Submission of Memorandum by AUAB

Submission of Memorandum by AUAB

The AUAB leaders met the CMD BSNL at 11:00 am today and presented the memorandum. Director (HR) and Director (Finance) were also present. The AUAB leaders severely criticized the Management for not disbursing salary on the due date of every month. After prolonged discussion, the CMD BSNL agreed to release the funds for May salary today itself. The leaders insisted for disbursement of June Salary immediately and also disbursement of salary on the due date of every month hereafter.

Further, a meeting between the AUAB leaders and the CMD BSNL is again fixed to be held at 12:00 hrs on 02-07-2021, to discuss the issues related to the revival of BSNL.

AIGETOA represented by the General Secretary along with GS of other Associations and Unions under AUAB.

Restructuring in BSNL – Circulation of proposed Manpower Norms and sanction strength in BSNL

The Restructuring proposal of BSNL corporate office gives an impression that BSNL management is least bother for its executives and employees and they want to stagnant executives at one post for 15-20 years, an era worst than DoT period. The suggestion given by the recognized association of executives in Feb, 2021 has hardly been considered despite of the fact that meeting was chaired by the Director (HR). It means management is moving ahead with its partisan plan irrespective of the future career prospect, who joined BSNL with much hope and desire after acquiring professional qualification and leaving other jobs. Other side BSNL management has completely failed to honour genuine aspiration and fundamental requirement of the executives.

We strongly reject this move of the management and caution that any reduction in the promotional opportunity will not be accepted by the association. This association has already served an organizational notice on various HR issues and will further review the program to intensify the call if management will not shun the practice to derail Career Prospect of executives. All the Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to mobilize the members for the strong organizations actions. The association is also discussing the matter with our representative across the BSNL as well as all section of executives and will revert back with suitable reply and next course of action.

Click here for BSNL proposal

Meeting of AUAB with management for BSNL revival measures in the chairmanship of CMD BSNL

A meeting of All Unions and Associations is scheduled today at 12:00 Hrs with the BSNL Management on the services and revival measure under the chairmanship of the CMD BSNL. The General Secretaries of the associations/unions will participate in the meeting and discuss the various arms of the BSNL services and financial status and its improvement. Some common issues of employees will also be discussed in the meeting including Superannuation Benefit Fund of BSNL Recruited Employees and recently circulated Restructuring Proposal of the Management.

AIGETOA demands investigation by External Agency CVC about alleged Financial Irregularities at BSNL IDC Mumbai resulting in huge financial loss to BSNL

AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL demanding investigation by External Agency, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), about the alleged irregularities in the BSNL IDC, Mumbai causing severe financial loss to BSNL Exchequer. It is suspected that the irregularities mat not be restricted to only IDC Mumbai but spread across all three IDCs of BSNL. It is important to note that M/S NxtGen is maintaining all three IDCs of BSNL at Mumbai, Ahmadabad and Faridabad and alleged that the company directly hosted the customers on the IDC without informing BSNL causing breach of signed agreement and it is believe that BSNL may have been subjected to the financial loss in the tune of Crore of rupees on account of this. So, AIGETOA demands CMD BSNL for urgent attention and suitable direction on the followings:

Investigation by External Agency: In the prima-facie and information, there is a strong indication of irregularities being widespread across all the BSNL IDCs located at Mumbai, Ahmadabad and Faridabad, which may have caused financial loss to BSNL in the tune of Crores of Rupees. Considering the gravity of matter related with the huge financial loss and involvement of multiple locations and external company M/S NXTGEN maintaining the IDCs, the matter needs to be investigated by Central Government Agency to ensure appropriate action. Accordingly, the association demands immediate handing over the matter to CVC for detailed and fair investigation of irregularities, conspiracies, involvement of BSNL officials (if any) and precise estimation of financial loss subjected to BSNL in IDC case of all the three locations.

Holding of all payments to the IDC Partner: As the loss subjected to BSNL has not been precisely calculated, BSNL should immediately freeze all the due payments of M/S NXTGEN (available with BSNL of its 80% revenue share, retention money etc) as it will be difficult to recover the loss once the contract period with M/S NxtGen is over (which is August-2022) or the matter becomes to sub-judicial after expiry of the term.

Auditing by External Agency of Repute: It has come to our information that after the irregularities at IDC Mumbai was exposed, an internal audit committee was constituted by the Maharashtra Circle, which is not in line with the agreement. As per EoI / MoU (Section-8 of Bid Document), BSNL should “immediately appoint External Independent Monitor to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under the agreement”. It may be ensured that the Monitors thus appointed are Auditors / Investigators of good repute, with experience in handling such matters. Accordingly, the association demands immediate appointment of External Monitor, who is of good repute and with expertise in handling such matters, for detailed and thorough auditing to the extent of the irregularities and precise estimation of the financial loss subjected to BSNL, considering all aspects and inclusion of all three BSNL IDCs in its ambit.

