The Support Association Finally Ends the 67 Days Show Off Dharna

The Support Association Finally Ends the 67 Days Show Off Dharna

The So called Dharna of SA ended day before yesterday without any breakthrough on any issue for which they have broken the larger unity of the Executives Associations in December-2021. It seems the fear of long stay execution (26 years) has played a key role in this withdrawal. The so called Dharna ended without any show off with none of the agenda points being settled or even assured by the management. This shows the real intent that the whole episode was just a gimmick and proves the fact how their earlier leadership was trying to befool the members. They broke the executive unity with big-big words and finally settled for nothing except for a glass of Juice.

AIGETOA has always been on the right path and today our words have been proved correct beyond any doubt. The concept of Stagnation Criteria has been well accepted by management and the same will be ensured in MS RRs also along with Fast Track Promotion Policy as assured by management to AIGETOA earlier. The concern of Executives wrt Stagnation Criteria of 12 years in SDE RR has also been taken care of by management in its Board Meeting held on 28th March 2022 after strong pursuance by AIGETOA. Contrary to the updates shared by SNEA on their website, management has already agreed to the request of AIGETOA to reduce the Stagnation Criteria of 12 years and accordingly BSNL Board has passed the SDE RR and has authorized the CMD BSNL/Management Committee on decision with respect to relaxation in the stagnation criteria. The apprehensions raised by AIGETOA with respect to Pay Scales have also been duly acknowledged and BSNL Board has considered the corrective action in SDE RR in its meeting held on 28th March 2022. We were waiting for confirmation on finalization of minutes to inform all about the developments because we wanted to be doubly sure before publishing anything not like the irresponsible updates on the website of our sister association which were later on deleted from their website. Now the minutes are going to be released very soon and SDE RR is also going to be notified along with promotion of left out JTOs of 2008 batch in pipeline. This shows and proves the strong will power and methodical approach of AIGETOA towards resolution of long pending HR issues and its role as Majority Association. As updated earlier, it is also understood that the second reminder to DoT for approval of E2 pay scales is also under process and shall be sent soon. We also ensure all our young brothers and sisters belonging to SRD Batch, LICE 2014 and subsequent batches that your promotion shall also be ensured well in time. We also assure those waiting for AGM Promotions that AIGETOA will take care of this burning issue and will take all efforts to ensure promotion of all Eligible SDEs to AGM grade and will not allow anybody to stagnate in the cadre anymore. Similarly, the promotion in CAO and other equivalent grades are also being pursued as the DoPT OM has clarified the matter of Reservation in Promotion. We will take care of aspirations of our seniors also wrt regular DGM promotions as we don’t believe in any adhocism.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all Executives of BSNL, Members of AIGETOA for standing strongly with the association. We also extend our gratitude to the members and OBs of other association for endorsing and supporting our stand. The result of your faith and patience is getting visible slowly and steadily with wrong doings of previous 20 years being set right now.

From the day one we have been telling, half baked CPSU hierarchy will never see light of the day, but a hype was being kept created by Ex-leadership of SNEA and in the process they almost befooled executives for around 4 years now and stopped the promotions of Executives belonging to different grades and streams. Now SNEA finally accepted this fact on their website also but by this time it killed the precious years of Executives specially those waiting for SDE and AGM promotions and especially the JTOs belonging to 2007, 2008, SRD and LICE batches. This should also act as an eye opener for all those who were criticising AIGETOA earlier.

However, it’s worth to note that new GS SNEA is agreeing with the line adopted by AIGETOA. It can be seen that SNEA is also endorsing the AIGETOA’s view on their website and rightly so. This type of pragmatic thought process needs to be there as support Association. This will help Majority Recognised Association AIGETOA in achieving the objectives very fast and more strongly. We hope such pragmatism continues and they start supporting AIGETOA in its efforts to achieve the long pending HR issues and we will also reciprocate equally.

Let us hope for a renewed unity amongst executives as now all association agreeing on the line adopted by AIGETOA which contains the unique blend of time bound Criteria within the framework of vacancy based promotions.

Let us together solve the issues of PPP unitedly.

Together We Will – Definitely.

