AIGETOA Extend Warm Wishes to Sh Sushil Mishra, Director (CM), BSNL on his Superannuation

AIGETOA Extend Warm Wishes to Sh Sushil Mishra, Director (CM), BSNL on his Superannuation

Respected Sushil Mishra Sir,

On behalf of AIGETOA and BSNL Employees, we extend our warm wishes for a very healthy and prosperous life after superannuation from the post of Hon’ble Director (CM), BSNL on 31.03.2022. We are fortunate to get such exemplary personality in the BSNL Board of Director to head a very important vertical of the organisation. Your simplicity and dedication will always inspire us to work with greater honesty and greater commitment in the life. We extend our heartiest thanks for your endeavor in architecting the purchase order for the 4G equipment before retirement, a landmark and historic day for BSNL. It was one amongst the most challenging jobs assigned to you as Director (CM) under the leadership of the Hon’ble CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar and you have successfully achieved it for BSNL. BSNL passed through one of the most difficult times and you handled the CM Vertical smoothly and efficiently during this turbulent Period. We once again pay our deepest gratitude to you for your selfless service to the BSNL.

Thank You Sir for all your best endeavors for BSNL.

Wasi Ahmad, GS-AIGETOA

AIGETOA demanded to clear the outstanding SAB Pension Fund immediately as assured to deposit by March’2022:

GS AIGETOA has reached out to the CMD BSNL and demanded to honour the commitment given to deposit Pending SAB Pension Fund Amount of the period Sep’2020 to March’2022 and make the Fund up-to-date latest by March’2022. In his communication, he reminded that Employees are continuously playing their part by exploring all possible means to maximize the collection despite of all constraints with the association constructive role and accordingly we are getting news of good collection in this month. But now it’s the turn of BSNL Management to look into one of our most sensitive demands dealing with the Social Security of 40000 plus BSNL Recruited Employees (Executives and Non-Executives) and their dependent Families. We also demanded to recoup the interest of lost period to compensate the losses.

Click here for the letter

Transfer of Circle Collections to Corporate Account on 31st March 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Last day of the financial year 2021-22 is going on; it is hereby requested to one and all to give their all efforts to ensure maximization of the collection to have the best figures in the kitty of the organisation. As a member of BSNL Family, we all have to make efforts shoulder to shoulder for betterment of the organisation which will lead to the betterment of employees also. So, let us give a last minute push and make efforts to ensure implementation of the appeal made by the Director (Finance) in the enclosed letter. We do hope that management will also revert back with same yardstick towards the benefits of the Employees.

Height of Chest Thumping by one Association:

In the recent updates on their website, it seems that SA has lost even the power of visualizing anything. In fact it appears that now they are even unable to comprehend the developments.

The SA after spoiling the Pay and Careers of thousands & thousands of young executives are shedding crocodile tears. In fact they have updated their website without even confirming the outcome of the board meetings. This shows their ignorance and hollowness towards the issues pertaining to young executives. We are surprised that they are blaming MA for silence while the fact is just the opposite. While they are playing gimmicks through a non relevant court order as well as a non serious symbolic protest, AIGETOA is busy in putting their untiring efforts in all directions to bring back the career prospects on right track. If one remembers, when erstwhile MA left office in August-2020, the JTO(T) of even first batch i.e. 2001 recruited in BSNL was stagnating since almost 20 Years but AIGETOA succeeded in breaking the deadlock and ensuring their promotion in SDET Grade despite of SA best efforts to derail it. As of now only JTO(T)s with 7 Years or less residency period (barring few cases) are remaining to be promoted to SDE(T) Grade and we want to assure that their cases will also be settled in coming days. Similar efforts are also on the way for other streams and grades. While they are unreasonably preaching others from a distant end without any interaction with the management, AIGETOA is busy is pursuing for a new HR Policy where each and every executive especially the younger ones can aspire to reach to senior position of GM/CGM in future through a Fast Track Promotion Mechanism, which is under discussion by AIGETOA with the BSNL Management.

