Team AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL and Director HR on 12.07.2021

Team AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL and Director HR on 12.07.2021

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS and Shri Badri Kumar Mehta met with the CMD BSNL in the afternoon and again the team comprising of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP and Shri Vaibhav Goyal CHQ Adv met Dir HR in the evening for more than an hour on 12.07.2021 to lodge the protest against the unreasonable Speaking Order released on 09.07.2021 and demand for the promotion in grades and sufficient posts in restructuring.

Speaking Order and seniority list: The association lodged strong protest and argued against the unreasonable speaking order with both CMD & Dir HR and demanded to consider the demand of association to not go ahead to revise the seniority list and wait for the legal opinion to reach. It was told to them that the released order is against the basic ethos of the SDE RR 2002 which defines the Quota for LDCE and SCF in each vacancy year. It is a gross injustice to place and LDCE qualified SDE of VY 2006-07 below to 2008-09 SCF Promoted SDE in the seniority list. This thought process of denying justice to the meritorious executives due to one reason or other has always causes loss to the BSNL Recruited Employees and a setback to the organisation. The CMD BSNL and Director HR have given positive assurance to consider our requests.

Restructuring & Promotion: The CMD and Dir HR agreed with concern of the association that stagnation in same grade beyond a reasonable period by the executives is detrimental for the organisation growth. We argued that every executive has a right to grow in his career to a sufficient position in his career life but the initial proposal of the Man Power Planning is totally contrary to the principle due to drastic reduction in the promotion post. The CMD and Director HR both asked to submit the presentation on the restructuring by the due date of 16.07.2021. We demanded for holding of a restructuring meeting with the association and management under chairmanship of the CMD BSNL, to which he agreed. The CMD BSNL told that he is ready to listen the view points of the association and not averse to the promotion of our officers. The association will be holding meeting with CMD BSNL soon after the submission of proposal. The promotion of the AGM and CAO grades were also discussed with the Director (HR) but it was apprised by him that due to SLP filed in Hon’ble SC, the promotion on these posts is not feasible till decision on the SLP. The association demanded to extend one promotion to all executives including AGM/CAO, who have completed their residency period in the substantive grade.

DPC for left JTOs of 2008 batch: We requested the Director (HR) that left out JTOs of 2008 batch are completely frustrated and so their promotion should be ensured. We apprised him that recalculating of vacancies can give sufficient number of posts to cater the need. The Dir(HR) agreed to our request and assured to direct the Pers Cell for the same. We also demanded holding of LDCEs for SDET and LICE for JTOs for all pending vacancy years at a short interval of one month time separately to which he agreed and apprised that the management is also contemplating to hold the LDCE for SDE and LICE for JTO on immediate basis. This is also one of our long pending demands.

ERP Posting: It was apprised to the Dir HR that it was agreed by the Dir CFA to accommodate all remaining executives of ERP in NCR who couldn’t get posted in ERP modules. He assured to settle all cases within NCR as per their request. The available list of 13 request cases of ERP Ghaziabad handed over to the Dir HR for their choice posting.

Protest Against Unreasonable Speaking Order:

In view of the unreasonable speaking order issued by management, AIGETOA has decided to lodge it’s strong protest against the unjustified order, which deny even the legitimate right of quota within vacancy year in sde seniority list.

The Team AIGETOA under AIP and GS will meet to the CMD and Director HR and personally lodge the protest and convey the strong resentment prevailing in the fields due to this order.

Program at all three levels:

Corporate Office, Circle Offices & SSA HQ

All our members and other executives will assemble in the lunch hour as a protest against this black order to express their resentment and demand for justice.

Release of the Speaking Order for SDE Seniority List – AIGETOA denounce it, Lodged Strong Protest

BSNL released the speaking order suppressing all genuine rights of the qualified LDCE Executives who have been even denied the quota in the vacancy year wise. This is a completely wrong and biased interpretation of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Order and suppression of Merit in BSNL. It is also a breach of trust with the association that without consulting it, the Pers Cell has gone ahead to release the speaking order in contrary terms by subverting the rights of the LDCE Executives. This thought process is detrimental for the organization where the merit is always pushed to the last bench. The association will not accept this decision and oppose through all means.