Operation and Maintenance IDC Centers by BSNL: The association is of the opinion that BSNL officers should take over the charge of all three IDC Centers and control of the activities in the BSNL IDCs, till the completion of the investigation process and conclusion of the matter. M/S NXTGEN officials can be kept in the supporting role, under strict supervision of BSNL officers, to check any further damage to the BSNL interest as well as smooth transition of the operation and maintenance of the BSNL IDCs to its own expertise.

Click here for the letter by AIGETOA

When world is moving towards 5G, the management decision to sale 2G Mobile Handset (M/S Innocom Electronics India Pvt Ltd) through our Channel Partners will dent the BSNL Brand Name – AIGETOA demands roll back of the decision

INFOCUS is 100% made in India. However, the phone models of INFOCUS are designed in China. These Chinese designed phones are planned to sell through BSNL Channel Partners.

The 2G Feature phone of INNOCOM which is outdated was forced to sell through BSNL Channel Partners.

  • They offer the same Handset Vibe Plus through Amazon for Rs.860/- .
  • Actually the base price of this model is Rs.595/-. GST-Rs.107/-.
  • As per the mutual Agreement, Channel Partner will get a margin price of Rs.24/-
  • Thus Dealer Price is Rs.619/-. Including GST, it’s Rs.730/-
  • Dealer Margin is Rs.37/-
  • First Recharge is Rs.225/-
  • Recommended Customer Price is Rs.999/-
  • But the MRP fixed is Rs.1199/-
  • The offer for Channel Partners is Rs.100/- for the first Recharge 225(Unlimited calls and 300sms) which is bundled.
  • Already BSNL is having a FRC 249/- with Unlimited Calls, 100SMS/day and 2GB/day.

Click here for BSNL Handset offer plan

Innocom/Infocus had already 500 distribution partners across India. Their National Distribution Partner is VRP Telematics. Their feature phones are available in 50K Retailer outlets across India. But this 2G Phone is not requested by any customers, so using BSNL Retailer outlets selling for Rs.1199/- and trying to defame BSNL.

Authorized Signatory of Mutual agreement signed Sri. PiyushPuri already told in an interview in Jul 7, 2017 to PC Quest Magazine, “that under the New Brand licensing agreement signed with Foxconn, InFocus has re-launched themselves as a new brand in the Indian Market. Categorically told that, “We are doing R&D and working with Jio to give a 4G feature phone to the customers. Developing a 4G feature phone is not a major challenge but we want to give a platform in feature phone like WhatsApp, Facebook, Money transfer, Browser to the customers. One the other hand, we will have 8 new Smartphone’s separately 4 for online and 4 for offline market.”

At the same time, on Jul 21, 2017, Economic Times reported that:  RIL in advanced talks with Foxconn to make Dual-SIM mobile in India.  Reliance Industries is in advanced talks with Foxconn – the Taiwanese multinational electronics contract manufacturing company that makes iPhone and iPod, among other things – to make mobile phones in India under the ‘Make in India’ programme, and RIL’s telecom arm Reliance Jio Infocomm is looking to launch a $23-25 dual SIM phone soon, ETNow reported quoting sources. The announcement on an alliance can come anytime. The sources told ET Now that RIL may bundle the phone with attractive tariffs for 4G services. The company may make effective ownership attractive to investors through tariffs, handset discounts and phone exchange schemes.”

  • The tie-up of RIL with INFOCUS was history and we watched the offer they made to customers. After four years of this tie-up, the same INFOCUS made this agreement for 2G phone (dual SIM) with BSNL had some secret strategy. Only One SIM Slot IMEI will be provided to the customers.
  • Customers already purchased Infocus Phones had really a bad experience and it is expressed in social Medias as well as in customer groups.

Another fact about 2G Feature phone of INNOCOM

“In 2017, a Retail outlet M/s. Teleshop, New Delhi filed a case CC No.364/16 in CDRF(Central), Kashmiri Gate, New Delhi against Innocom Electronics due to Mobile phone they purchased stopped functioning abruptly. Innocom repaired and returned to the customer, even though it doesn’t function. At that time it was not rectified due to non-availability of its parts. Thus District Forum directed the Innocom Electronics to pay the cost of phone, compensation and litigation costs to M/s. Teleshop. Innocom filed appeal in Sate Commission, but the State Commission didn’t find any reason to interfere with the Forum’s order.”

Big question here is :

When the entire world is moving towards 5G, BSNL sudden & surprise move to market 2G phones with M/s. Innocom Electronics India Pvt Ltd (Infocus) raised many questions among the esteemed customers.

That raise numerous unanswered QUESTIONS as below:

  • When popular 2G handsets like NOKIA are available @ price below Rs1000/-. Why BSNL is making an effort to bundle an unknown brand @ price at par with NOKIA?
  • When the entire world is moving towards 5G, WHY BSNL make a sudden & surprise move to bundle 2G phones with M/s. Innocom Electronics India Pvt Ltd (Infocus)?
  • When BSNL is surrendering part/full bandwidth of 900MHz & 1800MHz, why it is bundling a sub-standard product in this surrendered bandwidth?
  • When BSNL is having a long term plan PV-397 with 1 year validity. What is the justification of allowing a bundled phone with just 60 days validity for Rs225 voucher?
  • Finally the biggest question in this deal, WHO is the beneficiary in this deal. BSNL or someone having some vested interest in the deal?

