Update on court case on AO to CAO Promotions:

Update on court case on AO to CAO Promotions:

The court case on AO to CAO promotions is listed for today at SL No. 41, 43. AIGETOA Team consisting FS CHQ Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, Joint Secretary (North) Shri Amit Roy, CS AIGETOA Punjab Shri Yogesh Chhabra and FS AIGETOA Punjab Shri Vineet Bhandari shall be present in court on behalf of AIGETOA. Case has been exclusively listed at 2:30 pm today and is likely to be decided. We have also ensured that things remain in ready mode from BSNL Side to issue the promotions immediately without any delay. Senior counsel from Hon’ble Supreme Court shall be attending the hearing on behalf of BSNL.

Let’s all pray that today case is decided and we can see the long awaited promotions in AO to CAO grade can take place which will open up the path for JAO to AO promotions also.

Update on IPMS System:

It is understood that as per discussions and suggestions given by AIGETOA in the recently held agenda meeting, feedback is being called from field units on the pros, cons and suggestions on improving the system and doing away with the inherent lacunae. All the AIGETOA office bearers are requested to immediately highlight the challenges and demerits of the system with their respective Circle, BA and OA heads.

An exclusive meeting with association on this issue shall also be held very soon.

Updates on Meeting with CMD BSNL on 20.02.2023 :

AIGETOA Team consisting of All India Chairman Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand, AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar and Joint Secretary Shri R N Mishra met CMD BSNL and discussed upon execution of further promotions in all cadres including that of JTO to SDE, SDE to AGM, AO to CAO and AGM to DGM promotions. CMD BSNL told us that his emphasis is always on executing the maximum possible promotions and to streamline the process, he has already instructed the HR team to publish the DPC and LDCE Calendar. In MSRR he said, the board has already approved the RRs but he and his team are open to discussions on the ways to execute the promotions provided the same falls within the ambit of defined structure and rules. We emphasized that things are quite possible within the ambit of rules and need is only to consider the ways with a positive mindset. We sought formal time from him for discussions. He said he shall be extending the formal meeting to discuss upon the inputs of association.

We also had a brief discussion on the restructuring part where in we stated that need for revisiting the strength is there as two years period are over and staff is further required for executing BharatNet Project in view of BBNL Merger and for executing the 4G saturation Project. CMD BSNL was affirmative on staff requirements especially in case of 4G Saturation Project. On BharatNet, he said that there is limited scope as most of the Fiber is outsourced. We told that there is ample scope in BharatNet also even by considering the outsourcing norms and we shall be presenting that formally also. The formal meeting with CMD BSNL is likely to be held in first week of March 2023 in view of his preoccupied tight schedule in this and coming week.

On AO to CAO promotions and AGM to DGM promotions, CMD BSNL told that decision is expected from Hon’ble court in the next hearing and thereafter promotions can be immediately held. The JTO to SDE promotions shall also be held soon.

We also discussed upon management moving once again on MT Recruitment. We requested CMD BSNL to not to start the process again as already many cases are there and matter is pending at Hon’ble PCAT where even the notification is under challenge. We said that going again with MT Recruitment will create huge unrest in executives. CMD BSNL said that he is aware of the legal positions and the department will not do anything in contravention to any court orders. However he emphasized that he firmly stands for meritocracy in which we said that if BSNL is really for meritocracy, then they should restore the seniority of LDCE passed candidates belonging to list 12 and 13 and ensure their promotions. Similarly they should resolve the SDE Reversal issue who have qualified the LDCE 2007 for which they were held fully eligible for appearing in the exam and they qualified the exam with merit. We requested Hon’ble CMD BSNL to extend the due position and seniority to the LDCE passed executives including that of List 12 and 13 and 147 group.

Thereafter we met GM Pers also and discussed OTP cases, Orders for new Hard and soft tenure stations belonging to Uttarakhand, Karnataka and Gujarat, SDE Reversal issue etc. We also requested GM Pers to allow all the candidates falling in long stay 24-25 years to opt for OTP transfers on their choice stations and also to open the window for them whose applications are pending in the Hard Tenure Waiting List. We also requested to open a special window for the executives whose applications were rejected on the last day so that they can modify their choices in current OTP window itself. We also suggested GM Pers to allow executives to cancel or modify their OTP applications in the module itself which will save a lot of time for the candidates as well as administration.

GM Pers said that opening a special window is under consideration for the candidates whose applications were rejected on the last day. Orders for new Hard Tenure and Soft Tenure Stations of Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Gujarat and few other stations shall be issued within a week. He assured that suggestions of association with respect to modification of OTP choices or cancellation of his own request can also be considered.

We also discussed upon the developments in the SLP filed by BSNL in 147 cases. We told GM Pers to consider revising the Seniority in line with the Hon’ble High Court orders which are most likely to be upheld by the Hon’ble Supreme Court also. We said, that now is high time for the department to extend the genuine dues to LDCE passed candidates belonging to various batches by restoring their seniority in view of the recent developments at Hon’ble Supreme Court in 147 case. GM Pers said that matter shall be discussed with BSNL Senior Counsel.

Friends, every issue will be discussed with management and concerned HR groups with full focus.

We firmly assure that none of the issues will remain pending with our consistent persuasion at all levels. We are in touch with other authorities also to get resolution of our pending HR issues.

Flash News: BSNL CO endorses EPF Circular with regard to higher pension option

Team AIGETOA consisting of Chairman Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, GS Shri Pavan Akhand and FS Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and JS Central Shri R N Mishra met Sr GM CA BSNL CO and requested for immediate endorsement of the order. BSNL CO has not only endorsed the order to circles but also has written to RPFC for immediate guidelines and clarification with respect to the process required to capture the same. We extend our sincere thanks to Sr GM CA Shri Surajit Mandol for his immediate action on the matter.

