Unveiling of AIGETOA Calendar & Diary by CMD BSNL, Director HR & Director Finance

Promotion of JTO to SDE in Telecom, Civil & DM CSS

Let Our Dreams be Our Wings …..

Congratulations to one and all for the Promotion on the eve of New Year……

In continuation to earlier Promotion Order of 3697 JTOs to the grade of SDET issued on 8th July 2021, further Promotion Order of 945 SDET issued today. The Promotion Order also issued in SDE Civil & DM CSS grade today. These orders issued with untiring effort of the Team AIGETOA. We extend our heartiest congratulations to all the promoted executives and appeal them to contribute with increased zeal and passion in the growth of BSNL.

We extend our profound thanks to our Hon’ble CMD Shri P. K. Purwar, Respected Director (HR) Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Dynamic PGM Pers Shri R. K. Goyal, Esteemed Sr GM (SR) Smt Anita Johri, CLO, DGM Pers (JM) and all officers of the Pers Section, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi for issuing the long awaited promotion order on the eve of the New Year, multiplying their gladness manifold.

The back to back Promotion Orders could be possible only through keen persuasion, wise and timely decision by the association and keeping interest of the executives in first priority without any ego. All the Promotions were stuck up since July-2018 but our sincere efforts and positive attitude has yielded some fruitful result. But at the same time, it is also our concern that some executives from the same batch left out due to the non availability of vacancies in the considered period upto Jan-2020. Friends it’s our firm commitment that we will ensure further promotions in the SDE(T) Grade. We also reiterate our firm stands for ensuring promotions in other cadres i.e. SDE to AGM(T), AO to CAO , JAO to AO and AGM to DGM equivalents by resolving the obstacles.

In continuity of it, we also want to apprise that BSNL is passing through a crucial juncture and long sustainability of the company is very important especially for BSNL Recruited Executives, who doesn’t have any Government Pension and so we keep a strong check on this aspect. We are pleased to share that some positive movement is again going on in the government about BSNL as apprised by the Hon’ble Minister for Communication and the 4G service is also expected to be rolled out by 2nd Quarter of 2022-23. This is a welcome move and all should contribute in this direction for a better future. Accordingly, our every decision is well calibrated keeping the interest of the Executives as well as the Organisation. We just want to request all of you to have faith in our decisions and give us an opportunity to serve you to your satisfaction.

At last, we assure that the association will not leave any stone unturned for the 4P (Prosperity of BSNL, Pay, Promotion and Pension of Executives) as committed by us. Kindly keep on extending your support to this movement of AIGETOA. We also convey our thanks to entire CHQ/Circle Team and Corporate office Team for the Endeavour.

Together We Can, We have, We Will….

Left Out JTO (T) to SDE (T). Click here for list

JTO (C) to SDE (C). Click here for list

AM to DM erstwhile CSS Cadre. Click here for list

Deferment of the Agitation Program by AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA

An Organisation Action Program started under the banner of the Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations by serving notice on 30.11.2021 for the charter of demands. In the meantime, two meetings of the leaders of the Forum were held under the Chairmanship of the Director (HR) on 14.12.2021 and 28.12.2021, which was attended by the PGM (Pers) and Sr GM SR also. All the issues were discussed in detail by the leaders and concerns were raised to the management with regard to the items in the Charter of Demands. Director HR listened to all issues patiently and assured that the issues are being taken up on priority for resolution. He further assured that the promotions which are lingering on due to pending court cases shall be pursued and possibilities will be explored through legal advice for its early resolution. It was categorically informed by Director HR that management is not in a position to implement earlier approved CPSU Proposal due to various complexities associated with it. However, Director HR assured that a Time Bound Promotion Mechanism will be introduced by addressing the stagnation criteria in the JTO/JAO and equivalent Grades and SDE/AO Equivalent Grades beyond the stipulated sanctioned strength. It was told that management will ensure that stagnation issue as raised by association shall be taken up as part of Recruitment Rule Modification Exercise.

It was also assured that the standard Pay Scale issue of E2 for JTO/JAO equivalent grade and E3 for SDE/AO equivalent grade will be pursued aggressively with the DoTand the ongoing exercise with respect to MTNL/BSNL will smoothen it further.

With respect to scrapping of MT RR and DR DGM RR, it was assured that the these RRs are being revisited and matter shall be discussed with association for scrapping the existing RRs and implementation of Internal Fast Track mechanism for meritorious executives. Management assured a positive and firm Consideration of this issue also.

The SDE Reversal Issue has once again been acknowledged by the Director HR and PGM Pers also agreed to resolve it at the earliest. Finally, An Appeal was issued by the Management on 29.12.2021 to consider for the withdrawal of the call.  

