Updates on Meeting with PGM (Pers)

Updates on Meeting with PGM (Pers)

AIGETOA CHQ team yesterday met PGM Pers and had discussions on the issues of JTO To SDE DPC, SDE reversion case, Preparation of further seniority list in SDE cadres and consideration of request transfers which were put on hold before MV. It was apprised that things are in pipeline and management is working on the issues. With regard to SDE reversion cases, final meeting of the committee is scheduled to happen next week.

There is a strong objection from other associations on method of seniority fixation in list 9 which shows their biased attitude towards competitive quota people. However AIGETOA is firm in its opinion that Vacancy Year seniority should prevail and the list has been correctly prepared to some extent and in fact provision of Rota should also be inserted in the list. The work in JTO to SDE DPC will also be initiated soon. The request transfers shall be processed immediately.

Let the Good Sense Prevail, Dear Support Association..Let the Good Sense Prevail:

With regard to Nasty Publishing on the website of our friendly association, all we would like to say is that may God bless them with good sense. May God give them power to come to the terms of reality. With regard to their denial of objection on publishing of list 9, we dare them to submit to management their stand on finalization of seniority i.e. if they have guts, they should submit their stand on seniority fixation in the cadre of SDE. Why they are hiding their stand. Why don’t they come up clearly on the issue. Instead of uttering useless sentences on their website, they should clear the confusion and submit their stand on the method of seniority fixation i.e. whether it should be on DOJ or VY basis. Their acceptance that they are waiting for circle secretaries itself shows the truth how much they care for BSNL recruits on such a crucial issue. Another bare fact is this also that despite the mandate from their CWC years before, they have not made their stand clear as the mandate of CWC was benefitting competitive quota people.

We would also like to advise them that instead of twisting the statements of our leaders, they should download the AIGETOA Shapath Patra and go through that in detail and study that before making useless and funny statements on their lie machine i.e. their Website. Their association ruled in BSNL for the last 20 years and what they did to cadre is visible to everybody. In fact in the last 43 months of their majority period, what they have done is also known to everyone. After damaging the whole executives cadre all these years, isn’t it surprising and funny that they want AIGETOA to correct all the wrongdoings of legacy associations in one month. This shows their immaturity and hollowness of their thought process.

Their veiled malafide intention is also visible in their sentence when they say that they want to see how issues are resolved  in one month clearly states their malicious intention that they will try to spoil the solutions. 

Their Lies are further exposed from the fact that they are mentioning that Shri Piyush Garg is representing their association while he is actually representing the Executive Side. This statement is one more proof of their shallow thought process. Further fund is allotted by Director (Finance) and the same was being followed by AIGETOA consistently. In fact the payment was to be cleared upto Jan-2020, whose proposal was initiated on our efforts in July itself but due to limitation of fund it was paid upto Nov-2019. We again reiterate that we are committed for the cause and ensure that the SAB upto date payment is made at the earliest and it is our duty also as Majority Representative Association. It is AIGETOA which has been following the payments under the head of EPF and SAB and ensuring its payment not only for executives but also for non-executives i.e. all BSNL Recruits in General. However we don’t have any issues with anybody claiming credit for the goodwork.

However, we still welcome them with open arms to be part of the solution instead of trying to derail the resolutions. We fail to understand the reasons for their heartburn. They should respect the mandate of people and support the majority recognised representative association AIGETOA in resolution of the pending issues. After all association is made for welfare of executives not for politics. We sincerely hope that they come to the terms of reality very soon and lend a constructive hand to AIGETOA  instead of obstructing the process. They should act as a support association not as an opposition association. 

We know that all these 43 months, they have worked as representatives of their members, but AIGETOA assures them that it will work as representative of all executives and will not work like them who were confined to their membership only. Hereafter we will ignore their useless and funny statements and AIGETOA  will concentrate on the resolution of long pending issues instead of getting into one to one  and unnecessary arguments with them.

बंधू, आपके द्वारा दिए हुए बीस वर्ष के गड्ढे भरने में कुछ तो समय लगेगा । आप से अनुरोध है के थोड़ा धैर्य रखें और सिस्टम को ठीक करने में सहयोग दें । AIGETOA के सहयोग से हमें पूरा विश्वास है कि सबलोग BSNL में एक बेहतर कल ज़रूर देखेंगे । धन्यवाद ।

SAB Pending Contribution deposited to LIC upto Nov-2019

Flash News: The pending contribution of SAB payment upto Nov, 2019 has been deposited to LIC with the efforts of AIGETOA. This payment was pending since August-2019 but now cleared upto Nov-2019. It has been assured that the remaining payment will also be deposited in phased manner. We are working on it and we will get it upto date very soon.