Click here for the speaking order

GS AIGETOA taken up the matter of left out cases of DPC Promotion Order with Dir (HR)

GS AIGETOA taken up the matter with Dir (HR) on 9th July Morning about left out of candidates and appraised the serious resentment prevailing across the BSNL and demanded to address the issue immediately. The Director (HR) has assured to address the issue and advised all such executives to have patience and management is committed for the solution. The Director(HR) also agreed to hold the LDCE very soon and subsequent.

Meeting with Sr GM (Estt), GM (Recruitment) GM(Restg) and CLO

Team AIGETOA with GS, VP, AGS met the above authorities in BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi on various issues as discussed in the agenda meeting. The issuance of E2-E3 letter, Rule-9 Policy for the temporary transfer of JTO/JAO were discussed with Sr GM(Estt) on which he apprised that some calculation are going on after it finishes the E2 letter will be approved and issues and Rule-9 policy is already in movement and he is waiting for its approval.  

The team met with GM(Recruitment) and enquired about the status of holding the LDCE Exam and apprised about our discussion with the Director(HR) on holding the LDCE. The GM(Rect) appraised that major of the activities related with the process has been completed and the matter will be taken up with the competent authority. The Team also met with the CLO and requested for revisit the roaster register for true calculation of vacancies as well requested for preparing and finalization of the roaster register for next year at the earliest.  

DPC Promotion of BSNL Recruited Executives through regular channel done after 20 Years

Congratulations to all !!!

Now the DPC has been held for AIEL-1 & AIEL-2 and a total of 3697 working executives promoted in this DPC against the vacancies up to December, 2018 on “as in where is basis” as assured by AIGETOA.

Click here for the Promotion Order

Click here for the Promotion List

We congratulate all those who have been promoted and we again reiterate that those who couldn’t make it to this list should not feel left out. We are taking care of all and pursuing for convening the second DPC very soon and we promise that at the end of Tunnel, there will be a light for all.

We advise all to exercise patience. All efforts shall be taken by CHQ team to ensure the benefit to all legitimate ones. We humbly request all, not to indulge into any sort of adventure at Courts under the advice of some over knowledgeable people. We have already seen the result of such adventures. Today current process is also delayed by nine months and those who got into adventure are also delayed by Nine months. We promise to them also that their interest will also be taken care of once this current process is completed.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Hon’ble CMD BSNL for taking the decision in right perspective, Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar for Pushing the whole process with firmness, and Shri R K Goyal, PGM Pers for taking things to conclusion and keeping this issue moving in perfect direction despite all the odds and obstacles. We are also grateful to the Sr GM SR, CLO and DPC Team for ensuring the process to be completed in a targeted time despite of several inherent challenges. The efforts undertaken by each and every officer of the Pers Cell, who was associated with the DPC related work, is really commendable and we are indebted for their extraordinary efforts through day and nights to complete the vast works associated with the process. We sincerely hope that Management will very soon take care of all the remaining executives, who are due for promotions despite availability of vacancies. We once again extend our gratitude to all those involved in process.

Defying all the confusions and malafide campaign that promotions through DPC is not possible in BSNL, finally the path for DPC Promotions opened up for BSNL recruited employees also. The reasons for the delay are well known to all but the commitment, perseverance and determination of Team AIGETOA finally made the day. Even though these promotions were supposed to happen in the initial months of AIGETOA becoming recognized representative association, the same got delayed due to a court case at Jabalpur. AIGETOA Team virtually worked day and night to get the thing’s on track. Even after Jabalpur verdict from 1st July to 7th July many issues cropped up in between. Due to the court case at Jabalpur, the vacancies and submissions of BSNL in court, vacancies of 2019 Calendar year could not be accommodated in current DPC process and accordingly BSNL was constrained to reduce some numbers. Things were really gloomy in the beginning and numbers were very less and beyond our expectations. Thereafter, the team pursued the matter and highlighted certain issues which appeared reasonable to management and they took care to consider these issues and we could accomplish the current numbers.

The update would not be complete without mentioning the names who in addition to CHQ AIGETOA worked to achieve this result. AIGETOA MP team lead by Shri Devendra Saini – CS and Manish Soni – CP with never tiring efforts of Shri Ram Narayan Bhilodiya – ACS and his Team, Kerala Team for having settled the seniority dispute forever, Shri Rajeev Meena CS Delhi and BSNL CO Team for following up the things so meticulously.

Let’s Grow Together! Let’s Move Together!! Let’s Make AIGETOA Strong Together!!!