
GS AIGETOA writes once again to CMD BSNL Protesting against the proposed move to shift HQs of QA and Inspection circle on arbitrary basis just on whims and fancies of individuals. This will unnecessary involve expenditures as well as put our executives at distressed. Our strong objection thereof.

Click here for letter


Congratulations !!

Finally Govt of India has cleared raising of bonds for BSNL. It is learnt that The sovereign guarantee has been extended to BSNL for raising bonds to the tune of Rs 8500 crores. The bond is expected to be issued within a period of 3 months. This will be a major boost to the operations and financial viability of BSNL.

Click here for Order

AIGETOA efforts in bringing this revival process is well known to every one and
we have stood firmly with government in their efforts for the betterment of BSNL.
The other associations have in fact taken contrary stand for the revival measures. The foresightedness of AIGETOA stands vindicated today.

We will continue to fight for the prosperity and growth of BSNL for clearing the
pending issues of government.

Another reason for executives to support and elect AIGETOA.


Selection for the post of Director (Finance), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) through Search-cum-Selection process held on 07.07.2020 in PESB Board Room. Committee recommended the name of Ms. Yojana Das, PGM (Finance) & Internal Financial Advisor (IFA) for Kerala Telecom Circle, BSNL for appointment to the post of Director (Finance), BSNL Board.

AIGETOA congratulates Ms. Yojana Das, PGM (Finance) & Internal Financial Advisor (IFA) for Kerala Telecom Circle, BSNL for appointment to the post of Director (Finance), BSNL Board.

Click here for Minutes of Meeting


SOS Call to Join AIGETOA to save your Pay, Promotion and Pension:

The Eye Opener letter by SNEA to Director HR…which clarifies their stand that they want E1 for BSNL Recruits JTO/JAOs and they don’t want 22820 to be implemented for the JTOs recruited in Pre-Revised E1A scales as well as they want to deny the interim benefit of five increments to the newly recruited JTOs/JAOs.

GS SNEA is asking to implement the Part-I of the DoT PO which so far has even BSNL has resisted to implement which states that for E1A recruited it should be Rs. 18500 as initial basic and for new Recruitees it should be E1 i.e.16,400 as
initial basic.

If This PO ( Even Part-I) is implemented then it will not only kill the prospects of E2 scales for JTO/JAO cadre for ever but also the prospects of Pay Loss issue of 22820 and Interim Benefit of E1 plus Five Increments to Newly Recruits JAOs/JTOs as after implementation of this PO, E1 scale will achieve finality.

This wrongful PO has been challenged by AIGETOA in Court also and we expect a favourable verdict in favour of E2 scale for JTO but it is really unfortunate to see that having realised that now SNEA is loosing the race, they have now started Detrimental activities to kill the prospects of BSNL Recruits for getting E2 scales for JTO and the Pay Loss issues also.

The recommendations of the Part-I of the PO dated 28.03.2017 issued by DoT is asbelow.

Click here for the Copy

1. Payof absorbed JTOs/JAOs drawing in the scale of 9850-14600 may be revised in the scale of 18850-40500 as personal to the incumbent.

2. Employee appointed to the cadre either by direct recruitment or by promotion placed in the cadre who are placed in the scale of 9850-14600 similar to the absorbed executives shall also be accorded the same pay scale of 18850-40500 as personal to the incumbent.

3.With immediate effect, new appointment to the cadre by Direct Recruitment or by promotion shall be in E1 Pay Scale of 16,400-40,500.

From the above, you can see that SNEA is asking to implement E1 for JTO/JAO grade for new comers and 18,850 to 40,500 for those who were recruited in pre-revised scale of 9850-14,600.

So SNEA is trying to kill the prospects of E2 scales at a time when MTNL-BSNL
merger is on cards and scale of JTO/JAO cadre will attain finality.

This also once again shows their adverse stand on the long pending issue of pay loss of JTOs/JAOs recruited in E1A and E2A scale (extending initial basic of 22820/-) as they are asking 18,500 basic for them. At the time of deliberations of the committee also, they derailed the whole progress and now also they are trying to kill the issue of 22820 permanently by asking BSNL to implement the interim benefit as final one.

