Request for Granting an agenda based meeting to AIGETOA for discussion on crucial issues being faced by the BSNL Executives under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL/Director (HR) :

Request for Granting an agenda based meeting to AIGETOA for discussion on crucial issues being faced by the BSNL Executives under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL/Director (HR) :

GS AIGETOA submitted the agenda to CGM (SR) BSNL CO Smt. Anita Johri with request for granting an agenda based meeting to AIGETOA for discussion on crucial issues being faced by the BSNL Executives under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL/Director (HR).

Click here for letter submitted

The tripartite Meeting with DoT, BSNL and BMS Affiliated Associations and Unions (AIGETOA, BTEU BSNL and BDPS) was held on dated 16th February 2024 at Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi as per the pre-decided schedule:

The meeting was chaired by Shri A K Sahu, Member (Services), Digital Commission, DoT. The meeting was attended by Shri Sunil Kumar Verma – Jt Secretary (Admin), Smt Roshni Sohni – DDG (Estt) DoT, Shri Virendra Prasad – DDG (SR) DoT and other officers from DoT Side. BSNL was represented by Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani – Director (HR), BSNL Board, Shri Adhir Singhal – PGM (Pers), Smt. Anita Johri – PGM (SR), Shri S P Singh – PGM (Estt) and other officers from BSNL HR unit. BMS Affiliated Association and Unions (AIGETOA, BTEU-BSNL, BDPS) were represented by Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Shri R C Pandey, Shri Aftab Ahmad Khan, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and Shri Veerendra Yadav.

The holding of Tripartite discussions between DoT, BSNL and BMS Affiliated Associations and Unions is one of the landmark occurrences and the need for same was felt because every time, with respect to our issues, the ball kept rolling between DoT and BSNL leading to the delay in resolution and a big communication gap. That was the reason, Hon’ble MoC desired that a tripartite meeting be convened so as a well deliberated and informed discussion can take place.

The meeting started with a welcome note by Hon’ble Member (Services) who assured that DoT is open to all suggestions and committed to resolve the long pending issues. JS (Admin) also welcomed all the participants and assured that DoT and BSNL will work as team for addressing the issues pertaining to employees. GSs of AIGETOA and BTEU thanked Hon’ble MoC, Secretary DoT and Member (Services) for convening this tripartite meeting which was the need of the hour. The General Secretaries also extended the gratitude on behalf of employees to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and Hon’ble MoC for ensuring the series of revival packages to BSNL which was almost on ventilator few years ago. We expressed that but for the support received from government, the National Telecom career was almost in a state of Peril. We expressed our thankfulness to Government of India for providing the much-needed support for BSNL and assured that each and every employee of BSNL is committed to the vision of Atma Nirbhar Bharat in Telecom and will stand firmly in support of all the endeavours taken by Government of India for the benefit of organisation in general and for the benefit of Nation in Particular. The employees of BSNL have also performed to perfection in realising this dream of nation and now its high time that the employees must be rewarded with resolution of their long pending dues.

Discussions on all the agenda points submitted to Hon’ble MoC was held in a positive and cordial manner.

1] Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of standard pay scales of E2 and E3 for the initial two levels of executive grade to BSNL Recruited Executives and issue related to various pay losses:

Association side informed the chair that issue has been pending since long and it is a residual issue of 2nd PRC. It was highlighted that two issues of 2nd PRC (Pay Scales for initial two grades and 30 % SAB) was left out to be implemented by BSNL and the irony is that the issue was affecting mostly the new recruits and a huge pay loss is being faced by executives due to this negation of the Pay Scales. We further said that the contentions raised by DoT while negating the Standard Pay Scales of E2 and E3 for initial two grades do not hold true and the issue can very well be settled without cascading effect. We also told that while DoT has mentioned that DPE has given concurrence to the Presidential orders of 2017, in an RTI reply filed by AIGETOA, DPE has replied that no such endorsement or concurrence has been given. We presented the documents in support of our submissions. We also told that DoT’s contention of giving the E1A scale to BSNL recruits erroneously also do not hold any substance as there is no mention of E1 scales for BSNL recruits in the PO issued for notification of E1A and E2A Pay scales by DoT in 2004 and it is categorically mentioned that all the BSNL Recruits at the level of JTO/JAO shall be placed in the E1A Payscale of 9850/- as the initial basic. All the details were explained to the chair and notably the DoT side was convinced on the submissions from association/union side.