Details of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with CMD BSNL and other Functional Directors of Board:

Team AIGETOA met CMD BSNL and extended its gratitude for conduction of MV process in free and fair manner. The team highlighted the pending issues in brief and sought speedy resolution of issues. We also informed CMD BSNL about the sad demise of JTO STR Shri Vengadeswaran R due to covid. We requested CMD BSNL that its high time that BSNL should immediately arrange for the cashless indoor treatment facility as the BSNL employees and its family are totally at risk. We also requested CMD BSNL to explore coverage of medical insurance scheme to all employees now. CMD BSNL was positive to the issue and he said management shall be exploring the options to provide medicalim coverage for all employees. He sought our cooperation on the matter. CMD BSNL emphasised that management is aware about the pending issues and said that all steps shall be taken to resolve them. He also emphised that he expects AIGETOA also to move ahead with a pragmatic approach. We assured that AIGETOA believes in a constructive approach and we will lend support to all steps taken by management for betterment of BSNL and its executives but at the same time we also expect a similar treatment from management on the issues of executives and let us all work together to make BSNL a better place for its executives. We also discussed the issues related to 4G implementation and issuance of Bonds.

The Team also met Director (HR) Shri Arvind Vadnerkar and extended its thanks and gratitude for conducting the MV process in fair and time bound manner as demanded by AIGETOA. We als requested Director HR for directing his team for immediate settlement of issues which have been pending for so long specially those related to Pay Loss and Promotions. We also requested for immediate directions to HR unit for JTO to SDE DPC,  reinstating the reverted SDEs back as SDEs and issuance of seniority list Vacancy Years 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10. Director HR extended his good wishes and assured for a positive action on the issues without any delay. We shall be shortly asking for a detailed agenda meetig with respect to the pending issues.

The team then Met Director (Finance ) Shri S.K. Gupta and Director Enterprise Shri V Ramesh. Both the Directors extended their good wishes for AIGETOA and hoped that association will move ahead with a constructive approach. They assured their support on genuine issues of BSNL Executives.

Thereafter team Met Director (CFA) Shri Vivek Banzal and Director (CM) Shri S. K. Mishra and both the dignitaries extended his good wishes to Team AIGETOA.

The team then met DGM (SR) and PGM (Pers) and apprised them about the result of the 2nd Membership Verification and also discussed the issue of JTO to SDE DPC, SDE Reversal issue and Issuance of seniority list of VY 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.

It is further surprising to learn that SNEA has submitted its objection on publication of list-9 for Vacancy Year basis and has in fact are trying to stop the publication of list of subsequent vacancy years. From their update on website, it is felt that they are still into MV mode and instead of trying to settle the issues; they are again into blame games and misleading campaigns. While AIGETOA has whole heartedly welcomed them with open arms for lending support on issues, they are still trying to prove their supremacy. We once again request them to come to ground, realise the truth and lend their construtive support to AIGETOA for resolution of all issues. They should understand that executives are a learned lot and it is very difficult to befool them always.

With regard to the verdict on the review petition filed by BSNL and SNEA & AIBSNLEA activists, it is learnt that Court has dismissed the Review Petition and has stated that the judgement is clear in its words and nothing needs to be changed. Hon’ble Court has stated that they have only given verdict on Inter-Se- Seniority and not on Intra Seniority which was never in challenge. Hence there was no ambiguity and confusion on the part of Training Centre Marks Seniority and SNEA is simply trying to create confusion in HR units just to derail the JTO to SDE DPC which is well in sight now after the win of AIGETOA in MV process.   It will be pertinent to mention that Hon’ble Court has directed for prepartion of list as per the existing rules and rules of rota quota and there is no ambiguity as such on training marks seniority. We will upload more details once the order copy is received.

AIGETOA has categorically made it clear again and again that seniority should be fixed in vacancy year basis by following the rules of ROTA-QUOTA in both JTO and SDE grades. It is the SNEA and AIBSNLEA, who demand opposite and keep varrying stands which is nothing but double speak on issues.

We once again request SNEA and their leaders to come the terms of reality and work commonly for the cause of executives instead of indulging into blame games and confusion tactics. The executives of BSNL have suffered a lot in all these years as well as MV has completed, so now let’s concentrate towards welfare of the executives instead of accusation. We only hope that better sense will prevail on them.

