Three days Dharna (21-23 Sep, 2021) organized by All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi:

Three days Dharna (21-23 Sep, 2021) organized by All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi:

The AUAB meeting held at New Delhi on 23.09.2021 noted with satisfaction that the 3 days Dharna programme organized by the AUAB at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi from 21-23 September, 2021 has become highly successful. Large number of employees and Pensioners from Delhi as well as from nearby Circles of UP (West), Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and UP (East) have enthusiastically participated in the 3 days Dharna programme. AUAB meeting also noted with satisfaction that the 3 days Dharna programme has created a great amount of zeal and motivation among the BSNL employees and the Pensioners throughout the country. The AUAB meeting conveyed its special thanks to all the employees and Pensioners who have participated in the programme from Delhi, UP(West), Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and UP(East) and also puts on record it’s appreciation to all the Circle Union/Associations of the constituents of AUAB.

Click here for the Glimpses

Further this meeting severely condemns the BSNL Management for issuing a very retrograde letter on 17.09.2021 to create a fear psychosis among the employees and to stop them from participating in this Dharna. By such letters, management is trying to snatch the DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS OF THE EMPLOYEES TO PROTEST, which we cannot be allowed.

The forum of All Unions and Association of BSNL assures that further struggles will be organized in the coming days, demanding settlement of the issues contained in the charter of demands as detailed below:

  1. Immediate launching of BSNLs 4G Service, by way of up-gradation of the BTSs and also steps for moving towards the launching of 5G service.
  2. Immediate settlement of the dues to BSNL, amounting Rs.39,000 Cr, by DoT.
  3. Immediate steps to off-set BSNLs debt, through the Monetization of lands.
  4. Disbursement of salary on the last date of every month.
  5. No selling out of BSNLs 13,567 mobile towers, in the name of National Monetization Pipeline.
  6. Complete review of the Cluster based Outsourcing System.
  7. Immediate settlement of 3rd Pay Revision, Pension Revision and Enhancement of Superannuation Benefits (SAB) up to 30%, for the BSNL Directly Recruited Employees.
  8. Speedy measures to improve the quality of BSNLs FTTH service.
  9. Prompt maintenance of BTSs, proper up-keep of the power plants, as well as availability of batteries.
  10. Strengthen the transmission networks by carrying out the speedy maintenance works. The leaders of the All Unions and Association of BSNL (AUAB) will hold a meeting with CMD BSNL today also.

Update on Meeting with CMD BSNL on 18th Sept 2021 at Bhubaneswar

AIGETOA team Comprising of Shri D K Sahoo (AGS-I CHQ), Shri Ashok Acharya (JS East), Shri P K Mohanty (CP Odisha) and Shri Dhiren Parida (Circle Secretary Odisha) met CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar at Bhubaneswar on 18th Setp 2021 & welcomed him to Temple City Bhubaneswar with a flower bouquets and honored him a specialized shawl of Odisha. AIGETOA Team submitted a memorandum containing BSNL revival issue & important HR issues of executives and some Odisha circle specific issues. In spite his busy schedule he discussed some of the important issues.

Promotion to all eligible executives before finalization of restructuring

Detail discussion held with CMD BSNL on the promotion issue. Where CMD BSNL informed about management’s action plan on promotion issue. We informed him that, as BSNL is going for a major structural change, it is utmost necessary to promote all the eligible executives to next grade as one time measure, which will resolve the stagnation issue of executives and definitely motivate employees for better performance. CMD agreed to discuss with his HR team on the issue.

Left out DPC to be done for JTO to SDE

CMD informed that, HR team already working on it. He assured to complete DPC process of remaining executives at the earliest. Reminder letter should be issued to DOT for the E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO cadre. He informed that, reminder Letter to DOT for the E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO cadre will be issued soon.

Payment of pending SAB contribution and enhance the quantum from 5%.

We expressed our deep concern over BSNL management’s complete ignorance on pension benefit issue of BSNL recruited employees by the name of financial condition of BSNL. We intimated him that, more than 75% of existing employees failing on this category and this is only hope for their future security and requested CMD to increase contribution. We also requested him to release pending SAB contribution immediately.

CMD BSNL agreed to release outstanding SAB contribution. Regarding enhancement of SAB contribution he informed that, same will be considered only after improvement in BSNL financial condition.

Immediate Launching 4G services and persuasion at the ministry level

CMD BSNL informed that, BSNL management continuously trying at the highest level for the launch of 4G services in BSNL which is invariable delayed due to Govt policy to use indigenous technology for 4G equipments also informed that matter related to up gradation existing N/W to 4G, already communicated to Hon’ble minister for necessary intervention and issuance of instruction for approval of proposal submitted by BSNL Management committee for upgrdation to 4G.

On the Odisha Circle specific issue

Providing CPAN equipment to cater to the demand of high bandwidth. Strengthening the transmission media to provide quality service.

4F and OLT/ONT for FTTH service

He has assured to extend necessary support to Odisha Circle for Strengthening of Tx Network and improvement of Network uptime. BNG equipment not to be diverted and utilized in Orissa. Agreed, not to divert BNG from Odisha Circle.

