Team AIGETOA meeting with Dir(Fin), Board of Director at New Delhi

Team AIGETOA meeting with Dir(Fin), Board of Director at New Delhi

Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta FS, Shri Vivek Singh AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS and Shri Laxminarayan CP KTK Circle met with Smt Yogana Das Director(Fin) on the issue of standard Pay Scale, AGM Promotion and Stay reconsideration of JAO repatriation.

Standard Scale E2-E3:

Detailed discussion was held on Standard Scale E2 to all JTO/JAO and E3 to SDE/AO Equivalent grades. General Secretary given a detail presentation of the standard pay scale issue and the loss being faced by young executive due to E1 (with initial basic as 16400/- only), while three different initial basics are existing in BSNL for JTO/JAO Grades. It was also informed that due to pay anomaly executive in feeder cadre highly demotivated at field level which is affecting individual performance as well as resulting in churning out of new officer. The Director (Finance) listened carefully and agreed with the concern of the association. She apprised that the issue is long pending at DoT and efforts shall be made for the resolution.

SAB Contribution:

Team AIGETOA expressed deep concern over non deposit of full SAB amount and up to date the fund, Dir(Fin) informed that approx 55 Cr was deposited as SAB in the month of March and further approx 22 Cr payment is under way. She appraised that management is keenly working to make it up to date in near future. GS demanded for immediate payment of all outstanding of SAB Pension Fund and regularize on monthly basis, so that the recurring loss should not be incurred by Employees. Director Finance agreed with our concern and assured to meet it shortly. Later, GS apprised that currently only 5% contribution is paid, which is insignificant due to less amount and delayed start. GS apprised how this has got exposed in Covid Pandemic, where families of deceased BSNL Recruited Employees are struggling to meet the daily need in view of the very less amount in pension under the provision. He argued that it can’t be linked with company health being a Pensionary part of the employees, who account almost 70% of the total strength. Director Finance assured to look into it. AO to CAO promotion: In the light of DOP&T order on reservation in promotion, association demanded AO to CAO promotion in finance vertical. At the same time GS focused to remind Dir(Fin )that due to shortfall of 15 days in residency period in AO grade as per MS RR, good number of qualified AOs are not meeting the RR Provisions for CAO promotion. Whereas there is acute shortage in the CAO grade and sufficient numbers of vacancies are available, hence a relaxation for 15 days in residency period will be a win-win situation for both the department and the incumbent Executives. These AOs were promoted in Junaiuary-2015 and already functioning as CAO through look after at many places to meet the shortfall. Hence an exemption is highly required to meet the conditions. It was also informed that since MSRR is going to be revised soon, suggestion of association must be considered.

Repatriation of JAO:

Discussion was held about the repatriation order of JAOs working on Rule-9 from more than three years of service. It was apprised that they were transferred on temporary clause through Rule-9 in the previous policy, which is having a provision of maximum stay of five years. Hence these JAOs must be provided relief and allowed to continue in line with the previous policy to overcome their hardship, which was the reason of their temporary transfer. Director Finance apprised that she is in full knowledge of the issue as the association has met earlier also on the matter. She assured to speak to the Director HR about these officers to resolve the matter by taking a balance approach including need of these JAOs and demand of the association.

Later, the team discussed about the financial position of BSNL and good collection made in the month of March with combined efforts of Employees and Management. It was demanded by the association to start restoring the facilities halted, as financial position is improving. Meeting ended on a positive note.

Updates on AIGETOA Meeting with CMD BSNL

Today Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS Shri Wasi Ahmad and FS Shri B K Mehta met CMD BSNL today i.e. 21.04.2022 and discussed the following issues:

Status on SDE to AGM promotions and further course thereof:

Association side emphasized that with DoPT endorsing the Ho’nble Supreme Court Judgement, there is no hurdle in promotions and based on the DoPT instructions, the exercise for SDE to AGM promotions should immediately be completed and DPC should be done without any further delay. CMD BSNL appreciated our concern and told that his team is working on the same and next week they will be holding a meeting at DOPT also so that there should not remain any disconnect. Association side emphasized that there is clarity in order and hence the preparatory work should be completed immediately so that there is no delay in holding the DPC.

