GS AIGETOA writes to PGM SR stating constitution of National Coordination Committee of AIGETOA with Sh P N Sharma as Chairman, Sh A A Khan as Chief Patron & National Convener & Sh B Laxman as Vice Chairman :

GS AIGETOA writes to PGM SR stating constitution of National Coordination Committee of AIGETOA with Sh P N Sharma as Chairman, Sh A A Khan as Chief Patron & National Convener & Sh B Laxman as Vice Chairman :

GS AIGETOA writes to PGM SR stating constitution of National Coordination Committee of AIGETOA with Shri P N Sharma as Chairman and Shri A A Khan as Chief Patron & National Convener and Shri B Laxman as Vice Chairman. As per decision of AGM, 15 members have been included in the committee along with 6 members to as members of the empowered committee to provide input on the subject matters.

Click Here for the letter to PGM SR

GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management for consideration of Notional Date of Promotion from SDE to AGM :

GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL management for consideration of Notional date of Promotion from SDE to AGM (Left out SDEs from seniority list no. 7) which will not only result in rendering Justice to the deprived candidates but also will result in creation of additional vacancies in AGM cadre which will pave the way for consideration of further more SDEs for promotion from subsequent lists.

Click Here for the Letter

Click Here for The Hon’ble CAT orders dtd 24.03.2022

Click Here for The Hon’ble CAT orders dtd 15.12.2021

Earnest Appeal from GS AIGETOA for Support of All the Executives to AIGETOA in the Membership Changeover Window and Forthcoming Membership Verification (MV)

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes with earnest appeal for support of all the Executives to AIGETOA in the Membership Changeover Window and Forthcoming Membership Verification (MV).

Click here for Appeal

As we all are aware, AIGETOA is a united front working tirelessly to protect and promote the welfare and rights of executives in our esteemed organization. We have consistently strived to address the concerns and issues faced by our members and have been successful in achieving several milestones together.

In order to continue our journey of empowerment and representation, it is imperative that we receive your unwavering support during the Membership Changeover Window. This window provides an opportunity for executives to switch their membership to AIGETOA, allowing us to build a stronger, more unified community. We encourage you to seize this chance and stand with us as we work towards a better future for all.

As the General Secretary of AIGETOA, I am writing to seek your unwavering support in the upcoming Membership Changeover Window (16th June to 15th July 2023) and Membership Verification (MV) for the executive association in BSNL. The Membership Changeover Window and Membership Verification hold immense significance as they provide us with the opportunity to shape the future of BSNL and ensure a strong and effective representation of our executive fraternity. Your active participation and support are crucial in making these processes a success and achieving our shared objectives.

Humble Appeal for continuance of the AIGETOA – SEWA BSNL alliance in the forth coming Membership Verification of Associations

GS AIGETOA appeals to GS SEWA seeking the support of SEWA BSNL on continuance of the AIGETOA-SEWA BSNL alliance in the forth coming Membership Verification of Associations. GS AIGETOA highlighted the achievements which were achieved together. AIGETOA CHQ Team lead by General Secretary AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Sh G Veerabhadra Rao, Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, AGSs Sh Yogendra Kumar & Sh Sunil Gautam personally handed over the letter seeking support to GS SEWA Sh N D Ram.

Click here for letter

Together we both have an impressive track record of executing the delayed promotions in various cadres like SDE(T), AGM(T), Electrical, Civil wings etc, clearance of Rule-8 transfers , positive efforts in EPF full pension matter and ensured a complete transparency in the transfer and postings in BSNL and have demonstrated an unwavering commitment for serving & advocating for BSNL employees.  Together, we have been able to resolve many stalemates which were lingering on in BSNL for years and the latest one being implementation of DoP&T guidelines wrt Reservation in Promotions wherein now a non-ambiguous decision has been taken by BSNL management with due concurrence of DoP&T putting an end to the years of dispute.

We  have  been  together  able to  protect  the  constitutional  rights of the  SC/ST executives and also the legitimate rights of others. We have been able to clear the backlog SC/ST quota by getting the supplementary DPCs across all cadres. Now we remain duty bound to resolve the various seniority disputes and execute the long awaited promotions across various cadres and streams like DGM (Adhoc to DGM Regular, DE to DGM, SDE to AGM promotions, AO to CAO promotions for all eligible candidates. Settlement of Pay Scale, Pay loss issues, 3rd PRC and 30% SAB remains some important milestones to achieve in near future.

AIGETOA firmly believes that by continuing our bondage, we can amplify our voices and strengthen the collective impact. By extending your esteemed support and endorsement to AIGETOA for the forthcoming membership verification, we can work collaboratively continue to bring positive change, address pressing issues, and protect the interests of our fraternity. AIGETOA firmly believes in fostering collaboration among associations to maximize collective impact. We are committed to work along with SEWA BSNL and other like-minded associations to leverage our combined strengths and achieve the shared objectives. Being the recognized executive association, the tireless efforts of AIGETOA have made tangible difference in the promotional and career progression aspects. We are grateful for the commitment you have shown to our unity and we also acknowledge that due to Covid outbreak and bad stint of BSNL finances, we couldn’t capitalize some of the major concerns related with pay & pension. At the same time the packages and support extended from government of India and with the support of each and every employees, the organization is coming back to its glorious period.

