Issuance of AGM Promotion today and reversal issue

Issuance of AGM Promotion today and reversal issue

The matter of Reversal issue was taken up with Hon’ble CMD BSNL by GS AIGETOA during his visit to Delhi. GS elaborately explained all the details of the reversal issue to CMD BSNL and tried to explain the real cause behind this injustice. GS emphasized that it will be a huge injustice to these candidates if they are left out in promotion orders. The fault was always on the part of BSNL which couldn’t clarify in time about the eligibility and kept on issuing ambiguous letters. In fact BSNL has accepted in documents issued by them and in noting obtained through RTI that relaxation by virtue of Junior Senior clause is applicable in LDCE also. Hence now denying the applicability of clause 12.5 of SDE RR to LDCE candidates is simply uncalled for. It was also explained that the court case which BSNL is taking as alibi to deny justice is based on Clause 12.3 ie pertaining to date of exam and not on 12.5 which deals with the Junior Senior clause.

GS also presented the bulleted points to CMD BSNL along with supporting documents. He listened all details carefully and apprised that he has been explained by his team also on that matter, which is subjudiced. On GS insistence, he agreed to look into it afresh and read the submitted documents once again to ensure right decision and justice. The hitch on BSNL part was that matter is subjudice and many cases are pending at various courts on which GS Stated that already BSNL has agreed for an out of court settlement which is well captured in the minutes issued by BSNL to AIGETOA. It is very clear that still there is reluctancy on the part of management on this issue however association is fully committed to ensure that no wrong happens with these candidates and there 14 years of service in SDE cadre do not go waste Association will take all efforts to ensure justice to all these candidates.

Click here for the bulleted points of the issue and supporting documents

The orders for first lot of promotions is expected today. AIGETOA Team is constantly monitoring the situation and has taken all efforts to put everything in line.

The matter of transfer and posting was also taken up at the level of Director HR and CMD BSNL. Association demand to make long stay as criteria of posting outside was also taken up and management has shown it’s positive inclination towards making long stay the criteria instead of sending Juniors in the list outside. Juniors going outside has never been accepted by AIGETOA and accordingly it has vouched for transfer posting on the basis of long stay only. AIGETOA also requested to keep the transfer posting at minimum required level and to allow all promoted executives to join on as is where is basis to avoid any last minute hitch. Required transfer posting if any can be done in next one week or 15 days. But for the time being candidates should be allowed to join in their current places of posting only.

It is understood that there will be Minimum displacement of the candidates and only surplus circles will be touched as done in the case of JTO to SDE promotions. Those displaced shall also be tried to be accommodated in the immediate nearby deficit circles. We also requested that specialized circles like ITPC etc should be spared as after lot of efforts, this specialized experience is gained. We sincerely hope management understands the complexity and considers the requests.

Friends, after much efforts and pursuance by AIGETOA, the promotions are going to take place anytime now. Yes definitely, our aspirations will be fulfilled only when last eligible candidate is promoted in the list. But starting the process of long struck promotions was an imminent necessity and accordingly this call has been taken. Those left out in the list should not get demotivated as management has assured for considering them in second lot.

We assure one and all that AIGETOA is going to ensure that the process for second lot starts soon and completed well in time so that all gets their due promotions without any delay. We are pursuing for promotions in AO to CAO cadre and AGM/CAO to DGM promotions. It’s our firm endeavor to ensure that promotions happen in all grades and streams without any delay.

If all goes well, we can hope for promotion today as per discussions with management.

Update on AGM Promotions :

Dear All,

Even though it’s little early to comment on the exact result, being the responsible association its our duty to update the correct picture on the same.

There are lot of speculation going around the corner wrt SDE to AGM Promotions. As we expected the negative forces are trying to scuttle the unity of executives and make divisive politics and the last mile credit mongering. As we have already cleared that AIGETOA is not for any politics but believe in the resolution of issues for the betterment of Executives.