Click here for the Memorandum submitted to CMD BSNL

Update on Meeting with Director CM

On 18th Sept 2021, team AIGETOA Punjab Comprising Circle Secretary Sh. Yogesh Chhabra, Circle President Sh. Vikas Gupta, ACS-1 Sh. Narinder Kumar and ACS-4 Sh. Ramanand Srivastava welcomed Hon’ble Director (CM) Shri Sushil Kumar Mishra on his official visit to Chandigarh and submitted memorandum containing issues of utmost importance for BSNL survival and burning issues of pay, pension & promotion(PPP). Inspite of his hectic schedule, he gave a patience hearing in the chamber of CGMT Punjab.

Each and every point is discussed in detail as mentioned below-

Immediate Launching of 4G Services

Team conveyed very clearly that 4G services should be launched at the earliest on PAN India basis as it is must for the survival of BSNL. He informed us that management is also working on the same path. Even Govt. of India is planning to provide financial support under their Make in India initiative. If TCS will pass this POC then PO will be given to TCS directly for launching of 4G services instead of any tender.

Revenue loss due to bundling of VAS services with our popular STVs

Association expressed their concern over leakage of money to VAS vendors due to bundling. Director (CM) informed us that BSNL doesn’t have its own platform for providing such services. These are necessary for the attention of customers. We also suggested that two separate STV’s with bundled and without bundled services can be launched and also revenue to be paid for only those subscribers which are using this services. He responded positively and said that he will definitely explore this.

Regularization of Salary

On this Director (CM) said that salary is regularized but the date of disbursement is 20th of every month due to some reason.

HR Restructuring & proper manpower utilization

Association side asked for the promotion of all eligible employees before the finalization of restructuring process as no. of post has been drastically decreased in management proposal. Director (CM) informed that discussions are already going on between union/association and management about the promotions to avoid stagnation of all employees in any cadre.

30% SAB to BSNL Recruit Employees

We expressed our deep concern over the avoidance of pension benefits to BSNL recruit employees by the management. In the recent Pandemic many employees lost their life and the family will hardly get a pension of Rs 2K to 3K a month from SAB Pension fund due to insufficient contribution. In light of this 30% SAB contribution should be extended to BSNL Recruited Employees and pending contribution till date to be submitted immediately. Director (CM) assured us to discuss this in next BSNL Board.

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting

Click here for the Memorandum submitted to Dir CM

Circle Conference of AIGETOA Karnataka held on 18th Sept 2021

The Circle Conference cum Annual General Body Meeting of AIGETOA Karnataka was conducted successfully as per the schedule on 18th Sept 2021.

The election of the new governing body of Karnataka carried out as per the provisions in presence of CHQ Observer AGS Shri Madhava Rao and JS South Shri Sridhar Babu. The following Circle Body was elected for the next three years tenure of AIGETOA Karnataka Shri T Lakshmi Narayana, Shri Sourabh Agrawal and Shri Ashok Shigli was elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Finance Secretary respectively.

Click here for newly elected body of AIGETOA Karnataka

AIGETOA CHQ congratulates the newly elected Karnataka Circle Governing body.

Circle Conference of AIGETOA Chhattisgarh held on 18th Sept 2021

The Circle Conference cum Annual General Body Meeting of AIGETOA Chhattisgarh was conducted successfully as per the schedule on 18th Sept 2021.

The election of the new governing body of Chhattisgarh carried out as per the provisions in presence of CHQ Observer AGS Shri Pavan Akhand and JS Central Shri Himanshu Ojha. The following Circle Body was elected for the next three years tenure of AIGETOA Chhattisgarh Shri Gagan Soni, Shri Naveen Kumar Verma and Shri Satyanaryan Pradhan was elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Finance Secretary respectively.

Click here for newly elected body of AIGETOA Chhattisgarh

AIGETOA CHQ congratulates the newly elected Chhattisgarh Circle Governing body.

Notice for Circle Conference cum Annual General Meet of AIGETOA, Chhattisgarh Telecom Circle

Circle Conference cum Annual General Meet (AGM) of All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association, Chhattisgarh Telecom Circle will be held on 18th Sept 2021 through online mode as per the provision in the constitution of AIGETOA.

Circle Conference cum AGM Schedule of Chhattisgarh Telecom Circle:

Date of Circle Conference cum AGM: 18th Sept 2021(Saturday)

Venue of the AGM: Online Mode (Details will be conveyed to all participants)

Schedule of the Election: 18th Sept 2021(Saturday) from 02:00 PM onwards

Declaration of Result: 18th Sept 2021(Saturday) (after completion of election process)

Observer from CHQ : Sh Pavan Akhand AGS-II & Sh Himanshu Ojha JS Central

Click here for the Notification of Circle Conference of Chhattisgarh Telecom Circle

Circle coordinator AIGETOA Rajasthan Shri Prakash Pancholi has developed a device for SOS/Emergency medical help. This device take health related parameters like body temperature,Oxygen saturation level,Pulse etc. from its inbuilt sensor and same is forwarded to central server. Once the alert is obtained, doctor may also see previous treatment history and treatment detail and as per the current observations, immediate help may provided to concern.

This is very economical, compact and light weight device and easy to use. This device may be helpful for the persons leaving alone or isolated.

It will also provide urgent primary treatment in case of Corona wave when hospitals will be over loaded and immediate help need to provide to patient.

Click here for news paper coverage