Further association once again emphasized to CMD BSNL that as assured by him earlier, the diversion of remaining 450 posts from external MT Quota should also be done, so that the complete 4500 posts remains for DPC. CMD BSNL told that presently we are focusing on the way forward towards the Promotion so that no legal lacuna remains. He is aware of the assurances made and all necessary action will be taken to ensure the benefit of the maximum, once the methodology to be adopted in promotion after discussion at DoPT is finalized. He also emphasized that he is not averse to the promotion and the recent SDE order is the example.

He also said that all stake holders including SEWA shall be taken on board before executing DPC, so that there remains no legal complexity in future. We said we will also try to get in touch with all the stake holders so that a consensus can be developed on the most important issue of reservation which has withheld promotions for so long

MS RR draft and Fast Track Promotional methodology

Association told that it was assured to us that final draft will be shared to us by April 30th. CMD BSNL told that his team is working on the same and very soon discussion will be initiated with AIGETOA on new MS RRs and Fast Track Promotion Policy. We once again requested for 8 years stagnation criteria in SDE cadre for promotion to AGM to be incorporated in the draft.

AO to CAO promotions

We requested to grant relaxation of 15 days in case of AOs and execute the promotions. CMD BSNL assured to examine once some clarity is reached on way forward.

Scrapping of MT RRs

We requested CMD BSNL for his intervention as assured to us earlier for scrapping of MT RRs as the new Fast Track Policy which has potential to take executives to highest level is under consideration. CMD BSNL told that his HR team will examine all the things and then a suitable decision shall be taken.

Notification of LDCE for JTO to SDEs and LICE for JE to JTOs

We said that despite several assurances, notification has not been issued yet. We requested him for directing Recruitment cell for immediate notification as now with DoPT letter, there are no showstoppers any more. CMD BSNL assured that he will ensure that LICE for JE to JTO is notified in this week itself only followed by LDCE for JTO to SDE. We thanked CMD BSNL for the same.

Standard Pay Scales of E2 for JTO/JAO/Equivalent

We once again requested CMD BSNL for his intervention with DoT. CMD BSNL assured to take up the same at highest level once he gets some appropriate opportunity to address the same.

Balance SAB Payment

We requested for ensuring the up-to-date balance payment. CMD assured that matter is under consideration and suitable action is being taken.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with PGM(Estt) BSNL CO on 19.04.2022 on the issue of standard pay scale E2-E3:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS met with Shri Saurabh Tyagi PGM(Estt) BSNL CO on 19.04.2022 in his chamber. A comprehensive discussion was held on Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 and association show its strong displeasure about lack of intensity in persuasion at DoT level by the department. GS emphasized to send another strong reminder letter to DoT citing more inputs on this issue. Also, based on the inputs of our earlier meeting with DoT officials, we apprised him to incorporate some points in the reminder letter to provide further clarity as requested by them. It is quite unfortunate that the issue is persisting since long time and BSNL failed to find a solution of the Scale issue, which created at the time of its inception through non standard scale of E1A in BSNL instead of E2 as provisioned in MTNL. We also emphasized that the communication should be made with higher authority in DoT to bring seriousness on the issue. PGM Estt was positive on our submission and assured to incorporate our feedbacks.

Apart from above the association raised the matter of Pay Loss to these executives and interim extension of E1+5 to give some relief to those struggling with initial pay scale of 16400/- in E1 grade and not provided five advance increment. As on date there are three set of starting basic in JTO/JAO equivalent grade in BSNL, which should be streamlined. It has created severe loss to the young executives working in the cadre of JTO/JAO and ultimately affecting their morale.

The issue of settlement of Rule-8/Rule-9 cases and enhancement of Rule-9 period from current Two Years to Five Years was also demanded. It was apprised to PGM Pers that even some surplus Circles are not releasing the Rule-8/Rule-9 Cases despite of the direction from BSNL CO New Delhi. We requested intervene in the matter with respective CGM. Similar, status is prevailing in Rule-8/Rule-9 cases of JEs, where they are also struggling. Finally PGM Estt assured to take the case with all such Circles for Rule-8 Cases and the matter of Rule-9. He apprised that the cases of Rul-9 is resolving smoothly at BSNL CO except few but as far as the period is concerned, it is a policy decision which will be taken up with higher authority.

Team AIGETOA will follow up the issues regularly as discussed and it will ensure it’s implementation.