We have been stating in all meetings/interactions about our approach on how to cover all eligible. We have also clearly submitted the same and we hope that our respected CMD/Dir HR/PGM Pers will take the cognizance, merit and need of the same. We are committed to push for considering all the 4500 strengths of AGM under DPC quota followed by counting LA/Adhoc DGMs as occupying the posts of regular DGMs and use the consequential vacancies of around 1000 also for DPC in AGM Grade. This will help not only in creation of more vacancies for AGMs but also will facilitate regular promotion for AGM to DGM and thus the inclusive approach for all can be achieved. Further there is scope for Stagnation Criteria and more number of posts in view of the proposed merger of BBNL.

AIGETOA is fully committed to ensure the justice to all and committed to ensure maximum possible promotions as detailed in our earlier submission on the matter. AIGETOA has always categorically demanded for increase of vacancies so as to accommodate all the eligible executives and hope we can achieve the goal with unified efforts.

Similarly, we are committed and pursuing for the promotion of AO to CAO grade also. Further our endeavour is to ensure the promotion in DGM Regular grade.

Here, we wish to inform all that till date we have been able to develop a broad consensus on the major show stopper and one more meeting is required to settle the same. It is once again reiterated that discussion on Vacancies has not achieved any finality and AIGETOA is pushing for achieving the maximum promotions for all in line with its earlier submissions.

In this continuity, we want to extend our heartiest thanks to the GS SEWA and their leaderships for extending cooperation in reaching to a broader consensus. We do hope that with their continued support and unified approach of all stake holders, we will be able to clinch the promotions in AGM, CAO and DGM grades also as we did in SDE Promotion.

We request all colleagues to be calm against the spread of rumours and trust the approach of association.

Meeting of AIGETOA, SNEA & SEWA with Director HR on Reservation in Promotion:

Today a meeting of three association ie AIGETOA, SNEA and SEWA was held with management. The meeting was attended by Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Veerbhadra Rao President Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman AIGETOA, Shri M. S. Adasul GS SNEA, Shri Jagtar Singh JS North SNEA, Shri N. D. Ram, General Secretary SEWA, Shri R A Meena, VP-I , SEWA CHQ and Shri Mukesh CS SEWA BSNL CO as representatives from association side.

The meeting was chaired by Honble Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Ji and was attended by PGM Pers, PGM SR, CLO and other officers from SR Cell.

The issue of discussion was how to move ahead with reservation in promotion.

All the three Associations were unanimous on the issue that the current OM dated 12.04.2022 has clarified the process in detail and the same needs to be followed in totality. As far as Roster is concerned, DoPT has emphasized on following the 1997 OM for roster preparation.

It was unanimously proposed by associations that OM 1997 needs to be followed in totality. Association side also demanded to increase more number of posts and include all to avoid any future dispute. We once again highlighted that matter of increasing more number of posts in cadre strength has already been taken up with CMD BSNL on meeting dates 26th April 2022 and he has given positive assurance for the same as BBNL operations are being taken over by BSNL and more manpower is needed for the same.

It was also emphasized that all vacancies including that of DGM Needs to be filled up in all cadres.

Discussion was also held on AO to CAO promotions and it was emphasized that the disputes needs to be cleared and relaxation of 15 days may also be granted for making maximum promotions in the AO to CAO grade.

Management should now take an expeditious action on extending the promotions as all the three association has given the go ahead for the same.

Director HR categorically assured that management is determined to go ahead with promotions and conveyed his pleasure that all three associations have taken same stand and this was the basic purpose of the meeting.

The management is enthusiastic on this devlopment after clarification from DoPT and Director HR assured that all necessary actions shall be taken to ensure the promotions at the earliest.

Friends, with single voice from all the three Associations, we are very hopeful that long pending promotions from SDE to AGM, AO to CAO, AGM to DGM (Regular) including DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) are expected positively.

