Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his Sanchar Bhavan office on 21.09.2023:

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his Sanchar Bhavan office on 21.09.2023:

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri Veerabhadra Rao, President AIGETOA, Shri V V S Satyanaranaya, President BTEU, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS AIGETOA, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS AIGETOA, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS AIGETOA met Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his office at Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi on dated 21st September 2023 and submitted our Memorandum containing the long pending HR issues of BSNL. Despite his utmost busy schedule as the Parliament Session was midway, the Hon’ble Minister was kind enough to meet us and we extended our gratitude for the same. The team had detailed but precise discussion on the issues mentioned in the memorandum viz settlement of residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss (22820 and JE Period Pay Loss), E1 plus 5 increments as an interim measure, Extension of 3rd PRC, issues pertaining to Promotions of all eligible executives in various cadres, Allowing the one time option for CCS Pension to those BSNL Executives whose Recruitment Process was notified during DoT Period, Revision of Perks and Allowances and implementing the guidelines w.r.t PWD Executives in BSNL. The team explained the issues in detail and requested the Intervention of Hon’ble Minister in settling out the issues. We also apprised the Hon’ble Minister about the 3rd MV result. We told him that though we respect the mandate of People but at the same time, the role played by the HR group through a series of retrograde orders for creating negativity against AIGETOA is definitely questionable and unfortunate.

On the issues of residual issues of 2nd PRC including Pay Scales, 30 percent SAB and Pay Loss Hon’ble Minister directed his team to seek feedback and direct the concerned departments for action. On issue of 3rd PRC, Hon’ble MoSC assured to look into it. On the Promotions aspects, he was very positive and assured of his intervention. On the issue of OPS, we have been directed to approach DOP&T also and concerned Minister, for which we shall be seeking the appointment in due course. On the issue of PWD Executives, he directed to get the feedback.

A follow up meeting will be held within the next 10- 15 days. We are also trying to Meet Hon’ble MoC in follow up of AIGETOA earlier meeting at Bhopal.

Friends, AIGETOA remains committed for resolution of all issues irrespective and undeterred by the temporary setback. The commitments which we have made are to be fulfilled in totality and we sincerely own that responsibility. We are very sure that with a consistent and perseverant approach, all our issues will see the light of the day. The glimpses of today’s meeting are not available due to protocol issues.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh Neeraj Mittal Ji on 21st Sept 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising Sh. Amit Roy JS (North), Sh Vikas Gupta CP, Sh Yogesh Chhabra CS, Sh Narinder Kumar ACS, Sh Vivek Asthana ACS, Sh Jaspreet Singh ACS and Sh Ajit Singh DS Nodal Center met with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh. Neeraj Mittal ji on his maiden visit to Chandigarh to review the progress of the 4G roll out project and Bharat Udhyami Scheme. We greeted and welcomed him with a bouquet of flowers in the chamber of CGMT Sir. We also submitted the memorandum for kind consideration. It includes Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of Standard Pay scales for the initial two levels of executive grade, Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefits to the BSNL Recruited Executives, 3rd PRC, Promotion avenues of BSNL executives, Exercising option for the Old Pension scheme to the executives whose recruitment process initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL. Secretary (T) listened patiently and assured to discuss the matter with concerned. He also asked to work hard to take up BSNL to the new heights and make it profitable for consideration of financial issues.

We are thankful to Sh Ajay Kumar Kararha CGMT Punjab for arranging a meeting on a short notice.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Updates of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with PGM (Pers) on 20th Sept 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising Shri Ravi Shil Verma GS, Shri A A Khan All India Convener, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS met PGM Pers. The Team had elaborate discussions with respect to the recently issued Tenure policy on 20th September 2023.

We extended our thanks to PGM (Pers) for notifying the new tenure policy with clarifications but at the same time we expressed our strong concern on increasing the tenure period and omission of some tenure stations and considering the NCR region as single unit of BSNL CO which was never ever discussed and informed. We also informed PGM (Pers) about the confusions associated with certain points of Policy. We extended thanks for incorporating retention/Allotment of Pool Residential quarters and extension of other facilities but expressed that rate needs to be discounted further.

We expressed executives’ resentment on increasing the tenure period which was neither ever discussed nor it was ever informed earlier. We stated that this increase in period will defeat the essence of the tenure policy and needs to be reinstated to the original tenure period. We also told that the posting of main SDCA should also have been included in the tenure station. It will be pertinent to mention that these decisions in the circulated policy have been taken after MV process without any discussion with AIGETOA and we are not aware if the new MA has been taken into discussion or not.