JS (Admin) queried that how cascading effect can be avoided. The same was very well explained and demonstrated by our team that issue can be resolved without cascading effect and also the 5 Time Bound Upgradations shall be kept intact. Inputs were sought from BSNL side also which was given in a positive manner. A consensus view emerged that the issue needs to be re-examined in light of the submissions put forward by the Association.

It was agreed that issue shall be jointly examined by the team of BSNL officers and officers from DoT and inputs shall be taken from AIGETOA on the methodology suggested.

We also raised the issue of pending proposals of BSNL Board for extending E1 plus five increments and Notional Pay Fixation from 01.10.2000 for the Civil/Electrical/PA/PS/PPS etc. streams which were agreed to be examined. It was also informed that BSNL has currently three set of initial basics and due to this many executives are a subject of Pay Loss. The committee constituted for resolving the pay loss issues by BSNL must submit its report and resolve the issues.

2] Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefit to the Direct Recruits of BSNL as per the recommendation of 2nd PRC including creation of PRMB fund:

The issue was briefed to the chair and it was highlighted that despite provisions made by DPE, BSNL while implementing the 2nd PRC benefits in totality for all other groups, didn’t implement the 30% Superannuation Benefit for BSNL Recruits. We informed that even DoT, while issuing the Presidential Orders has directed BSNL to recommend on the 30% Superannuation Benefit but still the same was completely negated by BSNL. The necessary documents were presented in the meeting.

BSNL side updated the current status. Further details were sought by DoT team. Director HR said that management is considerate on the issue and discussions with AIGETOA and BTEU has been held in this regard. BSNL side affirmed that they shall be taking all necessary action to extend due justice. JS (Admin) directed BSNL team to discuss with AIGETOA and BTEU and share the final conclusion in this regard.

3] Implementation of 3rd PRC:

AIGETOA/BTEU team strongly demanded to extend 3rd PRC benefits to BSNL employees and expressed that given the role of BSNL in nation building and realizing the dream of Swadeshi 4G, affordability clause for implementing 3rd PRC must be waived off in respect of BSNL. DoT team asked about the inputs in respect of moving the case for waiver of affordability clause. It was explained by our team and supporting reasons were also submitted. The inputs provided by AIGETOA/BTEU side regarding exemption from affordability clause were appreciated and it is decided that it needs further deliberations between DOT and Association with more inputs to move in correct path to achieve the goal.

4] Extending the Promotional Avenues for BSNL Executives:

The issue of pending promotions was explained in detail to the chair. The treatment given to the executives of BSNL wrt the career progression, extending only one promotion to the professionally qualified executives in a span of 23 years, the competitive qualified candidates being made junior despite qualifying for the earlier vacancy years, not extending sufficient promotional posts to the executives/non-executives was explained in detail along with supporting documents. We also highlighted that 1200 vacancies are available in DGM grade which can very well be utilized to extend promotions in the grade of AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE. We also highlighted the fact that despite the issue of Rota-Quota remaining pending before BSNL Board, BSNL has gone ahead with revising the seniority, ignoring its own approval of the proposal by Management Committee of BSNL and also the directions of DoT to not to make “the Dewan Chand Case a precedence in future cases”. We strongly demanded promotions for the all eligible SDEs to AGM grade which is the only way to ensure justice. We also highlighted the need for increasing the promotional posts so that career aspirations can be met especially in view of the new Projects of BharatNet, 4G Saturation etc. being handled by BSNL. We said that there is huge need to extend the pending promotions across all grades and stream viz Telecom, Finance, Civil, Electrical, Architecture, CSS, PA-PS-PPS etc. grades.

