GS Letter to CMD BSNL for Formal Meeting

Calling for eligibility particulars of JTO batches upto 2012 RY

As per the discussions held with AIGETOA and the assurance given, BSNL CO has issued the letter calling for eligibility particulars of further JTO batches upto 2012 RY.

Click here for the letter

All the Executives are requested to not to pay heed to rumours and confusion tactics. Some persons are trying to derail the whole process and trying to provoke others to file court cases to stall the whole promotion process. Today people are remembering everything but forgetting to implement the same when promotions were being done in June 2018. At that time, despite list being available, the ST quota list was not filled up as they contained BSNL Recruits and now they are objecting even on preparation of AIEL.

Now when AIGETOA is trying to bring things in line, they have again started their confusion songs.

All are requested to not to get influenced with provocations of such persons. Time will show them their real worth.

AIGETOA CHQ has decided not to respond to any such provocations either on website or in persons. We are determined to concentrate on our job. Every body knows who stopped the promotions both in SDE cadre as well as DE and CAO cadres.

Our firm endeavour is to bring other promotions including SDE to DE, AO to CAO and DE to DGM also in line and give a befitting reply to such mischief mongers by actions and not by words.

Team AIGETOA meeting with PGM(Pers) held on 7th October-2020:

As per the schedule, AIGETOA CHQ Team met PGM Pers and held detailed discussion on various issues with facts and figures. The detailed discussion happened on the pending promotion of JTO to SDE, SDE 2007 reversal issue, Promotion in other cadres, publication of subsequent seniority Lists etc. We appraised all developments on JTO to SDE Promotions in chronological order with status and progress made so far in line with the formal meeting held on 15.09.2020 between Majority Recognized Representative Association i.e. AIGETOA and BSNL management under chairmanship of respected Director(HR), BSNL Board, New Delhi.

The PGM(Pers) listened to all submissions and arguments about it. It was nice to note that even after having joined just two days back, he was totally conversant with all the issues.

The issues were discussed on a positive note and amicable environment and we emphasised about the enormous delay that has already happened on the promotion. We requested immediate publishing of AIEL whose details are available and also requested to call for particulars of subsequent batches in due course of time. It was noticed that certain modifications were required in the AIEL which is being done. We expect the publication of AIEL without any delay now and also the letter with regard to calling eligibility particulars of subsequent batches for initiating their process shall also be issued very soon. We also requested to start the preparations for the DPC process which was agreed and directions have been given to start the activities in parallel.

It is however unfortunate to note that some corners are still trying to create confusion and are trying to dissuade management from taking right decisions every now and then. However, we have been able to overcome those obstacles and we hope for a speedy resolution of the issue very soon.

With regard to SDE 2007 Reversal issue, the necessary action to reinstate the reverted SDEs is being taken as assured in the discussions held in agenda meeting dated 15.09.2020 with AIGETOA. We are consistently following the issue and we hope for a breakthrough on this issue anytime now.

The issue with regard to publishing of lists for the VY 2007-08 onwards and promotions in other cadres were also discussed. Discussion on these issues will continue on next week.

Friends, AIGETOA team is consistently following up on all the issues. Though some corners are still indulged in their usual confusion and division tactics but we are very sure that truth ultimately wins and we will make it sure to overcome all such negativities. We are also prepared to take other course in case of any derailment on issues from the committed decisions. Let’s hope for the best and keep ourselves prepared.

AIGETOA Team meeting with PGM Pers and discussion on JTO to SDE Promotion

Patience, Perseverance & Persistence are key of Success


AIGETOA CHQ Team met PGM Pers today. We welcomed PGM Pers, Shri R K Goyal on his new assignment and thereafter had a detailed discussion on publishing of AIEL and JTO to SDE Promotion. We categorically emphasised that enough delay has already been done and anymore delay is not at all acceptable to us. We requested PGM Pers to immediately publish the provisional list and call for the eligibility particulars of further batches to initiate the process for preparation of next AIEL also. The PGM Pers sought one day time and called us for a final discussion on Wednesday i.e. 7th October 2020.