AIGETOA Meeting with Director HR on 18-April’ 22 on AGM/CAO Promotion, JAO Retention, Group Health Insurance Policy BSNL MS RR and SDE Reversal Matter:

AIGETOA had a detailed meeting with Director HR on 18-April’ 2022 on the matter of AGM/CAO Promotion, JAO Retention, Group Health Insurance Policy BSNL MS RR and SDE Reversal Matter. Shri Wasi Ahmad GS AIGETOA along with Shri Badri Kumar Mehta FS and Shri Vivek Kumar AGS had a detailed discussion with Director HR on following issues :

AGM/CAO Promotion:

The association demanded for immediate start of the process for promotion in AGM/CAO equivalent grades in view of the instructions issued by the DoPT. It was emphasized that after the clearance of the DoPT, the hurdle has been removed and it is utmost essential to issue the promotion as the unrest is growing severely among the executives. Team also demanded to expedite the process for all vacancies as on date as discussed earlier by one time diversion. It is very much essential to fulfill the requirement of officers in the grade in view of the inclusion of complete operation of BBNL. The Director HR apprised that they are equally concerned for it and holding meeting on the matter to explore all possibilities to carry out the promotion. The association also demanded to issue promotion in CAO grade by issuing suitable relaxation and other equivalent grades in view of the recent order.

SDE Reversal Issue:

This issue was raised to him and reminded that it was assured to resolved the matter by April. But despite of passage of three weeks, the physical movement of the matter is not visible. Director HR assured for the resolution as per commitment.

JAO under Rule-9 Retention:

The association taken up the matter of extension for the JAOs, whose order has been issued for relieving from the current Circle. The association highlighted that when the management is taking so lenient view on the matter of longest stay transfer. Even after releasing of 26 years stay particular, the order has not been issued till date despite of availability of the rule under BSNL Transfer Policy. But these JAOs are being forced to go back to their Parent Circle in just three years on the pretext of Rule-9. We strongly objected such discrimination and demanded their retention. The Director HR assured to look into the matter for retention.

Group Health Insurance Policy:

The association highlighted that the Medical is a state subject and BSNL should pay the premium. We suggested to make the group health policy as an alternative for BSNL MRS Indoor. The Director HR told that currently we are taking efforts to improve the BSNL MRS Policy and the GHI is an added optional facility. The management do not consider it fine to replace the GHI with BSNL MRS and so the employees may opt group health insurance policy as an added facility on voluntary basis. He apprised that BSNL is also trying to improve the functioning of BSNL MRS, whose effect will be visible.

BSNL MS RR Discussion:

Director HR apprised that the management is very keen to bring revised BSNL MS RR at the earliest and discussion will be held with the association. The association will be called for discussion soon in the matter by PGM Pers. He once again apprised the intentions of the management to start Fast Track Promotion avenues in the revised draft.

Meeting ended on positive note.

Click here for the letters on these matter submitted.

Letter to Dir HR on JAO under Rule 9 Retention

Letter to CMD, BSNL for AGM/CAO Promotion

Letter to CMD, BSNL for conduction of CAO DPC

Letter to CMD, BSNL for conduction of DPC in AGM Equivalent Cadres

BSNL Should Expedite the Process to Issue Long Due Promotions in AGM (Telecom) and other Grades – DOPT issued direction on the matter of Reservation in Promotions…

The recent order of the DOPT dated 12th April’2022 on the matter of Reservation in Promotion in the light of the judgment by the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment dated 28th Jan’2022 in Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011) has given an opening for issuing of promotion by all Departments of the Central Government. The Promotion in AGM, CAO, AO and other grades was halted in BSNL also owing to the matte of Reservation in Promotion being challenged in the Court of Law. Now the deck is clear for the issuance of the promotion after the DOPT Order.

It is extremely painful to note that SDEs are waiting for their next promotions in the grade of AGM from Vacancy Years 2001-02 to 2009-10 onwards despite completing their residency period and working in SDE cadre since last 8-18 years despite possessing the qualifying service and availability of the vacancies. AIGETOA demands immediate issuance of the promotion in the AGM (T) and other grades in view of the long suffering by the Executives as well as acute requirement by the organisation, which is struggling due to shortage of officers on the AGM/CAO grades. All Circles are requested to ensure completion of the online updating of APAR grading of offline period as instructed by the corporate Office in December’2021 and issuance of the certificate by the GM(HR) of the Circle in this regard.

Click here for DOPT Order

Click here for SC Judgment