BSNL side was asked to inform the status vis-à-vis the promotions across various grades and streams and was directed to take suitable actions to ensure justice. BSNL side assured that the issue raised with respect to promotions shall be considered and deliberations have been held with AIGETOA in this regard. BSNL team assured that all necessary action shall be taken to extend relief to the executives with respect to their career progressions aspects. AIGETOA and BTEU was asked to submit their inputs with respect to increase in promotional posts and it was assured that suggestions shall be considered holistically during the restructuring review exercise.

5] Revision in Transport, TA/DA and other allowances at par with current market conditions:

Our Team explained to the chair that employees of BSNL are being forced to work on 1996 rates of TA/DA/Transport etc. and there is a need to review the same at par with current rates else there will be huge reluctance in the employees to perform the outstation duties and also route duties. BSNL Team assured to revisit the rates and informed that management remains firm on the commitments made in the recently held agenda meeting with AIGETOA.

6] Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners at par with Central Government Pensioners and implementation of Hon’ble PB CAT Judgement Dated 20/09/2023:

The issue was deliberated by the team in detail. It was informed by DoT side that their team is working on the issue with close co-ordination with Ministry of Expenditure. It was also informed that possible options are being worked upon and all necessary efforts shall be taken in line with the earlier assurances given to the forum. DoT expressed their support on the issue and assured that needful will be done to ensure the settlement of this long pending due.

7] Exercising option for Old Pension Scheme and most humble request to grant one time option to be covered under the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 for the executives/non-executives whose recruitment process was initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL:

Team AIGETOA/BTEU explained the issue to the chair and requested for giving due consideration to the employees of BSNL whose recruitment was notified during DoT period.

DDG (Estt) informed that the issue was referred to DoP&T who have negated the same for employees of BSNL. We said that the issue has not been dealt properly and same needs re-consideration especially in view of the recent judgments by Hon’ble Supreme Court. It was agreed to consider the fresh inputs given by AIGETOA/BTEU.

It was decided that DDG (Estt) shall be holding a separate meeting with AIGETOA/BTEU to discuss on the fresh inputs. It was categorically assured that issue shall be given its due consideration and every possible attempt shall be taken by DoT to ensure the option for these BSNL recruits provided the inputs and documents are sufficient to prove the same before DoP&T.

8] Extending the facilities for person with disabilities (PwBDs) which is defined under RPwD Act 2016 or instructions given by DOPT time to time by BSNL in its true spirit:

Association side explained that the guidelines with respect to extending the facilities for PwBDs have not been implemented in totality. Further we also requested for directing BSNL to implement the recently notified DoP&T guidelines with respect to reservation in promotions. BSNL was directed to ensure the applicable guidelines expeditiously.

9] Restoration of Outdoor Medical Limits to its initial constitution of BSNL MRS scheme:

BSNL side was asked to examine the request.

10] Revision in NEPP (Non-Executives Promotional Policy):

The issue was very well explained by the BTEU team and they requested for its revisit. BSNL side was directed to examine the possibility of revision for ensuring a smooth career progression.

11] Lifting the ban on compassionate ground appointments:

The need for lifting the ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments was explained to the chair by the team. We emphasized upon the hardships faced by the dependents in the case of untimely demise of the earning member of the family. We requested for immediate lifting of the ban.

DoT/BSNL team was not very committal on the same. However, the need for creation of death relief fund was acknowledged and suitable action in this regard was assured.

12] Restoration of LTC:

The issue was discussed however no commitment was received in this regard.

The meeting concluded with vote of thanks. It was assured that another review shall be done through a tripartite meeting with respect to the progress and development made on the decisions taken in today’s meeting. It was also assured by the DoT side that an officer from DoT shall be deputed for participating in the deliberations with BSNL on need basis so that time bound action on the issues raised can be ensured and any communication gap can be avoided.

We also wish to inform that the meeting was held in the backdrop of the assurances made by Hon’ble MoC to the team of AIGETOA, BTEU and BDPS and all the progress is being directly monitored by the Hon’ble MoC office. We have also apprised the office of Hon’ble MoC and our Umbrella organization BMS about the discussions and deliberations held and decision taken. We expect that with such an active involvement of all concerned parties, that day is not very far when all such issues shall be resolved in totality.