Thereafter team met Sr GM SR and informed him about the developments as Director HR was not available for meeting. We reminded GM SR for the maximum timeline of one month which was given to us in the agenda meeting for issuance of promotion orders for JTO to SDE through DPC. Today is the 20th Day and even provisional AIEL has not been circulated. We also reminded Sr GM SR on the timelines of other issues as assured in the meeting. This undue delay and lingering on the issues without any pretext is not at all acceptable and association is being forced to opt for the path of organisational action if things are not set in motion immediately. We categorically told Sr GM SR that now it is for the HR Team to decide for the future course of action as association has already given all its inputs based on which certain decisions were taken in the agenda meeting. None of the commitments met and assurances given in the agenda meeting has been fulfilled which is nothing but Breach of Trust which is bound to result in unrest and chaos in organisation. We requested Sr GM SR to convey the resentment amongst Executives to Director (HR) on which he assured to revert back after discussing with the Director.

Details of Meeting of AIGETOA CHQ Team with DIRECTOR HR:

As per earlier schedule, CHQ Team of AIGETOA consisting of AIP CHQ Shri Ravi Shil Verma , VP CHQ Shri B K Mehta and OS Shri Vivek Kumar Singh met Director HR on 4th Sept 2020. Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Shri Arun Kumar PGM Pers, Shri A M Gupta, Sr GM SR and Shri Manish Kumar GM restructuring was present from Management Side. Following issues were discussed:


It was informed by PGM Pers that they are waiting for the judgement copy. After receipt of Judgement copy, final opinion of the advocate shall be taken and action shall be initiated accordingly. We sought clarification that whether there is any deviation from process decided earlier. It was told that there is no such deviation from earlier stand and since judgement has been pronounced, management just wants to be doubly sure of process adopted by them. We extended our thanks and requested PGM Pers to ensure that Promotions from JTO to SDE happens within the month of September itself and process for next DPC and LDCE is notified soon thereafter. We are hoping that management will keep it’s words for issuance of promotions within this one month.

SDE Reversal:

It was informed that complete data has been compiled and the documents have been shared with all committee members. The committee was scheduled to meet in the last week itself but due to sudden demise of close relative of one of the committee members, meeting has been postponed and shall be held once he rejoins. We request all our affected friends to exercise a little bit of more patience. Some times things go beyond our hands. This is one of the same situation. It is difficult for the committee to give report in the absence of one of the committee members. We are expecting this issue to be resolved very soon.

Publication of Seniority List for the VY 2007-08 onwards:

We requested for immediate publication of the subsequent lists. It was informed that legal opinion has been sought from the Senior advocate dealing with the case earlier. Any further action shall be taken only after receipt of legal opinion. We categorically told that VY based Seniority is our right and any deviation from this will lead to injustice for all affected SDEs and shall not be in line with what RR states. Management assured that your right will be protected and justice will prevail .We expect a positive outcome on this issue soon.

BA Merger and Restructuring:

We highlighted discrepancies of the proposed structure especially with respect to Geographical Distance and Positional norms in various grades. We shared the feedback received from various circle members and OBs with management. We also shared our strong opposition on any reduction in the number promotional posts and categorically stated that any reduction in the number of posts beyond stipulated guidelines shall be strongly opposed. We clearly told that management should not consider existing executives as a liability and there should not be any dent to the promotional aspects of executives in the name of reorganisation. We requested for consideration of all pending promotions in all cadres before restructuring. It was decided a detailed meeting shall be further called on the issue to finalise the things in a manner which is beneficial for all. On the issue of shifting of BBNW HQs to Bangaluru, it was informed that the decision has been taken in view that major works of both NCNGN and BBNW are at Bangaluru. We said that such type of change of headquarters should be avoided. However it was assured that no executive will be disturbed from his present place of posting. We once again requested management to reconsider this decision.

The detailed agenda meeting to discuss the issues submitted by association shall be held on 16th Sept 2020.

Dear friends

Our team is on job. There are many who will try to misguide, deviate and befool all but we request all of you to exercise faith and patience and not to get the deterred by unnecessary utterances of other persons or groups. We are moving ahead with focused approach and if we face something which is setback or contrary to our interests, shall be informed to one and all with full transparency so that together we all can fight against any such injustices.

Updates on Meeting with PGM (Pers)

AIGETOA CHQ team yesterday met PGM Pers and had discussions on the issues of JTO To SDE DPC, SDE reversion case, Preparation of further seniority list in SDE cadres and consideration of request transfers which were put on hold before MV. It was apprised that things are in pipeline and management is working on the issues. With regard to SDE reversion cases, final meeting of the committee is scheduled to happen next week.