We would like to suggest SA that before reporting blatant lies on their website, they should verify and check the facts. As far as actions of AIGETOA are concerned, they should not be worried. The result of our actions shall be visible in next few days. And Yes, we wish to inform that SDE RR has been taken up in the last board meeting and we will update the outcome appropriately once complete details will be available as we are not in a hurry to rush on website for election gains. All we can say now that our voice has reached to the management and they have tried to address the concerns raised by AIGETOA, details shall be updated in due course. However, we once again affirm that AIGETOA will not let loose anything and are fully prepared for any uncalled for moves-either of management or of the support association. Executives should not be perturbed by the unnecessary fear psychosis being created by SA.

We request all the Executives to ignore the untrue updates of the website of SA. They are devoid of facts as well as merits. It is simply clear from the fact that the said association (current SA), derailed the implementation of E2 Scale for JTO/JAO equivalent grades on three distinct occasions i.e. first at the time of inception of BSNL when they agreed for E1A instead of E2, Second at the time of implementation of PRC in BSNL i.e. 2009 when 30% fitment was given to all employees but E2 was not extended to JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO equivalent grades and Thirdly at the time of formation of JTO RR 2014 by mingling with management and inserted E1 for JTO in the Recruitment Rule. Any sensible person can understand that the period was most favourable to get E2 Scale for JTO/JAO but the opportunity was lost by the present SA for acquiring favourable orders for their peers ignoring the BSNL Recruits Cadre, else E2 for JTO/JAO would also be a reality in BSNL since its inception like MTNL……

But our persuasion and struggle through different routes to acquire E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO Equivalent Grades will continue till we achieve it.

Visit by GS, AIP & AGS AIGETOA to the DOP&T at New Delhi:

Today, Team AIGETOA comprising of General Secretary Shri Wasi Ahmad, AIP Shri Veerbhadra Rao and AGS Shri Vivek Kumar Singh visited Department of Personal & Training (DOP&T), North Block, New Delhi. The visit was intended to enquire about the development in issuance of the proposed notification of the government in view of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement in January ‘2022. The preliminary meeting was held with the officials in the department. Further meetings will be held with higher authorities in the upcoming days then only more clarity will be available on the matter of issuance of direction on reservation matter as per Hon’ble SC, New Delhi.

BSNL’s Homegrown 4G network economical, to discourage backdoors: Telecom Secretary

Telecom News : The indigenously-developed fourth generation or 4G technology to be deployed by state-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) would be economical and overcome network security-related fears such as hidden backdoors in telecom equipment, a top official said.

“The 4G technology (developed indigenously) would work, and is very critical for India from a security and economic perspective, because you will get to make in India and also you will ensure that there are no hidden backdoors which can be exploited later on,” K. Rajaraman, secretary, Department of Telecommunications (DoT) told ET Telecom.

The locally-developed 4G technology could be a milestone for India as it may further seek to reduce dependency on multinationals such as Finnish Nokia and Swedish Ericsson dominating the Indian market while Chinese gear maker Huawei is accused of backdoors by the US and a few of its European allies.

Earlier, the UK-based Vodafone said that it had found vulnerabilities in equipment supplied by Shenzhen-based Huawei including hidden backdoors that could have provided unlawful access to the Chinese company.

In July last year, BSNL selected the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)-driven consortium including the state-owned Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) which has designed and developed core equipment indigenously.

The Mumbai-based TCS and C-DoT have deployed a trial network for BSNL at Ambala and Chandigarh with a 120-day deadline which was later extended up to December 31, and later to January 2022, and a further breather was given to the Tata-backed group to fully conform to network tests.

“I feel that maybe in April, it (PoC completion) may be announced. I have personally visited some of the sites. Performance is good. I think there are a few more tests which have to be completed while the most critical ones are all done,” the official added.

