receptive to our Submissions and told that it’s good that the complexities associated with the view of the management has been explained by the association and he will discuss and finalize with his HR team shortly, on the next course of action. He assured us that management has not taken any decision and anything which goes against the career prospects of executives will not be done. We apprised CMD BSNL about the restlessness and the resentment of the Executives because of non happening of promotions in any cadre and requested him to direct his team to ensure DPC immediately. CMD BSNL asked us to meet next week and in the meanwhile he will discuss with his team with respect to the inputs Submitted by AIGETOA.
Thereafter, the team again met Director HR and PGM Pers and apprised them about the discussions with CMD BSNL. Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, OS CHQ was also present in the discussions. We categorically told that we are not willing to wait beyond Diwali and ultimately association will have to resort to organisational actions to ensure justice to Executives. Director HR committed for an early action on the issue.
It was also surprising to learn that those claiming to report from close proximity of BSNL CO has forgotten to tell the executives that this decision of restructuring and DPC was conveyed by management to them during their tenure and they never chose to reject or protest against this, in fact in their recently held central meeting, no resolution with respect to the reduction in vacancies was undertaken. This shows their seriousness on promotional aspects. However, AIGETOA will take care of this. We would also like to suggest to them that instead of trying to raise unnecessary issues and confusions in the mind of management, they should do something constructive for the cadre. We will not hesitate in giving them their due credit, if they are worried about that. We would like to advise them that their recent reward to those responsible for trying to stop the Promotions has exposed their intents and double speak. On one side, they are exercising caution to their Members and on the other side, they are rewarding the masterminds with plum posts.
Friends, as you are aware, that we have set for ourselves a maximum target for Diwali for ensuring DPC for JTO to SDE Promotions, but that does not appear possible as of now as even the Complete AIEL Data has not been sent by Circles yet and VCs/APARs from many circles are still pending. In view of this, CHQ AIGETOA has decided to wait up to the last week of this month to ensure DPC for JTO to SDE Promotions and if management do not come forward with promotions orders by last week, the association will be compelled to serve notice for organisational actions. All CS/CPs/CHQ OBs should immediately start preparing for the same. All CHQ members/CS/CPs should also ensure that missing AIEL data be sent by all circles within two days.
With regard to legal issues created by the members and OBs of SNEA for staying the DPC Process, we would like to reaffirm that AIGETOA CHQ is on job and will clear all these hurdles. We would also like to request all those who are working to stop this DPC that instead of trying to stop the promotion process, they should lend a cooperative and helping hand. They should be aware that we have got the preparatory work started for further batches also and AIGETOA is committed to protect their interests also but still if they prefer to move ahead with the obstruction process, then it’s entirely their wish. We, however reaffirm all, that we will not let anybody either management or executives or any other association to play with the careers of Executives anymore and all such persons shall be dealt accordingly.
So, let’s be prepared for the cause and struggle for ensuring your rightful dues in BSNL. The last week of November is the final time line decided by us. After that there will be only one path and that is the path of struggle and organisational actions.
Come together, let’s Join Hands Together to Ensure the Bright Future for all.
Entrustment of Additional charge of Director (Finance) BSNL to Shri Suresh Kumar Gupta for the period of three Months from 26.10.2020 to 25.01.2021
Corrigendum for the data corrected w.r.t the Integrated final eligibility List of JTOs published on 12.10.2020
As per AIGETOA continuous discussion over fund crunch with Directors/CMD as per the feedback given by various circle and district teams of AIGETOA, finally defined fund is allotted for next 5 months (including November) for every circle and maintenance region for media faults rectification.
We are hopeful that field problem of sever fund shortage will be resolved in some extent now.