There is a strong objection from other associations on method of seniority fixation in list 9 which shows their biased attitude towards competitive quota people. However AIGETOA is firm in its opinion that Vacancy Year seniority should prevail and the list has been correctly prepared to some extent and in fact provision of Rota should also be inserted in the list. The work in JTO to SDE DPC will also be initiated soon. The request transfers shall be processed immediately.

Flash news: Update of Pay Parity Case to secure 22820 initial basic for post 1.1.2007 JTOs/JAOs recruited in pre-revised scales of E1A:

The Pay Parity case filed by Team AIGETOA with respect to getting 22820 as initial basic for Post 1.1.2007 executives recruited in Pre-Revised E1A scales is listed for hearing on 15.09.2020. In this Pay Parity case, respondent BSNL’s reply has already been received. The first judicial hearing was scheduled to be held on 14/04/2020 but that was postponed due to Covid-19. Now the Pay Loss case has been LISTED ON 15.9.2020. The loss of Equal Work Equal Pay court case and Unreasonable demand by the ex-majority association has been one of the main causes of derailing this issue in committee constituted for looking into this matter. This case was left unattended by the earlier team handling the court cases. AIGETOA has now succeeded in getting this case re-opned at PCAT.

Fact Check on adverse action of Proclaimed SENA which derailed the issues of Standard Payscale, 30% SAB, Promotion Avenue & Non Eligibility of Diploma Holders JTO for AGM Level Post :

Facts check on Missed Chances of E2/E3 Pay Scales and the role of proclaimed SENA in denying the E2 scales for JTOs/JAOs

Dear Friends , Request Your patient reading/ hearing on the actual matters on the justied demand for E2/E3 standard Pay scales of BSNL Executives.

Decide Yourself Who are the Villains Behind the curtains. Click here

Fact Check on LICE Residency period reduction and MSRR clause which discriminated BSNL Diploma holder JEs who became JTO through LICE

Dear Colleagues, Please spare few minutes to hear some facts about some facts on LICE Residency period reduction and MSRR clause which discriminated BSNL Diploma holder JEs who became JTO through LICE.

Decide Yourself Who are the Villains Behind the scenes. Click here

Fact check on how legacy associations denied 30% SAB for BSNL Recruits

Dear Colleagues, Please spare few minutes to hear some facts about actual status of SAB for BSNL recruits. A sheet with factual Documents also shared along with an excel calculator to findout the loss of each JE/JTO/JAO from their date of Joining and wef 01-01-2007 separately (Open in MS excel enable macros & input your cadre/date of joining)

SAB Document. Click here

SAB Loss Calculator. Click here

Fact check on who has eaten away your promotional avenues with false hope of implementing CPSU hierarchy Policy:

Proclaimed SENA is giving false impression that all is well with CPSU but the fact remains that BSNL itself has submitted in an affidavit in court that CPSU is still in proposal stage and has not yet been finalised for implementation. One side they ate away posts in the name of CPSU policy and on the other side policy itself is not final.

So see and decide who ate away your promotions.

Click here for the affidavit and relevant portion of RTI document

Appeal by AIP Sh Ravi Shil Verma to Vote for AIGETOA at S. No 3

Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President AIGETOA makes an humble appeal to vote for All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association at Serial Number 3 to make it a majority recognised association. Shri Verma also explains the Mission and vision of AIGETOA with respect to the long pending important issues of executives.

Dear Friends

Pl see the complete video to know the facts and discrimination which we have been made subject to for all these 20 years.

To know how and why the condition of executives of BSNL remains so, to know how AIGETOA plans to settle the executive’s issues of 4Ps (Pay, Promotion, Pension and Profitability of BSNL). Pl listen carefully, it will open your eyes, it will clear your doubts and will help you in taking an informed decision.

We request your kind support and vote by voting at Serial Number 3 in favour of All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association to enable AIGETOA to succeed in its vision and mission to recreate a better future in terms of Pay, Promotion and Pension for all the executives of BSNL.

Wishing you a very happy Independence Day.

Pl Vote and Support @ serial number 3


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