Recently, the Minister of State for Communications Devusinh Chauhan said that following the next generation network demonstration, the purchase order (PO) for 4G equipment would likely be placed by BSNL in April.

“In the last Cabinet meeting, in-principle approval was given to BSNL 5G. So it’s only a matter of customer readiness, and if they are ready to switch on with the 4G PoC, the equipment is all 5G-enabled. With some tweaks, I think they will be able to move to 5G.

Earlier, the public sector research and development firm C-DoT said that the consortium has a seamless network scalability roadmap and would plan to upgrade the BSNL network to the fifth generation or 5G non-standalone (NSA) by end of 2022, and to 5G standalone (SA) by 2023.

Click here for Complete News

AIGETOA Strongly Opposes 12 Years Stagnation Criteria & Dilution of Pay Scale in SDE RRs

Contrary to the updates shared by one association and the crocodile tears shed, it is informed to one and all that AIGETOA is consistently following the SDE RR issue and has placed it’s firm objection on 12 years stagnation criteria and have Categorically informed management that 12 years as stagnation criteria is not at all acceptable to AIGETOA and if management moves ahead unilaterally, we will come back on organizational action path. However, it will be equally pertinent to mention that management is considerate towards our submission and the same is under discussion with AIGETOA representatives continuously since last 3-4 days. The scale issue is also being suitably addressed in SDE RR in the light of the demand of AIGETOA for extending E2 for JTO/JAO equivalent grades and E3 for SDE/AO Equivalent grades.

We find it worth to appraise one and all that for settlement of any issue, you need to be on discussion table and enter into firm discussions with management. AIGETOA is not like other association, which believes in symbolism for election gains and does nothing except lip syncing. We know what other association is doing except symbolism, which is not being noticed or taken into cognizance by even their own members, a fact which is proved by non participation of their own members in the programs from Delhi and across the India. It is equally sad to note that the same association didn’t even approached management once for protecting the Cadre issue in the RR and are preaching sermons for others. Had they been sincere in their approach, they could have discussed and placed the things vociferously & firmly before management but they know they have nothing to lose because their peers are not affected at all by these RRs. The loss will be of the Cadre, Youngsters and New Recruits. This is why AIGETOA is worried and is executing the actions instead of doing gimmicks and preaching sermons on website.

AIGETOA Team lead by General Secretary, Shri Wasi Ahmad already had detailed meetings with CMD BSNL, All Board of Directors including Dir HR and PGM Pers in last one week on the proposed SDE RR and had apprised our concerns on Pay Scale and Stagnation Criteria and the Strong Resentment prevailing in the field units. The Management has understood our points and will desist from taking unilateral decisions. CMD BSNL has also assured to look into the issues afresh as raised by the AIGETOA once again. Pay Scale issue is being addressed in the proposed SDE RR and Stagnation Criteria will be also revisited, as assured. Friends, we are not simply watching from the shore but continuously meeting, pressing and highlighting the necessity of the Cadre w.r.t. to SDE RR to each and every BSNL Board Members and CMD BSNL before the proposed BSNL Board Meeting on 28.03.2022 to protect the interest of the Cadre, where as some people are preaching sermons through their website. We are strictly monitoring the developments and prepared to react in a very short notice in case the things are not settled to our satisfaction. If management doesn’t listen to our arguments and moves ahead, we will definitely retaliate strongly through full-fledged organizational actions to protect the JTO/JAO Cadre but at the same time we wish to inform that, management is considerate and will not ignore the genuine aspirations of executives raised through association, as assured to us in the last meeting.

We once again assure one and all that all necessary action is being and shall be taken to protect the interests of the executives. AIGETOA believes in actions and our actions speak for the cadre and we don’t need an irrelevant court order to prove our sincerity. Our leaders also do not need shelter in the form of an irrelevant symbolic protest to win internal elections. We believe in action and we will act accordingly as and when needed.