We expressed that there is huge confusion with respect to applicability / date of effect of the revised tenure period. It was informed that these modified guidelines of tenure shall be applicable on the transfer orders issued after 19th September 2023. We requested for an explicit clarification on the same to avoid future complexity and confusion. PGM (Pers) assured to issue the same.

Tenure Break for working at Soft Tenure/Hard tenure is a welcome approach as executives posted in tenure should not be disturbed on long stay basis and the advantages associated with working at tenure Place must be extended to them. It was our categorical demand and the same has been accepted by Management. The circle stay break on posting to hard tenures which is clear in the case of J&K but not mentioned for Lakshadweep islands also needs to be taken care along with double tenure period mentioned for NE regions for getting circle stay break etc are needed with a uniform guidelines.

We also expressed that complexity will increase by considering the NCR station as a single station as they belong to different circles. Surprisingly, the same has been done on the demand of one welfare association. We requested PGM (Pers) to reconsider the same as it will give rise to many complexities in future. PGM Pers told us to submit the inputs/apprehensions in written for further examination by the section.

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with CMD BSNL, Director (HR), PGM (Estt) BSNL on 19th Sep 2023:

Team AIGETOA comprising Shri Ravi Shil Verma GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta FS, Shri A A Khan All India Convener, Shri Pavan Akhand, Dy GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS had a series of meetings with the above authorities on 19th Sept 2023. The Team had elaborate discussions as detailed below:

Status of 4G Rollout :

We have sought the status of Pan India Rollout of 4G and CMD BSNL informed that some minor issues are still pending to be resolved but hopefully they shall be taken care of in due course of time. He further informed that equipment’s have been dispatched and within next 15-20 days, their integration will start so that the Network remains ready for roll out. CMD BSNL was positive on the full rollout of indigenous 4G Network at the earliest followed by up-gradation to 5G.

Standard Pay Scale of E2 for JTO/JAO Equivalent:

We have requested to CMD BSNL on further persuasion by management for early implementation of the same. CMD BSNL was categorical in his statement that decision in this regard can only be taken by DoT. We explained him about our pursuance at with DoT and MoC and firmly stated that we are hopeful that with our continued efforts supported by BSNL Management, definitely will make a change in stand of DoT and the standard pay scales of E2 and E3 will be a reality for JTO/JAO/Equivalent and SDE/AO Equivalent.

Addressing of Payloss of Executives :

Association categorically once again informed that the resentment and the huge losses are increasing day by day in the executives who are direct sufferer of Pay loss during the implementation of second PRC. Be it on the E1A recruited executives or the NE-9 recruited non executives, the justice is delayed and till now denied. It is high time that management need to take the cognizance on this severe issue and remedial measures may be done. Association had made several submissions earlier and we requested for a positive response in this regard.

3rd PRC in BSNL:

On this matter, CMD BSNL has informed that possibility of 3rd PRC is difficult till BSNL comes in net profit. AIGETOA informed him about our persuasion and discussions with Hon’ble MoC and at various levels. We communicated to CMD that we have firm belief on BMS platform and things may change in due course with our continued pursuance on the issue.

Promotions in various cadres and counting of vacancies as floating one:

We requested CMD BSNL for expediting the regularization of Provisional Promotions of 2018 and using all the vacancies as floating mode so as to ensure the promotions in cadre of AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE. This will enable maximum promotions in the grades. It will be pertinent to mention that the formula suggested by association for calculation of vacancies on floating basis has been accepted and we hope that management will adopt the same for envisaged DPCs in various grades including Civil, Electrical, CSS and PA/PS cadres.

We have requested CMD BSNL for diverting the vacancies of external quota SETs and DR DGM Quota for DPC from SDE to AGM and AGM to DGM. We further suggested that LICE should be for only those executives who have not completed their regular residency period as per RRs and all the executives who have completed their regular residency period must be promoted through Seniority cum Fitness by making available sufficient number of vacancies to take care of all eligible. We have explained the plight of LDCE-2012 executives who are meritorious in clearing the LDCE exam and were further pushed down the list for the reasons not pertaining to them. We further stated that number of Vacancies for the LICE should be fixed every year so that all future aspirants can appear in the exam every year and get equitable opportunity. We also emphasized that all vacancies of LICE quota should be created separately instead of using the regular vacancies. We further emphasized upon the needs for making the syllabus easier by giving options and choice topics instead of compelling all to study all the topics which is virtually impossible while executing the official responsibilities. We further stated that all the aspirants must be extended provision for study leave so that all the eligible aspirants can be given equitable opportunity. CMD BSNL was receptive towards our suggestions with respect to syllabus for LICE and asked us to give our representation/feedback in writing so that the same can be examined.