At this time presence of a formidable team at the helm of the affairs is an imminent necessity. Accordingly, We firmly believe that our alliance will continue in the best interest of BSNL and its executives.

AIGETOA Letter to Director HR – Seeking immediate intervention in settling right the issues pertaining to Upgradation Training and lack of sufficient slots :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR seeking immediate intervention in settling right the issues pertaining to Upgradation Training and lack of sufficient slots. GS has strongly taken up the matter with management to ensure a corrective action. GS AIGETOA also submitted its strong objection on last minute cancellation of training which was already scheduled for the month of June.

Click here for the letter

Schedule for Election of Vacant of AIGETOA CHQ in AGM :

Notification for the annual general body meeting of AIGETOA was issued vide letter GS/AIGETOA/2022-23/64 Dated 04.05.2023 wherein one of the agenda is to fill up the casual vacancy of General Secretary post in Governing body of AIGETOA. Election schedule to fill up the vacant post of General Secretary is hereby notified as under.

1] Date and time of nomination : 21.05.2023 at 11am to 01pm.

2] Date and time of election : 21.05.2023 at 2pm.

3] Date and time of declaration of result : 21.05.203 at 5pm.

4] Returning office : Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Deputy Manager, BSNL CO, New Delhi.

Venue : New Delhi.

Click here for Schedule for Election for vacant post

AIGETOA strong objection on one sided attitude of SR cell of BSNL CO in issuance of minutes which is misleading and not in line with the actual decisions and discussions taken place in the meeting – Letter to Director HR

AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding Issuance of Minutes by modifying the actual decisions taken in the agenda meeting held in February 2023 with the Recognised Representative Association of BSNL i.e. AIGETOA – Our strong objections thereof on this one sided attitude of SR cell of BSNL CO in issuance of minutes which is misleading and not in line with the actual decisions and discussions taken place in the meeting.

Click here for the letter

Annexure – Minutes of the meeting of Director (HR) with AIGETOA held on 08.02.2023 and 22.02.2023

Notification of Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA to be held from 20th to 23rd May 2023 at New Delhi :

The Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA CHQ is notified to held from 20th to 23rd May 2023 as per the provisions of the constitution. The annual general meet of the association will be conducted at New Delhi. All Collegium Members, Central Working Committee (Elected & Nominated) are requested to attend the meeting. The details for the meeting are as below :

Schedule of Annual General Meeting:

20th May 2023 (10.00am to 2.30pm) : Central Governing Body Meeting.

20th May 2023 (3.00pm to 8.00pm) : Annual General Body Meeting.

21st May 2023 (10.00am to 8.00pm) : Annual General Body Meeting.

22nd May 2023 (10.00am to 6.00pm) : Open Session

23rd May 2023 (10.00am to 20.00pm) : CS-CP-CHQ (Elected & Nominated) Meeting.

Venue of the Meeting : New Delhi. (Exact venue shall be informed through AIGETOA website).

Click here for the Notice of AGM

AIGETOA writes to Director HR – Issuance of reimbursement Policy for the purchase of Laptop/Notebooks to the all executives of BSNL :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding issuance of reimbursement Policy for the purchase of Laptop/Notebooks to the all executives of BSNL.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA in it’s previous communication vide Letter No GS/AIGETOA/2022/112 dated 10.10.2022 have highlighted that reimbursement policy should not be restricted to senior officers only but it needs to extend to all the executives upto JTO/JAO level.

In our last agenda meeting held with management on dated 8th February and 22nd February 2023 we again drew the attention of the management for early implementation as the same was the need of the hour. The same if implemented will not only boost the morale of the executives but also increase productivity. Finally in the meeting it was agreed that a policy in this regard shall be explored by management side for implementation initially at BSNL CO and the concerned field units shall replicate the same thereafter.

AIGETOA writes to Dir HR – Implementation of DPE/DoPT Guidelines for Resignation under “Technical Formality Clause” for the BSNL Recruited Employees :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR with request to revise the BSNL guidelines and endorse the DPE/DoPT guidelines to allow the BSNL recruited employees to seek the resignations under ‘Technical Formality clause’ on their selection to another CPSE/Government organisation applied through proper channel.

Click here for letter





BSNL is not implementing the DPE guidelines cited with regards to the resignation falls under the “technical formality clause” only in case of BSNL recruited employees. If a BSNL recruited employee applies to another CPSE/Government organisation through proper channel on their selection, the BSNL recruited employees are not permitted to submit their resignation under technical formality basis. Whereas the DPE in its office memorandum dated 1st Feb 2017 clarifies that “… Resignations under ‘Technical Formality clause’ includes resignations in cases where a Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) employee has applied for a post in the same or other CPSE through proper channel and on selection to the said post, is required to resign the previous post for administrative reasons..”.