GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives.

Click here for letter

Methodology proposed by AIGETOA and agreed earlier by management to consider as stated below:

First step is to consider the notional promotions of the AGMs whose DPC has been done in June 2018 (Around 55-60 in number) and issue their promotion orders wef June 2018 and finalize their seniority positions. The VC of these executives have already been called and it is requested to issue the orders without any further delay.

With BSNL taking the firm decision on the issue of Own Merit – On Merit in line with the opinion given by DoP&T and executing the promotions in various grades as per the Hon’ble Supreme Court Decision and the DoP&T guidelines dated 12.04.2022, the dispute in the seniority is now settled with BSNL/DoP&T taking the decision at the highest level. The DoP&T guidelines dated 12.04.2022 is taking care of all such disputes and the only need was to issue a final seniority list of these executives. This was agreed by the management during discussions with AIGETOA and we request for a very expeditious action on the same on war footing basis now.

Settlement of the provisional promotions to regular promotions will result in counting the residency period of the AGMs promoted in 2018 to regular and all these executives will be eligible to occupy the posts of DGMs having served more than the requisite residency period.

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding resolution of the long pending issue of reversal of LDCE 2007 passed SDEs by restoring and extending them their original seniority position:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding resolution of the long pending issue of reversal of LDCE 2007 passed SDEs by restoring and extending them their original seniority position.

We have time and again been highlighting this issue that whatever may be the circumstances, these executives were not at fault and its only because of the lapse on the part of officers dealing with the matter, this unfortunate situation has occurred. With the latest observation of Hon’ble CAT Madras on the applicability of the Clause 5 of SDE RR 2002 on the matter, we find its opportune time for the management to settle the issue as per the commitment made earlier and execute the promotions subject to the outcome of the court.

Click here for letter

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding long pending issue of Pay Loss of Executives Recruited Post 01.01.2007 in the Pre-Revised E1A Scales and extending the initial basic of 22820 to these executives:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding long pending issue of Pay Loss of Executives Recruited Post 01.01.2007 in the Pre-Revised E1A Scales and extending the initial basic of 22820 to these executives.

The immediate settlement of the issue is imminent need of the hour as the issue of 3rd PRC to BSNL employees is under discussion and these residual issues of 2nd PRC is needed to be resolved before the implementation of 3rd PRC to avoid a cumulative loss to the executives affected out of pay loss.

AIGETOA has represented the matter many a times at all levels and to the committee also along with all supporting documents and judgements for consideration and speedy resolution.

Click here for letter

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding extension of E1 plus 5 increments as interim measure to the executives recruited post 01.01.2007 in E1 Grade:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding extension of E1 plus 5 increments as interim measure to the executives recruited post 01.01.2007 in E1 Grade.

The immediate settlement of the issue is imminent need of the hour as the issue of 3rd PRC to BSNL employees is under discussion and these residual issues of 2nd PRC is needed to be resolved before the implementation of 3rd PRC to avoid a cumulative loss to the executives affected out of pay loss.

Click here for letter

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji for resolution of the long pending issue of Pay Loss of the JEs recruited between 01.01.2007 to 07.05.2010 who are now promoted in the executive grade :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji for resolution of the long pending issue of Pay Loss of the JEs recruited between 01.01.2007 to 07.05.2010 who are now promoted in the executive grade.

Click here for letter

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble Minister for Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji to discuss the long pending financial issues of BSNL employees including 3rd PRC:

Team AIGETOA consisting of All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and CHQ Advisor Dr. Yogesh Chauhan met Hon’ble Minister of Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji at his office at Udyog Bhawan today the dated 12.09 2023. Team AIGETOA presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues of 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period along with 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits. Team explained the disparity in the scales of BSNL and MTNL and said that initial two Scales have been kept provisional since 1.1.2007 and the same needs to be resolved immediately. We also highlighted the pay loss case of 22820 and JE Period Pay Loss. We said Full 30 percent SAB is yet to be implemented in BSNL despite BSNL being in Net Profit at that time. We also highlighted the issue of Pension Option under CCS Rules.

The need for implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL was discussed in detail and we highlighted the requirement of waiver of affordability clause in respect of BSNL given the circumstances in which the PSU is made to operate and incur losses because of this. We told the Hon’ble Minister that BSNL has been consistently earning operating profit and is EBITDA positive since last many years. Net Profit couldn’t be earned as BSNL has been made to run without 4G and also is operating in loss making areas along with fulfillment of the responsibilities associated with meeting out the telecom objectives of Government of India. Accordingly we requested the Hon’ble Minister to intervene for the resolution of all the long pending HR issues which have been pending for a long time in BSNL.

We also informed Hon’ble Minister that BSNL Employees have been working day and night for the development of Indigenous 4G/5G Core and the government must extend its blessings to the employees also who have been suffering the loss in terms of their pay and pensionary benefits.

Hon’ble Minister gave a patient hearing and raised few queries wrt our memorandum. We explained the points to Hon’ble Minister. After discussing in detail, Hon’ble Minister assured that he will take up these issues firmly with Minister of Communication and will try to resolve these issues which are of extreme financial importance for BSNL Employees. He also firmly reiterated the commitment of Government India to extend support to BSNL. Hon’ble Minister also explained about the implementation of 3rd PRC in loss making PSUs and told that he shall surely be taking the issues with Hon’ble MoC for resolution of the issues.

Click Here for the Memorandum

AIGETOA’s Response to Recognition Period Extension – One PSU, One Association :

In response to the management’s move of increasing the recognition period to 4 years, AIGETOA submitted its comment as stated below:

If management is sincere in its approach on saving the expenditure of MV, it’s high time to consider One PSU One Association concept meaning that there should be a single association in the PSU and executives should not be allowed to be divided into groups. This will not only save the expenditure of BSNL but also a lot of expenditure will be saved by the respective associations also.