Click here for BSNL Endorsement of EPFO Circular

Click here for BSNL letter to RPFC

Gratuity Sanction Initiation, Verification, Sanction Memo Generation and Payment procedure for payment of Gratuity for BSNL Recruitees on Superannuation/Death/Retirement :

BSNL CO writes to all Circle General Mangers and IFAs regarding Gratuity Payment and Sanction Process developed in ERP-SAP for BSNL Recruited Executives and Non-Executives.

The Circles should use the procedure scrupulously for processing Gratuity payment in respect of BSNL recruited who have separated w.e.f. 02/12/2022.

Click here for letter

Update on postponement of Motivational training scheduled for LICE JTO Trainees :

BSNL CO has conveyed to CGM Training Centre that it is decided not to conduct Karmayogi training for JTO trainees as of now.

The matter was strongly putup by AIGETOA CHQ Team before management and it is understood that the request of AIGETOA has been considered by management. The letter in this regard is expected today evening or maximum by tomorrow. We advise all the trainees to concentrate on their exams and not to panic on account of this. We are following up on the issue.

Letter being issued.

AIGETOA writes for Postponement of motivational training scheduled for LICE JTO Trainees w.e.f. 04.02.2023 to 07.02.2023 :

All India Chairman AIGETOA and AGS Shri Sunil Gautam on behalf of AIGETOA took up the issue of relieving the LICE JTOs for field training on 3rd February 2023 with Training Cell of BSNL CO and Director HR. We have raised the issue with Director HR and GM Recruitment/Training and have categorically informed about the complexities arising out of this untimely order.

Candidates at different training centers have come from far away places including the pre basic candidates who have come from all Circles to ALTTC Ghaziabad. All the candidates have made their return travel arrangements as per the earlier schedule in which phase 1 training was supposed to end on 03.02.2023.

Now at this last moment of time this kind of intimation has resulted in panic amongst the candidates as it will not only result in financial loss to candidates in case they have to cancel their Flight/Train tickets but also it is unrealistic that they will get confirm tickets to travel for 08.02.2023 in such a short duration. Also this training will result in delaying the appointment date in JTO cadre , and completing the training mid week will simply mean that candidates of different Circles will join in their respective Circles on different dates, as joining on 08.02.2023 for field training in not practically possible for most of the candidates if this motivational training ends on 07.02.2023.

And the whole exercise done by management to start the training on same date to complete it on same date will not happen if candidates are not able to join for field training.

So we have requested to get the training rescheduled for later and preferably in respective Circles for all candidates.

AIGETOA has also submitted one representation in this regard.

Click here for letter

The matter is beings discussed in recruitment cell BSNL CO and we hope for a positive consideration of the request by AIGETOA.

We request all the trainees to concentrate on their training. AIGETOA remains committed to protect the interests of all the trainees and will take all further efforts for the resolution of the same.

An Appeal from Mr. Debashish Ghosh, AIGETOA Member, SDE Kolkata TD

Children. Just reminiscence of this word brings to our minds the vivid picture of super-active, playful nature of the most beautiful gifts in this creation. But Alas ! There are unlucky few who are deprived of this basic capability of doing normal activities on their own.

Debosmita Ghosh, 12-year-old girl, is one such child who is wheel chair bound and does not have the ability to move her arms and legs due to a rare neuromuscular disease classified as Spinal muscular atrophy (SPA). In this disease, nerves of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord degenerate leading to gross hypotonia and muscle wasting. This weakness in the muscles throughout the body arises various complications such as knee knocking, bending of spine, osteoporosis to name a few. Some of the problems have been overcome by undergoing scoliosis correction surgery for her spine, zoledronate infusion for maintaining bone density, Bipap support for regular sleep etc. Despite all the efforts, she is having 80% locomotor disability. Naturally, she is fully dependent on all activities of daily living including eating, dressing and basic hygiene.

Despite all this crippling circumstances, she is brilliant in her academics. She is class topper and won accolades in many Olympiad exams and abacus competitions. Also, she is a talented singer, good in elocution, story-telling and creative writing. She dreams to become a teacher or an astronomer.

Currently, her condition has been progressively deteriorating. Only proper medical intervention has the ability to not only delay the disease progression but at times, effect mild improvements.

Only drug that can stop progression of her disease and help regaining milestone is Risdipalm. She is receiving this drug from last two years under a compassionate use program by the drug manufacturing company. Being on treatment has helped her to have few improvements in motor activities. However, this program of Risdipalm will end by 2023. Stoppage of this drug may deteriorate her condition and push her health and life to uncertainty. Presently, she is under Dr Sanjukta De of Peerless Hospital, Kolkata.

Risdipalm is a DCGI approved only drug commercially available India. But, the drug, costing Rs 72 Lacs per year, is exorbitantly high and beyond the affordability of her parents Mr. Debashish Ghosh, an AIGETOA member with Kolkata TD and Mrs. Moumita Ghosh, an optometrist.

In order to support her for at least 15 years, we are compelled to raise at least Rs. 10 Cr through crowd funding platform impactguru.com. It may be noted that the donor will be eligible to receive tax benefit for 100% of the contributed amount under section 80G of Income Tax Act of India.

We are hoping with in this period, Government of India will come up with some solution to continue treatment support to our only child. We are continuing to appeal to Government of India as well. Therefore, we appeal to all to help in this enormous task by making contribution as per own convenience such that our child has fair opportunity to realize her dreams.

Link for donation: http://impactguru.com/s/aZ5T20