Sad demise of Shri Vengadeswaran R, JTO-STR due to COVID-19

Sad demise of our colleague Shri Vengadeswaran R JTO/STR on 23.08.20 due to COVID-19:

Our colleague Shri Vengadeswaran R (JTO STR/Virudunagar of LICE Batch 2016) a committed AIGETOAian passed away on 23.08.2020 due to COVID-19. We convey our deepest sorrow on the untimely death, which snatched away a wonderful person from us. He was a kind hearted human being. Though he was attached with STR OFC outdoor (Virudhunagar) unit, he use to extend help for cable protection and splicing work of nearby Tamilnadu SSA.

Whole BSNL family firmly stands besides the grieved family in this moment of grave sorrow and pray god to give them courage to face this very unfortunate situation

The untimely demise of our colleague due to this Pandemic has once again vindicated our earlier demand to CMD BSNL for the provision of Rs 10 Lakh compensation to the dependent of deceased employees from COVID-19 along with Insurance coverage of Rs 50 Lakh in line with Medical & Postal staff.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA demands for immediate compensation to the grieved family and implementation of the scheme for all employees of BSNL, who are putting their life and family at risk to maintain the services.


Dear Colleagues,

Finally the process of 2nd MV has been completed and AIGETOA has emerged as the Recognized Majority Representative Association in BSNL. We congratulate all executives for their esteemed participation in the process and extend our heartfelt thanks for their overwhelming support to AIGETOA. We are satisfied with this performance as we have stood the test of time and worked tirelessly keeping faith on our beliefs. We remain composed and reiterate our commitment to work tirelessly and dedicate ourselves for building a more vibrant and inclusive BSNL 2.0.

Friends, winning the Membership Verification are not our destination but a step to move forward in the direction to make BSNL better and to make its executives feel that BSNL is a better place to work. It has given us an opportunity to serve you better with higher authority in front of management for the cause of BSNL and its executives and a step forward in settlement of long awaited issues related to BSNL and its executives.

All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) has entered into this election fray not for coining itself as the “only Recognized Association in BSNL”. The intent for entering into this election fray was the resolution of all the long pending issues of all executives including the long pending issues of PPP pertaining to BSNL Recruits which has been kept pending for years now.

Henceforth, winning the MV and getting elected as Majority Recognized Association should not be considered as Victory, the actual win of AIGETOA will be the day when BSNL will be in profit, when its executives will get their long awaited dues related to Pay, Promotion and Pension. Accordingly, AIGETOA will celebrate its win only when our issues will start getting resolved, when our beloved company BSNL will again start flourishing, when we will be able to succeed in resolving the long pending promotions for all executives. YES AIGETOA WILL CELEBRATE! When our young friends will not face any pay loss and we will accomplish our 30% SAB in totality.

We once again extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every executive of BSNL, Members of AIGETOA, Each and Every CHQ, Circle and Districts Office Bearers of AIGETOA. We extend our heartiest thanks to SEWA BSNL across the country specially Shri N D Ram ji GS, Shri V K Paswanji NP, Shri P N Perumal NCA and all OBs to extend the active support and cooperation in favour of AIGETOA. We once again assure that AIGETOA is fully committed to protect the constitutional provisions and rights of SC/ST executives of BSNL. We further expect that AIGETOA and SEWA BSNL will work together to streamline all promotions in all grades and to clear all the roadblocks. We also extend thanks to Shri Rajesh Gupta GS, Shri G P Patel President and ABLE Team across BSNL for their support to AIGETOA.

We appeal that Just keep making the bonds of this unity stronger every day. We once again take this opportunity to call each and every executive to unite together. We reaffirm our commitment to work without any bias, to work without any prejudice, to work as an inclusive group for all.

We extend our sincere gratitude to management also for conducting the MV process in a free and fair manner and we want to assure that AIGETOA will act with constructive and cooperative approach on the steps taken by management for the betterment of BSNL and its executives. However, AIGETOA will not remain mute also to the actions, which will be in contravention to the interests of BSNL and BSNL executives, and those shall be firmly opposed. We assure our cooperation on all steps taken for betterment of company and expect the same from management’s approach towards executives to strengthen the bonds of mutual trust between employer and employees.

Last but not the least, we seek constructive alignment of designated support association SNEA and other sister associations to whom we have made appeal to come along with us for resolution of all pending issues and we want to reaffirm that AIGETOA will move forward with constructive approach without any one-up-man-ship. We understand and agree that ultimate aim of all associations should be the betterment of BSNL along with protecting the interests of BSNL executives and accordingly we are committed to work with an inclusive approach.

Thanking You all Once Again.

With Profound Regards