Updates on AIGETOA Meeting held with Pers (Estt)

A Meeting of Team AIGETOA was held with PGM(Estt) Shri Saurabh Tyagi on pursuance at DOT WRT E2 E3, Rule 8 cases in various circles, clarification about Rule 8 for GATE JTOs, consideration of special Rule 9 cases, creation of additional vacancies in JE to JTO(T) LICE, Amendment in JTO RR, Declaration of JTO LICE result of Punjab circle for VY 2014-15 onwards. The detailed discussion was held with the Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS, Shri Yoginder Kumar AGS & Shri Chander Singh Negi CS HP.

Pursuance with DoT on approval of E2 & E3 for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent:

As committed at various occasions, PGM(Estt) once again assured us that another reminder letter at the level of Director HR to DoT for approval of E2 to JTO/JAO and E3 to SDE/AO is under process and shall be sent in this week itself. We apprised that BSNL should not lag in strong pursuance with DoT at all whole association is also precipitating the same through office of MoC as well as with pursuance through various MPs and Members of the Parliamentary Committee. We also told that AIGETOA court case is slated for final hearing in Chandigarh in second week of May 2022 and we hope for solid breakthrough there also. It was agreed that through mutual faith and joint pursuance at various platforms, we will be able to clinch this issue in favour of Executives very soon.

Non consideration of Rule 8 cases:

Team AIGETOA registered it’s strong displeasure on non-consideration of Rule 8 cases in various circles like HP & J&K etc. despite clear guidelines from BSNL CO through letter to clear all pending Rule 8 cases at least those who are willing to go from Surplus Circle to deficit Circle. CS HP was also present to discuss about his circle where strength of JTOs are surplus but still CGM HP is reluctant to consider Rule 8 cases. Near about 18 Rule 8 cases are pending in circle which are being overlooked even for deficit circles like Bihar. We requested PGM(Estt) to send another reminder letter on this serious issue and also direct circles to consider maximum possible cases and provide relief for those who have already worked in the circle for 13-15 years. He assured to issue another reminder letter on Rule 8 consider specially for surplus circle and also assured that he will personally speak to CGMs of HP, J&K and other circles.

Clarification of Rule-8 for GATE JTOs:

This issue was discussed on last visit of GS in a meeting with PGM(Estt) on dated 19.04.2022 and this time also PGM(Estt) once again informed that clarification was already issued on that matter and copy of that clarification was once again shared with us.

Creation of additional vacancies for JE to JTO(T) LICE issued recently:

We demanded to increase the LICE Quota vacancies for examination of JE to JTO(T) promotion. As shown in JTO(T) LICE notification only 18 circle have vacancies and aspirants of these 18 circle can only sit in the exam. Rest other circles and their aspirants are forced to sit outside because of non availability of vacancies. We emphasized that before restructuring, there were vacancies and hence the chance of the JEs present in various circles should not be killed at all. We told to once again consider the method adopted by Pers section and notify the exam for vacancy years before restructuring exercise was done. PGM(Estt) was sympathetic to the concerns raised and assured to explore the options within the possible framework of legal boundaries.

Consideration of pending Rule 9 cases:

After issuing amendment in Transfer Policy and incorporating stringent conditions for Rule 9 cases, some deserving cases of Executives who are full dependent on others even to manage their day to day activities must be considered. We strongly expressed that He group must consider these type of some most needy Rule 9 cases. Case by case discussion was held specially the cases from KTK & Kerala circle and it was told to reconsider their applications for Rule-9 on humanitarian grounds. PGM (Estt) assured to consider after going through the papers once again.

Amendment in JTO(T) RR:

It was informed to us the JTO(T) RR is also under modification and draft proposal will be shared soon with all stake holders for their comments. We once again emphasized that the JTO(T) RR pay scale should be E2 in place of E1 as per approval of BSNL Board and the same needs to be incorporated in the new RRs to avoid any unrest from executives and also to facilitate smooth approval by DoT on the same.

Declaration of JTO(T) LICE result of Punjab Circle from VY 2014-15:

As we are aware that Punjab JTO(T) LICE result was struck due to various court cases and result was not declared from Vacancy Year 2014-15 onward. We request PGM(Estt) to clear this hurdle for smooth career progression of Punjab Circle JEs. It was also informed to them since DoT&T guidelines are issued as per SC judgement and hence related cases may be expedited as early as possible. He assured for necessary direction to Punjab Circle in this regard.