We request management to call the association for a constructive discussion and participative approach.

Click here for Letter

Click here for letter by BSNL

AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Secretary DoT & Hon’ble Chief Labour Commissioner with respect to the violation of Membership Verification/Election Code of Conduct by BSNL Management with Clear intent to Sabotage the Executive MV Process by Influencing the Minds of Voters and Encroaching into the Rights of Executives against REA Rules :

AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Secretary DoT and Hon’ble Chief Labour Commissioner with respect to the violation of Membership Verification/Election Code of Conduct by BSNL Management with Clear intent to Sabotage the Executive MV Process by Influencing the Minds of Voters and Encroaching into the Rights of Executives against REA Rules. Earlier we have reached to Management including CMD BSNL and Director HR and Chief Returning Officer but to no avail. Seeing no respite within BSNL, AIGETOA firmly moved on to next higher level for addressing the grievances.

Friends, from the series of letters issued by BSNL in the last one month which started from the transfer of our OBs and Members violating the code of conduct to the latest series of letters issued for notification of LICEs and syllabus, intent of management is very clear.

From the actions of Management, it is quite visible that a deliberate attempt to disrupt the level playing field is being done. AIGETOA wants to firmly reaffirm that we will not allow management to succeed in its misadventures and will ensure the promotions of all eligible Executives through the regular channel of SCF. We remain duty bound to ensure the promotion of all Eligible SDEs upto List 13 through regular channel of Promotions i.e. SCF, AGM to DGM Promotions, and JTO to SDE Promotions for LICE 2014 and future batches, AO to CAO Promotions and JAO to AO promotions. Similarly we are duty bound to ensure promotions in other streams also.

A lot of distance has been achieved and very soon all are going to see the light of the day in all promotions in the grade of DGMs, AGMs, SDEs. The provisional promotions of 2018 are going to be regularised very soon and this will open the road to Promotions in DGM, AGM and SDE cadre with inclusion of all consequential vacancies to enable immediate inclusion of vacancies in subsequent grades. Further Notional Promotions of those whose DPC was done in 2018 is also being pursued actively and we are very sure for achieving the same soon. Similarly we are expecting a breakthrough in AO to CAO Promotions also which will open the roads to JAO to AO Promotions. Similarly promotions in other streams are also to be ensured. Simultaneously our thrust is on Restructuring Review and to ensure more posts in all cadres and streams including Telecom, Finance, Civil, Electrical, CSS, PA/PS/PPS, AD OL, AGM OL etc.

We are not against the conduction of Internal Competitive Exam in AGM and DGM grades but we want that exam should be for the persons who have not completed the residency period. Those completing the Residency Period and in fact more than the required residency period should not be forced to appear in the exam and their promotions must occur through the regular channel of Seniority Cum Fitness. Further, it is our belief that Fast Track Mode must have a fixed number of seats available every year so that all getting eligible can appear in fast track when their chance comes. Such exams must have provision of separate and fixed number of vacancies every year so that there remains no clash between both the streams and the fast track remains fast track and do not meet the same fate like the current scenario where everything was marred upon legal tangles.

We are firm on our conviction to achieve this objective and we are committed to go to any extent to ensure this.

We request executives to not to get confused on such ridiculous and hasty issuances of notifications of BSNL which in our opinion is just intended to prejudice and influence the minds of Voters against AIGETOA. Let us all remain united. AIGETOA is reaching out to all authorities to stop this uncalled for prejudiced actions of management where they are just trying to take advantage of prevailing code of conduct and non absence of AIGETOA as representative association. Such actions further cements the fact that presence of AIGETOA is a must as Majority Recognized Representative Association else such type of actions will become a regular affair. It is also very much evident that except no other association bothered to raise the voice. Executive must understand now that it is AIGETOA which is only association concerned for resolution of the issues and raising the voice against the uncalled for actions by management.

We wish to convey that AIGETOA remains firmly committed to ensure the objective of promotions of all eligible and that too within a short period from here.

Click here for the Letter to Secretary DoT

Click here for the letter to Chief Labour Commissioner

Once again we appeal to not to fall into the trap of such confusing techniques of management.

Vote and Support AIGETOA at Serial No. 3.

Violation of Membership Verification/Election Code of Conduct by BSNL Management with Clear Intent to Sabotage the Executive MV Process by Influencing the Minds of Voters and Encroaching into the Rights of Executives against REA Rules – AIGETOA writes to CRO BSNL :

GS AIGETOA writes to Chief Returning Officer, BSNL regarding violation of Membership Verification/Election Code of Conduct by BSNL Management with Clear intent to Sabotage the Executive MV Process by Influencing the Minds of Voters and Encroaching into the Rights of Executives against REA Rules.

Click here for letter

GS AIGETOA writes to PGM Establishment with copy to CMD BSNL & Secretary DoT regarding issuing presidential orders to the employees, recruited through recruitment notification initiated by DoT, prior to 01.10.2000 and who joined duty after formation of BSNL, requesting to treat them as DoT Recruited, based on the criterion laid down by the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to PGM Establishment Sh Saurabh Tyagi Ji with copy to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji & Secretary DoT Sh Apurva Chandra Ji regarding issuing presidential orders to the employees, recruited through recruitment notification initiated by DoT, prior to 01.10.2000 and who joined duty after formation of BSNL, requesting to treat them as DoT Recruited, based on the criterion laid down by the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare.

Click here for letter