Relieving of Inter-Circle Tenure Transfer & Posting of AGM (T)

Nomination of Shri Ravi Shil Verma as Chairman AIGETOA in the special GBM held on 15th
April’2022 through online mode

Dear Friends,

New CHQ Team of AIGETOA has been endorsed by the BSNL Corporate Office for all purpose in line with the election held at Bhopal on 14th March 2022. This Team is a mix of previous body OBs and new entrants i.e. a combination of experience and youthfulness under the leadership of our vibrant General Secretary Shri Wasi Ahmad and Young All India President Shri Veerbhadra Rao. In a Special General Body Meeting held though online on 15.04.2022, our most respected and tallest leader Shri Ravi Shil Verma has also been unanimously nominated as Chairman of AIGETOA. The new team has swung into action immediately towards various outstanding issues of the Executives as well as the policies for revival and survival of BSNL. In recent times, the Team has held several meetings at different level of authorities in BSNL, DoT and DoPT. At the same time, CHQ has attended various meetings of the combined platform of AUAB as well as our ally association SEWA also. In between, OBs of New CHQ has also succeeded in meeting various Hon’ble Members of Parliament as well as Member of Parliamentary Committee on Communication and Information Technology, Govt of India to further precipitate and resolve our issues. We have set our agenda very clearly to ensure resolution of long pending issue of Standard Pay Scale E2-E3, Pay loss issue of JTO/JAO, Issuance of long awaited promotion in AGM/CAO/EE, SDE/AO/AE and other grades and settlement of Reversal Issue, full 30 percent Superannuation Benefits (SAB), Creation of mechanism for the Fast Track Promotion Channel through MS RR, Cashless MRS facility and Group Health Insurance Policy by BSNL, Revision of Allowances, Restoration of LTC, 3rd PRC in BSNL etc.

Despite getting the Majority Representative Association tag in the most difficult phase of BSNL as well as mankind, we have been able to clinch long pending issue of promotions from JTO to SDE and other equivalent grades, the transparent and unform transfer Policy, clinching maximum posts in the middle level management despite surrender of almost 14000 post due to VRS, streamling and clearing of Rule 8 cases, incorporation of stagnation criteria through personal upgradation in RRs, incorporation of fast track promotion policy in various RRs, notification for LICE for JE to JTO, deposit of arrears of SAB fund, Up to date deposit of EPF contribution, timely payment of medical bills, maintenance expenditure are to name a few. Today we have created an echo system where no executive is dependent upon anybody for processing of his Requests down to the SSA level. In the most critical period of Covid, we extended a health policy at such rates that many thousand employees of BSNL were able to have a health cover and they got the benefits of almost 20 crores as claim settlement, we have been able to get created BSNL Covid Fund for the families of all our brothers who left us due to Covid. The achievements are many but at the same time there has been certain setbacks also for which we are fighting hard and will ensure that justice prevails for all. We will claim our successes and at the same time we will not hesitate in accepting our failures also and will strive to overcome those failures and convert them to success. Executives voted for change and change is visible.

This changed scenario was not possible without the ardent support of the OBs, Members and Executive Fraternity. Still some association play the game of number and try to deceive management on various occasions though SAP Count. Now, a time has come to give a full support in terms of numbers also to cement the position of the association for a harder and efficient way for resolution of issues. So, we request all of you to please come forward and extend a hand of support for a better future in BSNL. Following is the Team of AIGETOA CHQ for your service at all time.

Click here for CHQ Body

Click here for letter of endorsement

Click here for letter of Chairman Nomination

Updates of AIGETOA CHQ Meeting with PGM Pers held on 29.04.2022

Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman AIGETOA and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS-II AIGETOA met PGM Pers today on 29.04.2022 and discussed following issues.

Promotion in from SDE(T) to AGM Grade :

We enquired about the status of promotion and it’s progress. It was informed that Pers team is on Job and are under discussion with various stakeholders to arrive at a firm consensus. The legal position as on date has been explained to each of them and now they all have to take a holistic approach so that the process of promotion can become smooth and hassle-free. It was highlighted that management is determined to extend the promotion in line with directions of GoI and will take all necessary steps to execute the same at the earliest. We told that under any circumstances, there should not be any delay. While we assured that association will also take all necessary steps to develop a consensus but at the same time association will not accept any delay by making this non consensus as an excuse. We said it should be the duty of management to follow the judicious path and justice should prevail for all.

We also highlighted about lack of proper monitoring wrt completion of APAR data capturing in ERP. PGM Pers assured that his team is on Job and all necessary monitoring is being done to complete the exercise at the earliest.

We also categorically stated that all the vacancies upto 1.1.2022 should be filled up and as being done in the case of SDE Promotions, vacancy arising out of the look after DGM post should also be taken into account. We also requested that expeditious action of framing of MSRRs should be done where stagnation criteria and fast track promotion policy should find its due place. PGM Pers assured that whatever that has been assured to AIGETOA, shall be taken care of and there is need to have patience, ultimately interest of everyone shall be ensured. We also affirmed that all these executives have faced enough in their years as JTO and SDE due to various reasons and discrepancies and now there should not be any injustice to anyone. While we also believe in continuity but at the end no body should be left out without justice and it’s the duty of the association and management to ensure justice for all.