Thereafter an internal meeting was held and all the aspects were discussed in detail. It was acknowledged that the most crucial thing will be to remain on discussion table when RRs (JTO/SDE/MT/MSRR etc) are being revisited and modified.Letting management go escort free at this crucial time will not be prudent decision and that too when the thing which we are vouching for has been categorically denied and appears very distant to be implemented. BSNL Recruits have already faced an irreparable loss at the time of EPP policy framing and MS RR issuance just because of absence of our voice during that exercise. We don’t want any further loss to our cadre hence to remain present on discussion board when future is being written should be primary duty and when management is agreeing to address our concern through amicable discussions, it becomes furthermore important.Time Bound Criteria through Stagnation for JTO/JAO/Equivalent to AGM/CAO equivalent Grades has to be incorporated through these Recruitment Rules only and keeping away at this crucial juncture may jeopardize the interest of the Executives Fraternity. The approval of Scale for E2 and E3 is an important task where management has shown positive gesture for keenly pursuing the approval of the scale.

It was also agreed that the issuance of the upcoming JTO to SDE Promotion should be the primary duty of association so that the gates for next batches and executives can also be opened. Stopping any exercise in the name of some new thing should not be thought about at all. 

The status was discussed among three constituent Associations of the Forum i.e. AIGETOA, AIBSNLEA and SNEA for taking a common decision. After detailed deliberation of 5-6 Hrs among these associations, AIGETOA an AIBSNLEA decided to defer the program and to give a space for issuance of the long awaited  SDE Telecom Promotion and exploring the possibilities for AGM/CAO and DGM equivalent Promotions by seeking legal opinions as assured by the Director HR as well as participate in the discussion process in the framing and modifications of Recruitment Rules to represent the aspirations of the Executives fraternity and don’t allow the management walk over in deciding the all important activities of RRModifications. It has also been demanded that management should settle the absent period through admissible leave. Sister Association SNEA however decided to continue and we respect their decision. At the end success by any means will finally benefit the cadre only.

Click here for Appeal of the Management

Click here for the Letter of Deferment by the AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA

Day Long Dharna observed successfully across BSNL:

Congratulations to one and all for making the first program of Dharna on 22.12.2021 a huge success.

In many places, the participation was overwhelming, ignoring the adverse climate condition in North India, showing the anger against the management for denying the rightful Promotions and Pay scales. The message is very clear, management cannot suppress the Executives further and their demands for Time Bound Promotions, E2 and E3 pay scales for JAO/JTO and AO/SDE equivalent grades, DGM and AGM Regular Promotions in all streams cannot be delayed further. The Executives are united, determined now and the peaceful agitation launched by the Forum will continue till all our demands are met.

The Dharna program becomes a big success due to the determination and commitment of the Executives and the united efforts of Forum of BSNL Executives Associations.

Gear up for the next program of Hunger Fast from 28th-30th December and Mass Casual Leave on 03.01.2022 and Non Co-Operation.

Click here for Glimpses of the Dharna across the Country

Click here for Media Coverage of the Dharna across the Country

Notification for holding of AGM & election of new governing body of AIGETOA CHQ :

As per the provisions of constitution of AIGETOA, it is hereby notified that the Annual General Meet cum VIth All India Conference and election of the New Central Governing Body of AIGETOA CHQ will be held in 4th week of February 2022. Exact date and place will be intimated in due course after finalisation of venue, lodging and open session arrangements.

Click here for Notification

The agenda and schedule of the meeting will be as follows:

Agenda of the meeting:

  • Open Session and deliberation with the management on BSNL & HR related issues.
  • Presentation of the Annual working Report by the General Secretary, AIGETOA CHQ and its adoption by the house.
  • Presentation of the Audited Financial Report by the Finance Secretary, AIGETOA CHQ and its adoption by the house.
  • Presentation of the Report by the Circle Secretaries in the house.
  • Internal discussion on Organizational, Welfare and allied matters.
  • Deliberation and discussion on various HR, organizational issues and importance of the BSNL.
  • Discussion on any issue or agenda items as opinioned by the house under permission of Chair.
  • Adoption of the resolutions passed by the House.
  • Dissolution of the existing Central Governing Council of AIGETOA CHQ.
  • Election of New Central Governing Council of AIGETOA CHQ and its oath taking ceremony.

Schedule of AGM and Election of New Governing Body of AIGETOA CHQ:

  • Date and Time of the meeting: 4th Week of February 2022.
  • Venue of the meeting: It will be notified later through the CHQ website www.aigetoachq.org

Returning Officer & Asst Returning Officer for conducting of the election are as under:

  • Returning Officer : Shri Sailesh Yadav.
  • Asst Returning Officer : Shri Gaurav Garg.

Congratulations to all the BSNL Executive’s

The Twitter campaign on 16.12.2021 becomes a big success with more than 1.2 lakhsTweet/Retweet. By this, we have conveyed our clear message to the Management and the Govt in unambiguous terms.

It again proved that we can do Miracles, if we are UNITED. Let us remain United till all our demands are settled to our satisfaction.

Let us gear up for the MASS DHARNA on 22.12.2021 with huge participation