Friend’s, today’s development proves the fact that for resolution of issues, you need to have Perseverance, Pursuance and Patience. Issues are resolved with amicable discussions across table and firmness in the approach and we firmly affirm that we will not be lagging in any of these aspects. We will consider today’s discussions as fruitful only when each issue sees the light of the day and reaches to every member in the form of resolution. We also take this opportunity to request all to support the endeavours of the AIGETOA, BTEU-BSNL and BDPS under the umbrella of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh and make us stronger to ensure the resolution of all the long pending HR issues of BSNL employees.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Hon’ble MoC and his office for personally monitoring the developments, Secretary DoT, Member (Services), JS (Admin), DDG (Estt), DDG (SR) and their team for initiating the discussions at DoT Level. We also extend our thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL, Director HR, PGM (Pers), PGM (Estt), PGM (SR) and HR team for the meeting.

Above all, we are thankful to our umbrella organisation BMS for their consistent patronage and pursuance of HR issues of BSNL employees at the highest level.

Click Here for the Glimpses of Meeting at DoT

Click Here for details in PDF

Update on AIGETOA CHQ meeting with Director HR:

All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma along with Vice President Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and AGS 6 Shri Sunil Gautam met Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar for a follow up on the pending issues on dated 31.08.2021:

  • DPC for left out JTOs of 2008 Batch and LDCE notification : Director HR told DPC has been done for vacancies upto December 2018 and instructions have been given to prepare the roster for VY 2019 also. Inputs given by association is examined. It is informed that vacancies calculated by association and that by Pers cell upto December 2018 is almost matching and there is no appreciable difference. However as per our calculation, the Personnel whose DPC has been done needs to be reconciled as there is a big difference between association calculation and that of Personnel Section. We requested for completing this exercise early.
  • LDCE notification : As per suggestion of association, notification of LDCE for 3-4 Vacancy Years is under active consideration and shall be done very soon.
  • List 9 : We requested for decision on the legal opinion submitted by Association. Director HR assured for the same.
  • Restructuring : Association inputs as discussed in meeting with CMD BSNL has been along with management side input has been reconciled and the same shall be presented before management committee on Wednesday where an informal discussion will take place. It was also informed that stagnation issue highlighted by AIGETOA is also under consideration and management accepts the fact that executives should not feel stagnated in one cadre. We categorically told that any restructuring exercise shall not be accepted by management unless the promotional issues are addressed in totality for all the cadres. We have submitted one formal letter also in this regard. Director HR said that let discussion take place in management committee meeting and then it will be further discussed.
  • Promotion in SDE to DE and AO to CAO cadre : decision on SLP is a big challenge and hence the promotions are struck up. Alternative method suggested by AIGETOA shall also be discussed in management committee meeting.
  • SDE Reversal : Director HR told that he is completely in favour of permanent settlement of this issue and has already instructed concerned Section on this. He assured us that this issue will be settled in totality.
  • Letter on E2 : There was delay because of calculation. Establishment section shall be asked to expedite.
  • Letter to DoT on E1 plus five increments : Establishment cell is taking the action incoordination with Restructuring cell. Matter shall be expedited.
  • Publication of AIEL3 : We thanked Director HR for publishing the provisional list and requested him to instruct personnel section to ensure timely correction of data so that final list can be prepared at the earliest.

In addition case related to Late Shri Pawan Kumar Sharma, Rajasthan Circle for BCF fund and some other individuals issues were also discussed on which Director HR assured for affirmative consideration.

The team shall again be meeting with Director HR and CMD BSNL next week for further follow up.

DPC Promotion of BSNL Recruited Executives through regular channel done after 20 Years

Congratulations to all !!!

Now the DPC has been held for AIEL-1 & AIEL-2 and a total of 3697 working executives promoted in this DPC against the vacancies up to December, 2018 on “as in where is basis” as assured by AIGETOA.

Click here for the Promotion Order

Click here for the Promotion List

We congratulate all those who have been promoted and we again reiterate that those who couldn’t make it to this list should not feel left out. We are taking care of all and pursuing for convening the second DPC very soon and we promise that at the end of Tunnel, there will be a light for all.