OTP Transfers :

We requested for issuance of OTP transfers as it is already delayed. PGM Pers assured that today it will be issued. We requested for consideration of all genuine cases. PGM Pers assured that all cases which satisfy the criteria shall be taken care of and if any one is inadvertently left that can be taken care of subsequently.

Promotion to left out JTOs of 2008 batch and status of modified MS RRs :

It was informed that all left out JTOs of 2008 will be covered soon.

The issuance of modified SDE RRs shall also be done soon. It was highlighted that apprehensions raised by AIGETOA on the RRs shall be taken care of while issuance of modified SDE RRs.

Reversal Issue :

We expressed our resentment that April 30 is almost over and even file has not been put up yet. PGM Pers told that he will direct the section to process the file in next few days. We once again told that as assured at various platforms, it should be resolved in positive direction.

Status of Process of Transfer of long Stay list circulated in February 2022 :

We expressed that after issuance of list and taking of options from executives, any unnecessary hold up leads to apprehensions and unfair practices down the line for encashment of hardships by some mischievous elements. Hence Department should take an immediate and firm decision on this aspect and Juniors should not be made Pray for such indecisive actions. PGM Pers assured that he will discuss the apprehensions raised by Association with Director and CMD BSNL and assured that there will not be any injustice.

Friends, Team AIGETOA is on job and we assure that at the end Justice will prevail and association will go to any extent to ensure this. All stakeholders belonging to different groups should have patience and faith in the team.

Team AIGETOA meeting with Smt Sunit Duggal, Hon’ble MP and Hon’ble Member of Parliamentary Committee on Communication and Information Technology on the matter of Standard Scale E2 for JTO/JAO of BSNL:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta FS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS met with Smt Sunit Duggal, Hon’ble MP and Hon’ble Member of Parliamentary Committee on Communication and Information Technology at her Delhi Residence. GS apprised about the BSNL, BSNL Recruited Employees and their hardships due to non implementation of 2nd PRC Recommendation fully in BSNL and it’s after affect on our Pay Scale and Superannuation Benefits. A detailed presentation was given to the Hon’ble Member on the non approval of Standard Scale E2 for JTO/ JAO by the Dept of Telecom resulting in huge losses of about 7K-10K monthly to the young executives. We appreciated the efforts taken by the government for revival of BSNL but at the same time we highlighted that no one is caring for the Employees of BSNL. We requested her kind intervention in the matter of Standard Scale E2 for BSNL Entry Grade Executives, which is pending since more than a decade. She responded positively and assured to take up the matter with DoT Secretary and directed the PS to immediately process the representation submitted by us and call the reply from DoT. But at the same time she also suggested to have a meeting with the Hon’ble Chairman of the Committee Shri Shashi Tharoor ji to have detailed deliberation in the Committee on the issue. The meeting last for half an hour and other issues of employees were also highlighted in the discussion and she gave a patient hearing. In the meantime we are also trying to meet the Chairman of the Committee.

Click here for the glimpses of the meeting

Important Information Related AIGETOA GHIS Policy

Important Information:

As the premium quoted by New India Assurance for renewal of the ongoing AIGETOA Group Health Insurance Policy is very high and despite of all efforts, the insurer is not reducing the quote due to high claim ratio. So, it has been decided that the Group Health Insurance Policy will not be renewed at this premium. The condition put forward by the New India Assurance of high individual premium in all plans as well as total premium to be collected is also exorbitantly high.

So, all members are requested to take suitable decision. Any other development in this regard shall be communicated as soon as it is received.

AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble MOC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji on his visit to Visakhapatnam on 22th April 2022

Team AIGETOA comprising of JS (South), AIGETOA CHQ Suresh Kumar, ACS Shri Srinivas, CVP Shri Mahendra AP Circle & DS Shri Jagapathi, DFS Shri Murali and ADS Shri Rupa Prakash met Hon’ble MOC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw ji on his visit to Visakhapatnam on 22nd April 2022 and submitted Memorandum of AIGETOA CHQ.

Click here for Memorandum Submitted

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Update on Group Health Insurance Policy

Dear Member’s,

We are of the firm opinion that health is a state subject and BSNL should come forward to pay the premium of Group Health Insurance Policy launched by them else make the BNSL MRS Cashless facility fully functional at all locations to take cashless medical treatment by the employees. We don’t want BSNL as mediator for any Health Policy if the Premium is to be borne by the Employees themselves. We are self reliant to get such facilities from the market on our own in a more competitive terms.

As far as ongoing AIGETOA Group Health Insurance Policy is concerned, it is ending on 2nd May’ 2022. We are in receipt of requests of many existing members of the ongoing policy for renewal and so we have spoken to the insurer and requested for a Quote for renewal. The Insurer is studying the ongoing policy data and its claims ratio and it is expected to give the quote very soon or latest by next week. There may be change in the premium than last year due to high claim ratio but definitely it will be better than other circulating group health policy. Accordingly, we will revert back soon about the renewal quote, once received from the insurer. This is information to all our members to take an informed decision.