Same type of deceitful actions have been taken by them during promulgation of MS RRs when they compromised on Time Bound Financial Upgradation instead of Time Bound Functional Promotions despite strong objection by AIGETOA, by Forgetting E2-E3 and 30% SAB at the time of implementation of 2nd PRC in BSNL and then agreeing for E1 in JTO RR 2014, just for the petty gain of regularising few officiating JTOs. Now they are again in action, this time forcefully implement a PO which is totally wrong and isdegrading the scale of the JTO cadre to E1 and will result in huge loss for all the JTOs and JAOs.

By doing this, they have made their position clear that they want BSNL Recruits to
suffer forever. This is further surprising keeping in view of the fact that a huge agitation was jointly fought by AIGETOA/SNEA against this wrong ful PO.

GS AIGETOA was served with major charge-sheet for that agitation and in fact a
quasi criminal case is still going on in Patiala House Courts against GS AIGETOA
for this.

Now the Same SNEA is asking for E1 Scales as finality for JTO cadre by asking
management to implement part-I of the PO. This will be pertinent to mention that
even management has opposed implementation of this PO, both to DoT as well as in court and have stated that PO is not in line with what has been recommended by DoT.
Its high time for them to tell that what is the compulsive reasons for their changeof stand. Why they want BSNL to implement E1 for JTO cadre.

The issue of extending interim relief of E1 plus five increments to the newly
recruited JTOs/JAOs is pending at BSNL Board and AIGETOA is committed to get that proposal approved by Board so that all the new JTOs/JAOs gets this interim benefit of E1 plus five increments.

All the JAOs/JTOs appointed in E1 cadre should remain rest assured that AIGETOA will ensure this interm benefit for them.

Now even after seeing this, any BSNL recruits supports these associations, then he will simply be killing his own career, own pay and own pension as in all these three major issues, stand of SNEA is contrary to the interests of BSNL Recruits. Friends, We once again request you to identify the true colours of the legacy associations and Join AIGETOA for securing your rights with regard to the three Ps i.e. Pay, Promotion and Pension. Consider this as a SOS call for the BSNL Recruit Fraternity. Its high time to show the doors to these legacy association.


Today in presence of Shri Sunil Gautam AGS AIGETOA CHQ, Shri Rakesh Meena CS AIGETOA NTR DELHI, Shri Vishal Gautam ACS AIGETOA NTR DELHI, Shri Ravikant ACS AIGETOA NTR DELHI, Shri Subodh K Sharma and Shri Sandeep Singh, District Body of AIGETOA BBNW NOIDA has been formed with full enthusiasm by the BRs of BBNW NOIDA. Shri Deepak Saun SDE and Shri Prabhat Pandey JTO has been unanimously elected as District President and District Secretary.

Click here for Snap


DIR HR writes to DG police of State and police commissioner of UT for the Provision of Security to Telecom. personnel/offices in connection with the conduct of 2nd Membership Verification for election of Majority Representative Association of Executives in BSNL slated for 18th August 2020.

Click here for the Letter


RecentWeb Updates of PROCLAIMED SENA – A Plethora of LIES…

We are proud that our beloved association AIGETOA is attaining day by day newer and newer heights.
The current exodus from the legacy associations and exponential increase in membership base of AIGETOA has actually is running a chill wave in the bones of the Proclaimed SENA.
The fear of looming defeat in the forthcoming MV has made them afraid to such a extent that they have started a plethora of shameless lies on their website.Having achieved nothing in all these 20 years for BSNL Recruits, now this proclaimed SENA have started a series of blame games on their website and that too full of their own contradictions.

We won’t get into much details of their voluminous updates which itself proves that how much they are afraid of the situation when their actions all these 3.5 years of the recognition and the 20 years of domination is going to show them the door in the next MV.
A person who does nothing and speaks lies only acts in this way. The same is being done by the proclaimed SENA nowadays from their website as well as their old cronies who are acting as a B team for them by trying to misguide BSNL recruits against AIGETOA and trying to cut our vote share. But we are sure, our brothers and sisters will give a befiiting reply to the proclaimed SENA as well as their cronies.

Our sole motto is to go forward and end the discrimination which BSNL Recruits have been facing all these 20 years on the issues related to their Pay, Pension and Promotion.
They have ruled for 20 years and did nothing…We want to work for two years and
achieve everything.
Now BSNL Recruits are in majority and hence a BSNL Recruit will have to sit in front of management and government for the issues related to BSNL and its employees.