We advise all to exercise patience. All efforts shall be taken by CHQ team to ensure the benefit to all legitimate ones. We humbly request all, not to indulge into any sort of adventure at Courts under the advice of some over knowledgeable people. We have already seen the result of such adventures. Today current process is also delayed by nine months and those who got into adventure are also delayed by Nine months. We promise to them also that their interest will also be taken care of once this current process is completed.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Hon’ble CMD BSNL for taking the decision in right perspective, Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar for Pushing the whole process with firmness, and Shri R K Goyal, PGM Pers for taking things to conclusion and keeping this issue moving in perfect direction despite all the odds and obstacles. We are also grateful to the Sr GM SR, CLO and DPC Team for ensuring the process to be completed in a targeted time despite of several inherent challenges. The efforts undertaken by each and every officer of the Pers Cell, who was associated with the DPC related work, is really commendable and we are indebted for their extraordinary efforts through day and nights to complete the vast works associated with the process. We sincerely hope that Management will very soon take care of all the remaining executives, who are due for promotions despite availability of vacancies. We once again extend our gratitude to all those involved in process.

Defying all the confusions and malafide campaign that promotions through DPC is not possible in BSNL, finally the path for DPC Promotions opened up for BSNL recruited employees also. The reasons for the delay are well known to all but the commitment, perseverance and determination of Team AIGETOA finally made the day. Even though these promotions were supposed to happen in the initial months of AIGETOA becoming recognized representative association, the same got delayed due to a court case at Jabalpur. AIGETOA Team virtually worked day and night to get the thing’s on track. Even after Jabalpur verdict from 1st July to 7th July many issues cropped up in between. Due to the court case at Jabalpur, the vacancies and submissions of BSNL in court, vacancies of 2019 Calendar year could not be accommodated in current DPC process and accordingly BSNL was constrained to reduce some numbers. Things were really gloomy in the beginning and numbers were very less and beyond our expectations. Thereafter, the team pursued the matter and highlighted certain issues which appeared reasonable to management and they took care to consider these issues and we could accomplish the current numbers.

The update would not be complete without mentioning the names who in addition to CHQ AIGETOA worked to achieve this result. AIGETOA MP team lead by Shri Devendra Saini – CS and Manish Soni – CP with never tiring efforts of Shri Ram Narayan Bhilodiya – ACS and his Team, Kerala Team for having settled the seniority dispute forever, Shri Rajeev Meena CS Delhi and BSNL CO Team for following up the things so meticulously.

Let’s Grow Together! Let’s Move Together!! Let’s Make AIGETOA Strong Together!!!

Team AIGETOA meeting PGM (Pers) at CO New Delhi:

Shri Badri Kumar Mehta Vice President and Shri Sudhakar Pathak Org Sec HQ met PGM(Pers) in his chamber and held elaborate discussion on following issues.


The team enquired about the progress for JTO to SDE Promotion through DPC. It was intimated once again that serious resentment is prevailing in the cadre of JTOs. A timeline of June 30th was fixed for the issuance of promotion but the progress is not visible inspite of passage of two weeks. He intimated that all necessary formalities for DPC have been readied and clearance from the court is wanted to move ahead and the order will be issued after the verdict of Hon’ble Jabalpur CAT.

Publishing of JAO Gradation list:

It was reminded to him that issuance of the JAO Gradation List was an item of the second agenda meeting of the recognized association i.e. AIGETOA held with the management under chairmanship of the Director(HR) on 11.06.2021, where it was categorical assured to issue the JAO Gradation List within the June, 2021. But the list is not issued till date despite of passage of two weeks of the meeting. We requested for immediate publication of the list. The PGM Per told that everything is ready and the same will be published as per the committed timeline. We extended thank to the PGM Pers for this firm assurance.

Click here for the letter submitted by AIGETOA

Finalisation of SDE seniority List 9 for the Vacancy Year 2006-07:

It was once again argued by the team that the provisional list was prepared after considering all aspects prevailing on the date i.e. the provisions of the recruitment rule and its amendment and no materialistic change has made since then and so the list should be finalized in same pattern extending quota in the particular vacancy year and subsequent list should also be prepared. It was once again requested to finalize the list-9 for vacancy year 2006-07 by extending quota within the vacancy year to ensure justice and due consideration of the merit of the competitive quota executives.

AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL on 26.03.2021:

Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS met CMD BSNL and discussed issues of the departmental importance as well as executives long pending cadre related issues on 26th March, 2021.

The team took up the issue of timely payment of salary i.e. on last working day and availability of the fund for the field units for the electricity payment, IP sites payment, clearance of temporary advance of the executives and other liabilities. The CMD BSNL informed that he has cleared many long pending liabilities in the current month and will be providing further support to smoothen the field services. On the timely salary, he was non-committal inspite of our stress to ensure regularisation of the salary on last working days, which is continuing since more than a year. We raised the matter of 4G roll out as viability of the BSNL is not possible without early rollout of the services. He apprised that the management is determined for it and he will be further updating on the issue after a week. In the meantime, we have come to know that some positive movement is going on the 4G roll out at DoT.

On restructuring and promotional issues, he once again emphasized that the JTO to SDE Promotion has no obstacle from management side and it will be released, once the clearance is received from Hon’ble Jabalpur CAT. He once again told that other promotions will be explored only after the restructuring figure is locked, which is still incomplete. We reminded that he has assured to complete the exercise by March in the last meeting and the executives are completely frustrated and enraged due to complete deadlock on HR front and so the exercise should be completed immediately. The CMD BSNL asked to wait up to second week of April for final picture, another timeline assurance.

Earlier in the last week, we have a detailed discussion with the Director(HR) for more than two hours on 22.03.2021 and thereafter separate meeting with PGM(Pers), Sr GM(A), Sr GM(SR), Sr GM(Estab) and apprised each and every issues pertaining to them i.e. Promotions, Settlement of LDCE 2007 SDE Reversion issue, List-9 finalisation and circulation of subsequent lists, Restructuring, Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 persuasion to the DoT, formation of Committee of Pay Loss of 22820/- & E1+5 increment, Removal of discriminatory clause of Rule-8 applicable to only GATE JTOs, Revision of Bond Period and Bond Amount, Preparation of JAO gradation List, Settlement of Rule-8 and Rule-9 transfer Cases and capturing of request through online mechanism, Group Health Insurance Scheme by BSNL, Opening of deputation Channel for all executives and holding of the 2nd Formal Agenda Meeting with AIGETOA.


Although, association tried its best to resolve the issues through dialogue and persuasion in an amicable manner as we kept in mind the delicate situation in which BSNL is placed and organisation unrest should have been the last thing which BSNL could have afforded. But it is equally true that dissatisfaction level of all the executives has reached its limit and settlement of the long pending issues will actually take our beloved organisation BSNL towards prosperity. The time has come to raise the voice for our legitimate rights through any means including organisational action in the best interest of our beloved BSNL also as continued neglect of hr issues is denting the morale of employees, which will ultimately harm BSNL. So, in the best interest of the organization as well as the executives, AIGETOA has decided to initiate organizational action program and notice to this effect shall be served in the first week itself.


Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Director (HR) on 22.03.2021:

Team AIGETOA under General Secretary had a meeting with Director HR in presence of PGM Pers, GM Restg, SR GM(Admin), GM(Rect) on 22.03.2021 in the chamber of Dir(HR). We categorically expressed our view point that today we have not come to seek assurances or discuss on the issues. Today we have come to apprise management of the prevailing unrest amongst the rank and file of all executives due to sidelining of all HR issues. If management do not act immediately on the resolution of issues and start confidence building measures by honouring the promises made in agenda meeting with visible progress on ground in the form of outcome, association shall be constrained to start organisational program from April and the responsibility of industrial unrest will solely lie on the management.

However, detailed discussion took place thereafter on HR issues including the issue of regularization of Salary as well as problems faced by executives in day to day operations and maintenance. We also highlighted the certain business decisions like launching of plans where commission to the franchisee is more than the voucher itself.. disconnecting the media connectivity of Power grid without any proper alternative in place etc. We said on one side HR issues are not being settled and on the other side such questionable decisions are demotivating the morale of the executives.