Inherent lacunae in IPMS, Attendance portal:

We also emphasized upon the need for further streamlining in IPMS, Attendance Portal and that still there is need for refinement in the process as executives are facing a lot of hardship because of these lacunae. CMD BSNL assured that he agrees on the need and will explore the same.

With Director HR, we have requested him for appointment of a Senior advocate in the cases pending at CAT Chandigarh for AO to CAO , DGM (Ad-hoc to Regular) and JTO to SDE and explore the possibility for subject to outcome of the court directions for promotions. BSNL Senior advocate appointed for the AO to CAO case had met sudden death due to dengue this month.

We also requested Director HR for resolution of the reversal issue but he was non-committal on the same. We will continue our persuasion for the same and if needed will reach out to the Hon’ble MoC also.

We further requested Director (HR) for notification of JTO to SDE LDCE with provision of more number of vacancies. We also requested to him for his intervention in settling the Pending Rule-8 Cases. We also requested Director HR for consideration of OTP cases and also the retention and cancellation cases. We requested for ERP relieving of all the transfer cases done under OTP.

We also met PGM (Estt) and requested him for reconsideration on repatriating the JTOs as they all are eligible for SDE Promotions. We requested him for retaining these JTOs at their current place of posting till their regular promotions in JTO to SDE grade happen. We further congratulated PGM (Estt) for his appointment as CGM (J&K).

Updates of Team AIGETOA meeting with Officers in Personnel Cell, BSNL CO on 19th Sept 2023 :

Team AIGETOA met officers in Personnel Cell and discussed about the following.

An initiative which was taken exclusively by AIGETOA regarding AGM notional promotion from 2018 and regularization of provisional Promotions held in 2018 has started taking shape. In this VC has been called of the officers who are eligible to get notional promotion from 2018. We later pursued the issue in vigilance section and met GM Vigilance and requested to expedite VC.

We requested for AGM Regular seniority list such that AGM to DGM promotion can be done for those who have completed their residency in the grade. It was assured that the same will be done after bringing the left out officers at par with 2018 promoted AGMs. Earlier the issue was tackled by AIGETOA by citing the fact that since the directions of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh have been compiled by taking a final decision with respect to reservation in promotions, the regular seniority list can now be issued. The same was agreed to be processed by the management and now it has taken a final shape.

We highlighted for regularising adhoc to regular DGM promotions at the earliest. It was assured that as soon as we get any positive direction in Thakur’s case, the orders will be issued.

It was impressed upon to see that maximum vacancies are included for promotions in DGM grade such that the maximum resultant vacancies can be utilized for the eligible SDEs waiting for AGM promotion. Already the formula given by AIGETOA has been accepted by management by including the clear vacancies of regular Promotions (Promotions which are not provisional). These promotions from AGM to DGM and SDE to AGM will result in creation of another 2100 vacancies in SDE cadre through which the Whole LICE 2012 batch can be covered and vacancies in LDCE shall be increased for future batches.

Same Methodology shall be adopted in Finance Streams also.

We wish to inform all that AIGETOA’s commitment for fulfilling the promises is firm and we shall take all necessary actions to ensure the objectives and issues as promised through our Shapath Patra.

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble MoSC Sh Devusinh Chauhan Ji  to discuss the long pending Financial Issues, Pay, Pay Loss Issues, Promotion of BSNL employees & BSNL viability :

Team AIGETOA consisting of  Sh S Suresh Kumar JS (South),  Sh D Srinivas Rao (ACS AP), K Uma Mahendra (CVP AP), Murali (DFS VM BA) along with AIP BTEU BSNL Sh  VVV Satya Narayana, Sh DV Prasad CS BTEU AP Circle met Sh Devusinh Chauhan Ji Hon’ble  MoSC, Govt. of India during his visit to Visakhapatnam  today on dated 17.09.2023. 

Team AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues mentioned in memorandum including 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses, 22820 and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period and 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits.

This is the second meeting with Ministers of Govt.of India by AIGETOA Team in consecutive days.