Dear legacy associations, your time is over now…all these lies will not deter BRs
from supporting AIGETOA. We will Win and we will definitely win, not to become
number one but to reshape the future of BSNL Recruits whom you have left like
However, still we would like to expose some of your lies. It seems now you have become a habitual liar.

Recently we came through one Email of yours to a common innocent BSNL Recruit who was seeking update on the status of E1 plus Five Increments to those who have not got it and you have shamelessly replied that DoT has approved it and is pending to be implemented by BSNL.

We hope you must be aware of what DoT has approved in its PO and you want that to be implemented in BSNL.
We would like to inform one and all that DoT has approved Pay protection on Personal basis for JTOs recruited in E1A and E1 scales for JTOs recruited/promoted thereafter. Surprisingly, the captain of the proclaimed SENA wants to implement E1 for JTOs…which is a clear indication of what they want for BSNL Recruits.
SO theProclaimed SENA Wants E1 to be implemented as the replacement scale of E1A again in same lines of what they did in JTO 2014 by agreeing for E1. They again want to derail the efforts of AIGETOA in legal as well as BSNL Front. E1 plus five increments to batches recruited through JTO RR 2014 and JAOs recruited from 2010 onwards is to be extended by BSNL Board and DoT does not have any role in this.
This also shows the level to which they can manipulate things…but they forget that BRs are a learned lot and they can understand everything…

Our Second Question to this misguided missile is – Whether he understands the difference between Defined Benefits and Defined Contribution.
The PRMB which he is referring to is no where…We dare him to write a letter seeking constitution of PRMB fund in BSNL. If he is a well wisher then he should immediately demand creation of PRMB fund for BSNL Recruits. And nothing can be more outrageous and laughable than blaming AIGETOA for non settlement of 30 Percent SAB Benefits. Dear Captain of the Proclaimed SENA…May we know what stopped you from getting it implemented when 2nd PRC recommendations were being implemented…You must be knowing that BSNL was in profit that time…what made you to forget the SAB as well as E2/E3 scales for JTOs-JAOs/SDEs-AOs…Just because you were busy in getting your own coffers full forgetting about the issues which were affecting BSNL Recruits…
And Now you are shedding crocodile tears??nd for your information, your so called allies left it for us to fight and whatever we can achieve, we have achieved…and whatever that has been left we will achieve that also… and yes in the mean while we would like to suggest you to hire some accountancy teacher who can teach you the difference between Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution… so that you can realise how much deficit is yet to be realised in 30% SAB.
First you learn the calculation, than dare to speak on the issue…We hope by now you must have learned that full form of EPF is Employee Provident Fund and not Employee Pension Fund.
Regarding your much hyped court case, we would like to clarify that you are simply trying to undo the good work done by AIGETOA Members of Kerala who won the Higher pension case in their favour.

You and your proclaimed SENA is trying to implead in a case filed by NCOA which is mostly pertaining to Exempted organisations like NTPC etc having their own trust where EPF funds are managed by organization themselves and not by EPFO.

There is an underlying danger that the Government may take a plea since funds were not available with EPFO, why should they pay the higher pension to them
but you will not understand because you are more concerned about creating the hype than resolving the issue.

AIGETOA has clearly discussed the matter with high profile lawyers and they all
were of the view that the association should file separate writ at Hon’ble High Court of Delhi and we are going ahead with that…and are filing a writ at Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. We are not asking for any contributions either and for us the fund contribution of the association is enough to fight for the rights of BSNL Recruits.

We request you to not to spoil the case and if you are so concerned about BSNL Recruits, file a separate writ on behalf of your association instead of oiling your friends in the NCOA.
We would also suggest you to take opinion from highest legal authorities of BSNL CO who are also being governed by EPF. We earnestly request you to not to put the social security benefits of BSNL Recruits just for the sake of credit mongering.