Management said that in another 2-3 weeks, they will try to resolve some issues but we have firmly conveyed to management that if visible progress is not seen by 31.03.2021 and if suitable confidence building measures are not in place, by that time, we will have no other choice but to resort on the strong protest.

We had requested for immediate formation of Committee on Pay Loss of 22820/- and E1+5 increments, issuance of promotions for JTO to SDE , initiation of preparatory exercise for promotions in SDE to AGM and AO to CAO, Permanent settlement of SDE 2007 reversal issue, issuance of clarification with respect to Discriminatory Rule 8 non applicability clause for GATE JTOs, Consideration of Rule 9 cases, opening of deputation, committee formation for streamlining of Bond Period and Bond Amount for GATE JTOs and newly recruited JAOs, Finalization of List 9 on VY basis and Publication of List 10 for next VY, preparation of JAO gradation list etc without any further delay and preparatory for their promotion. We also conveyed our firm stand that we will not accept anything less than as submitted by AIGETOA in the sanctioned strength of SDE, AGM, DGM, AO, CAO and DGM (Fin) in our meeting with restructuring committee under chairmanship of Dir (HR).

The Director HR has assured for firm action in the time frame. We shall be definitely keeping our fingers crossed till that time.

However we call upon all OBs, members and executives to prepare themselves for a long and sustained struggle from April 2021 for the resolution of long pending HR issues related to Pay, Pension and Promotion, regularization of Salary and fulfillment of maintenance requirements of field units and other viability related issues of BSNL. Friends, we have given enough opportunities to the management and hence the onus is now on the management for any industrial unrest and so start mobilization for the struggle.

Together We Can and Together We Will.


2nd Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA with BSNL Management:

2nd Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA with BSNL Management:

As per BSNL REA Rule-2014 the formal agenda meeting of Recognized Representative Executive Association has to be carried out once in a quarter to take the issues of the executives and policy decision with the BSNL Management. As the AIGETOA is the representative association and last meeting held on 15-09-2020 and four months have passed and so the association has written to the BSNL Management to hold the 2nd meeting immediately.

Click here for letter

Click here for Agenda Points

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with CMD BSNL on 09.12.2020:

A detailed meeting lasting for around 3 hours has been held at 5pm on 9th December 2020 with CMD BSNL on all agenda points which included HR as well as technical and maintenance issues. The details of the meeting will be updated subsequently. The discussion has been held in positive and amicable environment and positive assurance is there with respect to various HR issues. At this moment, all we can say that our consistent efforts and persuasions are slowly and steadily reaching its destination and hopefully we will be seeing the results very soon. We once again reiterate that our patience and perseverance should not be considered as our submission but it’s an effort to bring the desired results. We are very much sure that things will achieve finality soon. There should not be any fear or panic in any group, batch, stream or grade. We reiterate, AIGETOA will take care of all executives without any bias and discrimination. We seek every body’s cooperation in achieving the desired results.

In the meanwhile, Honble CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar ji has consented to be the chief guest of the open session to be held through online mode @ 2:00 Pm on 12-December, 2020. Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar ji has also consented to be the Guest of Honour. The open session shall also be attended and addressed by other dignitaries also.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

The details of the online credentials for the meeting shall be shared with respective circle secretaries to attend by all collegium members and delegates on 12.12.2020.

The open session shall be webcasted live on AIGETOA CHQ website.

The invitation card of the open session.

Team AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL 20.11.2020:

Team AIGETOA comprising of AIP, Shri Ravi Shil Verma and GS, Shri Wasi Ahmad met CMD BSNL on 20.11.2020 in his chamber and held detailed deliberation on various issues including 4G roll out and pending promotions.