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble Hon’ble Defence Minister, Govt. of India, Shri Rajnath Singh Ji to discuss the long pending financial issues of BSNL employees including 3rd PRC and Pension Revision:

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri R N Mishra JS(Central), Shri S S Chaudhary (CS UPE) along with GS BTEU BSNL Shri R C Pandey Ji, Shri Ajay Kumar Singh AGS BTEU BSNL, Shiv Sewak (CS, BDSPS) met Shri Rajnath Singh Ji Hon’ble Defence Minister, Govt. of India at his residence in Lucknow today on dated 16.09.2023. Team AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues mentioned in memorandum including 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period and 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits. The team also requested for his intervention in pension revision for the retired employees. The team also apprised Hon’ble Minister about the recent steps taken by Management in violation of the code of conduct/REA rules which were intended just to create a bad environment and confusion amongst the executives against the BMS Affiliated AIGETOA which was the incumbent MA at that time. The relevant documents were also submitted to Hon’ble Minister which was immediately taken into cognizance.

Hon’ble Minister directed his secretary to get in touch with Communication Ministry and assured us of action on the inputs and the memorandum submitted by us. He further assured that He, along with Hon’ble MoC will have meeting with AIGETOA and BTEU very soon.

While others are still burning their mid night oil in remaining in the MV mode and spending their resources and energy on demeaning BMS and AIGETOA, we have decided to move forward and concentrate ourselves on the issues of significance. The current situation has made us more determined to achieve the long pending issues of PPP for all and we remain committed for the same.

Message from Sh Ravi Shil Verma, AIGETOA General Secretary regarding 3rd MV and Future Commitments :

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of AIGETOA, I extend my thanks and gratitude to you all for participating in 3rd MV process and exercising your right to vote.

We also extend our thanks and gratitude to all those who voted for AIGETOA and also done the hard work for the association which resulted into more votes than the paid membership count. We firmly reassure you all that don’t get disheartened by the results and instead let’s concentrate on resolving the issues which we promised as per the Shapath Patra 2023.

AIGETOA remains committed for resolution of the issues as promised in our agenda and charter.

At the end, as General Secretary of AIGETOA, on behalf of association, I accept the responsibility of this temporary set back and assure you all of my firm commitment to rise above this and work wholeheartedly for the cause of executives. I am confident that our rank and file will fight the issues with same vigour and resilience to achieve the unfinished agenda.

We also extend our congratulations and best wishes to SNEA and assure our constructive support on the resolution of issues.

With Regards,

Ravi Shil Verma

GS Secretary, AIGETOA

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble Minister for Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji to discuss the long pending financial issues of BSNL employees including 3rd PRC:

Team AIGETOA consisting of All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and CHQ Advisor Dr. Yogesh Chauhan met Hon’ble Minister of Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji at his office at Udyog Bhawan today the dated 12.09 2023. Team AIGETOA presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues of 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period along with 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits. Team explained the disparity in the scales of BSNL and MTNL and said that initial two Scales have been kept provisional since 1.1.2007 and the same needs to be resolved immediately. We also highlighted the pay loss case of 22820 and JE Period Pay Loss. We said Full 30 percent SAB is yet to be implemented in BSNL despite BSNL being in Net Profit at that time. We also highlighted the issue of Pension Option under CCS Rules.

The need for implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL was discussed in detail and we highlighted the requirement of waiver of affordability clause in respect of BSNL given the circumstances in which the PSU is made to operate and incur losses because of this. We told the Hon’ble Minister that BSNL has been consistently earning operating profit and is EBITDA positive since last many years. Net Profit couldn’t be earned as BSNL has been made to run without 4G and also is operating in loss making areas along with fulfillment of the responsibilities associated with meeting out the telecom objectives of Government of India. Accordingly we requested the Hon’ble Minister to intervene for the resolution of all the long pending HR issues which have been pending for a long time in BSNL.

We also informed Hon’ble Minister that BSNL Employees have been working day and night for the development of Indigenous 4G/5G Core and the government must extend its blessings to the employees also who have been suffering the loss in terms of their pay and pensionary benefits.

Hon’ble Minister gave a patient hearing and raised few queries wrt our memorandum. We explained the points to Hon’ble Minister. After discussing in detail, Hon’ble Minister assured that he will take up these issues firmly with Minister of Communication and will try to resolve these issues which are of extreme financial importance for BSNL Employees. He also firmly reiterated the commitment of Government India to extend support to BSNL. Hon’ble Minister also explained about the implementation of 3rd PRC in loss making PSUs and told that he shall surely be taking the issues with Hon’ble MoC for resolution of the issues.

Click Here for the Memorandum