You are saying that Management offered AIGETOA the proposal to promote…how did u came to know if they offered it to us. It shows you were upto something very nasty and following our each and every discussions. You may refer to your own website…and your frikkling comments on your website at that time…tells many stories.
Yes, it is true that we have succeeded in almost getting the promotions executed on 4th January 2019 as management was convinced with our logics and solutions. File was initiated also but suddenly there was a U turn. We came to know that some body went to CMD and told that if you execute the promotions, your contempt will never be settled…Somebody went to management and made them confused on own merit and on merit issue…We were searching for the person who misguided the apex of BSNL and derailed all the process…today we came to know…who was he. Thanks for disclosing your truth. In your quest for proving one upmanship, you even got the apex of BSNL in trouble…had that promotion would have been issued on 4th January 2019, the contempt case would have also died down because only question which Hon’ble Court asked from the applicant’s advocate was that whether you received the promotion orders…Had that answer would have been yes, things would have ended good for all…including the management as well as the executives…but you were more concerned about proving your point and you used your proximity and the animosity against AIGETOA to the apex to derail everything…and now again you are shedding crocodile tears..

Also tell us why you filed review petition…were you management…if 1:1 is extended to executives that is well in line with the set norms and RRs…why you were worried…why you wanted to deny chances of BSNL Recruits…for whom…why you filed review or a non existent problem…nobody ever challenged the training marks seniority…why you brought that in question…why you were afraid of BSNL Recruits getting their due seniority…and by the way did u ever told the LICE 2014 batch JTOs that you kept supernumerary JTOs above them while they should have been senior to the supernumerary JTOs.Did u told them that your threatened management with agitation if Supernumerary JTOs are dropped from the list and LICE 2014 JTOs are considered.

However, we are happy to note that you once again agreed promotion is possible through DPC..and we hope now at least you will realise your mistakes…and work sincerely for JTO to SDE promotions through DPC and help us in achieving the long awaited 1st promotion to our brothers and sisters.

And Finally, seeing the content on your website, we have realised that the your so called for unity was a simple hoax created by you. You have made your intent very clear that whatever you did was just a political gimmick nothing else…You added one more chapter in deceiving AIGETOA/BRs in the history of your treacherous moves when u ditched us at the time of MSRRs by compromising with management on time bound upgradation instead of Time Bound Functional Promotions, Not considering the 30 percent SAB and E2 scales at the time of 2nd PRC , Sending your representative to stop LDCE promotions in 2018, deceiving AIGETOA during negotiations on CPSU Hierarchy by not considering the benefits of BSNL Recruits like agreeing for lower scales, not including internal fast track policy, agreeing for MT Recruitment..

SO don’t try to project yourself as Mr Champion. We as well as everybody knows what you are. Just start counting your days… Very soon You will realise your true worth..


Suggestions : AIGETOA Manifesto – Shapath Patra 2020

As an Initiative for carrying forward an inclusive approach where all the executives have a say in deciding the vision document for next three years in the form of AIGETOA Manifesto i.e.

Shapath Patra 2020
we bring before all executives in BSNL, an online webpage form to share your thoughts, views and suggestions by which each one of you are empowered to share your aspirations and thought process which should be reflected in the AIGETOA Manifesto.

We definitely welcome the ideas/submissions in this line which can be exchanged, examined, and applied to make a vibrant BSNL and a best HR System in BSNL by catering the aspirations of our Pay, Promotion and Pension aspects.

We look forward to get suggestions which should not be counted as mere election process rather it should be practically achievable and points to the destinations that we all aspire to achieve. Submissions are welcomed from all cadres and We reckon that this venture would be highly advantageous for deciding how your own association should work and also will provide an insight to the duties & responsibilities that each office bearer of this association is bound to do.

Come let us all be the part of this change to end the discrimination which we have been made subject to for last twenty years ..

Let us all together recreate our destiny. Let us all together shape up our future. To submit the suggestions please use this google form below.

Click here for link


GS-AIGETOA writes to the Hon’ble MoC for inordinate delay in JTO to SDE Promotion:

GS-AIGETOA wrote to the Hon’ble Minister for Telecommunication to raise the issue of inordinate delay in issuance of JTO to SDE Promotion even while the sufficient vacancies is existing, operational shortage of SDEs is existing, No legal direction to stop promotions is associated and sufficient JTOs from BSNL recruited fraternity (from 2001 to 2014 onwards batches) available with all requisite professional qualifications, administrative skill and business acumen.

Click here for letter