4G Rollout by BSNL: We apprised CMD BSNL about our discussions in the DoT with various officers including that of the brief meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (Telecom). We told CMD BSNL that it seems that Government is sticking to its decision for involving only domestic players in the 4G core technology through BSNL rout to promote Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Scheme. But it’s also a fact that no domestic vendors have the proven 4G Technology to meet out the customer’s requirement of the service. The proposed methodology of DoT Committee for rollout of 4G Services in BSNL through introduction of SI, PoC testing, tender bidding by local vendors, commercial production and supply of equipment and rollout of the project by successful local bidder has lots of uncertainty. This will not only consume time but also a question mark about sustainability duration of the service. If the whole exercise got failed then BSNL will again back to square for loosing such precious time, which is crucial in the industry. So, the dependency of BSNL on such new local entrants to roll out its 4G service will posed a serious question on the viability of BSNL for which whole exercise of BSNL Revival Program was approved by the Union Cabinet last year. It seems government is forcing its decisions on BSNL without considering its technical and financial viability in its extreme desire for Atma Nirbhar Bahart Scheme and thereafter the employees will be held responsible if the decision will backfire. Although our BSNL Board under the esteemed leadership of CMD is putting all facts and figure in front of decision making authorities to protect the interest of BSNL but our responsibility as association gets multiplied to ensure that any adverse decision on BSNL should not be forced and AIGETOA is committed for it.

We also lodged our strong apprehension to the CMD on this non proven technology implementation in BSNL and its consequence on the viability of the organisation. We have seen how the employees were targeted for the downfall in the revenue of the BSNL, whereas it is a proven fact that wrong policy decisions were the main culprit behind the present state of BSNL. We requested CMD BSNL for seeking compensation for the losses of BSNL which is occurring because of the delay in rollout of 4G services as well as demand full project cost to implement non proven technology to carry forward the Atma Nirbhar Bharat theme of the government else otherwise BSNL should be allowed to procure the industry standard equipment for the 4G roll out in BSNL with open tender, where state of art equipment can be procured to roll out the service and maintained for long duration to recover the investment as well as earn profits by allowing all vendors including MNCs in the process. We also apprised CMD BSNL that AIGETOA has also taken up the issue of not allowing BSNL to upgrade the network with add on orders and requested him raise the issue once again.

Further, if government is so determined for local 4G Core deployment in BSNL then it should also come forward to bear the cost of employees related remuneration from government exchequer and immediately implement all benefits irrespective of profit/loss theory including 3rd PRC, Standard Pay Scale, Full Superannuation Benefits, LTC restoration, Medical and Insurance Care, Perk and allowances to all the employees. AIGETOA has decided to take up this issue of delay in rollout of 4G services to highest echelons and is prepared to start organisational action against such detrimental activities for stopping BSNL growth. We also requested CMD BSNL for ensuring the proper maintenance funds to ensure smooth functioning of the services.

HR Related Issues: We also discussed the Promotions issue with CMD BSNL. We apprised him that almost all the preparatory activities for the JTO to SDE DPC is complete and now decision needs to be taken with respect to treatment of vacancies. We told CMD BSNL that now the go ahead is urgently required for the DPC Process. We apprised that the process is going on smoothly under direction of the Director (HR) and the association is cooperating to maximum possible extent to get the order issued in current month. We further apprised CMD BSNL about the problems associated with promotions in other cadres like SDE to DE, AO to CAO, CAO to DGM and DE to DGM Promotions. We requested for an immediate intervention and action from his side to settle this impasse and ensure resolution of these issues. The CMD BSNL assured that he will be having detailed discussions next week. CMD BSNL told that he is currently totally involved in the 4G related and other viability related issues of BSNL and is having some very important meetings scheduled next week with various government agencies including PMO and Neeti Aayog. He shall be convening the discussion on HR issues after next week. He assured once again that management will not do anything which will stop the career prospects of executives and there is no adamancy as such with respect to number of vacancies and the same shall be decided taking into account the career aspects of Executives.

However, despite this discussion, we once again reaffirm our deadline for the JTO to SDE DPC within current month and firm positive movement on the promotional aspects of others cadre and the pay loss related issues. If management fails to execute the promotions within this committed period, we will move forward with our organisational action programs. Similarly, if we don’t see firm positive action on promotions in other cadre and the Pay Loss related issues, we shall be going ahead with the organisational actions program. Management has to fulfil the commitments it has made with association in agenda meeting and accordingly association is committed to go to any extent to achieve these rightful dues.