GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Submits its strong objection against Reduction in promotional posts by negating the Association submissions

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Submits its strong objection against Reduction in promotional posts by negating the Association submissions

GS AIGETOA Submits its strong objection against Reduction in promotional posts by negating the Association submissions in this regard, provision of unreasonably high 12 Years stagnation in JTO/JAO grade for promotion through personal up-gradation, provisions of External MT and DR DGM in the notified Restructuring and Manpower Planning. We demand complete roll back of the restructuring proposal notified vide letters dated 17.11.2021 onwards and immediate extension of Promotion to all eligible Executives.

The severe curtailment of Promotional Posts, unreasonable period of 12 Yrs for JTO to SDE Promotions on Personal Up-gradation Basis, Provisions of External MT and DR DGM are some of the key elements, which have created serious uproar and resentment across the executive fraternity. The current provisions are not only agitating the employees but the field requirements have also been completely ignored while deciding the restructuring strength in various grades and streams. The management seems to be more engaged in shrinking the career opportunities to the executives than expansion of the business for BSNL.

Accordingly Association has decided to launch strong protest actions in this regard in coordination with other associations under the banner of Forum of BSNL Executive Association’s.

Click here for the letter

extreme injustice and letdown of competitive Quota Executives in finalizing Seniority list of SDE(T) cadre – Letter to CMD BSNL

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding extreme injustice and letdown of competitive Quota Executives in finalizing Seniority list of SDE(T) cadre by considering sole criterion of date of Joining for seniority (Discarding VY), which is even against the SDE(T) Recruitment rules and GOI/DoPT guidelines and not keeping up the given assurance and own speaking order issued on 20.04.2011.

Click here for letter

AIGETOA Views & suggestions on Cluster based Outsourcing to the Committee Members

Serious flaws in the performance of Cluster based outsourcing system and massive surrender of Landline/Broadband Connections has been appraised to the management on multiple occasions and suggestions made in line with the discussion and deliberation held in our last CEC held on 2-3 August, 2021. A comprehensive submission is given by AIGETOA to the Committee formed for the purpose to look after the issues of the Cluster Performance. This has been given after making extensive consultations with our field level officers across the various Circles. We do hope that the management will take it in right spirit and incorporate the changes demanded by the association for the larger benefits of the BSNL.

Click here for submissions

Notification for holding of Central Governing Body Meeting of AIGETOA CHQ

A notification of the Central Governing Body Meeting has been issued to hold it on 3rd October, 2021 (Sunday) to discuss and deliberate about shifting of the AIGETOA society office to new location as per the resolution of the Annual General Meet. The restructuring, promotion and other issues are also part of the discussion of the agenda items. The meeting will be held through online mode.

Click here for notification

GS writes to Shri P K Purwar CMD BSNL regarding consideration of restructuring proposal and cadre wise manpower planning submitted by AIGETOA and to extend one Promotion to all eligible executives before restructuring

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with copy to all Directors of BSNL Board and Secretary DoT for consideration of restructuring proposal and cadre wise manpower planning submitted by AIGETOA and to extend one Promotion to all eligible executives before restructuring.

Click here for letter

It is unambiguously informed to management that In the absence of suitable measures to address the promotional aspect of executives, it will be very difficult for the association to control the emotion and resentment of executives. Accordingly, any restructuring exercise without taking into the consideration the promotional avenues of executives will not be accepted by this association and shall be firmly opposed by AIGETOA.

AIGETOA writes to the Director (HR) for immediate settlement of SDE Reversal Case

AIGETOA has taken serious exception of the letter issued by the BSNL CO New Delhi including names of some of the LDCE 2007 passed SDEs for the process DPC under left out case. This was already categorically assured by the Director (HR) that their case will be settled as one time measure and their service in the SDE grade will remain intact since date of promotion in the cadre but the action of the management is contrarily to the decision. AIGETOA demanded immediate removal of these names and settlement of their cases immediately.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA writes to Dir(HR) with our objection on indirect shifting of Employer’s responsibility of medical facilities towards Employees – Payment of Premium for GHIS by Employees

AIGETOA writes to the Director HR raising serious objection for indirect diversion of employer’s responsibility to the shoulder of employees by introducing the group health policy with payment of premium by employees. It is unfortunate to note that BSNL is even not following the footsteps of MTNL, which is providing the health insurance facility to their employees by paying the premium. The association demanded for payment of premium by the BSNL as the health care has to be borne by the employer.

Click here for the letter

Message of Director HR on GHIS

MTNL Group Health Insurance Scheme