AIGETOA Letter – Strong resistance to the proposal of shifting of ERP Center

Final Rates & Benefits of Group Health Insurance Scheme Proposed By AIGETOA (BSNL) For PAN India:

The Group Mediclaim Policy to be launched by AIGETOA has been finalized. We were under discussion for the best possible quote causing delay by few days but now negotiation has been completed and Letter of Intent has been issued by the Insurer for a five Lakh Mediclaim Policy.

The exclusive premium will be Rs 6100/- plus 18% GST (i.e. Rs 7198/-) uniformly across all age brackets for one Family comprising of self, spouse plus Kids. The quotes for Family with single parent coverage is at 9000+GST@18%, The quotes for Family with both parents coverage is 9600+GST@18%.

Room Rent has been enhanced from earlier 1 percent of SI to 2 percent ie Rs 10,000 per day. ICU expenditure has been enhanced to actual expenses without any capping against earlier quote of 2 percent of SI.

Though Corporate Buffer is available at some minimum extra premium but we have opted for Top Up benefits of 5 lacs and 10 lacs additional to ensure parity amongst all. However, to get this coverage, minimum 20 percent will have to opt for ToP Up..the rates of ToPUP will be dependent upon the number of persons opting for the top up for which we will have another 15 days window. We will try to keep the rates for ToP UP also as minimum as possible through negotiation once the final figure on the same is arrived.

The Customized Terms & Conditions of the policy along with premium for family with parents is enclosed for your ready reference as provided by the insurer, New India assurance.

We will be opening the window to start collection of premium very soon, once payment gateway for the purpose is readied by the bank. The family details will be again captured while making the payment for the said group policy. We once again thank you all for showing patience and it will definitely yield fruitful result when the policy will come into effect in this month for Pan India basis with all coverage from day-1.

Click here for the final rates and benefits of Group Mediclaim Policy

AIGETOA served notice for One Day Organisational Program on 22.04.2021 to apply leave and observe it as “PROTEST DAY”

AIGETOA served notice for One Day Organisational Program on 22.04.2021 to apply leave and observe it as “PROTEST DAY”.

Let’s make it a movement and give a thumping success by maximum participation of the executives above the association line to give a strong message to the management that the people can’t be ignored for long else they will retaliate strongly. It’s a high time that BSNL management should correct its recourse and start resolving outstanding issues of executives else more intensified struggle will be launched.

Together We Will…

Click here for Notice

Timely Disbursement of Salary

Dear Friends,

We are thankful to the CMD and Board of Directors, BSNL to listen our voice for timely disbursement of salary to some extent in this month. We have always demanded to ensure payment of salary on last working day of the month and nullify the 20-22 days delay continuing since more than a year and March was the best occasion to meet it. Although, the association was pressing for payment of salary on last working day of the month i.e. 31.03.2021 but it is being made in first week of April, is also a respite from previous position. We thank our Circle Secretaries for taking up the issue of salary payment with respective CGMT from across the BSNL simultaneously when our CHQ was taking up the issue with CMD and Board of Directors, BSNL citing the sufficient grounds. We have always advocated that it is the best opportunity to regularize the salary and infuse positivity among employees as well as restore their social grace, which somewhat got hurted due to regular delay in recent times. We do hope that management will ensure timely disbursement of salary here onwards, which is also the fundamental right of an employee.


Click here for the letter

Click here for the media news

Calling of option for new personal taxation regime:

Calling of option for new personal taxation regime of reduced tax rates with no exemptions or deductions or setoff of loss etc. in case of individuals & HUFs as provided u/s 115 BAC of the IT Act, 1961 for AY 2022-23. Any Employee wants to opt for the new tax regime, for the FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23 he/she is required to furnish his/her option/declaration by 25th April, 2021 to the concerned DDOs/AO(Pay/HCM/Cash).

Click here for the CO Circular

Furnishing of stay particulars of SDE/DE/AGM (Telecom):

BSNLCO asked all the circles to furnish the long stay particulars of at least top 10 SDE/ DE/ AGM (Telecom) latest by 19.04.2021 in both hard and soft copy (excel sheet) who are less than 55 years of age as on 31.03.2022 in the format circulated as per BSNL Transfer Policy. Exemption from transfer if any as per BSNL Transfer Policy must be indicated clearly in the given format. In the case of SDE (T), the hard copy may be sent to AGM (Pers.II), BSNLCO & soft copy may be sent to the email id In the case of DE/ AGM, the hard copy may be sent to AGM (Pers.), BSNLCO and soft copy may be sent to

Click here for BSNLCO Circular