AIGETOA Writes to CMD BSNL for Immediate Conduction of DPC for SDE (T) to AGM Promotions

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL for Immediate conduction of DPC for SDE (T) to AGM promotions to the SDEs stagnating in the cadre despite completing their requisite residency in the SDE grade much earlier and making provisions to extend justice to the LDCE qualified SDEs of List 12 and 13 belonging to Vacancy Years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 to ensure that they are promoted together at par with the SDEs of the corresponding vacancy years belonging to SCF quota.

Click here for the Letter

Promotion of JTO to SDE in Telecom, Civil & DM CSS

Let Our Dreams be Our Wings …..

Congratulations to one and all for the Promotion on the eve of New Year……

In continuation to earlier Promotion Order of 3697 JTOs to the grade of SDET issued on 8th July 2021, further Promotion Order of 945 SDET issued today. The Promotion Order also issued in SDE Civil & DM CSS grade today. These orders issued with untiring effort of the Team AIGETOA. We extend our heartiest congratulations to all the promoted executives and appeal them to contribute with increased zeal and passion in the growth of BSNL.

We extend our profound thanks to our Hon’ble CMD Shri P. K. Purwar, Respected Director (HR) Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Dynamic PGM Pers Shri R. K. Goyal, Esteemed Sr GM (SR) Smt Anita Johri, CLO, DGM Pers (JM) and all officers of the Pers Section, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi for issuing the long awaited promotion order on the eve of the New Year, multiplying their gladness manifold.

The back to back Promotion Orders could be possible only through keen persuasion, wise and timely decision by the association and keeping interest of the executives in first priority without any ego. All the Promotions were stuck up since July-2018 but our sincere efforts and positive attitude has yielded some fruitful result. But at the same time, it is also our concern that some executives from the same batch left out due to the non availability of vacancies in the considered period upto Jan-2020. Friends it’s our firm commitment that we will ensure further promotions in the SDE(T) Grade. We also reiterate our firm stands for ensuring promotions in other cadres i.e. SDE to AGM(T), AO to CAO , JAO to AO and AGM to DGM equivalents by resolving the obstacles.

In continuity of it, we also want to apprise that BSNL is passing through a crucial juncture and long sustainability of the company is very important especially for BSNL Recruited Executives, who doesn’t have any Government Pension and so we keep a strong check on this aspect. We are pleased to share that some positive movement is again going on in the government about BSNL as apprised by the Hon’ble Minister for Communication and the 4G service is also expected to be rolled out by 2nd Quarter of 2022-23. This is a welcome move and all should contribute in this direction for a better future. Accordingly, our every decision is well calibrated keeping the interest of the Executives as well as the Organisation. We just want to request all of you to have faith in our decisions and give us an opportunity to serve you to your satisfaction.

At last, we assure that the association will not leave any stone unturned for the 4P (Prosperity of BSNL, Pay, Promotion and Pension of Executives) as committed by us. Kindly keep on extending your support to this movement of AIGETOA. We also convey our thanks to entire CHQ/Circle Team and Corporate office Team for the Endeavour.

Together We Can, We have, We Will….

Left Out JTO (T) to SDE (T). Click here for list

JTO (C) to SDE (C). Click here for list

AM to DM erstwhile CSS Cadre. Click here for list

Completion of DPC for JTO to SDE Electrical, Civil & Architecture – Orders to be issued soon

Dear all

Congratulations. It is learnt that DPC for JTO to SDE Electrical is over and placed for the ajstfpproval of the competent authority. Orders are expected to be issued shortly.

DPC for JTO to SDE Promotions in Civil and Architecture wing is also reportedly complete. The same shall be placed for approval of competent authority for issuance of promotion orders.

The preparatory work for DPC for next vacancy years in JTO to SDE (Telecom) stream is almost complete. Some data from SRD and LICE batches is still awaited. Circle Secretaries are requested to ensure that the pending data is sent within next 2-3 days to ensure that no body is left out. AIGETOA is constantly keeping a watch over the developments and will ensure that JTO to SDE Promotions for left out candidates is also completed immediately.