Team AIGETOA meeting PGM (Pers) at CO New Delhi:

Shri Badri Kumar Mehta Vice President and Shri Sudhakar Pathak Org Sec HQ met PGM(Pers) in his chamber and held elaborate discussion on following issues.


The team enquired about the progress for JTO to SDE Promotion through DPC. It was intimated once again that serious resentment is prevailing in the cadre of JTOs. A timeline of June 30th was fixed for the issuance of promotion but the progress is not visible inspite of passage of two weeks. He intimated that all necessary formalities for DPC have been readied and clearance from the court is wanted to move ahead and the order will be issued after the verdict of Hon’ble Jabalpur CAT.

Publishing of JAO Gradation list:

It was reminded to him that issuance of the JAO Gradation List was an item of the second agenda meeting of the recognized association i.e. AIGETOA held with the management under chairmanship of the Director(HR) on 11.06.2021, where it was categorical assured to issue the JAO Gradation List within the June, 2021. But the list is not issued till date despite of passage of two weeks of the meeting. We requested for immediate publication of the list. The PGM Per told that everything is ready and the same will be published as per the committed timeline. We extended thank to the PGM Pers for this firm assurance.

Click here for the letter submitted by AIGETOA

Finalisation of SDE seniority List 9 for the Vacancy Year 2006-07:

It was once again argued by the team that the provisional list was prepared after considering all aspects prevailing on the date i.e. the provisions of the recruitment rule and its amendment and no materialistic change has made since then and so the list should be finalized in same pattern extending quota in the particular vacancy year and subsequent list should also be prepared. It was once again requested to finalize the list-9 for vacancy year 2006-07 by extending quota within the vacancy year to ensure justice and due consideration of the merit of the competitive quota executives.

AUAB Served Notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration and Memorandum

In accordance to the decisions taken in the meeting held on 21.6.2021 by all major Unions and Association, AUAB Served Notice against delay in disbursal of the Salary. It is worth to note that even after our all efforts; the management has not disbursed the Salary of May, 2021 till date and delay is continuing since more than one and half year. Hence, it’s a high time to give a united protest on this account and so the program has been scheduled as follows.

Click here for AUAB Notice

• Holding of Lunch Hour Demonstration (LHD) on 25.6.2021 &

• Submission of Memorandum to CMD/CGMs/BA & SSA Heads

LHD will be hold through the country on 25.06.2021 to demand salary of May, 2021 and its regularization. The General Secretaries will present Memorandum to the CMD BSNL at New Delhi, Circle Secretaries at Circle Office and District Secretaries at BA and SSA HQs on 30th June.

AUAB meeting held through online mode on 21.06.2021:

Major associations and unions of BSNL attended online meeting of AUAB called for the discussion to address issues of Delay in Salary and BSNL Revival. AIGETOA and SEWA were also invited in the meeting with notified agenda. The Brief Note of Discussion as held yesterday has been issued under the signature of Convener and Chairman.

Click here for brief note of the meeting

AIGETOA insisted for addition of SAB and E2-E3 in the Demand

Considering the urgency of the situation in view of abnormal delay in salary disbursement and serious derailment in the services and collection, for which AIGETOA has already spearhead movement, the association decided to attend the meeting but demanded addition of two new agenda points i.e. Superannuation Benefit Fund (SAB) and E2-E3 scale in addition to notified charter of Salary and 4G. Click here for demand of AIGETOA

Brief Note of the Meeting

Meeting held in a positive atmosphere and all participants raised concerns and agreed that the delay in Salary will not be tolerated. Serious concerns were raised on account of the delay in 4G rollout and complete failure of the management to maintain the services and improve collection. A serious resentment was observed on the failure of Cluster System, FTTH bottlenecks, Lack of basic resource in field, Massive surrendering of LL/BB, Slow progress in land monetization, huge o/s DoT towards various dues etc by all.

AIGETOA raised the shortage of defined contribution made towards Superannuation Benefit Fund (SAB) and non extension of E2 Scale to JAO/JTO and E3 scale to AO/SDE and demanded inclusion in the charter of demands. All participants jointly voiced support to include SAB but there were some concerns raised on E2-E3 which will be iron out subsequently.

Proposed Program

● On the issues of non-disbursement of May, 2021 salary and also regular payment of salary on the due date, it was decided to organize lunch hour demonstrations throughout the country on 25.06.2021.

● The program of submitting memorandum to the CMD BSNL, all the CGMs, all the Heads of BAs and SSAs, is to be organized on 30.06.2021, demanding payment of salary in time.

Next Meeting of AUAB

After detailed discussions, it was decided to hold a physical meeting of the AUAB at New Delhi on 01.07.2021, wherein the charter of demands and program of action are to be finalized.