AIGETOA Writes to CMD BSNL for Immediate Conduction of DPC for SDE (T) to AGM Promotions

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL for Immediate conduction of DPC for SDE (T) to AGM promotions to the SDEs stagnating in the cadre despite completing their requisite residency in the SDE grade much earlier and making provisions to extend justice to the LDCE qualified SDEs of List 12 and 13 belonging to Vacancy Years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 to ensure that they are promoted together at par with the SDEs of the corresponding vacancy years belonging to SCF quota.

Click here for the Letter

Nomination of Shri Ravi Shil Verma as Chairman AIGETOA in the special GBM held on 15th
April’2022 through online mode

Dear Friends,

New CHQ Team of AIGETOA has been endorsed by the BSNL Corporate Office for all purpose in line with the election held at Bhopal on 14th March 2022. This Team is a mix of previous body OBs and new entrants i.e. a combination of experience and youthfulness under the leadership of our vibrant General Secretary Shri Wasi Ahmad and Young All India President Shri Veerbhadra Rao. In a Special General Body Meeting held though online on 15.04.2022, our most respected and tallest leader Shri Ravi Shil Verma has also been unanimously nominated as Chairman of AIGETOA. The new team has swung into action immediately towards various outstanding issues of the Executives as well as the policies for revival and survival of BSNL. In recent times, the Team has held several meetings at different level of authorities in BSNL, DoT and DoPT. At the same time, CHQ has attended various meetings of the combined platform of AUAB as well as our ally association SEWA also. In between, OBs of New CHQ has also succeeded in meeting various Hon’ble Members of Parliament as well as Member of Parliamentary Committee on Communication and Information Technology, Govt of India to further precipitate and resolve our issues. We have set our agenda very clearly to ensure resolution of long pending issue of Standard Pay Scale E2-E3, Pay loss issue of JTO/JAO, Issuance of long awaited promotion in AGM/CAO/EE, SDE/AO/AE and other grades and settlement of Reversal Issue, full 30 percent Superannuation Benefits (SAB), Creation of mechanism for the Fast Track Promotion Channel through MS RR, Cashless MRS facility and Group Health Insurance Policy by BSNL, Revision of Allowances, Restoration of LTC, 3rd PRC in BSNL etc.

Despite getting the Majority Representative Association tag in the most difficult phase of BSNL as well as mankind, we have been able to clinch long pending issue of promotions from JTO to SDE and other equivalent grades, the transparent and unform transfer Policy, clinching maximum posts in the middle level management despite surrender of almost 14000 post due to VRS, streamling and clearing of Rule 8 cases, incorporation of stagnation criteria through personal upgradation in RRs, incorporation of fast track promotion policy in various RRs, notification for LICE for JE to JTO, deposit of arrears of SAB fund, Up to date deposit of EPF contribution, timely payment of medical bills, maintenance expenditure are to name a few. Today we have created an echo system where no executive is dependent upon anybody for processing of his Requests down to the SSA level. In the most critical period of Covid, we extended a health policy at such rates that many thousand employees of BSNL were able to have a health cover and they got the benefits of almost 20 crores as claim settlement, we have been able to get created BSNL Covid Fund for the families of all our brothers who left us due to Covid. The achievements are many but at the same time there has been certain setbacks also for which we are fighting hard and will ensure that justice prevails for all. We will claim our successes and at the same time we will not hesitate in accepting our failures also and will strive to overcome those failures and convert them to success. Executives voted for change and change is visible.

This changed scenario was not possible without the ardent support of the OBs, Members and Executive Fraternity. Still some association play the game of number and try to deceive management on various occasions though SAP Count. Now, a time has come to give a full support in terms of numbers also to cement the position of the association for a harder and efficient way for resolution of issues. So, we request all of you to please come forward and extend a hand of support for a better future in BSNL. Following is the Team of AIGETOA CHQ for your service at all time.

Click here for CHQ Body

Click here for letter of endorsement

Click here for letter of Chairman Nomination